Chapter 6 Belief
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Chapter 6 Belief

Starlight quickly arrived.

“Grand Elder Starlight, I was just talking with your disciple and what a good disciple he is.” {Earthlight}

“Don’t you dare talk pleasantries with me. I felt your aura. Did you think you could threaten them and get away with it!?” {Starlight}

“Hold on now. I raised my aura, but I never wanted to hurt them, only test their resolve. You invited me here to test her and I tested her. What is the problem?” {Earthlight}

“Hmm, fine. I will not argue about this since no one was hurt. Well, what… WHAT!? SHE ENTERED FOUNDATION ESTABLISHMENT ALREADY!? EARTHLIGHT WHAT DID YOU DO!?” {Starlight}

(“Starlight, I know this seems bad but listen to me.”) {Earthlight, talking to Starlight though divine sense}




(“Ask your disciple, he saw everything.”) {Earthlight}

“Mercury, what did Grand Elder Earthlight do.” {Starlight}

“After he landed.” {Mercury}

“He jumped didn’t he.” {Starlight}

“That he did.” {Mercury}

“Of course, you did, why don’t you fly like everyone else!?” {Starlight}

“It feels unnatural. I should be on the ground, jumping off the ground, or heading toward the ground. I bet this little lady agrees with me.” {Earthlight}

“I DO!” {Clover}

“Do… do they share the same single brain cell?” {Mercury}

“Clover do not get influenced by him. Your life will be much harder if you do. Now Mercury please continue.” {Starlight}

“Okay. After Grand Elder Earthlight arrived. He introduced himself and gave a rock to Clover. After she held it for a little bit, it fell apart. After which he told Clover to look inside of herself, where she said that she saw a ball looking thing with some muddy water looking substance in it.” {Mercury}

(“Told you.”) {Earthlight}

(“Ok, fine I believe you. But does this mean what I think it means.”) {Starlight}

(“Most likely yes. But I already have a cover story. She is my long lost child, now found and my apprentice! She was already about to make it official!”) {Earthlight}

(“You MORON that will never work and here is why!”) {Starlight}

“Psst, Merc, why do they keep staring at each other and not talking?” {Clover, whispering}

“I believe when you cultivate you can gain something called divine sense. It allows you to do a bunch of different stuff. I think they are using it to talk to each other.” {Mercury}

“Really, I wanna try!” {Clover}

Clover started making a face as she tried really hard to talk to Mercury with only her mind.

“Just stop, I am sure they will teach us when we are ready.”

“Really!?” {Clover}

“Ok you two we came to a decision. Grand Elder Earthlight came here because I needed to ask him about something. When he arrived, he met Clover and gained a father-like affection for her and made her his apprentice. We are not to discuss her affinity for Earth other than it is high. Do you both agree and understand.” {Starlight}

“Yes, Grand Elder.” {Mercury}

“So, does that he will be my teacher?” {Clover}

“Yes. He already told me about your agreement. So, I will let him teach you about the basics of cultivation. If anything he tells you does not make sense, tell him or me as soon as you can. Do not get confused. Do you understand me?” {Starlight}

“Yes.” {Clover}

“Good, I will take Mercury to begin his training.” {Starlight}

Starlight and Mercury went to Mercury’s study room while Clover and Earthlight went to a guest room.

“I am sure that you are confused after what has just happened.” {Starlight}

“I am guessing that Clover is special in some way, and it is something we need to keep secret.” {Mercury}

“Yes. The important thing is that for Elemental Cultivation your Cultivation Technique for your next stage should be decided and learned before you transition. This is because you need to learn what to do in order to transform your Qi into the next stage. Clover not having a Cultivation Technique means that she has a mythical body. One that naturally cultivates without needing to understand new Cultivation Techniques. Do you understand how dangerous that is for normal cultivators.” {Starlight}

“So, if I am understanding right, in exchange for not being able to cultivate any other element she will naturally advance in cultivation as long as she has Earth Qi around her. And because she is special it makes other people scared of what she could do. Did I get that right?” {Mercury}

“She wants to follow you. If she does, you will have the responsibility to protect her and keep her safe. Is this something that you want? Can you handle it?” {Starlight}

“I do and will. She will be safe with me.” {Mercury}

“Well, at the moment she has a higher cultivation than you, so she would be keeping you safe.” {Starlight}

“But let’s fix that. I have five Qi-gathering to Foundation Establishment Cultivation Techniques for you. After you get to Foundation Establishment. I will take you and Clover to get some Martial Art Techniques.” {Starlight}

“Grand Elder, what is the difference between the two?” {Mercury}

“Did I forget to mention that when I talked about Cultivation? Okay, the difference is that Cultivation Techniques are about understanding your element and drawing it into your body, Martial Art Techniques are about how to use that Qi to attack, defend, move, etc. There may be some overlap in how the Qi should move about the body or about how to feel about the Element, but their differences lies in their purpose.” {Starlight}

“While I am also on the topic, Techniques are divided into their cultivation levels and ranked into grades of Mortal, Earth, and Heaven with each grade divided even farther into low, medium, and high. Know that changing Techniques to a higher graded in the same level is generally okay as long as it does not conflict with your current one, it just takes a little bit of time.” {Starlight}

Starlight laid five books on the table.

“Here is what you have available to choose from at the moment. They are all graded to about High Earth Grade. Pick one and I will watch you to make sure you understand it correctly but take your time. I am not in a rush.” {Starlight}

Mercury looked at the titles of each Technique before reading though them.

“Light as Creation, Light as Purity, Light as the Day, Light as the Sun, and Light as Speed, all followed by Part 1. Meaning that there are most likely part 2 for Mortal Core and so on.” {Mercury}

Mercury reached for Light as the Day before seeing Starlight flitch.

“Light as the Day probably has something to do with Grand Elder Sunlight.” {Mercury}

“Grand Elder where did these come from? Why only these five?” {Mercury}

“I figured you would ask. The Sacred light sect was founded by Five Grand Elders, each focusing on one of the techniques in front of you. Their title and Daoist name is passed from teacher to student. Each time reflecting and perfecting their Technique for the next generation. The Grand Elders of the other Elements are a different story though. And will tell you about them at another time.” {Starlight}

“Grand Elder which one did you practice?” {Mercury}

“I practiced Light as Speed. It is also the most combat focused of them.” {Starlight}

Mercury then picked up Light as Speed and started reading it. He quickly finished it.

“Did you not like reading it?” {Starlight}

“No, I did, I just already have it all memorized and wanted to read the others.” {Mercury}

“What!? You read all of the book that quickly!?” {Starlight}

Picking up Light as Creation, Mercury responded, “Yeah, it was not that hard.”

“Mercury is not one to show off or lie, so I can only guess that he really did memorize it. If that is the case, well memorizing it is not understanding it, it is still much better than most.” {Starlight}

After reading all the Techniques Mercury could only frown.

“WHY DO THEY CONTRADICT EACH OTHER! Like how Light as Sun talks about the raw destructive power of Light while Light as Creation talks about how all things come from light. Which is it, destruction or creation. I understand how it could be both, but then why not learn both, or all of them. Then there is the problems with Mark’s Memories where despite him having a Fire Affinity, he was always calm, cool, and collected. Which does not fit Fire at all. WHAT AM I MISSING!” {Mercury}

“Calm down and think. What about the test yesterday? Maybe that could help. Yes, I think I get it. It is about what the cultivator knows that makes the difference. Someone who spent hours under the hot sun will have more understanding of the Sun as destructive rather than creation. Which is the difference. But then there is Light as Purity, which states that the White Light of the Sun is the one True Light and all other forms of light is just corruptions of it. Which directly goes against what I know of Light though science.” {Mercury}

“Could it be that facts really don’t matter when it comes to understanding the Element? Could it be that simply believing that you know something, even if not true, about an Element brings you closer to it!? I need to find out more.” {Mercury}

Mercury looked up at Starlight.

“What is the matter? Is something wrong?” {Starlight}

“I do not feel that any of these really suit me. Is it possible for me to make my own Cultivation Technique?” {Mercury}


“But ” {Mercury}



“Wha, what?” {Starlight}

“I don’t know what Stars are, but they should give off light right? What about a technique about them? Could I learn that?” {Mercury}

“Starlight, Starlight is a mistake. A mistake… that I am constantly living with.” {Starlight, holding back tears}

“Please tell me about it. Mother and I are your disciples, your problems are our problems. And it is not like I will not find out eventually, right? So please tell me, I want to know.” {Mercury}



“Ha, maybe you are right. You will find out eventually so I might as well tell you myself. Beyond what we call the Gray Continent is a place of pure Darkness where there is little light. It is the opposite of Luminescence and its surrounding Islands. The Light of the Sun never reaches there. Instead, they have something called The Moon which gives them light but even at its brightest never gives as much as even the darkest moments of the Sun. When I was young, I went on a mission to it. And well I was there… I saw them and fell in love. Stars. In the blackness of the sky, there they were, bits of lights unlike anything I have seen.” {Starlight}

“When your cultivation advances far enough, you will find a Dao to follow. No matter how hard I tried, I keep ending up back to the Dao of Starlight.” {Starlight}

“Then what is the problem?” {Mercury}

“Starlight is not a correct light. The Sun is the most important source of Light and Stars are not seen while it is bright. Meaning that Stars are a corruption of light in Darkness and should not be Idolized. The reason that we live so close to the gate to the sect and not closer to the heart of it, is that in taking my name basically gave up any rights within the sect. I am an Elder in name only. I am still strong enough to where they will not slander me to my face. But even then, I still hate myself for not being able to give up this Dao.” {Starlight}

“Grandpa.” {Mercury}

“I tell you this so that you do not make the same mistake I did. Maybe there is glory in treading a new path, but not if it means you must give your life up in doing so. I know you will shine in whatever path you take. So please, pick one where you will get the recognition you deserve.” {Starlight}

“Grandpa, I will but you need to answer my questions first because I do not understand it.” {Mercury}

“What, you will!? Yes, yes, I will answer any questions you have.” {Starlight}

“If Stars are corruption of Light in Darkness, then what if there were no Stars? What would the Dark Sky look like then.” {Mercury}

“Then it would be… It would look like… Pure Darkness. What, what are you getting at!?” {Starlight}

“Grandpa, you said that this Moon thing never got as bright as the Sun and that is why it is dark enough for Stars to be seen. Then that means that if the Sun ever fails and gets dark enough then maybe stars will show up here too.” {Mercury}


“Even so that does not prove that Stars will light up the darkness wherever are they are. The way I see it is that Stars are the last line of defense against the Darkness!” {Mercury}

“!” {Starlight}

“It makes sense to me that even in the darkest night, so long as one star shines bright then darkness will never win!” {Mercury}

Starlight fell to his knees in contemplation.

“Could, could my whole life have been wrong? Did, did I just need to look at it differently?” {Starlight}

Starlight looked up at Mercury and at that moment came to a realization. He quickly jumped to his feet and embraced Mercury with all he could with tears in his eyes.

“Grandpa?” {Mercury}

“You are right. Thank you… The lone star in my darkness.” {Truly Starlight for the first time}

Thank you for reading