Chapter 7 Change of Plans
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Chapter 7 Change of Plans

After a little bit of time passed Starlight let Mercury go.

“Mercury, I have a lot to think about. You can make your own Cultivation Technique but tell me if you have any questions or problems.” {Starlight}

“Thank you, Grandpa.” {Mercury}

*cough* “Despite my previous appearance, I am still a Grand Elder, but… thank you. Stay here and plan out your Cultivation Technique until you get hungry. I have to make some new plans with Earthlight.” {Starlight}

“Plans?” {Mercury}

“Yes, I will be honest with you, after The Elemental Tribulation cultivation becomes much more confusing and personal. I could not advance because of my feelings on my Dao. You have opened my eyes to new possibilities. I will need to seek out what this truly means to me.” {Starlight}

“How long will you need to be gone?” {Mercury}

“I do not know. For now, just focus on your Technique, I will not leave before I know that you will be safe. Now as much as I dislike admitting it, if I know Earthlight then…” {Starlight}

Starlight with a speed almost matching teleportation arrived before the door to the room and flung it open allowing the two eavesdroppers to fall into the room.

Earthlight stood up as if not knowing the definition of shameless.

“Starlight, what… what a coincidence running into you here.” {Earthlight}



“Ha, just come with me, and Clover.” {Starlight}

“Don’t try what this idiot just did. As for your punishment for trying it, go find Shin and have him teach you some lessons about whatever you still need help with. Perhaps he could even help you write a letter to your home Island, understand.” {Starlight}

“I understand.” {Clover}

The groups went their separate ways and left Mercury alone in the room.

“Ok, now we can finally get to cultivation.” {Mercury}


“What kind of Technique should I make?” {Mercury}

“How I understand the Cultivation Techniques I read is that Qi is what stores the energy for attacks and such. The Quality of Qi depends on the image of what the Element is and does.” {Mercury}

“The energy stored in Qi based on Light as the Sun is different from Qi based on Light as Creation.” {Mercury}

“So, the main question is ‘What is my image of Light? What should it do?” {Mercury}

“Fast and straight? Maybe but that is more like a quality rather than its purpose.” {Mercury}

“The blinding light of the Sun? Also maybe, feels too close to Light as the Sun. It also feels like it is all just power and no skill or fun.” {Mercury}

“What about Colors. One of the beauties of creation comes from all the wonderful colors we can see.” {Mercury}

“Yeah, that one just feels right, but how should it be used? I know colors as other Elemental power. I already know that the world already has some relation between Elements and Color based on the color of lightning from the Tribulation.” {Mercury}

“Although the color of what the world thinks and what I can think should be different. Giving me a wide range of possibilities for my Martial Techniques. Okay it is decided. I will make a Technique to create Qi that has a wide range of colors.” {Mercury}

“The first thing would be deciding on what makes the Light. My first thought is ‘candle’ and the flame can change into each color but that feels to close to fire only.” {Mercury}

“Although, why do I need a source for the light? Light Qi itself is where the energy comes from. But then what color should the basic color be? White makes sense but that means that it is a mix of colors and has a limited amount of each color. I also have to consider what my Mortal Core and Nascent Soul Techniques will be.” {Mercury}

“Okay, the Qi will be clear and when ever I need a color it will become that color.” {Mercury}

“But first I should see if this body is ready for Foundation Establishment.” {Mercury}

“The first step in Qi-gathering Techniques is to breath in and out with certain rhythms and thoughts to first gain the ability to sense Qi, but I am already past that point.” {Mercury}

Mercury looked inside himself to see his Dantian and Qi pathways were already full of Light Qi.

“The next step is to imagine how the Qi is supposed to move though the body. Given enough tries the Qi will start to follow your will. This is your will becoming divine sense. According to the Techniques I read, only some Qi pathways will be used. Which ones will be based on what Technique you practice and what you want your strengths to be. I will simply do all of them.” {Mercury}

Mercury willed the Qi fully around each and every Qi pathway in this body, first one rotation, then two. He kept going without any need for stopping as he never felt his Qi pathways were at risk of damage.

“So, Qi pathways are affected by my abilities. Which only makes me wonder where the limits of my power are. But that does not matter at the moment. I can get to Foundation Establishment today.” {Mercury}

“The way to get to Foundation Establishment is to fill the Dantian and Qi pathways with as much Qi as you can hold. Then will everything together in the Dantian while thinking of your image. At which point the Qi will hopefully form a drop or more of Liquid Qi. From there Wisps of Qi can be added to the drop.” {Mercury}

Mercury, seeing that his Dantian and Qi pathways were already full, quickly went to condensing the Qi.

Mercury willed all his Qi into the Dantian, as the pressure built Mercury did not stop and pushed his Qi even harder. Then, it happened, a very small drop of crystal clear liquid formed. After this happened any Qi that was next to it was pushed into it, making it slowly grow bigger until no more Qi was left to absorb. It fell to the bottom of the Dantian where it rested.

“The methods I read said that it would be bigger than this, but it also said that the denser the Qi the better. So, I can only hope that this means that it is dense. Now I should start feeling the power of Foundation Establishment.” {Mercury}


“Any moment now…” {Mercury}

“Why am I not sensing the power of Foundation Establishment.

Mercury even willed his Liquid Qi around his Qi pathways and still felt no power.

“Did I do something wrong? Wait. I did not try to change colors. Maybe that will do it?” {Mercury}

Mercury willed the Qi to turn Blue and as it did the power fluctuations of Foundation Establishment rolled of Mercury. Mercury turned it back to clear and the power returned to no feeling like no cultivation. Mercury did this several times with different colors. Each time a color was called the fluctuations came but when the Qi returned to being clear they went away.

“Okay, why is this happening now? What could have caused… No. Could it be that since my Qi does not give off any wavelengths of light, I do not give off any wavelengths of Qi?” {Mercury}

“Wait. Is this even a bad thing? I mean people would underestimate me… but in a way they would already.” {Mercury}

“Ha, I need to talk with Starlight.” {Mercury}


As Mercury was developing his Technique. Starlight brought Earthlight to his personal chambers.

“Earthlight, I know this is asking for a lot but ” {Starlight}

“Whatever you need, I will help with.” {Earthlight}

“But I will need you to take Mercury and Clover to Colorful Earth Island.” {Starlight}

“Why? I mean I like that Clover would have more Earth Qi. But would it not be better for Mercury to stay here with you?” {Earthlight}

“I… I am going to prepare for Palace Christening. I ” {Starlight}

“I will not let you.” {Earthlight}

“What, why? I ” {Starlight}

“I will not let you throw your life away.” {Earthlight}

“But I ” {Starlight}

“I know that the last few... Okay many, years have been tough on you since you found your Dao, but you are still my friend. I am sure it will get better.” {Starlight}

“Listen to me, I ” {Starlight}

“You have to think of those you will leave behind and ” {Earthlight}

“LET ME FINISH!” {Starlight}



“May I speak without you interrupting me?” {Starlight}

“Only if you promise not to kill yourself.” {Earthlight}

“That was never my plan to begin with.” {Starlight}

“THEN WHY ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO YOUR PALACE CHRISTENING!? We both know how you feel about your Dao.” {Earthlight}

“Mercury opened my eyes to new possibilities. Do you remember what stars looked like when you saw them?” {Starlight}

“Yes, I remember. Because of how much trouble they caused you, I made sure to remember them.” {Earthlight}

“What would happen if all other sources of light besides stars went out?” {Starlight}

“While I guess that only stars would be left to give light.” {Earthlight}


“Soooooo, oh. I get it now… OH. That is a big change in perspective. So, what is your plan now?” {Earthlight}

“I wanted Mercury to stay with me, so he could be ready for the promise in three years, but it would still be better for me to advance so I can give him more protection regardless of the results. But I know that it will take time, and I will have to go to Tenebrosity for the best results.” {Starlight}

“It will take at least a month to prepare for the journey, but no matter what I will stay with Mercury until he gets to Foundation Establishment. After that I think even if he goes to Colorful Earth, he will still be able to cultivate easily.” {Starlight}

“During this time, I will need to prepare Martial Techniques and help him find a Trade Skill to hone. Speaking of, I will ask you to start think of which Trade Clover will learn, now so that you will have time to think about it.” {Starlight}

“I already know which one will be the best for her.” {Earthlight}

“Really. You. You have thought of one already?” {Starlight}

“YES. I may not be the smartest, but I know Earth. I will have her be a Sculptor. She may not like it at first, but it will help her the most.” {Earthlight}

“Why a Sculptor?” {Starlight}

“Would you trust me to make pills?” {Earthlight}

“No.” {Starlight}

“Trust me to make formations or weapons?” {Earthlight}

“You do have a point there.” {Starlight}

“Exactly so that really only leaves the Arts. The Arts that use Earth as material would be the best for her. That leaves Architecture or Sculptures. Sculptures are easier to make, and also require more control and precision which she needs. I do not see her needing to work hard to learn Martial Techniques, so she needs something hard to learn in order to grow properly. So, tell me is there any flaw in my reasoning?” {Earthlight}

“I cannot believe that I am agreeing with you.” {Starlight}

“See, I can be smart when I need to. And while we are on the subject, what are you thinking for Mercury’s Trade?” {Earthlight}

“I will let him pick out his own. He does not need me to guide him. He… he is on his way here. He has not been cultivating for long, I hope nothing went wrong. Let’s see what he needs before continuing.” {Starlight}

Starlight opened the door so that when Mercury got to the room, he could just walk in.

“Mercury, what is the matter? Did something go wrong? Do you need to ask me anything?” {Starlight}

“Well… It is hard to explain but I think I am in Foundation Establishment.” {Mercury}

Starlight was shocked but before he could respond Earthlight did.

“Kid as much as I like you, you should not lie, or you are just confused. I do not feel the fluctuations of Foundation Establishment from you.” {Earthlight}

“Earthlight, I know Mercury would not lie. So, tell us why you think you are in Foundation Establishment.” {Starlight}

“I have transformed the Qi into the ‘water’ like form. And it is sitting in my Dantian now. It is just it only gives off power when I want it to.” {Mercury}

“Oh, this should not be possible. Explain what Technique you created and what color did the Qi turn into.” {Starlight}

“Well, my Technique is hard to explain without talking about the color first. I wanted to use all the colors of light so the base color is Clear but can change into other colors.” {Mercury}

“CLEAR!” {Starlight and Earthlight together}

“That should not be possible and what do you mean other colors!?” {Starlight}

“Kid, there is no way I could possibly believe you. If you can show us this ‘changing colors’, I will even buy you your first real weapon. That is my vow as a cultivator, so show us.” {Earthlight}

“Okay.” {Mercury}

Earthlight and Starlight quickly felt the fluctuations of Foundation Establishment from Mercury and it was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

“What is this. I feel Fire Qi but not Fire Qi.” {Starlight}

“This. I would say this feels… Red? I don’t know how to describe it other than that. KID WHAT DID YOU DO!” {Earthlight}

“You are right Grand Elder Earthlight is my color Red. I can do others as well.” {Mercury}

Mercury quickly flashed between Blue, Orange, Gray, and Yellow before coming back to clear.

“So, is this bad or good? I really don’t know.” {Mercury}

Starlight was too stunned to speak.

Earthlight, however, released and held a drop of water in the air with his divine sense.

“Well kid, that depends. After you condensed all the Qi in your Dantian about how much ‘water’ was there in about the number of this drop.” {Earthlight}

“I think round two or maybe three. It is hard to tell.” {Mercury}

You could hear Starlight and Earthlight gulping in response.

“Is that good or bad?” {Mercury}


“Mercury, as your uncle. Please NEVER tell ANYONE about this. At least until you grow strong enough to kill anyone who could hurt you. Now head back. I still need to talk to Starlight.” {Earthlight}

Starlight was still just stunned and stood blankly in front of him.

“Okay, goodbye Grand Elders.” {Mercury}

It was a while before Starlight broke the silence.

“Did, did we create Monsters.” {Starlight}

“I do not know… but what I do know is that you have a month to prepare, and I need to know what kind of weapon to get him.” {Earthlight}

Thank you for reading