Chapter 37
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Well, that was one hell of a conversation Mei Wu had with the Queen Bee, the woman thought now that the sun was close to disappearing from the sky as the night would fall.

It was honestly a bit terrifying how precise the biological clock of a cultivator is, from a mortal's perspective, and even for some of the other warriors as well. A normal warrior or ranker would be able to easily live for longer than a hundred years, with those reaching the power of a Level 6 [Elder] to stay alive for nearly three hundred years, and it only grows longer and longer by that point.

It had been a mere three days ago since Mei Wu and Kasumi Ai dual cultivated and became a couple, and yet, it felt both like an eternity had passed since then, and also like mere moments had transpired.

Mei Wu thought didn't mind that feeling. She was long used to having it since battles could easily feel like that as well, along with many other things in life. What she was determined to do now though, was to talk with her girlfriend about Ai's... method of training her.

Oh, heavens, just thinking about it still made it hard not to blush. The whole thing happened just a few hours ago, after all, and it wasn't something she could just ignore or repress like how she had to deal with her life under Xie Li. But regardless, with the confidence she had as a warrior, she only gave a sigh as she hid her embarrassment and tried to look as serious as possible, and gazed at her partner.

Kasumi Ai was also looking back as her human body had long retreated into her 'secure' flower room on top of her monstrous body, looking rather sheepish and nervous, and for the human woman, she felt these emotions as clear as day. Honestly, she wondered if Ai chose to be there as a slightly instinctual idea to make herself feel more confident since with Mei Wu having to look up to see her, and it gave the illusion of the alraune being more untouchable, and no offense, but talking to her with that monstrous body designed to eat the prey just didn't give the same 'human' impact.

'Wow, the alraunes truly seem to have a lot of weird behaviours...' she commented to herself. That was a very fascinating thought, and had they not been inside a hive ruled by a Golden King Beast, then Mei Wu would have thought of trying to learn more about it.

But that was for the future, if possible. For now, they have other things to deal with...

Damn, how is she supposed to start this conversation? She's... not exactly angry anymore about what happened. It was more like she was very embarrassed about the whole subject than genuinely upset about it.

"So... about what we did before, uh, the Queen Bee turned out to be a peeper... once again, I'm sorry." Ai took the turn to talk first, the awkwardness clear on her figure.

'Than goodness for that!' Mei Wu inwardly sighed with relief. Sometimes, starting a talk about something merely embarrassing is way more difficult than discussing something traumatic, so she had no problem with the alraune starting the conversation.

"Yeah, I understand that..." she said as she noticed the mood Kasumi Ai was having, "Look, I'm annoyed about what happened, and a part of me is a bit irritated at you for dragging me into that, but... the majority of my anger is directed at the fact that we were being watched by our boss."

It was honestly true, as far as she felt. Oh, she was honestly mortified by the fact they were caught, but the act itself? She really couldn't really find it in her to blame Ai for that. Not to mention that she did not exactly hate it...

"Oh," Mei Wu looked at the surprised yet still awkward look on Ai's face, "still, I think that I should have stopped sooner, but I don't feel regret about what happened though."

Mei Wu felt a bit of red adoring her face at the blunt admission. "Good to see you not regretting anything." she grumbled without any real heat. She honestly would have felt more upset about this if she didn't know how Ai was still feeling ashamed about it as well.

"Still, do you think we're... going at things too fast?" she asked, surprisingly not feeling truly anxious about the prospect. It was a bit strange, now that she thought of it as a whole, but not really that strange.

Kasumi Ai only looked curious, but Mei Wu didn't need her Qi sensing to know the worry in her heart. "Are we? Is it that fast?"

"Probably not." Mei Wu admitted, "Arguably, we at least knew each other for nearly a month, though it felt like a really long time with everything that happened during it all. I heard that some rankers and warriors would have sex or romantic relationship with some randoms they met only a couple of days before, so we were rather 'slow' all things considered. But it's kinda weird that we went from kissing to... that." she finished lamely.

"Yeah, I can understand that." the alraune trailed off, her face reddening just slightly at that. "I assume we should just go back to just normal interaction between lovers?"

"If you mean only kissing and hugging, then yes, until we get some damn private place where we don't get seen every damn time at least..." Mei Wu muttered the last part in irritation.

"Kinky woman. You clearly liked it a lot."

Mei Wu only scowled at the amusement that appeared in the tone of the green-haired beast woman in front of her. "I am so not going to have that conversation right now. Also, yes, I did. And no, that's not the point." she huffed in response to the amused look she was getting.

Well, at least her perverted girlfriend isn't acting so awkward about this subject. The things she puts up with for the sake of love and friendship.

"But yes, none of these bizarre training methods anymore. We're already pushing it here with kissing and our agreement to dual cultivate as it is." she stated.

Mei Wu watched as Kasumi Ai took a few moments to think about it, and she felt the understanding of the alraune as she nodded her head.

"Also, just so you know. If you ended up fighting the Xie clan elders, I want you to use everything in your arsenal to defeat or kill them. Or using them to satisfy your alraune instincts for a while if necessary."

At that request, Kasumi Ai's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth agape from shock, but before she could even speak a single word, Mei Wu was faster.

"I, don't hate them." she confessed, "they didn't go out of their way to help me, but they didn't harm me personally or by proxy, as far as I know. It feels a bit hypocritical to admit though, I'd prefer them dead or unable to harm us than if they were alive and holding a grudge towards us. No matter how much I feel grateful they didn't go out of their way to ruin my life, I'd still prefer that you and me stay alive, Ai'er."

It was silent for a moment.

"My Alraune instincts." Ai asked, almost flatly with how baffled she felt.

"You want to release them at least once, don't you?" Mei Wu asked, "I could notice it, you know? How you were acting and feeling more and more unrestrained regarding your sexual nature as an alraune."

That was met by silence from her lover.

Honestly, the human woman was amazed that Ai was seemingly acting like a saintess compared to how alraunes were supposed to act, from what Ai told her about them. A part of her was even wondering on if the so-called training session, or at least the punishment part, was mostly fueled by Ai's sexual desires and her nature as a predator starting to become more and more visible.

Though they are admittedly viciously restrained to be only highly perverted, but not full-on sex slave maker due to Ai's compassion and love for her.

"As long as you aren't in the vicinity, then I believe it would be fine." Kasumi Ai sighed, looking at the inert aphrodisiac nectar inside her flower, her expression serious. "If I end up activating this nectar pit, I don't know what might happen, except that it is highly probable that the scent alone would make it hard for anyone around to think with their upper heads and easier to think with their lower ones, and I might even lose my ability reason for a while due to the feeling of euphoria and power, just like how it feels for one to first start cultivating."

Mei Wu couldn't stop the shiver she had when she heard the seriousness in that voice. Yeah, if it ever came to that, it might be better for her to be away, otherwise things would escalate to a completely undesired level of danger.

Mei Wu could probably resist the effects of Ai's aphrodisiac with her Apoptosis Qi, but with the difference in power between her and Ai, it would only take a few moments before her effort and skills get overpowered and ignored, and then it would be as if she didn't fight back at all.

"Yes, I will do my best to get the hell out of your range then." she responded with a shudder, before shaking her head to ignore that particular line of thought.

"Anyways, we should now go back to training or cultivating, correct?" taking the nod from Ai as affirmation, Mei Wu decided to focus on just that.

She deeply focused on her energy, and nearly twenty seconds later, her Grimoire was summoned. Her purpose was simple; summoning the Impurity Eater, her Guardian Beast.

She focused on the connection she had with her beast. It was there, and it was practically begging to be summoned. With a determined look, she gathered some of her qi, and with a brilliant black light, she felt as if something that once was not, was now present.

"Wow... impressive." Ai uttered, clearly feeling awed, a feeling that was mirrored by Mei Wu as she saw her own beast materializing for the first time. In fact, it felt even more special since this was the first beast she had actually owned as she had never contracted one before.

With her as the center, there were multiple circles, white and black, were orbiting around her. An aura that seemed almost physical was now there, and it felt quite interesting. There was also a strange feeling she was having and it only showed up right now when she summoned her beast.

'Hunger? No, that's not it. Close, but different. Maybe appetite?' Mei Wu felt as if the beast, formless, was almost salivating at eating something as it expanded up to seven meters, adding her lover to its domain of influence.

"Wu-chan," Mei Wu looked at Ai, who seemed preplexed, a confused expression on her face, "I think your beast wants to feed on my energy?" the alraune narrowed her eyes, "no, I think it more precisely wants to feed on the impurities in our Qi?" she corrected herself.

From the intricate and powerful bond that one can only have with their Guardian Beast, Mei Wu could only feel the same. The beast was honestly acting like a curious baby that wanted to be fed, though it seemed like it knew better not to start feeding without her permission.

Had it been a beast that was only contracted by her, then Mei Wu had the feeling that it would have tried to gobble and feed on the impurities right away without any care about the harm it might cause if done without restraint.

Seeing and feeling the desires of the Impurity Eater, and how childish it felt, Mei Wu found herself giggling at the situation. It was acting like a kid that wanted candies even if it felt like it didn't really need to eat at the moment.

"I guess I will have a lot of fun trying to make this child grow and get stronger, and also smarter if possible." she said teasingly as the circles seemed to rotate faster around her.

She could feel it was a bit impatient, and it wanted to eat a lot of the impurities that many cultivators usually took a long time making sure they were either nonexistent in their bodies, or exist with only the lowest amount possible, for those who truly were dedicated to cultivation and not to making their egos grow even larger. Though admittedly, impurities in one's body are usually impossible to completely avoid in one's journey as a warrior.

This guy would rather just gouge out the impurities from the body as fast as possible regardless of any problem or harm that might cause.

'Be patient, little child.' she mentally commanded it, feeling the disappointment it felt as if it was pouting at her, 'You will have your fill of at least some of my impurities, but no rush, got it? You don't want to make me hurt, right?'

The Impurity Eater seemed almost afraid of harming her, as it got agitated before calming down, feeling reluctantly satisfied.

"So, would you name your new baby or what?"

At the almost casual and completely unexpected question from the green-haired alraune, Mei Wu nearly sputtered at the word 'baby.'

"Ai'er! It's not my baby!" she declared with a blush even as she had to ignore the feeling of the her not-baby beast being confused, as if it couldn't comprehend the denial.

"Also, it wants to feed on the impurities in your Qi too, by the way. You don't really mind that, right?" after getting her bearings back, she asked the amused alraune who only nodded with a wide smile.

"Okie~ so, should we let it do so, while we do our dual cultivation?" it wasn't even a serious question, from the joking tone it was stated, but Mei Wu only twitched her eyes at that, not amused by the implication.

"I'm not going to have a spiritual threesome with what is basically an unintelligent toddler." she grumbled as she sat on the ground, taking a cultivation pose, "Now, would you be nice and let my Impurity Eater grow stronger along with us? I can only summon it for three hours a day at my current summoner level, and I'd prefer not to waste more time than needed."

With that, she took a breath and started cultivating, her Qi moving inside her body, as the beast, still excited yet obeying her will, exerted its power.

She could sense that Ai was shaking her head, seemingly unamused but in actuality very much happy as the alraune's huge monstrous body sat next to her, and Ai started to focus on cultivating, deciding to let Mei Wu's beast do its job.

And as minutes passed, they didn't really feel anything but the sensation of excitement and calmness as one usually feels from cultivating and focusing on their own selves. They didn't truly feel what the Impurity Eater was doing, even if they both knew that it was doing what it so desired.

As from their bodies, a viscous and a grey, almost black liquid was pouring from their bodies, only to dissolve into nothingness, consumed and swallowed by the beast as its circles orbited faster to show its glee.