Chapter 49: Greed and Resurgence (3)
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[Real-time Feedback]

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used skill: Mjölnir's Strike



Seizing the opportunity after the failed Resonant Shockwave, Dungeon Master 02’s Guardian immediately resumed attacking, determined to finish off the Verdenkind Mage and Highbreed Healer in spite of his initial failure to land a finishing blow. With lightning-quick strikes, it unleashed a barrage of lightning, the destructive force aimed directly at the vulnerable backline.



[Real-time Feedback]

Highbreed, Knight, used abilities: Crusader's Zeal

Highbreed, Knight, used abilities: Unyielding Fortitude

Highbreed, Knight, used abilities: Shield Wall



Name: Pascal

Level: 49

Race: HighBreed

Class: Knight

Health: 61%

Status: In Combat





Highbreed, Knight, used abilities: Adrenaline Rush

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used skill: Mjölnir's Strike



Name: Pascal

Level: 49

Race: HighBreed

Class: Knight

Health: 27%

Status: In Combat




The Verdenkind Mage, despite the valiant defense of her Knight, was quickly forced into action. The Knight, who had borne the brunt of the assault, saw his health diminishing under the relentless onslaught. The Mage leaped into action, casting her skill once again: Earth Magic.




Verdenkind, Mage, Level 50, used skill: Earth Magic

HighBreed, Healer, Level 39, used skill: Healing Magic



Right now felt like the perfect opportunity for Dungeon Master 02 to unleash that one ability of his guardian, he clearly thought on using it, but as he was just about to something on the other side of the battlefield, made him conceal his attempt.



[ Real-time Feedback ]

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Summon Thunder Minions

Lightning Golem (5), Level 25, left the battle

Lightning Golem (6), Level 25, left the battle

Lightning Golem (1), Level 25, left the battle



The squad of the twin monks, the warrior, and the paladin swiftly fended off the remaining Lightning Golems. Having neutralized the threat with their coordinated efforts their attention refocused on Dungeon Master 02's Guardian.



[Real-time Feedback]

HighBreed, Monk, Level 48, used skill: Astral Strike

HighBreed, Monk, Level 48, used skill: Serenity Strike

HighBreed, Warrior, Level 61, used skill: Power Strike

HighBreed, Paladin, Level 63, used skill: Holy Wrath



The squad, determined to press their advantage, unleashed a flurry of powerful strikes on the enhanced Guardian. The HighBreed Monk twins executed Astral and Serenity Strikes with grace, aiming for the Guardian's vulnerable points. The Warrior unleashed a powerful Power Strike, and the Paladin invoked Holy Wrath, channeling divine energy into the attack.


[ Stormforged Colossus ]

Level: 42
Type: Elemental Colossus

Class: Lightning Colossus (Guardian)

Health: 93%

Status: In Combat







Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Thunderstrike Gauntlets

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used skill: Mjölnir's Strike



Name: Kevin Karstark

Level: 63
Race: HighBreed
Class: Paladin
Health: 56%

Status: In Combat




Name: Jaime

Level: 48
Race: HighBreed
Class: Monk
Health: 73%

Status: In Combat




Name: Jaimy

Level: 48
Race: HighBreed
Class: Monk
Health: 71%

Status: In Combat





Name: Adriant

Level: 61
Race: HighBreed
Class: Warrior
Health: 61%

Status: In Combat



Undeterred, the enhanced Guardian retaliated with attacks of its own and attacks ordered by Dungeon Master 02, delivering a powerful shock to the squad.

Despite their resilience, the invaders felt the impact, prompting a momentary halt in their relentless assault. The squad, recognizing the need to regroup, began a strategic retreat.

The squad's Warrior shifted into a defensive Combat Stance, covering the retreat, while the Paladin, with a masterful Shield Block, absorbed incoming damage as they attempted to regroup with the trio they left behind.

As the squad retreated, the enhanced Guardian seized the opportunity, activating one of its abilities.



[Real-time Feedback]

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Cyclonic Charge



A whirlwind of force surged towards the invaders, dealing substantial damage despite their attempts to mitigate it. The HighBreed Monk twins, Warrior, and Paladin, while successfully avoiding the brunt of the attack, still felt the force of the Cyclonic Charge, prompting them to reassess their strategy. Before they could do so, the guardian activated the ability Dungeon Master 02 wanted to use on the mage, healer, and then weakened knight.



[Real-time Feedback]

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Tempestuous Step



With the invaders in partial retreat, Dungeon Master 02 had his Guardian unleash Tempestuous Step, a maneuver almost akin to gravity manipulation, that closed the distance between the Guardian and the squad. The sudden almost-teleportation-like move caught the invaders off guard, disrupting their formation and leaving them vulnerable for a brief instant, an opportunity Dungeon Master 02 and his guardian weren't about to waste.

Unlike my Undead domain guardian that is more mage-like and thus focusing on long-range magical attacks, Dungeon Master 02’s domain’s guardian was a spawn adept at both long-range magical attacks and close physical ones. In that moment, as the squad was drawn into range, the colossus bent down, investing all its weight into a diving punch with its gigantic gauntlets.



[Real-time Feedback]

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Ferrum Fist



The colossal Ferrum Fist struck with immense force, targeting the HighBreed Monk twins, the Warrior, and the Paladin. The impact sent shockwaves through the room, cracking the ground into a spider-web design as splinters flew in all directions. Naturally, the Paladin and the Warrior, volunteering to tank the attack they could not evade, absorbed its damage.

The authority-wielder withstood the brunt of the blow valiantly, his armor showing visible signs of severe wear and his health dropping to a critical level.


Name: Kevin Karstark

Level: 63
Race: HighBreed
Class: Paladin
Health: 17%

Status: In Combat




Similarly, the Warrior, Adriant, endured the forceful impact, his defenses proving resilient but not impervious.



Name: Adriant

Level: 61
Race: HighBreed
Class: Warrior
Health: 11%

Status: In Combat




Though still standing, both warriors were significantly weakened, making them vulnerable to a follow-up strike.The blow was not enough to take them down, but it lowered their health enough for another decisive strike to finish them off. Dungeon Master 02 recognized this vulnerability and readied his Guardian for another devastating attack.

However, before the Guardian could unleash its potentially finishing blow, a powerful attack was unleashed at him. It came from the trio’s direction.



[Real-time Feedback]

Verdenkind, Mage, Level 50, used ability: Mana Overload

Verdenkind, Mage, Level 50, used skill: Ice Magic

Verdenkind, Mage, Level 50, used skill: Earth Magic



The impact, while not staggering the gigantic colossus, was enough to stun it for the equivalent of 5 seconds, creating a brief window of opportunity for the duo to be picked up and brought to trio’s side for the party healer to begin to do her thing.

"Tsk, that bitch." He couldn’t help but curse at the sight of the mage, who walked up to the forefront, along with the knight and the twins to allow the duo the opportunity to recover.

"Should’ve seen it coming," one of us unpromptedly commented. This first commentary immediately gave rise to another.


"Should've killed the mage when you got the opportunity to."

"That’s what I would’ve done."

"Me too," I, jumping into the bandwagon, ventured.

"Me too."

Dungeon Master 02's irritation peaked, and he barked, "Shut up, all of you! This was intentional!"

His proclamation silenced the chorus of comments, and we exchanged imaginary perplexed glances.

"Intentional?" I questioned, dubious.

"Yeah, I saw it coming. I knew the mage would pull something like this. It's all part of the plan," Dungeon Master 02 explained.

"Part of the plan?" Another Dungeon Master scoffed. "You're just making excuses for your oversight."

"Oversight? Look who's talking. The last time I checked, your domain’s overall strategy revolved around the idea of acquiring a ridiculously high-level spawn and nothing else. I’m not like you. I use my brain. I strategize."

"Ouch," tsked a Dungeon Master.

"What say you in your defense, Dungeon Master 04?" added another, clearly wanting to see chaos devolve any further.

"Going for a personal attack, aren’t we?" Dungeon Master 02 retorted, "Why’s that? Is it because you have nothing to say in your defense, StRaTegiCal GeNIus?"

"If it works, it works."

"At least I don't rely on che—"

"Enough, you two," Dungeon Master 01 began.

"Dungeon Master 01 is right, enough." I finally decided to step in. "We still have an authority to acquire, and we’ve yet to see what that authority does."

Dungeon Master 02 snapped. "I don't need advice from a Dungeon Master who can't even handle a lone invader without resorting to a game of chance. Now, shut up and let me handle this."

We’ve dealt with two authority wielders thus far, made contact with three different authority, that was enough interaction with authorities for us all to safely assume that each authority, aside from the fact that they tend to act as some sort of G.P gathering pouch for their wielder, is very different from one another. Each one, thus far, has been unique, so we thought it natural to assume that the one wielded by that paladin was also an authority with a very unique effect/power.

We’ve yet to figure out what his authority does, so yes, there was, in all of this, while there was no sign of it yet, the possibility that the authority wielded by Kevin Karstark is something absolutely busted that could absolutely demolish Dungeon Master 02’s guardian. That was a possibility, one that we were eager to overrule, so while everyone was rather excited at the idea of being the one to deal with this batch of invaders, we were all somewhere deep into our hearts, after proper introspection, also relieved to not have been the one after all. No one wanted to be the one to find that thing out if the power/effect of that authority is really that something that busted.

"Let’s let Dungeon 02 act according to his strategy."

So while I’ve grown used to seeing other dungeon masters go at one another, including myself, I believed that right now was not the time. It seemed Dungeon Master 04 shared the sentiment, as he didn’t add anything.

"Mph. Thanks, Dungeon Master 00, Dungeon Master 01," Dungeon Master 02 said before promptly turning his attention back to the ongoing battle.

"It’s always a pleasure to help," I silently added and so I believe did Dungeon Master 01.

"Now then," Dungeon Master 02 declared with seemingly unprecedented confidence, "let’s put an end to this."






[Real-time Feedback]

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Thunderstorm's Embrace



Name: Jaime

Level: 48
Race: HighBreed
Class: Monk
Health: 52%

Status: In Combat




Name: Pascal

Level: 49

Race: HighBreed

Class: Knight

Health: 31%

Status: In Combat




Name: Jaimy

Level: 48
Race: HighBreed
Class: Monk
Health: 37%

Status: In Combat




[Real-time Feedback]

HighBreed, Warrior, Level 61, used ability: Vindicator's Stance



Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used skill: Mjölnir's Strike

HighBreed, Warrior, Level 61, used ability: Retribution

HighBreed, Paladin, Level 63, used ability: Celestial Aegis



Name: Kevin Karstark

Level: 63
Race: HighBreed
Class: Paladin
Health: 21%

Status: In Combat





Name: Adriant

Level: 61
Race: HighBreed
Class: Warrior
Health: 33%

Status: In Combat




If this battle between Dungeon Master 02's guardian and the invaders was a dance, then clearly this would be a dance led by Dungeon Master 02, whether choreographed from the beginning or improvised on the spot.


[Real-time Feedback]

Verdenkind, Mage, Level 50, used skill: Radiance

Highbreed, Healer, Level 39, used ability: Divine Grace

Highbreed, Healer, Level 39, used skill: Healing Magic

HighBreed, Monk, Level 48, used ability: Astral Projection



[Real-time Feedback]

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Tempestuous Step

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Lightning Surge



Dungeon Master 02, through his Guardian, asserted his dominance that spread in all directions, causing the invaders that were drawn in by Tempestuous Step to stagger under its electrifying embrace.


[Real-time Feedback]

Guardian, Enhanced, Level 42, used ability: Ferrum Fist



With a resounding impact, the colossal Ferrum Fist descended upon the HighBreed Monk, HighBreed Healer and Verdenkind Mage, leveling them to the ground.

While we waited for a sign, something—anything—from the authority or its wielder, what we anticipated from the moment Dungeon Master 02 declared his intention to put an end to all of this occurred. With its colossal fist slamming down, the guardian finally claimed its first invader.