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the doors of the transport ship opened, and the knights saluted with their fists on their chests, where the symbol of the house Zer was located, two higher standing positions, they were bigger and more terrifying knights scanned the area with their decorative power armor and stepped down the platform with shields hang on an arm parallel to another

behind them were the individuals known as the most important people in the house of Zer

Dana-Zod the queen of the battlefield and her child the heir of house Zer, Kai-Zer both stepped down the platform, interestingly enough, both of them weren't wearing protection, but only wore their traditional skinsuit with layers of the house symbol mantle over them, signifying their 'trust' and 'peaceful' message in the house of Zor-El

Then both huge knights parted aside to let both Dana and Kai meet the representative of the Zor-El, his wife Alura-Zor-El, and their daughter Kara-Zor-El 


Mira POV

'We gathered together as we welcomed our guests from a different house, on the hover deck, I could only watch in amazement at how disciplined the servants of House Zer were and how viciously loyal they were to their houselords

reminded me of a certain book called 'Dune' in my past life quite intriguing the house of Atreides the honor and loyal people, not that it matters when all shit goes boom I laugh internally as I observe these people's determination to serve their masters

not to condemn them as they are literally born and bred genetically down to the smallest atom to serve and to kill for their masters, It is quite disgusting if I might say, damn that Kye-Zer really was a genius, too bad he not like me, if he was... '

an envious and regretful feeling came and went within her 

'let's not think about it' 


Kara-Zor-El POV

as the door of the ship opened, within my vision I saw two very scary large metal men, walk down the platform, I unconsciously gulped a bit of saliva to wet my dry trough and looked up to see my mother's impassive gaze towards such display

I unconsciously grabbed her mantle, which caught her attention, as she raised her brow, tilted her head, and then looked back at me

a small tug raised from the side of her lips, she then put her hand over my head and rubbed it gently, greatly comforting me

we then watch the pair of giant knights part, revealing their sovereign's presence, 'Stunning' was the only word to describe their appearance, not only me but everyone was captivated by their presence, but all remained impassive and respectful 

even now looking closely at my mother's brow twitched quite a bit before returning to normal deadpan features, I looked back at the woman's beautiful dark-brown wavy hair that bounced as she walked, yet silent steps echoed, her calm and collected yet soft expressionless features added more mystery to her character

behind her was an impassive young boy, calm and cool, yet you couldn't seem to take your eyes off of him, the air of danger and charisma enfolded him

'I-I want to be like that too' I thought as I gripped my mother's mantle even tighter 'Will he be friends with me?, but adults think I'm weird'

"Kara" a soft whisper took me aback, snapping me out of my wonder, I looked up and looked at my mother "Relax... dear" she caressed my hair comforting my stiff posture

hearing her voice my body relaxed and my grip loosened, as both Dana-Zod and Kai-Zer now stood before us


Kai-Zer POV

as we walk towards the door of the transport ship, two older knights once dedicated as swords of Zer, now lay their arms as the Sheild of Zer in front of us with their giant shields and armor at the forefront of any assailant

we walked out the door towards the platform, and I felt the light of Rao grazing my skin my cells excitedly drank its light like a hungry gluttonous beast

what felt like a daze, feeling empowered, I clenched my fist hard controlling my instincts and expression, we walked together with me slightly behind my mother's side a few steps behind

and when the pair of knights parted, my mother's lips slightly tugged upward, as she placed her hand on the emblem of the house Zer and greeted the beautiful blond light blue-eyed woman in front of us whom I assumed to be Alura-Zor-El, according to the Archived library of Zer 

and beside her is the only child and daughter of the Zor-El household the 'princess' to be exact-

*Budmp *Budmp *Budmp 

'w-what is this feeling'

'what the name of RAO is wrong with me!'

'is there an organ malfunctioning right now?'

*Budmp *Budmp *Budmp 

'what's with those beautiful oceanic light-blue eyes, and that silky smooth light-toned golden hair'

I placed my hand over my face, and grit my teeth 

'I'll conduct a check-up later on and ask Æ about this biological malfunction later on, for now, I must not fail and fall, 'CONTROL' and 'COMMAND' you ARE THE HEIR OF ZER, YOU ARE THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME'


"Greetings, M'lady may the light of Rao shine upon you, I am Kai-Zer heir of Zer, a pleasure" he greeted with his hand on his emblem

"And to you as well, I am Kara-Zor-El, daughter of Zor-El and Alura-Zor-El"

as Dana was greeting Alura, she noticed how Kai stiffed and gazed over Kara for about a mili-second his pupils dilated, a small pink hue on his cheeks creeping over his face, and a heavy sigh came and went in his mouth, he then pulled himself back in control, as an impassive smile dawn on his face, an emotion she knew very clearly when it comes to the matters of her husband

and it seemed that she wasn't the only one to notice his abrupt action Mira raised a brow but stayed silent as she scrutinized him all over, a small patch of pink over his eyes slowly diminished she smiled internally 

'Interesting' she thought

they weren't the only ones who noticed his slightly stiffened posture as Alura-Zor-El noticed it too but entertained Dana-Zod, rather than dealing with unpredictable actions called 'emotion' as much as she loves her daughter and is an interesting subject to her and is willing to go back and blue to protect her, she is a scientist first and foremost 

and has a responsibility to gain Dana's support for the coming years of 'conflict' in the darkness, same with Dana, so an idea popped into her head.

"May the light of Rao, bless you Alura-Zor-El, and thank you for the warm reception"

"as to you, Dana-Zod, quite an entailed entrance you've done. anyways why don't you come in"

"please after you" Dana replied, as Alura walked inside, she suddenly stopped

"Mira, why don't you go with the young ones and... Kara, orient the young liege of the house Zer, about our house's history"

Kara nodded her head in agreement "Yes, momma I'll do my best"

she then took Kai's hand and ran off to tour around the house, with Mira now rushing to follow after them

her actions cause both women of power to smile, Dana for the first time feels relief seeing her son not able to control the situation, to describe her son in one word would be 'Perfect' due to him being able to manipulate any situation into his side 

and Alura just felt nice seeing her daughter have fun, as to her growing up means learning to fail, surrounding her daughter with geniuses means that she may pick up something here and there 

when both children were now out of sight, both mothers looked at each other gone was the warm atmosphere, now it was time to get serious

"Vin, Ser, it's time for you to retire for the day, take all the knights to their designated post for the day... and remember, show your worth," Dana said coldly, reminding them who the Queen of the Battlefield really was, both knights respectfully followed her orders

as Alura observed, their actions like cogs in a machine, 'productive' and 'efficient' were the only things that came to mind, as she then escorted Dana-Zod to the meeting room


Zer Domain

*HUFF *HuFF *hUff*

"Are you still alive there older sister?" Cercie asked her counterpart Twin who was lying down on the ground groaning, covered in dirt, sweat, and snot both of them 

"I-I'm alive for now, lil sis" Celina tried to reply fondly clutching her side, her expression in pain and discomfort

then a gruff voice came behind them "If this is only what you can take, then it's better for you to die, weaklings who can't protect themselves can't protect their master"

Both twins flinched at the voice, quite horrified "RUN!" Cercie Shouted as she threw her knife at the assailant Celina hearing her sister's voice snapped out of her trance state and stumblingly tried to run as fast as she could, in horror 

the assailant just shook her head in discouragement of their performance as she just moved her head letting the knife follow through its trajectory passing her as she ponced towards the younger twin, seeing how demoralized the older twin was overtaken by her instincts of self-preservation 

with her momentum, she grabbed the younger twin in the face pushing her head to the ground, causing Cercie to black out unconscious from the impact her head now implanted in the now broken web-like-cracked ground

"You were created to be the Sword and Shield of his Majesties Heir, YET HERE YOU BOTH ARE WEAK! ANNOYING!! FEEBLE!!! PUNY!!! AND FRAGILE!! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO SERVE!!! DIE!!!!" yet she didn't stop there as she continued to punch the unconscious Cercie, as she could only twitch with each hit 

"STOP!! TEACHER! PLEASE STOP!! PLEASE MOTHER!!" Celina finally having the courage came back distraught about what happened in front of her seeing her sister beaten back and blue by their own mother, she gritted and gnashed her teeth in anger and annoyance

Anger at herself for being weak and Annoyance at herself for running away sacrificing her sister at this monster

"s-sister...*cough r-run away" Cercie, borderline conscious unconscious, held her hand up limping, Ceri placed her foot on top of Cercie's body

"AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGG!!!!!" Celina charged at the Zer Dark Guard Captain, she threw her knife at her, using the same method Ceri just dodged to the side lifting her foot from Cercie's body

Celina then tackled her down with a punch to the face, the unpredictability of her daughter's action caused Ceri to stagger, due to the hit packing a punch she didn't expect, she then smiled regaining her footing and coming back to her senses, only to see both of her children gone 

like a predator ready to hunt her prey she smiles and laughs uncontrollably quite impressed and proud of her daughters

Celina the Sword, increases potency and strength of attacks when incomes of distress

Cercie the Sheild, Increase durability and endurance when protecting someone in times of distress



Celina POV

"WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! LET THE HUNT BEGIN!!" I heard the echo of my mother's voice throughout the forest

carrying my critically injured twin, who was borderline conscious and unconscious feeling the blood frenching my skinsuit "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please forgive me"

"s-sist-er, I'm gl-ad, you-r saf-e" Cercie bearly whispered her snow white hair drenched in dirt and both dry and wet blood

"Don't speak sis, please save your energy" 'Please my lord Kai-Zer, please forgive me for being a failure' I felt moisture in my eyes as liquid droplets, fell down my eyes, dragging my tired feet to run, holding my exhausted arms to hold my sister for dear life

I don't know how much time has gone by, what seemed like seconds felt like hours, and what seemed like hours felt like forever

"FOUND YOU~" To my horror, a playful voice echoed behind me as I turned to face my mother a fist was the only thing that came into my vision until it all went black, and in a split second I only saw the sky up above and next to me was my bleeding sister pale yet trembling, I then felt pain to my sides 'a so I was injured too, no wonder I felt so weak so I was bleeding'

"Welp kids, you've quite shown to me your resolve today... I'm proud as your mother" Her voice seemed to be so distant slowly fading 'ah, so this is how death feels like, so this is what my young master describes it so, Cold and Lonely, Celina is so sorry master'


 A/N: this is chapter 5 everyone~ see you in the next