Chapter 2 Where art thou Pickles
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Sam was about to open his shop door but he caught of glimpse of a body just hidden away by large hedges and shrubberies next to his shop. Gingerly Sam moved towards the body carefully. 

He noticed that there were dried blood that stained the leaves and stems of the greens around her. "Hello?" Sam called out. 

No response.

Sam immediately ran forward. 

There she was lying on the ground. There were deep nasty wounds all around her body, her clothes looked like they've been through a shredder. Her shoulders, arms and back were covered in a multitude of tattoos. The tattoos weren't a picture of anything but instead consisted of an amalgamation of different shapes that gave it a surreal and profound look.

Her hair was short and black but was styled in a way that made her look regal and sexy. Sam immediately felt for her pulse. He narrowed his eyes, his heart was beating hard against his chest. 

Sam breathed a sigh of relief as he felt a weak pulse. Sam then channeled the power that came with him. While only a fraction of his previous power, this 'gift' was still pretty strong. He called this fractured 'gift' - Absolute Healing.

Sam channeled the abundant life energy that permeates every fibre of his being into the unconscious woman. As if time moved in reversed, her fatal wounds started to heal immediately leaving nothing but unmarred skin.

Sam wiped the sweat off his body. 'Now how do I move you?' He couldn't help but wonder. 

Luckily it was still relatively early in the morning, just five minutes past 9 and it's a Sunday so there wasn't a lot of people out and about at this time. With great effort, Sam dragged by her legs. Sam couldn't help but winced as her bare fleshed slid across the ground. 

'Well.. nothing I can't heal.' He thought sheepishly.


Fel woke up expecting excruciating pain assaulting every corner of her body. It's a miracle that she's alive, she braced herself mentally but yet nothing came.

'Where am I?'

Fel abruptly sat up. She looked down on her self and saw nothing. No wounds or any traces that she's been wounded. Her fair skin looked healthier than ever before. She narrowed her eyes and looked around the room.

The room itself was covered in differently types of boxes, plants, plates etc.. Felt noticed that there were no windows, just four white walls. Fel looked down on her hands and feet. She wasn't bound. 

'Where the hell was she?' 

Last thing she remembered was being ambushed by a rival gang. She clenched her fist in anger as she remembered two members of her clan dying. But because of their sacrifice, they gave her a chance to get away and escaped.

Fel ears caught footsteps coming just outside the door. With incredible grace, Fel jumped on her feet and assumed a battle stance, her trait - Dragon Flame ready to be activated. 

The door opened and a man walked in. His face looked surprised for a second but then morphed into a relieved smile.

He looked young, she guessed maybe 18 - 20 years old. He was wearing a black apron with a logo of a fat cat pinned to its chest. His auburn hair looked muted, the hair on his back was long while the fringes of his hair was short but was stylishly disheveled. He looked cute and charming, his features were sharp with a hint of softness to them that gives him an approachable aura. 

"Glad to see you're awake." He greeted with an easy smile. The two dimples that appeared on his cheek froze her stiff. Her heart was beating so fast and she could feel her face starts to heat up.


Sam stepped closer to her, Fel felt a lot more relaxed and  just observed the charming man as his eyes checked on her. 

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"Did you save me?" She asked.

"Well I don't see anyone else here." He quipped. 

Fel eyes twitched. She doesn't know how to respond to that.

"Right... why did you save me?" 

"Cause you needed saving." He shrugged. "By the way you owe me 1000 royal credits. The herbal medicine that I just gave you is one of a kind and quite very expensive. Also you need to compensate me as I had to closed up shop because of you!"

"You will be compensated and rewarded." She reassured him. 

Sam whistled. "You must be rich then. Jackpot!" He laughed.

Fel rolled her eyes. She doesn't know why but she felt at ease with him. 

"Is this something you regularly do? Bringing injured women and healing them? Helping a strange woman you don't know is a dangerous hobby to have." She chuckled, stepping closer towards him. 

"Why you going to kill me?" He snorted, crossing his arms across his chest. 

Fel brushed her thumb across his cherry red lips. "I would never kill a fine specimen such as yourself. I'd rather claim you as my own and chain you down by my side forever."

"Big talk for someone who was half dead an hour ago."

"Believe me... them not being able to kill me is the biggest mistake they have ever made." 

"Now who's the one with a dangerous hobby." He smirked. 

Fel laughed out loud. She couldn't believe how much fun she's having right now. Under different circumstances she would have asked this beautiful charming man out on a date. A date he would never forget. 

"You have a name?" 

"Everyone has a name." 

Fel couldn't help but roll her eyes as a playful grin was on her lips. Her eyes focused on his cheeky smile and couldn't help but smirk dangerously as she gingerly took a step towards him. 

Atypical for a man, he stood his ground with his arms cross in a way that egged her on. 

She bend low her mouth just stopping near his ears. She could feel him stiffen as she hovered above him and close to him. She playfully blew air in his ears. He took a step back eyeing her warily. She followed him, they did this dance until his back was against the door; his exit momentarily unavailable.


"Your name." She asked once again. He smelled nice and it was making her slightly dizzy. She can't exactly describe the smell but it was pleasant, intoxicating and she can't get enough of it - or him.

"Don't sniff me. It's weird." He grumbled. 

She chuckled unashamed by her action. 

"Name." She repeated once again, using a finger to tilt his chin so he can look up at her. His verdant eyes looked unimpressed and he snorted. 



"Yeah. Nanyabusiness. Now move, cause I still have stuff to do. Actually let me get you some clothes cause yours are shredded, not interested in why or how.. I honestly don't care. But your melon sized breasts are wobbling around everywhere and it's distracting-"

"You find my breast distracting?" She challenged with an eyebrow raised. She doesn't fully understand why that's affecting him, they're just breast.

"Not the point. The point is, you need a new bra and clothes, so tell me your size and I'll nip to the shop just across the road."

She looked at him in amusement, without thinking, she pressed his face against her pillowy chest.

"Argh! What are you doing?"

"Distracting you." 

His eyes narrowed and he huffed loudly. 


"I'll be back Fel." He said as Sam took his black apron and hanged it in one of the racks just behind the counter. 

Fel was seated in one of the tables on the shop floor, an original milk tea drink that he created was in front of her, he called this creation the Avocado Whistle. Why? Because it sounded awesome that's why. It's technically just avocado milk powder mixed with other herbs and fruits infused with a little bit of his 'gift', it gives it that calming and relaxing effect plus it's also good for the skin. 

"Thanks for the drink Sam my love, this tastes absolutely divine. Also thank you for the cheesy wrap, it's edible." She said with a laughed. 

"Not your love and also I don't normally cook so don't complain. It's why I hired a chef for the shop which by the way I still have to pay for even though he is just at home as I had to close up shop. In fact I'm doing that for all the employees that couldn't work today." 

"How many employees do you have?" 

"Three. One chef and three floor staffs. It's not exactly a big shop and I like it that way."

"10,000 royal credits." Fel said simply.


"I'm going to pay you 10,000 royal credits. That should be almost double your daily profits. Also tell me how much the herbal medicine cost again and I'll give you a separate amount for that as well."

Sam waved his hand. 

"10,000 RC is enough." He said trying to keep calm but his lips couldn't help but smile. 10,000 RC was a lot of money. On a good day, he would earn 4,000 RC but his usual daily earnings is normally around 800-1000 RC. 

'Should I treat myself? There is that new game coming out on the TVC 6 (The Vision Cast 6) virtual reality system. It's quite costly but this unexpected boon will easily cover the cost and I'll put the rest in my savings.' Sam couldn't help but day dream. 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" 

Sam flinched. 'When did she get so close to me?'

She was so close that she took every space in the vicinity effectively trapping him due to her much larger frame. 'Those beautiful breast my God!' Sam couldn't help but transfixed his eyes on those mountainous valleys. He couldn't help but gulp, her pink areola are practically begging to be kissed and lavished by his tongue. 

"Could you put the apron on properly."

Fel couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle. 

"You really love them don't you." 

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"So do you have a girlfriend?" She asked again.

"Yep ." He said while looking away. 


Sam simply shrugged his shoulders. 

"Give me your number." 

"I have a girlfriend."

"What's her name?"

'Shit!' Sam couldn't help but cursed in his head.

"Uhh.." his eyes wandered in search for inspiration and saw a pickle jar on a shelf across the room. 


"Interesting name." She snickered. Fel followed his line of sight and saw the offending pickle sitting innocently on the shelf.

She sauntered exaggeratedly across the room and picked up the pickle off the shelf. Sam's face was a mask of confusion. 

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Showing you."

"Showing me?"

Her red eyes glowed red as her trait activated, a burst of devastating scarlet flame appeared on her hand, turning the pickle jar into dust. 

"What happens to Pickles." She finished with a crazed smile. 

"Do you have a girlfriend? I'll know if you lie, so please do give me a reason to punish you my love."

"Not your love." Sam rolled his eyes and scoffed.

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