Chapter 4 The Date? Part 1
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Sam glanced at his phone as a notification from his bank appeared on his phone. He glanced at the notification and couldn't help but laughed ecstatically. 

10,000 RC received from F.Corviere

Sam's phone chimed yet again and there was a text message from a number he doesn't recognised but he knew who it was from straight away. 

"Must be from Fel." Muttered Sam.

F- Did you get the money? Sorry, it took awhile. I had a lot of things to sort out.. things to arrange like making sure that my enemy pays and then I had to reel in the hot headed ladies who just wants to take the war to the streets.. sorry I'm rambling... I miss you.. I'm a gang leader by the way 😅.

Sam just stared at the barrage of information that Fel presented in that one single text. Sam contemplated blocking her, since technically, he has no more reason in keeping in contact with her. And they've just met and already she was trying to lay claim on him, overall Sam thought she was bit too much. He's not really a fan of pushy and clingy girls. 

Sam thought about it but decided that he at least owes her a reply besides she did give him quite a lot of monetary compensation. The fact that she was a gang leader was a surprise though not that he was completely blindsided. The tattoos, the limousine and the group of armed women that picked her up in combat gears earlier at his shop.

She didn't really give the pampered, rich lady kind of vibe, to Sam Fel had a blood thirsty and wild aura expertly hidden by an almost playful calm demeanour.

*ping* *ping* *ping*

Sam looked down and the barrage of text notifications were from Fel. 

F- You better not be ignoring me Sam. I will find you and hunt you down. 

Sam couldn't but roll his eyes,

F- Oi.. you better not have given me a fake number. I will definitely spank your sexy cute ass.

F- Helllloooo.. maybe I'll get some of my girls to find out where you live? 🤔

Sam sighed and decided to save her number. He typed in 'Faulty Lighter' as her contact name and pressed save. Sam was about to type in a reply when his phone suddenly rang.

'She's definitely persistent.'

Sam tapped accept and put her on loud speaker and then place his phone next to him as he laid down on the sofa. 

"Hello my love!" Came the sultry voice of Fel.

Sam just responded with a snort and kept quiet. 

"Well, you're not denying it so that must mean that you're mine now."

"You're so far off field that we're not even in the same conversation anymore." 

"Why were you ignoring me? Ah, I see how it is, as soon as you milked me for my money, you don't need me anymore. I get it." She said teasingly.

"Hmmm.. yep.. that's exactly it.. why Miss gang leader, you going to sick your dogs on me and punish me for it?" He teased back. 

"Ouch... that hurts.. after all that time that I thought your interest and love for me was real.. and you were really just interested in my money and power."

"Tale as old as time." He responded dryly. 

Sam hear her laughed out loud and he couldn't help but find her laugh endearing. Her laugh wasn't quiet or controlled, instead it was a wild boisterous laughed and Sam somehow found it adorable. 

"You got it then?" She asked. 

Sam could hear someone typing on a keyboard in the background.

"Yeah I got it. Thanks for your generous donation. To be fair, it's the least you could do, after I saved your sorry ass." 

"Pfft.. whatever..." 

"Is that you typing?" 

"Yep. Just making sure all my businesses are in order, then making sure all the paperwork's are completed to make sure that my businesses appears as legitimate as possible on paper. I do have a meeting with my lawyer and accounting tomorrow."

"On paper?" 

"I'm a gangster love, my goods aren't exactly the legal kind." She snickered.

"Right.. and telling me all this is okay?"

"Well, are you going to tell anyone?"

"I mean no, but still. I could potentially tell the authorities and get you in trouble." 

"Well, it will give me a reason to kidnap you and teach you a lesson why shouldn't mess with me." 

Sam rolled his eyes but for some reason he felt fuzzy inside. Fel just blindly trusting him and letting him gain insight to her personal life with no hesitation made him happy. 

'She wants me to be a permanent fixture in her life. This is her letting me know that she's serious about me, regardless of the consequences, she's willing to take the risk. It's so dumb... and stupid... and yet...'

Sam can't help but momentarily blush. He could feel butterflies in his stomach. 

"You still there? You gone all quiet all of a sudden. Thinking about ratting me out to DoPD (Department of Public Defence) and the heroes?" Said Fel jokingly.

"You're an idiot." He laughed. 

"The good kind or the best kind?" 

"The third option."

"Ah, so I'm the sexy and beautiful kind. Hmm... I could see that considering you kept staring at my breast earlier."


Sam looked at what Fel has sent him and he couldn't help but almost drop his phone on his face in surprise. Fel has sent him a picture of her breast. Sam couldn't help but stare at the lovely pair of breast on the screen. Her rosy pink nipples were stiff and erect. 

"You like?" She purred.

"N-n.. no comment." Sam tried to clear his voice to try and sound more casual and nonchalant.

"Oh Sam, you puuurrrvveerrtt." 


Sam glanced at the wall clock. It read 10pm. 

'It's getting late. Silver would normally let me know if she's not going coming back home as sometimes her missions can take days to complete. But she hasn't messaged me at all. I hope she's okay.' Thought Sam. 

'If she's not messaged by 11pm, I'll contact the DoSI (Department of Special Investigations). Hopefully she's just getting drunk somewhere and is too embarrassed to come home because of what happened between us earlier.'

"Have you eaten yet?.... Hellooo.. Sam you still there? You gone quiet again."

"Ah, yeah what? Didn't hear what you just said." Replied Sam. 

"I asked you if you've eaten yet. You alright?" 

"Ah, yeah.. I mean.. just worried about my sister." He confessed.

"Why what happened?"

"Just nothing really. I mean.. she's not home yet but she normally messages me if her job keeps her out late. But she hasn't messaged me at all, so I'm just worried.." 

"I'm sure she's fine." Comforted Fel. "Your sister's a big girl, I'm sure she just got too busy with her job and just forgot to give you a heads up."

'Considering what happened between us earlier, maybe she found it too awkward to text. I will still contact the DoSI just to make sure.'

"Yeah I hope so."


Sam slumped helplessly inside the car's seat. He almost let out a moan out of pleasure because of how comfortable the seats are. 

'Damn.. how expensive is this car? Better yet, how rich is Fel? Is being a gangster actually a lucrative line of work? If so.. then I'm definitely in the wrong profession' Sam snickered to himself. 

"Thanks for coming out to dinner with me.." purred Fel, turning towards him. Her reddish eyes smouldered against the darkness. She looked absolutely ravishing tonight and Sam couldn't help but gulped nervously.

The way she looked tonight was just so unbelievably sexy and beautiful that he feels a little bit out of sorts. The black one piece dress inlaid with some kind of stones around her chest area, the way the dress highlights her curves and assets. It was too much. Sam felt like he was having a sensory overload. 

"What's wrong? Do you like what you see? Cause you're just staring at me in a daze.. and I..." 

Sam cleared his throat, and took his eyes off her which was surprisingly a difficult thing to do. Sam fixed his gaze outside the window, watching the other cars go by. 

"There's nothing wrong.. umm.. haha" Sam rubbed the back of his hand and laughed awkwardly.

His eyes flickered fleetingly towards her appreciating her side profile. 

"Y-you.. look great is all." He finished shyly. 

He could suddenly feel his ears hear up. Sam glanced at Fel, she was red. It wasn't clear but even against the dim light, he could still see that her face was red, her fair skin flushed with a light shade of red, even the tips of her ears were red.

"Ahem... thanks ." She whispered.

"Everything good with your sister." She asked after a moment of silence between them have passed.

"Ah, yeah.. I've called her office and they've informed that she's just out on a job. They'll let her know that I've called." Sam replied. 

"Oh.. thaaats good."


Fel was tapping her finger on the steering while stealing multiple glances at Sam. Fel tried to open her mouth a couple of times but somehow her mind has gone blank and she couldn't think of anything to talk about. 

'Say something.. don't let the atmosphere be awkward' Fel berated herself.

It wasn't fair. Sam wasn't being fair. Tonight he was wearing a brown jumper and he styled his hair in a way that made his eyes pop out and when his dimples comes out when he smiles or laugh.. Fel couldn't help but think that he wasn't being fair at all. 

He was driving her insane. Everytime she looks at him, it felt like her mind would buffer as it struggles to process his beauty, charm and cuteness. 

Fel bit the inside of her cheek and sighed. 

"You've been stealing glances at me and looking like you're about to eat me. Not sure if I should be scared or complimented." Smirked Sam, glancing at her with the corner of his eyes.

"Uh, both?" She said sheepishly. 

"Well.. uh.. you also.. l-look.. ahem.. good.. I mean better than good.. I-... you know what I mean." 

"I guess it's not only me that's struggling with words.." he laughed. 

Fel, joined him and they both laughed even harder. 

"This is a date right..?" She asked after they finished laughing. 

"It depends on whether the food you were bragging to me on the phone earlier is and I quote "positively orgasmic", if this food isn't 'orgasmic' as you said, then you can forget about it." Smirked Sam.

Fel rolled her eyes.

"That's not what I said."

"Hmm.. it's basically what you said."

"It's not remotely close."

"Eh.. it's close be enough." Sam quipped.

"You're impossible." She laughed. 

"It's what makes me devilishly charming." He grinned. 

"Don't know about devilish.. you look more like a cute little baby bird to me."

"Weird fetish that you have."

"I-it's not my fetish." She defended. 

"Concentrate on the road. We're going to get into an accident." Warned Sam.

"Take it back." Huffed Fel.

"Fine. You're not into birds."

"That somehow still doesn't make me feel better."

Sam stuck his tongue out.

"If you love the food your tongue is mine."

"Pfft.. you're on."

Fel licked her lips in anticipation.

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