Chapter 5 The Date? part 2
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Sam marvelled at the many glittering chandeliers just hanging above the ceiling. They were settled at a private area, just far enough away from the main dining bit. 

The restaurant that Fel took Sam to was an 8 starred restaurant called Jimmy's Killer Prawns. They specialised in seafood and of course prawns. 

"I mean it's not bad for a first date." He grinned at Fel.

Fel rolled her eyes. "Not bad?" She scoffed. 

"This is a very expensive restaurant, you have to book months in advance in order to get a table, the courses themselves cost 1000 RC or more and all you have to say that it's not bad."

Sam gave her a lopsided grin which almost caused Fel to almost spontaneously combust and melt at how adorable he is. 

"You booked a table for us months ago? I don't know... sounds you planned all of this from beginning to end.. did you almost get yourself killed  just to get my attention? You know there are better ways." He teased. 

Fel scoffed and rolled her eyes once again. 

"I paid extra to get us in for the night." 

Sam was at loss for words. He knows that must have caused her a lot of money. He stared at her bewildered by her actions.


"Why what?" She asked him with a relax smile on her face.

"Why go that far?" He said quietly.

"Cause you said you liked sea food earlier during our call." She said simply, while leisurely browsing the course menu's.

Sam couldn't help but almost laugh incredulously. 

"Seriously?" He said with a raised brow. "I'm flattered.. umm.." Sam also started looking at his menu, unable to face Fel for a moment. 

"Are you ready for me to take your drink order?" A waiter with blue hair suddenly asked. 

"Uhh.. I guess I'll have the 'Gentle Delight'." Said Sam.

Fel chuckled with a playful look on her face. "How fitting. I'll have the Sherry Smooth Beer please."

"Certainly. Madam, young master. I'll give you a few moments to choose your course and I will be back shortly."

Sam and Fel nodded. They both browsed the different types of tasting menu. In the end they choose the 'Ultimate Sea Food Bonanza.'


"How's the 'pressure fried glass squid'?" Asked Fel as they tucked into their starter.

"It's so delicate and soft, it just melts into your tongue, and the flavour of this squid and the crunchy texture that they added.. ah, it's simply divine.." moaned Sam.

"I guess in a way you could say that it is 'orgasmic'." Fel chuckled darkly, suddenly eyeing his lips.

Sam narrowed his eyes and then suddenly he remembered their bet. Sam cleared his throat and tied to appear more compose.

"Ahem.. saying that.. it's kinda alright you know.. for an 8 starred restaurant.. its.." Sam trailed and shrug his shoulders.

"Is that so?" She grinned wickedly. "I suppose if the food isn't that great then we must make a complaint. After all I am paying thousands of RC and if my beloved isn't satisfied...well.. that wouldn't do at all." Fel finished her last words in a quiet whisper. 

"Fine. It's good. Are you happy now?" Sam replied, gritting his teeth. 

"It depends if the sore loser will pay up." 

"It's only the starter." 

"Keep struggling 'little bird' it's time for you to realise that your wings are clipped and you will no longer be able to fly away." 

"If my wings don't work then I'll guess I'll just use my legs." 

Fel simply gave him a wolffish grin which sent shivers down his spine. 


"So how did you become a gangster or a leader of one?" Asked Sam curiously while digging in to their main course 'Smoked Snow Trunkfish'.

Fel tapped her fork on her plate languidly.

"Hmm.. how does one lead a life such as mine? It's a hard question cause in a way, growing up as an orphan, there wasn't really a lot of option to become something else."

"Growing up in the poorest part of the city which is basically the slums. You have to grow up fast or eventually you'll find your young life being cut short."

Fel put down both of her cutlery to the side and continued with a faraway look on her face.

"Drugs were rampant, violence was easy to find, food was scarce and there was just too many abandoned children. It's common to sleep hungry and some girls don't even wake up having fallen to the allure of eternal slumber." 

"That kind of life. That wasn't the life I wanted to have forever. My circumstances was tough, so what I had to do was simple, I just have to be stronger and tougher than what life can throw at me."

"It helped that my trait - Dragon Flame was incredibly powerful. I gathered a bunch of young women that will help achieve my 'vision' and ten years later, I am head of the most notorious gang in the city; The Fire Hand Company."

"Y..-your the gang leader of the Fire Hand Company? W-what?" Exclaimed Sam in shock. 

Fel simply dab the side of her face with a white napkin.

"Does that scare you, my love?" 

"Ah.. I don't know... I mean.. I'm looking at you and you just look like this young sophisticated lady, who's playful, a little bit forceful and I know you're a gang leader. And I know that.. before I agreed to be on this..-"

"Date." Fel finished.

"Right.. this date. But I-.. I mean sitting in front of me is one of the most dangerous women alive and... I-.. I don't know.."

"Are you scared of me." Fel repeated, she was watching him so intently.

Sam sighed and looked at her in the eyes.

"I should be.. God knows I should be.. but somehow I'm not. My pulse is racing but it's not because of fear..." Sam replied quietly. 

Fel ruby eyes glinted dangerously for a second as she stared at him for a quiet moment. There a strange aura permeating around her and it caused Sam to shake slightly. 

"I want you." Fel growled quietly. 

Sam didn't know what to say so he kept quiet and resume eating this incredibly delicious meal. Sam knew that sooner or later he has to pay up, he lost the bet. He shouldn't have taken the bet...and this isn't exactly ideal due to the complications with his sister.

Sam hasn't even put out the fire at home and he's starting another fire outside. 'I'm an idiot.' 

Fel grabbed a hold of his hand that was resting on the table, she was rubbing her thumb in circles on the back of his hand suggestively. 

"Fel.. I'm flattered by your attention.. really.. I am but I don't think... this is a good idea." Said Sam.

The grip on his hand tightened, that it almost hurt.

"Is it because of what I am?" She asked, her voice low and emotionless.

"N-no Ofcourse not. It has nothing to do with that.. it's just.. it's complicated." 

"So it's cause I'm complicated?" 

Sam sighed and shook his head.

"It's not about you. It's.. just.. it's complicated. And I don't think I'm ready for a relationship."

"Why?" Growled Fel.

Sam looked up at her, confused. Fel looked hurt and her eyes glowed faintly.

"I don't know how to explain and I just don't want you to get the wrong idea.."

"Wrong idea about what?!"

"I-I.. I don't know..." Sam bit his lips. 

"Sam.. are you fucking with me?" Fel asked sharply.

"No! Ofcourse not! Why would you even-"

"Do you like someone else?" 

"I-I .. no?.. I mean I don't know.. look it's just complicated.. okay.. I'm sorry Fel." 

Fel did not reply, Sam was too scared to even look her in the face. The thing with his sister and plus she's in the 'force', while Fel was criminal. It just wouldn't work. 

"I don't accept it." Fel eventually said.


"Your apology. I won't accept your apology." 

Sam bit the inside of his lip but kept quiet. Fel still hasn't let go of his hand. 

"Let's go.. I'm not in the mood to eat anymore." Said Fel.

Sam looked up at the half eaten food and sighed guiltily. 

"I'll pay for my share." Said Sam.

Fel simply snorted and dragged him a bit roughly with her towards the counter. 

Fel paid for the bill but did not once let go of his hand. Sam did not know where they were going but he followed Fel quietly as she led them to who knows where.

Sam sighed and distracted himself by looking at the beautiful night sky. He was also observing the many people passing by, Sam got busy taking in the various sights around him that he didn't notice that Fel has stopped walking. 

Sam bumped into Fel's back. He was about to utter an apology when Fel suddenly spun him around and he felt what seemed to be railing pressing behind him.

"What-..." Sam was about to protest but it was cut short by Fel as she captured his lips. 

"It's my win and I'm collecting the prize." She growled as she continued her relentless attack. Sam could feel Fel's turbulent emotion from her searing kiss. 

Her kisses were hot and warm. She felt like a blazing tornado as she continued taking what he owed her.

Their tongue danced like flickering torches against the wind, Fel kissed was intense and fiery, Sam felt like he was inside a blazing inferno. It felt like an eternity to Sam by the time Fel finished. Sam slumped weakly against the cold metallic railing overlooking the river down below. 

Both of their breath was ragged and heavy. 

"I won't accept your flimsy reasoning Sam."


"Shut up and listen to me." She said sharply. "I've just clipped your wings 'little bird'." Fel's lips hovered against his as she whispered "you are not going anywhere." Before biting his lower lips aggressively causing Sam to gasp in pain and maybe pleasure.

"I won't let you go." She growled into their kiss.

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