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Hi, this story is being co-authored with my partner, Montanoceratops, so definitely go check out their profile. They don't have anything on their yet, but they probably will soon! Cover art is by Eclipse Witch on discord

My head bumped against the window as the bus went over an uneven patch of road. I let out a small sound of pain. The bus turned into the bus terminal, and I moved to grab my bag, standing up and moving to the door. I stepped out as it opened, quickly making my way into the terminal. I searched for a restroom, which was just down the terminal. I waddled to the bathroom and emptied my bladder. I let out a sigh of relief, the bus ride was excruciating. I then moved to the stairs to take the walkway over to the subway station. I normally wouldn’t need to go this way, but I had to pick up my student ID, which had brought me all the way out to Mississauga. Luckily the process to get the ID was uneventful. Now I have a card with my ugly-ass saying I am supposed to be here… yay.

I was about to start my degree at the University of Toronto. I was studying history, a subject which had fascinated me ever since I was little. My parents hadn’t exactly approved, but it wasn’t like they had any say in what I did anymore since I had turned 18 back in April, thank gods. I unfortunately still lived with them since I couldn’t afford to move out yet.

The train ride was boring so I decided to listen to some music on my phone on the ride. I listened to songs I actually liked, not what my parents forced me to listen to, I.E. a lot of Avril Lavigne, Nirvana, and Queen. I got off the train at Yonge, getting on the train to head north up to Sheppard. From there, it was a short bus ride to my parents house, near Sheppard and Bathurst.

Almost home. I veered to the left side of Don River Boulevard. I carefully walked along the grass on the side, hoping no driver had the stupidity to drive into me going 20km over the speed limit. It was getting dark. It had taken longer than expected to get my ID.

I glanced at a driver who barreled past at a clearly too fast speed, probably driving up from Earl Bales Park. I flashed my middle finger at the rear of the car. They probably didn’t see it, but it was cathartic after the fucking day I had.

After the car had passed, I noticed something in the bushes across the road from me. Weird. There was a faint purple glow near the small footpath that made its way through the small patch of trees. I quickly glanced in both directions on the road. Seeing no other cars, I ran across the road to check it out.

I made my way through the overgrown, suffocating trees on the path, then ducked under the rickety wooden railing to get closer to the vibrant glow.

Call me stupid, but I had always been too curious for my own good. When I got near the glow, I slipped my space-themed backpack off and placed it on the ground.

I stared at the source of the glow; it was a dark grey, it had the texture of shale. Curved lines glowed with a pulsating, light, fading between indigo and a dark burgundy; the lines looked almost like lava, undulating and flowing around the statue.. It appeared to be an idol; Anthropoid…almost human, yet not quite. Two rounded spikes projected from the head, the face was longer, a tail spiralled around the figure, framing it in an elegant, authoritative, yet whimsical pose. Maybe it was a figure for cosplay? A religious symbol? It was well-crafted, I didn’t know for sure what it was. There was some writing on it that I couldn’t identify. Glyphs, in a script unknown to me. It was flowy, each symbol melting into one another. There were barely any straight lines; the text was glowing with that same light as the other parts of the statue. It was beautiful, and it was fascinating.

Then, I did something even stupider; I bent down to pick it up. I know, completely insane of me, but my curiosity got the better of me.

As soon as my hand made contact with it, purple energy raced up my arm. It tickled at first, but then it felt hot - too hot, blistering, boiling. It felt like my arm was on fire. It happened so fast, I barely had time to scream before I blacked out.

When I woke up, everything ached. I had fallen over. My body felt weird. I sat up, groaning. There was a large soft mass enveloping me. It felt cosy, comforting, safe; it was like sleeping in a faux fur blanket on a memory foam mattress, heavenly. Also, everything was suddenly super loud. I could hear every little sound; the rustling of the leaves, the sounds of cardinals and bluejays calling, and the gurgling of the nearby river, which I definitely should not have been close enough to hear. It was too much, this noise needed to stop; it was painful.

I moved my hands to cover my ears, but instead got smacked across the face by the limp end of my sleeve.

Wait, what?

I examined myself. Where before my hoodie had fit perfectly, it now dwarfed me by a huge margin. The hem now reached to my knees. The sleeves as well hung off the ends of my arms by a little bit. My jeans were loose around my waist. I knew if I stood up I would need to hold them up. Either my clothes had gotten bigger or I had gotten smaller.

I tried to stand up, but my head swam. I braced myself against a tree. Just as I expected, my jeans fell to my ankles. I sighed and pulled them up.

They didn’t go back up all the way. I felt them bumping against something near my butt. The funny thing was, whatever they were bumping against, I could feel. I tried to look behind me to see what it was, and saw a big fluffy mass of white. My eyes went wide. I reached out to touch the fluffy thing, and it twitched away from my touch. I twitched away from the touch. It was a part of my body.

I had a tail.

“Ok, Alex, don’t freak out boy.”

I freaked out. How the fuck did I get a tail!? How is that even biologically possible? I don’t know. All I knew was that I changed drastically.

Then I noticed the object that was the source of the glow. Key word being was. The glow was gone, the writing faded away. Had that thing…given me this tail? Had it made me smaller?

I gave up on trying to wear my navy jeans. My hoodie was more than enough to keep me covered. I neatly folded them and clambered back up to the walkway.

Fortunately, my parents wouldn’t be home until the weekend-they were away on a vacation to Bora Bora for their anniversary (Stupid and cliché, I know), so I had the house to myself for about a week. I wouldn’t have to explain to them why their son was coming home suddenly much smaller and with a tail and no pants on. I quickly snatched my bag, and haphazardly stuffed them in the pocket with my brand new laptop my parents had bought me to use at school. It was a Lenovo with Windows 11 on it; not too bad for a college work-horse, thank gods it wasn’t a Chromebook.

I could feel that the tail was pushing on my underwear, protruding just above the waistband, preventing it from covering my entire butt, but it would have to do. Hopefully I could do something about that.

I quickly tucked the tail up and under my hoodie to keep it out of sight. Fortunately, there was more than enough room. Unfortunately, the fabric brushing against my tail was uncomfortable. It was like the feeling you get when you move your hair too much and it tugs on your scalp. I picked up my bag, slinging it over my back again. I briefly fiddled with the backpack. I had to adjust the straps so it would stay on. Still, the backpack was several sizes too big, it reached from my tail to my neck. I felt utterly ridiculous. Not to mention it was too heavy. What was easy before was now taxing.

I turned around and glanced at the idol. I thought about taking it with me, but I did not want to touch it again. it just took away a good chunk of muscle mass in exchange for a tail. There’s no telling what it would do to me if I touched it again. I decided against taking it with me. I made my way back to the road, checking to make sure there were no crazed drivers, and resumed my walk back home. I had no idea how long it had been since I touched that thing, but it had gotten even darker, the sky was inked with purple. A purple like the light of the statue.. I made my way down the road, nervously watching for cars. If there were any, I hoped they’d see my pasty white legs so they didn’t run into me, because there was no way they’d be able to spot my black hoodie.

My feet kept slipping around in my shoes. gods, had my feet shrunk too? I carefully walked towards home, avoiding the dim yellow glow of streetlights as I went. I didn’t want to draw any attention. Seeing a pasty white boy running in a black hoodie would have left all those conservate fossils that lived on my street quaking in their boots. Eventually, I made it home. I sighed as I realised my keys were still in my jeans pocket. I quickly fished them out of my backpack, which, miraculously, were still safe in the pocket. I pushed the key inside the lock and opened the door, home at last. I slipped inside, closing and locking the door again. I scampered up the stairs to my bedroom. I tossed my bag on the floor at the foot of my bed. I flopped limply into the bed, exhausted. I laid back, sighing.

I was sticky; beads of sweat were accumulating on my face. I needed to take a shower, but I didn’t want to get up. So I continued to lie there, staring up at the off-white popcorn ceiling of my small bedroom. It was so ugly, the texture was terrible, and it made me anxious. Inside, the sounds of the outdoors were absent, but were instead replaced with other noises. I could hear the faint humm of the fridge in the kitchen, and the whirr of the fans on the desktop in my dad’s office. It must have pulled itself out of sleep to do a Windows update or something. Even the lights buzzed. My ears were assaulted by the electric hiss. My smell was heightened too. I had noticed outside that the smells of nature had grown stronger, but now that I was inside, I could smell the cleaner my mom had used a few days ago before we had left. I couldn’t remember the brand. It smelled flowery, antiquated, almost like a grandma’s perfume.

I finally stood up. I couldn’t put off taking a shower, I could smell myself. It wasn’t an unpleasant smell (it actually didn’t smell half-bad), it was different, but I still smelled like I’d been doing exercise for a good half-hour. I struggled out of my hoodie, throwing it on the floor. A slight movement of my tail saw my boxers falling to the floor right away. I glanced down, and my mind ground to a halt. I stumbled, catching myself on the door to my bathroom.

“Where’s my penis?”

It was just gone without a trace, as if it wasn’t there to begin with. Additionally, pushing against the inside of my t-shirt were two bumps which definitely hadn’t been there before. Looks like that strange object had changed me more than I realised.

One of my hands reached up to my chests, not quite believing what I was seeing. The hand had brushed against the bump on the left. I could feel that, it felt good.

I quickly pulled my plain white t-shirt over my head, throwing it behind me as I stumbled into my bathroom. I stood in just the right spot to see my whole body in the mirror over the marble sink. I was nervous, usually I avoided the mirror like the plague, but this was the only way to understand what happened to me. I slowly turned and faced the mirror head on.

When I saw my reflection, I gasped. I hadn’t just gotten smaller and grown a tail, I had completely transformed. If you looked at my face, you could maybe see a small resemblance to what I had looked like before, but other than that I looked like a completely different person. Where before my face had hard, defined edges, my face was now much softer and rounder. The facial hair was completely gone, where before I had scruffy facial hair along my chin and lips. My nose looked about the same as before. My lips looked softer, although how much of that was a lack of coarse facial hair nearby I wasn’t certain. Where before I had been rather gaunt and pale, my face now had much more colour, and my cheeks were much fuller. My eyes were larger, and shone with a bright purple colour. I also had a bit of freckles over my nose. I hadn’t had freckles before. They looked kind of cute… okay, really cute. The most startling change at head level was my hair. It had changed from my normal brown to completely white, almost like silver, matching my new tail. It had also grown out significantly. Before it had been cut super short at my parents’ insistence, but it now reached my mid back. As well, poking out the top of my head, covered in white fur, were a couple of big, triangle-shaped ears, like a fox’s. I reached around and felt them. They rapidly twitched as soon as I touched, before relaxing ever-so slightly. They were soft and silky. I traced the shape from the peak all the way to the base where my old ears had been. That explained why all the sounds had been more intense. They tickled. They were extremely sensitive.

Lower down, I noticed my shoulders had gotten much narrower. No wonder I had needed to adjust my bag’s straps, I was tiny. Even my breasts were pretty small.

Oh yeah, breasts. I have those now.

I had of course seen breasts before, I’d watched porn. But these were the first ones I’d seen in person, and they were part of my own body. Mine! They weren’t small small, but they weren’t super large either. They’d easily be missed if I wore my hoodie again. Then again, I think anything short of double Ds would be missed in that hoodie on my small frame. The nipples were also a bit larger than I was used to. I gingerly grabbed my finger and softly touched one. Holy fuck, it felt good. I let out a quiet moan; the sensation was out of this world.

At my crotch level, I found the one piece of hair on my body other than on my head or tail-my pubic hair. It had changed to a white colour just like all the other hair. Rather than being wild and messy like before, it was a much tamer and also much shorter patch of hair just above my vagina.


My vagina.

No dick. No balls. Just a little slit between my legs.

Internally, my stomach did a weird flip at the realisation. I felt…happy?

I did. I realised I was grinning. Why was I grinning? I was a guy, right? I shouldn’t be happy to suddenly have the body of a girl… right?!

“Fuck, I’m hot! Why am I so hot!?”

I glanced at my hair and tail. Those would be a pain to dry off, but I was feeling pretty sticky and gross. I turned to my shower, turning the water on. I stuck my foot under the spray until it felt warm enough to get in. Once under the warm spray of the water, I felt my muscles relax. I hadn’t even realised how tense I had been.

I squirted a bit more shampoo onto my head than usual before beginning to rub it into my scalp and over my now much longer hair. I carefully washed my ears, feeling them twitch every time I tried to touch them.

I glanced at my tail. I thought about bringing it in front of me, and it obeyed my commands. I grabbed a hold of it,then got to work rubbing shampoo into it as well. It was covered in hair too, right? I guessed shampoo would be the way to go. Afterwards, I quickly scrubbed the rest of my body with some body wash. When I scrubbed my new breasts though, I yelped. They were even more sensitive than my ears were! Hell, my whole body felt even more sensitive than it used to be. It was weird, weird but nice.

After I rinsed off all the soap, I continued to stand under the spray. What was I going to do? I couldn’t go to classes like this, not with the ears and tail, anyway. They would draw way too much attention. Maybe this was temporary?

I felt conflicted about the idea of changing back. On the one hand I was a guy, and this was a girl’s body. On the other hand, I kind of…liked looking like a girl. Maybe I could swap back and forth, or maybe it was temporary. My stomach churned at the thought; I don’t want this to be temporary. Fuck.

I tried to focus on what I had looked like before, to see if somehow that would force another transformation. No dice, I still had my tail. I was still a hot girl.

I sighed and turned off the water, climbing out of the shower. I started trying to dry off with a towel, but it quickly became evident I would need something a bit more for my hair and tail.

Ah, fuck it, no one else is home with me. I quickly made my way out of my bathroom and through my bedroom out into the hallway. I felt a little exposed, being naked outside of my room-my ‘space,’ as it was - but obviously no one could see me anyway. I made my way to my parents’ bedroom, and into their bathroom. I quickly found what I was after - my mom’s hair dryer. I grabbed it and bolted back to my bathroom with it, my wet feet pitter-pattering on the tiles. I plugged it in and set about drying my hair and tail. The warm air from the appliance felt really nice, and every time it passed by my ears, I could feel them twitch at the sensation. When it came to drying my tail, I just held it in front of me, and just ran the dryer over it, brushing my hands through the soft fur so it wouldn’t get tangled.

I turned off the hair dryer and put it down on the shelf next to my sink; I was definitely going to need it again. I pushed my bathroom door open and stepped back into my bedroom. I excitedly leaped back into my bed, my tail coming to rest between my legs so I wasn’t lying on it. I stretched my arms over my head. Normally I would feel self-conscious about still being naked, but for whatever reason I felt entirely comfortable, invigorated even. I started softly wiggling. First my toes, then my legs, then my tail, then my whole body. Whether or not the feeling was related to my transformation or my parents not being home to arrogantly barge into my room, my personal space, without even the slightest thought of what I want, I don't know.

My eyelids started to feel heavy. I brought my tail up to hold it, appreciating just how soft it was, and was soon fast asleep, completely at ease.

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