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Alexia slowly tells me about her past.

"I was seriously injured a long time ago, and it was the Great Spirit who saved me."

 When Alexia was still a child, she was attacked by robbers.

 She managed to survive, but for a while Alexia did not regain consciousness.

"No matter who I tell, they say there was no such spirit. But I believe the Great Spirit cured me."

 Alexia says with a wry smile.

 I don't know if there really was a Great Spirit or not.

 But as a reincarnated person who came to this world, it is quite possible that the Great Spirit appeared to her in a dream and healed her.

"So I went into the church because I wanted to see the Great Spirit again. But I didn't have the talent for holy magic, so I became a priest ....... I'm enjoying this life, though. ......"

"I see. The reason why you came to this territory is also because you might be able to meet that spirit?"

  Since there is already a spirit called Lam, it is not surprising that another spirit will appear.

  If there is a problem, it's still Al right here i

 Lambs in this field .......

 If it's the same as the lam, isn't it a spirit?

 Alexia is going to be furious because he's trying to eat it, but for some reason she's watching from the sidelines.

'That's one thing. I believe Yuri-sama can co-exist with the spirits as well."

 Alexia's eyes don't seem to be smiling.

 I think there is a problem with this meat field, after all.

'Oh, it's not good to take too much meat from the fields, right? Yes.

Why not, brother? We've raised them so well, you know?

"Yes, that's right. I'm sure you have to acknowledge Al-kun's hard work."

 For some reason, Alexia also chides me.

 Don't tell me she doesn't realize it?

 No, I guess not.

 In other words, there is nothing wrong with this field as far as Alexia is concerned.

'That's true, too. Keep up the good work."

'My brother finally praised me! Yay!"

"Hmmm, that's great."

'Yup, thanks to the help of titty sis!"

 Al was jumping up and down with so much joy that he almost did a little leap.

 Alexia watched him with pleasure.

 I wonder where ...... common sense has gone?

 Although the original purpose has gone somewhere, it still seems to have properly brought the children together, so I decided to rest easy for the time being.

         ◇ ◇ ◇

A few days after seeing Al's field.

 Suddenly Al appeared under me looking panicked.

"Brother, we have a problem! Gilded Pimpernel is here!"

"Gilded Pimpernel?"

 Al's report was somewhat confusing.

 I am sure he is telling the truth about what it looks like, so something shining in gold must have come to this territory.

 A person who is likely to come with such bad taste.

 Perhaps it is of a certain high status.

 It is even possible that Miranda, who was sent into the sky, has appeared again.

 Or it could be a nearby rich nobleman or .......

 I'm so busy with my territory that I don't have much information about the inner workings of the kingdom of Inlák.

 As far as I know, I haven't been able to greet any of the nobles nearby, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was someone like Viscount Gessloo.

 Well, even if such a person came, he would know from the nose that there is no money in my territory.

 All I would have to do is offer them the same hospitality as usual.

"I remember there was some kind of strange bird or sword painted on the side '

"...... bird?"

 Is it so remarkable to have such a picture painted on the wall?

 But then, it is ...... somewhat imaginable.

 For example, it seems that there was such a crest on the flag flown at the king's castle. ......

'Wait a minute! Doesn't that mean someone from the royal family is here?!"

'I don't know that much. I only saw it from a distance."

 If the other party is really royalty, it's not good to keep them waiting.

 I quickly finished my preparations and dressed myself and rushed out of the room.

"Also, a suspicious group of people with strange boxes came from the opposite direction: ......, brother, you're going too fast!"

 He was still trying to report the incident, but I had no time for that, so I hurried to the place where the royalty-like people had come from.