I am…
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  content warning: masturbation, sexual refere9, nudity 

It was dark. The Young Man remembered touching the metal object, then extreme pain... and now, dark. Suddenly, a cracked of light appeared, and he Reached for it, his hand impacting a hard surface... One that was crumbling away. He pulled back, aimed for the light, then punched...

[24 hours after The egg formed.]

Tyrlith was watching the egg move. Then a loud POP, and a Scaled Hand burst out.

"Brother, It's time!"

Falnirth Awoke, Looking toward the egg as well. 

The hand Was joined by another, Then a hole was widened... they caught a glimpse of Scales, befits the entire egg burst in a shower if bright sparks.

A sweet, songbird-like voice demanded "What the Hell did you do to me?"

Standing before them was what appeared to be a young woman, except... There was something No woman would gave.

She(?) Had Draconic scales, in patches, on the face, neck, shoulders, back, breast, hips, legs, and wings, as well as a muscular tail. Horns curved backwards from her forehead, arcing forward a bit first, looking like a Heart-shaped White Frame for her Silky black hair. Her skin As pale as bone, with Pink and Purple scales, and green wing membranes. Her hands and feet completely draconic, her face mostly human, and eyes with Inverted colors, black where they should be white, and vice-versa, but with the same chestnut-brown as before... 

Tyrlith was surprised, but Falnirth was staring, his mouth agape. Tyrlith moved her Golden Head in close.


"Yeah. So, what did you do? And what's wrong with my voice. My body feels weird."


Alarmed by Falnirth's outburst, The night guard charged in, followed by that mornings Guard. It was right at shift change, 5A.M.

"My Lord, My Lady, Whats wrong? We heard screaming and WHATTHEFUCKISTHATTHING!"

Amilis, the night guard froze, a look of fear on her face. And her Releif, Chaska, laughed...

"So this is what you did to the fella that got caught peeping on me and Shirl, eh? I like it. Big improvement."

"Good timing, girls. Bring us a full-length mirror. And some proper clothing, An Initiates robe will suffice."

"Yes, Lady Tyrlith" Chaska left, but amilis simply stood there, stuttering. "Eh?" As she tried to come to terms with the transformation of the rather handsome, she thought, young man that had Been brought in the night before... then she collapsed, eyes seemingly swirling, steam coming from her head... 

"Oh dear. Amilis is down again."

"Wait... why are my hands so small... and scaly?" Arin looked down. "BREASTS? WHY DO I HAVE... WHATS THIS! OH GOD, WHY IS IT ALL RIDGED? AND BELOW ITS COMPANION IS... DEAR GODS AND DEMONS, I HAVE A VAG! WAIT..." She froze. Looked at her left hand. Looked at her right hand. "If both my hands are here then... What did i just touch my downstairs with?" She slowly reached down behind her... "OH SHIT, A TAIL! ITS SO SMOOTH AND-" Her body spasmed. "S-S-Sensitive... note to self: don't rub the tip... oh! My legs are all wet now. Wait a minute... HEY! WHY DID I SHRINK?"

Tyrlith chuckled... "You just Technically masturbated in public, and you are worried about being a bit smaller? Well, as far as I can tell, all that height is now a part of your tail, hips, and wings... plus those cute little B-cup's..."

"HEY!" Arin covered her chest... then dropped her arms. "Why am I offended by that? What did you do to me?"

At this time, Chaska returned with a mirror and a Red robe, and Arin saw her changed body.

"Holy shit, im hot. Wow, my eyes are intense... i... cant... look... away..." The red robe was thrown over her head.

"Put that on, Voyeur, before I do something I'd regret."

"Oh god, thank you. Please get rid of that mirror... I almost lost myself..."

A voice from the heavens spoke.

<Allow me to explain. I am Anne, Goddess of the Humans... and I've chosen to sacrifice you, my child.>

"What the fuck do you mean, sacrifice?"

<well... Varanoth, My dearest eldest brother, was sad. These two, his children, all that remains of the true dragons. So... I helped him. My siblings and I. But you can't get mad, you Accepted the proposal.>


<the proposal. That magic Choker was called the twin dragons wedding band. Congratulations on your marriage.> 


<As for what it does, in addition to bind your soul forever to theirs, well... it changed you. You are now their perfect mate. A Phallus for Tyrlith, A Vagina for Falnirth, and A body capable of both conceiving and Siring children. So... yeah... you're their mutual mate now. Oh... you might need this. Farewell.>

A thick book appeared in Arin's hands.

"The care and feeding of a Dragonseed. WTF is THAT?

A deep voice spoke.

<that's you. Duh. A dragonseed, the Seed of a new race of dragons, made to both deliver and receive a Dragons Seed. So... get to it. Chop-chop. I wanna see some grandchildren soon.>


[Hours later, small bedchamber.]

Arin Sat on a bed. Confused. After raging until she fainted, she woke up in this small room, and found the book with a note attached.

{This is your room now. An acolyte will bring you dinner. Have a good night.}

Bored, she opened the book to a random page... 

"Wait, it does WHAT?"

She set the book aside... and reached down under the blanket, to grip her shaft. She started slowly stroking it, when she felt it shift... and suddenly,the blanket was a tent.

"Holy shit, it DOES grow... God, it's longer... and thicker than my arm. I wonder..."

Her left hand moved lower, and reached up, beneath her penis... no testicle, but apparently those were now internal. A fingertip ran along her moist slit, slowly caressing, her head going blank... She slipped a finger in, and resumed her right hands Ministrations on her Penis. Then a naughty idea hit her, and age brought her tail-tip to her mouth... and started sucking on it...

"Mmmmm.... ooh... oh gods, yes... mmmm..." she gave the tail a hard suck and flick of the tongue, thrust three fingers in deep, and gave the shaft one last jerk... "ffffuuuuuuck!" A plate broke... and she looked up into the eyes of a very shocked Acolyte... just as she came, soaking the bed and her hands, and sending a long, thick rope of cum across the room, straight into the poor young girls face... and her mouth was open...

The girl licked her lips. "Hmm. Tasty." She giggled. "Food is here, if you are hungry. Bye now, and thank for the Snack...