Hatching of the… plan.
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??? POV 

The old men sat in a circle. These five, all that remained. Almost 200 years ago, they were amongst the last summoned. Heroes. Together, these five slew the Demon God, and his beloved Succubus Queen. They formed A religious order, and founded their own country.

Now, they sat with an oracle.

"Remy, Remy, mon amie... Your Grandchild has awakened that curse, And become that which we hate."

A wrinkled of fool laughed. "Which one? You know around a quarter of the people are Remy-boys Get."

A man with silver hair, muscles, and a handlebar mustache glared. "Shut up, Beau! You're just jealous I found the Elixer of youth Abd didn't Share. It's not my fault it made me more virile."

The other men laughed.

"But that's not all, Mon Amie. A child of man has Been cast to the Lizards. Turned into a bastardization of humanity to serve as breeding stock. These so called Dragons have gone too far. The great one commands their destruction."

"Well... alright then. I'll gather the army. Thank God, I've been Eager for a good holy war."

Remy stood and left. The others watched him go. Their oracle, a young girl this time, began shaking... then her head exploded. The four remaining men, long since having given up their humanity, began to feast on her corpse...


A dark place.

He smiled. A Crack appeared in his prison. Soon, his corrupted 'heroes' would destroy another god... and his shackles would break. Ulthir, the God of undeath, would rise again... and the world would fall...

The dreamer awoke with a start. A Dragon-blooded Dwelf, She stared at her fellow slaves. The knowledge of her dream fading from memory.


Chaska POV

Fira was an odd one. Or so they said. The other rider's had no idea.

Fira slept I'm the stables, sharing a berth with her beloved Storm. But they didn't know the truth.

Fira prayed every night to the dragon God, for a miracle... and just like every night, she followed her prayers with her Routine.

Chaska stood in the doorway, hidden by A bale of hay, as she enjoyed the show.

A young girl with Firey red hair and golden eyes Arched her back, Screaming in pleasure, as the 9 foot tall Black Wyvern Thrust Into her.

"Oh gods, Storm! YES! HARDER! Oh yes!... impregnate me! Make me birth your brood! OHHHHHH-MNNNNNNN!"

Chaska watched as the Wyvern finished... then lowered his head to lick his rider where they were joined... 

"Oh, storm... maybe the gods will grant my wish..."

"They just might, Fira, Seeing as they Made Ol Cecil Drakons Nephew Into The Lady."


"And landed on his Cock, repeatedly?"

The girl turned red, and started to reply, but was interrupted by a 'splorch-pop' as The Wyverns Shaft Retracted. Fluids oozed down her legs.

"Look, Fira, I Ain't telling nobody. So ya get yer rocks off with a Wyvern, so what? Those Centaurs down south Breed with horses, when they've a shortage of Men. I won't judge."

"Okay... but promise not to tell?"

"I promise, little sister. Besides... after seeing the lady lay an egg that's half her size, THIS seems tame."

"Wait? Really? But how did she..."

"Elastic bones, apparently. Then Our God himself showed up... and she tried to Kill him. Can't say I Blame her... but that's why I'm here. The masters have human forms now, and we need you ta fetch yer cousin. Tell er to bring only the finest, fireproof materials. And boots. The Sleeping cave is STILL very... gooey. Something they don't tell ya bout dragons... GALLONS of afterbirth. Good thing it's JUST lubricating fluid. Imagine of they had live young. Ew."


??? POV 

A few months passed, rumors of war were building... when she made her way toward the mountain. Freedom from captivity in a Stone, held by a dark wizard... 

She felt her love Shout in her mind... but she was too far from his seat of power. Her White Wings Carried her high above the Clouds.

"Tyrlith. Falnirth. Please be Alive. Mommy's coming." After nearly 200 years in a magical prison, a sealed pocket dimension, Clarion The White, The Angel Dragon, Was free. And In for a very pleasant Surprise.

The Dragon God was Overjoyed... His beloved was ALIVE. His family not only Whole once more, but Expanded. 

Neither knew at the time, but both had the same thought... "I WILL PROTECT WHATS MINE FROM HARM. THE HEROES MUST FALL."

The White Dragon Flew onward, Shadowed by the Dark Eyes of her godly lover.

Yay! CLARION! also, WyvernXHuman. And so e bad plotting. Btw, a Dwelf is a crossbreed between Dwarf and Elf. A draconic Dwelf is a Crossbreed between a Dwelf and a lesser dragon-kin, usually a Dragonewt or Lizardfolk. Just so you know.