Chapter 16: “I will confess to you tomorrow”
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Daichi Itakura:

"Here we come!"

Otosaki happily announced as we reached the arcade. I used to come here in this arcade several times with Keiichi. But I had never come with anyone else before.

But I didn't know Otosaki liked coming to arcade.

"Hey Otosaki."


"Do you come here regularly?"

"I used to during middle school. With Rintaro..."

As soon as she said Rintaro, her face turned gloomy. Ugh... it was my fault for asking.

"I'm sorry Otosaki. I shouldn't have asked."

"Hmm? No, you don't have to worry."

Otosaki then held my hand and smiled.

"I'm happy because Daichi-kun is with me today."

"I-I see."

Man... my heart could barely tackle her cuteness.

"So what do you want to play, Daichi-kun?"

"Me? No, you tell me. You're the one who wanted to come."

"No... actually my choice of games might not be liked by you."

"Oh don't worry about that. I specifically want to play what Otosaki likes."

"J-Jeez you're so stubborn."

Otosaki lightly hit my arms while we both went to the destination. 

The first game she chose was a regular 1v1 adventure video game. I used to play a lot of this type of games a few years ago.

"So, Daichi-kun are you ready?"

"Of course."

"Fufu I'm going to win anyway."

"Haha I hope you won't cry after losing."

And so it began...

After 5 minutes, I already won 2 rounds. 

"Ughh... Daichi-kun you're better than what I thought."

"Well, I'm not even trying my best. Because it will be too humiliating for you, so I won't."


I could see the cute sulking face of Otosaki. Meanwhile I was on my way to win the third round too.

At that moment, Otosaki called me.



I looked at her, and she was pouting at me with teary eyes.



Suddenly as I was distracted, I heard a victory sound from the game. I finally realized what just happened.

"Yahoo! I won!"

The tears were no more in Otosaki's eyes. She really played me well.

"Damn you're such a sly girl, aren't you?"

"Haha. Daichi-kun, you know everything is fair in love and games."

"Alright... Let's play another round."

"Of course."

We kept on playing our heart out. Honestly I had really fun. After a long time, I realized that it was already evening.

"Ah Otosaki, it's almost 7 P.M."

"Eh... so that means..."

"Yeah we have to go home."

Otosaki looked disappointed but she accepted in the end.

As we were about to leave, I saw Otosaki's eyes were on something else.

"What are you watching?"

"N-No... nothing."

As I followed the way she was looking, I found... a big fat cat-shaped plushie.

"Oh... you want that plushie?"

"C-Come on, I'm not a child."

"Don't be embarrassed, Otosaki. I guess most girls love plushie regardless of their age. So, do you want it?"

Otosaki meekly nodded. It was extremely cute.

"Great. I'll get it for you."

"Umm... actually we have to play the claw crane game to win the prize."

"Oh I see."

In this game, one need to pay money and get a chance to control the claw to pick a prize. However it's really difficult to control the claw.

"Okay, let me try. I have some money left."

"You don't need to waste money."

"It's okay. Let me try at least once."

And so I tried once... and failed. 

"Jeez, it was really hard."

"It's okay, Daichi-kun. Let's leave."

"No, I want to try once more."


Even after the warnings of Otosaki, I still wanted to try to get that prize. 

And at the second try... I again failed. 

Now, the problem was, if I tried a third time, I wouldn't have any money left to go home.

Otosaki lightly hit my head as I was thinking too much.

"Can you not hear me, Daichi-kun? Stop wasting money. Let's go."

"A-Ah Okay."

I couldn't help but agree to her.

We both left the arcade and reached the bus station where we had to part ways. Even though we had so much fun, I still wanted to gift Otosaki that plushie which I couldn't.

While I was extremely disappointed with myself, suddenly I noticed something in the nearby gift shop.

"What are you looking at, Daichi-kun?"

"You just wait a minute, Otosaki."


I asked her to wait and stormed into that gift shop. Within a minute I came back with a surprise for Otosaki. 

"Where were you--- Eh...."

Otosaki was fascinated to see what I was carrying in my hands. It was exactly a similar cat-shaped plushie that was there in the arcade. And it was sold at almost half the price so I could easily buy it.

"I'm sorry I couldn't win this there. But I could buy it for you in the end."

Otosaki held the plushie and pouted.

"You... I told you not to waste money."

"It's not wasting money if I spend for someone really important for me."

As soon as I said that, I realized I spoke too much. Otosaki's face became reddened as usual. However she was surprisingly calm.

She hugged the plushie and glaced at me with her cute eyes.

"Am I important to Daichi-kun?"

"Yes. Of course."

"How important am I to you, Daichi-kun?"


How could I answer this now?

"Ah... I-I honestly can't say... but I guess.. almost as important as family..."

"Family huh.... my family never really loved me though."

"Eh? Otosaki what are you saying?"

"My mom and dad have gotten divorce 3 years ago. Dad never contacted me since then. My mom works away, and even on holidays she doesn't stay and comes home very late. And she also doesn't care about me and barely talk to me. It's almost like I'm living alone."


Now it's understandable why Otosaki's mental condition was generally so bad. And she never really liked to go home. She also barely had any friends in school.

I couldn't help but gently stroke her heads. She didn't respond but it seemed like she didn't hate it.

"You know Daichi-kun?"


She smiled at me and said.

"That's why Daichi-kun is more important than anyone for me."


It's over...

I'm... completely fallen head over heels for her, aren't I?

Now it's that time again...

I fell in love with Otosaki... and I had to confess... again... 

Once again...

I was having Vietnam flashbacks of all those previous rejections.


Suddenly Otosaki's bus arrived... at the worst time.

Otosaki prepared to get into the bus but she looked back at me one last time. She once again hugged her plushie and said,

"I will cherish your gift forever, Daichi-kun. See you tomorrow."

"S-See you."

I waved at her as her bus left.

I couldn't hold back anymore. 

Maybe not today, but tomorrow I need to get myself together and confess to her.

Otosaki... see you tomorrow. 

Otosaki Rei:

I waved at Daichi-kun as he slowly disappeared from my view.

And so my happiness....

I would see Daichi-kun again next day. There was still about 14 hours left.

14 hours! 

Ugh... I couldn't wait.

If only I lived together with him....

Then... I would always be clinging on to his arms, even during sleeping. 


I buried my face in the plushie as I was having my delusional dreams. 

But... Daichi-kun was also surrounded by other girls like Tachibana senpai and Yanami-san. 

If I didn't get serious I might lose Daichi-kun to them.

I decided...

There was no way I could hold back anymore. 

Maybe not today, but tomorrow I need to get myself together and confess to him.

Daichi-kun... I love you. See you tomorrow. 

[To be continued]

I was extremely busy last week so couldn't update. I'm sorry. If you liked this chapter, please give it a like. >_<