Chapter 10: The First Match
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Zeek surveyed the concrete waiting area of the arena, noticing the outline of a door, a crystal embedded in the ceiling, and a bench with a strange fabric and a note placed on top. He picked up the note, his eyes darting over the words, "Dear hero, please change into this outfit and leave your crystal before exiting." He threw the note aside and placed the crystal on the bench before picking up the outfit, feeling the alien fabric almost alive between his fingers.

He stretched and twisted it around, testing its limits. There were no openings except for the neck hole and hand holes. Zeek scratched his head, muttering, "I guess I just go through the neck hole."

He began to undress before slipping through the neck hole of the strange outfit, pulling it all the way up and slipping his arms in and through the sleeves. As he did, the outfit glowed faintly before compressing itself to his body, hardening at the feet and forming shoes. When the glow faded, it morphed into something that felt like hardened leather. The white color changed to red and black, solidifying the outfit.

A vibration broke Zeek out of his thoughts, and the crystal above him glowed. It was time. Heart racing, he watched as the outline of the door on the wall glowed, and the slab of cement slid up, revealing the battlefield of the arena. The crowd roared and chanted 'Homelander' as Zeek stepped onto the arena floor. The splatters of blood scattered across it, and smoke billowed from craters that decorated the floor like a meteor shower had struck.

The battlefield glowed as the debris and smoke disappeared, almost like it was reset. Zeek took off, hovering and gliding over to the middle of the arena.

He spotted a familiar red, white, and blue Cape across the battlefield, and a smug smile worked its way onto his face. Homelander also gave his own menacing smile as he stopped just a couple dozen feet away from Zeek.

The crowd sporadically threw slurs at Zeek, displaying their disappointment with Estaria. Zeek was unfazed, his confidence unwavering.

Homelander basked in the deafening cheers of the crowd, the thunderous applause echoing in his ears like a symphony. He beamed with delight and shouted out, "You hear that, bitch? They're calling out to their God! Their one and only!" His voice echoed through the stadium, radiating with power and intensity as if he was born to be worshipped. His eyes glimmered with a burning passion, a sense of grandeur that could not be extinguished, and a powerful presence that could not be denied. He was a God among men, and he knew it.

"PFFFFFT!" Zeek spat, his face contorted in a mix of uncontrollable laughter and condescension. "Your parents must be so proud of you," he sang, his voice dripping with sarcasm and disdain. He couldn't help but feel a twitch of smug satisfaction as he watched Homelander's face flush with rage.

A thick vein bulged on Homelander's forehead as his forced smile twisted into a menacing sneer, "You think that's funny? When you die, you won't be laughing. I'm going to have a real good time fucking your little girlfriend." Zeeks' brow furrowed in anger, and Homelander continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, that's more like it. You know what? I think I'll just add another notch under my belt. That princess looks like she'd be really comfortable with a cock down her throat. I bet she won't even flinch."

Zeek's face twisted with rage, his muscled body tensing like iron.

An enormous screen lit up the sky with a 10-second countdown, and the crowd erupted in a thunderous chant.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2!" The seconds felt like minutes, and Zeek focused his mind, blocking out the noise as he prepared for battle.

"1!" The deafening roar of the crowd shook the entire arena. Homelander let out a smug laugh as he stared down Zeek, ready to fight.

BRRRRRRRRRRRR! A horn sounded, signifying the start of the match. "I'm gonna make you eat your own dick!" Zeek shouted, his voice ringing with raw intensity. He fixed Homelander with a cold, hard gaze, daring him to make a move.

Homelander flew forward, passing through Zeek as his afterimage faded away. He stopped abruptly, his eyes darting around the arena in search of his elusive foe. Suddenly, a tap on his shoulder sent a chill down his spine. He whipped around, throwing a panicked elbow. But Zeek had already anticipated the move, ducking underneath the blow with ease.

Homelander continued to throw punches frantically, yet each one was easily evaded. As he did, Zeek's mouth began to curl into a sinister smile. Finally, Zeek allowed one of the punches to land with a thunderous crack, sending a shockwave through the arena.

Homelander gazed at Zeek, watching a single drop of blood trickle down his chin, and smugly proclaimed, "Got you, bitch. All you can do is run like a little pussy-"

His words were cut short by a maniacal cackle from Zeek, who replied, "So this is the power of a god? How... disappointing." Zeek then grabbed Homelander's arm and, with a sharp tug, snapped his wrist, leaving his hand dangling by the skin.

Zeek's sadistic smirk spread wide across his face, "Too frail," he taunted.

In a flash, Homelander lashed out with his other arm, but Zeek caught it.

"Too weak," he uttered, snapping his arm at the elbow and kicking his knee in, sending him sprawling.

He grabbed Homelander by the hair and hoisted his body up in the air. "You thought you could get away with all those empty words about my women?"

Homelander's arrogant facade remained, "Fuck you and your whore's!" and he spat in Zeek's face.

Zeek wiped the blood and saliva off and shook his head. "I wanted to keep this civil, but it looks like I have to make an example out of you. Maybe this will be enough to make up for the irritation you caused when you talked about Lydia and Angela."

He released his grip, leaving Homelander on his knees. Zeek then grabbed his lower jaw, and with all his might, he twisted and crushed it. It hung by flesh and muscle as Homelander screamed in gurgles.

In a panic, Homelander's eyes lit up with a glowing red and shot out lasers, singeing Zeek's suit and leaving black soot marks on his chest.

Zeek ducked and, with a swift motion, ripped off Homelander's dick.

The lasers stopped, and wails of pain replaced them. With a closed fist, Zeek shoved the amputated organ down Homelander's throat, muffling his screams. He pulled out his hand and kicked the lifeless body over. The gruesome scene was set, and the silence was deafening.

The arena was so eerily still that the only sound was the gentle patter of Zeek's feet. As he stepped closer to the center, the screen in the sky lit up, and the announcement was made, "Winner Zeek Mora!"

No one uttered a word, but the whispers of awe began to ripple throughout the crowd. The door Zeek had emerged from slowly opened, and he walked towards it with a calm but determined stride.

When he arrived in the concrete room, he found two glowing crystals, one blue and one red, with a piece of paper next to them. He sat on the bench and wiped his bloody hands on the clothes he had left there, then picked up the note and read it. "Congratulations! Please grip the Red crystal and say 'Reward' to see a list of the rewards offered by the defeated kingdom."

Zeek took a deep breath, tossed the note away, and grasped the red crystal. He murmured, "Reward." In unison, the crystal shone a deep crimson, and a small screen appeared out of it. On the screen was a list of rewards: 50 architects, 50 Agriculture experts, 300,000 Gold, and access to the kingdom of Jordan's trading routes. His victory had been rewarded.

Zeek's hand hovered over the red crystal, his mind working quickly to make a decision. He tapped his fingers on the surface of the crystal, pondering the choices before him - two options to choose from to help rebuild Estaria.

"I can pick two, right?" he thought to himself. He frowned, feeling the weight of his responsibility.

"What use is money when there's nowhere to spend it? The trading routes are a definite yes. So that just leaves the architects and Agriculture experts."

He closed his eyes, trying to recall what type of land Estaria was on. Images of lush green woodlands and rolling hills filled his mind. "There are woodland areas nearby, so I guess we could use the architects to rebuild the city outside the walls. But that would take laborers, and I'm not sure how many the common people could provide."

He sighed, thinking of the shortage of servants and maids. "Agricultural experts would be the best choice." Zeek tapped his choices with his finger, and the crystal glowed brighter before vibrating and transforming into dust. He smiled, eager to return home to Lydia, Angela, and, unexpectedly, Tera. Taking the blue crystal in his hand, he squeezed it lightly as he said, "Transport."


The heavy silence in the war room was only broken when King Jora spoke, "I wonder what reward he chose." Lydia, Angela, and Tera stared at him with disapproving looks on their faces. He quickly added, "I mean, it's a relief that he won without getting injured."

The room was filled with a bright light, and the figure of Zeek appeared atop the table. He looked around the room and asked, "What did I miss?"

Lydia stood, offering him a hand towel from her pocket. Zeek jumped down and, as he took the towel, noticed he was covered in blood. He wiped his face and hands before glancing at Angela and Tera.

Tera gave him a smirk while Angela smiled with relief.

King Jora stood and patted Zeek on the back, "Well done! What did you end up choosing as the reward?" Zeek smiled, "Fifty agricultural experts and access to the Kingdom of Jordan's trading routes."

The King's smile widened, "Perfect! We'll have them stay on the second floor when they arrive." He rubbed his chin in thought, "I'll have to make some presentations and plans for how we will use the trading routes. With this, we can slowly rebuild what Estaria has lost over the century." He gave Zeek another pat on the back before leaving the room.

Angela stood up and walked over next to Lydia. They both looked at Zeek with a penetrating intensity, their eyes blazing with anticipation. Zeek smiled and said," Oh, right." He pulled the two girls together and thought for a moment.

'Who should I kiss first?'

He knew the answer to that question, and he turned to Lydia first.

He met her eyes, and they locked gazes as she shook her head and nodded to Angela, whose eyes darted left and right nervously.

'You're too kind, Lydia.'

Zeek pulled Angela closer, his lips pressing against hers in a passionate kiss. He felt her body tremble as their tongues intertwined, and fire raced through his veins. She moaned softly, her arms wrapping around him as blood stained her clothes. His heart raced as he felt her breath become heavy, and he reveled in the sensation of giving her what she wanted. In that moment, none of her commanding attitude mattered - he was just happy to make her happy. When Zeek pulled away, a line of saliva connecting their lips snapped, causing a wave of heat to rush through Angela's body. Her cheeks flushed a deep red as she mumbled sweet nothings to herself, and her eyes twinkled with joy - it was her first kiss.

Zeek released Angela and turned to Lydia, who patiently waited her turn.

Zeek's eyes glowed with passionate desire as he tenderly wrapped his arms around Lydia's waist, lifting her off the ground. They locked gazes like two long-lost lovers who had been apart for far too long. Lydia intertwined her arms around Zeek's neck and leaned forward slowly, pressing her lips against his. Their kiss was electrifying, deeper, and more intense than anything they had shared before. Zeek ran his hands along Lydia's curves, caressing her ass as the kiss grew more passionate. Lydia wrapped her legs around his waist and savored every second of their embrace.

Tera's sudden cough startled them both out of their trance, and Zeek quickly let go of Lydia. He scratched his cheek in embarrassment and said," My bad. I got a little carried away there."

Tera gave him a longing look, clearly expecting her turn to kiss him.

He walked over to her and patted her on the head, whispering in her ear, "I'll give you what I promised at another time." She pouted, and her cheeks puffed out, making Zeek chuckle.

Zeek stretched and announced," I'm going to go take a bath."