Chapter 4
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In the rocky terrain of royal family's training ground, two figures can be seen clashing with each other. Both individuals are moving at a such a high-speed that it is impossible for human eyes to see anything more than blurs moving around.

The figures are of course Vidar and Hela. The royal twins are doing one of their daily sparrings. 

It's been 15 years since Hela and Vidar got their Godly powers unsealed by Odin and they are 30 years old now but they still looks like 15 years old teenagers.

They train every day in this training ground to get better at using their powers and to improve their overall combat strength. When they were 25 years old, they learned everything from the academy and graduated from it early. So, other than studying under Vor to learn more about political stuff and their royal duties, the twins spend most of their time to train here or with Hildegarde.  

As soon as Hela's feet touched the ground, she rushed forward, unleashing a punch surrounded by a black divine aura with green hue at her brother who meets her fist with his own fist covered in white divine aura.


The result of their clash was an immense shockwave that split the ground and caused cracks to open all around them. They had been trading punches and kicks with each other for the past three hours which resulted in a disastrous sight of the train ground being filled with massive craters.

Hela once again throws another punch but before her fist could come in connect with Vidar's face, he raised his hand towards her face and manifested an extremely bright white orb in his palm before releasing it at Hela.

Hela who was off balance due to having her arm extend to punch Vidar, was unable to move aside in time to dodge the white orb coming towards her face, so she erected a fragile energy shield to reduce some of Vidar's attack's damage.


The moment the orb come in contact with Hela's face, it exploded in a blinding flash of white light, creating a gigantic shockwave that blows everything away without prejudice. The princess of Asgard was blasted a great distance away. Only after colliding with a rock wall, she was able to stop.

Hela groaned, as she slowly gets on her feet, there was blood trailing down her nose and her mind was dizzy with pain, Vidar's blow was so powerful that she can feel all the bones in her body ache and her brain shake. 

"Well, I take it that it's my win. Right dear sister." Vidar said with a mocking smile. 

"Just you wait, tomorrow I will bury you in the ground with my punches!" Hela who just recover from Vidar's last attack promises vengeance after seeing his mocking face.

The royal twins continue to banter with each other on their way to attend their lessons with Vor.

I had improved my battle powers greatly throughout the years and my godly domain over destruction allows me to destroy anything as long as I am capable of supplying enough energy required for the task. I can manipulate this destructive energy to release it as orbs of destruction or as beam like blasts at his enemies. It is also possible to coat my body with destruction energy to inflict additional damage to my enemies through my punches and kicks.

There are not many Asgardians who can withstand my destruction energy and for Hela to come out practically unharmed from my attacks shows just how powerful she is.   

My divinity of destruction is divided in two different abilities. First is my ability to channel the energy of destruction from my inner dimension into my body to enhance it or to release this energy as energy blasts.

My second and most powerful ability is my ocular ability which allows me to see various energies that are not visible to normal eyes and also enables me to see in a 360º field of vision around me and penetrate almost any object, allowing me to see through walls, peer underground, or even examine the contents of a person's body whenever I channel my Godly power through my eyes.    

Now why are my eyes the more powerful than the power of destruction that I wield? Well, it's simple my eyes are connected to my destruction divinity and allows me to destroy anything easily. My eyes enable me to perceive the END. In simple terms I can see the conceptual 'END of an Existence,' as visual signals in the form of Lines of End or Points of End as I like to call them. By pushing my energy of destruction into these lines and points of End, I can virtually destroy anything and bring its End. 

Energy of destruction is just an over charged violent energy that is highly destructive in nature. Without using my ocular ability to perceive End my energy of destruction would not have been as strong and dangerous as it is now.   

As for Hela's progress in her divinity, let's just say she will be the worst nightmare of any army out in the universe. 

After experimenting with her divine energy on several animals, she found out that she can not only absorb life-force out of living being but also, revive them as her servants using her domain of death. 

She can conjure weapons using Seidr and then imbue these weapons with Necro-energy to make Necro-weapons and also use necro-energy fuel other spells making them much deadlier than normal magic attacks. Necro-energy is a force of death wielded by death gods and goddesses and its sole purpose is to kill living beings. Hela uses the godly energy in her inner dimension to convert it into necro-energy to kill her opponents and wounds inflicted by necro-energy cannot be healed easily.

At the mere age of 30, we both have reached the power level of Tier 5 beings through rigorous training which means we are pretty powerful despite still being children.

Long age gods and goddesses of wisdom and knowledge from numerous pantheons came together to create a common ranking system to determine the strength of individual. After debating for a hundred years, yes, they had to argue for a hundred year to finally able to come up with a ranking system with 10 tiers that all advance and spacefaring races in the universe use to rate an individual or an objects power.

The tier 10 is the wall level, a being or an object that can destroy a wall or a big boulder are included in this category. Tier 9 is of people or objects that can destroy a building. Tier 8 is of people or objects that can destroy a city blocks or equivalent areas of space. Tier 7 is city level, in this tier beings or objects can destroy an entire city. Tier 6 is mountain level. Tier 5 is of beings or objects that can destroy a continent or a moon. Tier 4 is world level, in this category individuals and objects can destroy an entire planet. Tier 3 is star system and Tier 2 is galaxy level, it includes scary beings and objects that can completely wipe out an entire galaxy and last is the Tier 1, anyone or anything of this level can destroy the whole universe.   

There are approximately 50 million Asgardian living in Asgard and an average Aesir male or female without any combat training is a Tier 8 being. The power level of us Aesir increase as we grow old or through training. Once trained in combat or Seidr the power of an Asgardian can easily reach Tier 7 and as an Asgardian grew old, their strength steadily rise with their age making them reach Tier 6 when they are thousands of years old, 

Currently less than a million Aesir with power level of Tier 6 and around a hundred Aesir who have ascended as gods and goddesses that possesses the power of tier 5 beings, me and Hela also come in this category. As for Tier 4, there are only four Asgardians that have achieve this level in Asgard.   


After completing their lessons, the twins are now sitting in the library, reading about the war their grandfather Bor waged with the Dark Elves. 

"Brother, why did grandfather drive all the dark elves to extinct. After slaying their ruler Malekith the Accursed was it not possible to make peace with them?" Hela looked up from the records of war she was reading and asked her older twin.

"Well, there are many reasons why he did not spare any dark elves." Vidar said causing Hela to look at him with a look saying, 'please elaborate' and with a tired sigh he begins to explain, "If you take grandfather's vindictive personality into count, the countless Asgardians that died in the war and the fact he would not have wanted any other dark elf to rise as their new rule to once again start another war to bring about the eternal night in the universe then it is not strange that our grandfather decided to end the entire race of dark elves." Vidar said before turning back to read the book in his hand.

Though Vidar knew that the dark elves are still lives from the knowledge of his previous life, but he chose not to mention this because he has no way of finding them or any other solid evidence to prove their existence, so there is no need for him to stress about them right now, he will take care of them when the time is right.  

Hela nodded and retuned back to reading, she was satisfied by Vidar's explanation, but she didn't get to indulge in her reading for too long. 

"Prince Vidar, Princess Hela, I apologize for disturbing you, but the All Father has summoned both of you." Said Lofn one of the handmaidens who have been taking care of them since they were born.

Handmaidens are minor goddesses who had sworn oaths to serve the queen of Asgard, the All-Mother, and even if the seat of the queen is empty right now, they still serve the royal family and take care of some of the All-mother's duties.

Hela looked at Vidar who nodded his head. "All right, if you would led the way, lady Lofn?" Vidar said with a charming smile on his face. He is calling her a lady because All-Mother's handmaidens get the status of a noble lady and because Lofn is a goddess.  

"Of course, my prince." Lofn said while blushing as she led them to a council chamber. 

Soon enough, they were standing in front of a chamber, Lofn announced their presence before she bowed and left. 

When they entered the chamber, they saw ministers, court officials and all the commanders of Asgard's forces present in the chamber. 

"We apologize for the delay in answering your summons All-Father." Vidar said as he and Hela bows gracefully to Odin with a neutral expression on their faces. 

Vidar addresses his father like this because right now it is not his father but Odin the All-Father who was seated on a high throne like chair with Gungnir in his hand while clad in his golden armor. Odin got a furious look on his face and the air was humming due to the immense aura radiating from him.

Both twins had no doubt in their mind that the person sitting in front of them is not their father at the moment but an angry King of Gods and they have no desire to be on the receiving end of his fury for no reason. 

Odin nodded in acknowledgement and said, "Son, daughter take your seats."

The twins took their seats on the huge round table and quietly waited for Odin to begin the meeting. Few more people entered the chamber before the All-Father finally spoke.

"Now that everyone is here, it is time to begin this meeting." Odin sharply signals Lord Kvasir the God of diplomacy and the minister in charge of intergalactic relations and negotiation to speak. 

"My Lords and ladies, we have received a messenger from Vanaheim, the Vanir have stated in the massage that we Asgardians had insulted them by sending a witless fool who only give unwise council. In retaliation for this trick, they have beheaded Mimir the wise and sent his head back to Asgard demanding that we sent princess Hela to them as the hostage if we wish to maintain the peace treaty with them." Lord Kvasir said, he wore a solemn expression on his face while telling them about the message from Vanaheim. 

The round table erupted in murmur upon hearing something so preposterous. 

"Mimir give them 'unwise' council, he is the god of wisdom, his words are never wrong." One of the ministers said in disbelief.

"After murdering Mimir the wise, they have audacity to demand that we send our princess as a hostage!" Odr the God of Rage and the commander of Berserkers said with a voice filled with anger.

"What of Henir, the other hostage we sent to them along with Mimir? What happened to him?" Tyr the God of War and Commander of the Einherjar questions. 

"There is no word from him. We do not know whether he is alive or not." Lord Kvasir answered. 

"Did Njord finally lost his mind due to his old age? How dare he demand for the princess to be send as a hostage to them!" A court official said. 

"Is there any other way to restore the peace treaty with Vanaheim without sending another hostage to them?" A minister asked.

Twins watched in silence from their seats as the more and more yells and declaration of war against Vanir's actions filled the chamber.

They were both outraged upon hearing Njord's demands. Even if Vidar's face was indifferent upon hearing Mimir's death but that changed quickly after hearing the ridiculous demand of send his sister as a hostage. Vidar's destructive aura was threatening to erupt, and his divinity was demanding retribution for this insulting demand but before Vidar could let his anger consume him.    


Odin smashed his fist on the round table creating cracks on it and at the same time his golden aura exploded, pressuring everyone in the chamber causing the chamber to promptly fell silent. 

Odin spoke as his azure eyes burn with visible rage, "Vanaheim has violated the peace treaty by beheading my trusted advisor and claiming him to be a fool. They have insulted Mimir's honor, my honor and Asgard's honor by demanding my daughter and the princess of Asgard as a hostage. There will be no negotiations with Njord because his actions and Vanaheim's actions will not be forgiven, there will be only war!" 

The chamber erupted in bloodthirsty cries and shouts for vengeance, after the All-Father declared war on Vanaheim.   

Vidar gaze roam across the people in the chamber before meeting Hela's determined and excited gaze.

"So, it begins." Vidar whispers in a low voice, he knew that this was just the start of a long champaign to conquer the nine realms.


(Hela's POV)

Father told me and Vidar to stay behind after he concluded the meeting. The ruler of Vanaheim Njord must have truly lost his mind if he thinks that he can win against the forces of Asgard. And how dare he treat me like a bargain piece to use in political games.    

"Father, do you require something of us?" Vidar said when only they are left in the chamber. I watched as father looked at us with his soul piercing gaze for a moment without saying anything.

He broke the silence by saying, "I want both of you to join the vanguard in the war against Vanaheim." I was surprised and confused by hearing his order. 

After graduating from the academy, Asgardians need to pass the warrior's test to join the army and we had not participated in this test yet because it only happens once every five years. 

We have graduated from the academy earlier and we were waiting to do the warrior's test that will happen this year to become warriors and receive our armor and weapons. So, I do not understand how we will join the vanguard without achieving the rank of warriors.

"We have no objection against joining in the war, but how will we fight properly without weapons and armor, father?" I questioned father. 

"We are Gods, daughter and we do not require a tool to destroy our enemies like mortals but If you want to wield weapons and wore armor then you must earn it in the battle by proving your valor." Father replied. 

"We understand father." Vidar said with an impassive expression. "We will not disappoint you."

"Hum" Father nodded. "You may leave now and prepare to departure in five days."

With that we left the meeting chamber and went to the library upon Vidar's suggestion to learn more about Vanaheim.

"Brother what do you think about the war?" I asked my brother who was unusually quiet after the meeting.

"Vanir are being quite stupid." Vidar stops walking and turns to look at me, "...They are called the wise gods in the nine realms, but I see no wisdom in their actions."       

"What do you mean by that brother?" I frowned my brows as I asked him.

Vidar looked at me with an impassive expression on his face before replying, "They have invited the horrors and desolation of war to their realm and their people due to their vanity and stupidity of dreaming to challenging Asgard's might. I cannot believe that they can get any by demanding you as a hostage." Even though Vidar was not showing any emotions on his face, but I can sense the killing intent radiating off him. He must be extremely mad with Vanir because this is the first time, I am seeing him giving off killing intent.

He resumes walking towards the library leaving me wondering what he meant by that. I shook my head and start following him. 

The Vanir will pay for their actions one way or another and Vidar is right they are stupid to challenge Asgard's might.