86. Fever
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Nicholas is sick. 

She belatedly noticed that his eyes looked so unfocused he looked like a drunk three year old obeying her order mechanically. He was still in his cotton pants, no slippers on his feet and barely had his hair combed. Her eyebrows drawn together. She quickly called for her personal doctor to come and then April to get her a few things. 

“He’ll be fine after giving him antipyretics. Meanwhile, he should be left in a comfortable state to rest longer.” Her doctor said before leaving.

Sena was able to feed him a few spoonfuls of chicken gruel before the medicine and she was advised to give him more juice and water to hydrate later. 

Nicholas was burning at 39 degrees that is why he is so out of it. After he was given medicine, she took it upon herself to help the poor guy on a sponge bath. Thank goodness he was so obedient, too obedient she felt bad for laughing at his vulnerable appearance. But all in all, a sick Nikki is a very cute Nikki. 

When attempting to pull his shirt off, she was suddenly faced with a strong resistance. At first she thought he was just feeling cold and did not want to undress. She tried to coax him but the effort was in vain.

“You need to change and wipe the sweat.”

“I will manage.” He said coldly, then brushed her hand off. “I don't need your help, thank you.”

Sena was taken aback. His tone was a complete 360 degrees turn from his usual gentle one.

“You can't even walk straight.” She tried to help again.

He stood from the bed, moved away from her and in a bland tone he said, “Miss, I have told you I can manage. I am waiting for my girlfriend and she is coming to do it for me.” 

Oh, he mistook her for someone else. Sena suddenly found herself smiling. 

“You can leave my room.” He said authoritatively. 

“What if I don’t?” 

Sena was in a rare teasing mood so she tried to play with him, but unfortunately, the attempt failed because he was not his usual friendly self. 

“Out.” He demanded. 

Her heart skipped a beat. The coldness in his eyes chilled her to the bones despite knowing it was not really directed to her. Goodness, who is this person?

Sena grabbed his face and made him look at her. “Look at me, am I not your girlfriend? ” 

Nicholas’ muscles tensed and she could feel he was growing impatient by the minute. When he was about to pluck the cheeky woman off him, his hand paused, and through his bleary eyes he finally recognized who's in front of him. The poor man was part surprised and part confused. Why is his little girlfriend hanging on him? 


Sena's hand holding his face withdrew when he sat down on the bed. 

“What did you call me?”

To her astonishment, he repeated what he said clearly.

“Peanut." He smiled silly and pulled her to sit, “My baby.”

Now, that’s surprising. 

Nicholas scooted closer and hugged her. “There you are, I thought you left me!” 

I’ve been here all this time. She laughed inwardly.

“I’m hungry, there is nothing here.” he whispered while rubbing his stomach. 

“I will make  you something after we are done with this.” Sena waved the moist towel. 

He was quiet for a few moments as if contemplating something very important. To her astonishment, Nicholas took his shirt off and obediently offered himself to be cleaned. Sena did not know where to put her hands all of a sudden. She swallowed her embarrassment, quickly put him back to bed and wiped his body while he was still being obedient. From his neck down to his back, then his arms and his front. 

“This too,” Nicholas suddenly kneeled in front of her and started pulling the drawstring of his cotton pants acting like he was about to undress. “Itchy.”

She was horrified. “No. No! Lie down.” 

She told him to lean on the headboard but he began to be restless again. Nicholas pulled her hand to his thigh, just a little inch closer to his crotch. 

“It was your fault I’m sick anyway.” He murmured to no one in particular but she is certain he was referring to her. 

Sena raised an indignant eyebrow, “And why is it my fault?”

She must be crazy for arguing with a sick person. 

Nicholas ran his hand through his hair then stared at the wall. “You don’t know?”

She shook her head. He chuckled darkly then lowered his head and murmured to her ear, “Of course, you won't, you heartless woman.” 

His fevered breath fanned the side of her cheeks and the heat seemed to seep deep within, spreading all over her body. “Nicholas, lie down!” 

Oh Lord, oh Lord… She’s hyperventilating! She takes her word back, he is not cute. He’s a rascal! 

Nicholas, oblivious to her reaction, smiled foolishly at her. A fierce battle with her rationality, conscience and anger ensued. She reminded herself he was not sober now but anger won so he smacked his leg and told him to behave. 

He groaned then shot her an accusing look as if she kicked his dog, “You are not being nice to me and I’m hungry. I should be fed since it was your fault.” 

Sena could feel her facial muscles twitching. She blew out a frustrated breath, set the wet towel down and put a clean shirt on him. 

“Moving around does not help with your dizziness.” She patted the pillow to beckon him. 

“No!” He hid under the blanket and refused to come out unless she promised she would cook something for him to eat.  

“I will cook for you but I might as well change my mind if you don’t obey.”

The big bulge on the bed squirmed. 

Resigned, Sena cleared all the clutter and went ahead to make him a gruel. When she returned, he was sleeping askew with his left leg dangling on the side of the bed. She had to set him back and wait for him to wake up to eat.

It must be the medicine’s fault, she reasoned. He should have slept as soon as getting medicine but he was awake instead, making her embarrassed to her toes. A quarter of an hour with nothing to do has calmed her down. She saw the half open laptop and was about to close it when the screen lit up. No password or anything? Sena found he wasn’t doing anything particularly important. Instead he was diligently stalking her SNS page and the history declared he had been watching her videos, magazine interviews, pictorials and even her ballet recital when she was twelve years old. No wonder he looked so guilty!

“You opened it.” For some reason, Nicholas was suddenly behind her looking over her shoulder. “Naughty.”

Sena stifled a scream and shut the laptop’s lid faster than lightning. Then she heard him chuckle. She turned to him, hit a knee on the chair and found herself cornered on the desk.

“You saw it, didn’t you?” He asked softly with half-lidded drunken eyes.  

“I, I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have peeked—”

“It’s alright. I don’t mind.” Nicholas murmured, bringing his face closer to hers and with such penetrating gaze boring deep into her soul. 

Sena gripped the edges of the desk hoping to borrow strength from there because she felt her knees were about to give in. The room was entirely silent with only Nicholas’ ragged breathing and her deafening heartbeat punctuating its pervading stillness. 

“Those are beautiful memories.” He said gently. 

She nodded her head. 

“Did you know how much you are loved?” Nicholas asked. 


“I know too and wanted to see it,” he said solemnly. His next words then shocked Sena so much her throat ached from the churning emotions. “Although I could not be a part of that past, I want you to know how equally I adore and love you. Perhaps more. I wish I had been there to protect you… I’m sorry.”

She cried when she realized he was talking about her past life in his last sentence. Not her childhood. 

Nicholas leaned his head on her shoulder and completely fell asleep. After setting him back to the bed, Sena sat beside him and silently watched him for a long while. What did she do to deserve this person? She poked the side of his face and sighed. 

Another thought came, where on earth did he manage to get the link for her old videos and photos? 

Sena looked at the man snoring softly on the bed and bit her lip.

Secretary Jacob came around eleven in the morning to help her with the patient. By one o’clock, Nicholas felt a lot better and the first thing he saw was Jacob in his regular clothes. He felt disappointed somehow and Jacob could see it so plain he could not help but tease him. 

“You thought you’d be seeing Ms Sena’s face? Sorry boss, it’s just me.”

Nicholas rolled his eyes at him and turned his back. “It’s Sunday, what are you doing here?”

“Why, of course, to look after you and make sure you eat your meal.” Jacob rolled the cart with steaming soup, scrambled eggs, two slices of bread and fruit jelly. 

“I don’t have an appetite. I feel like shit.” He grumbled. 

“What do we do with this food then? Miss Sena made it herself and said you have to eat them while—”

“Alright, I’ll eat. Stop being naggy.” Nicholas got up from the bed and took his cutlerties ready to eat, “Was she here?”

Jacob nodded.

The corners of his mouth pulled into a smile, “Why didn’t I see her?”

“After all the trouble you made, you should at least let her have some little rest.” Jacob moved to the side giving him enough view of the seat near the window. 

Nicholas’ hand on the food stopped. His eyes were inadvertently attracted to the woman curled up in the dark blue couch with the cat. Her dainty white feet hang slightly at the edge and both her hands gathered on her chest.   

“She took care of you all morning.” Jacob said. 

Poor baby. His heart softened. 

Dumpling’s ear moved when he heard noises. He jumped away from the couch and walked to where Nicholas was. He hopped on the bed and wandered over a piece of bread he tore. Using his paws, he pushed it back and forth, “I know it’s not as delicious as your food but it’s all I have.”   

There was still a small piece of chicken from his bowl left. Nicholas put it on his palms and lowered it to the cat. Jacob saw him finish the food and moved to take away the dishes.

“I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” Jacob told him.

He nodded, “Thanks.” then turned his attention back to the cat.

Smelling the enticing scent, Dumpling moved his head to the chicken, sniffed it twice then licked off the juice, “That’s a good boy.”    

“Dumpling.” Sena rubbed her eyes, walked from the seat and scratched the cat’s chin. “You just ate a few hours ago.” She took him off the bed and looked at Nicholas. 

“You should sleep more.” He said feeling sorry for her.

“Now you feel bad for me.” Sena snorted airily, “You shouldn’t feed Dumpling on your bed, you will get ants and cockroaches when the smell sticks.”

“Dumpling did a good job at cleaning.” He raised his hand and sniffed. “See? It doesn’t smell like chicken.”   

She narrowed her eyes at him, “How are you feeling?”

“Still heavy but much better than last night. No more headaches.” Nicholas held her right hand, turned it over to see the bruise. “It’s darker now.”

“You should worry about yourself first.” She reprimanded and added a glare, but it was all too weak he did not feel the least threatened. Touched instead. 

Sena’s hand rubbed his head gently then his neck and dropped down to his arm. 

“You’re still hot.” 

“Ah, yes.” He told himself she was just being sweet and worried for him so he let her touch him as much as she wanted. But when her soft hand drilled inside his clothes and made contact with his flesh, he could no longer keep a coherent thought. His throat felt dry and something below him throbbed.

Wait, wait, this is happening too fast. God knows how much he wanted her but he is still down with a flu! He fears his body might not be able to function well and she will get disappointed… it will be the end for him.  

“S-Sena, baby what— what are you doing?”

“Why are you not calling me Peanut now?”

His body tensed and she could tell. 

“Embarrassed?” She teased softly. “You can call me Peanut or NaNa if you like. I won’t get mad.”


Sena saw his throat roll up and down.

“Then, can you tell me first what do you plan on—”

“Hm?” She looked puzzledly at him right before she stuck a cold instrument to his armpit. “Thermometer.”  

“Thermo… well, of course.” he said flatly while profusely wishing for the flu to just kill him right this instant. What the hell was he expecting?

Sena looked at the bulge below his navel then raised an eyebrow at him. He swore he saw mischief glittering in those eyes! 

“Let’s talk about it when you’re in top shape,”  

Nicholas did a double take before dropping his mouth in shock. He wanted to ask her about it but seeing that she was busy with his medicine, he stopped himself. 

“Drink this.” Sena handed him a glass of water and the flu tablet. 

He took it obediently but his eyes never left hers. 

Sena laughed throatily, “What? You should go back to sleep,” 


She stacked the pillows up, climbed to his bed and gently pushed him down. “Sleep. Now.” 

They were both off to dreamland when Jacob came back.