Horrifying Speculations
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"Quick, open fire!"

The soldiers were in an extremely tense state at this time. The fear brought by those mutant monsters was enough to make them jittery. Any slight wind blowing the grass around would stimulate their spirits, let alone the sudden power outage at this moment.

The sudden darkness that came instantly shattered the remaining sanity of the soldiers.

After losing their vision, the soldiers instantly became agitated, and they frantically opened fire at the surrounding area, not caring if they would accidentally injure their own people. They only knew that their gun muzzles would make them feel a slight sense of security.

However, unlike those soldiers, the vast majority of these mutants had the ability to see at night, and as those who had evolved into nature's predators, night vision was often the most basic skill.

The sudden power outage was merely a blur to them, but soon after their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they were able to observe their surroundings unaffected.

Before long, the backup power turned on the emergency lights, re-illuminating the corridor, but the backup emergency lights were really too dark, barely lighting the way, let alone fighting in this dim environment.

Besides, this emergency light was turned on too late.

By the time a soldier in the front row regained his vision through the weak light, all he saw was a bloody mouth suddenly appearing in front of him, and in the next moment, he was swooped to the ground by a huge force, and immediately after that, his neck went cold and he lost consciousness.

"They're rushing over!"

"Fire! Quickly fire!"

"I don't want to die, please, don't."

"Kill you, kill you. Ahhhhhhhh!!!"

Austin hid in the corner of the wall on the second floor, he knew in his heart that the plan had worked, Pietro had destroyed the power supply unit.

He quietly watched this 'audio-visual feast' from a long distance away, the dim environment equally affected Austin's vision, but he could clearly see flickering lights in the distance at the entrance to the first floor, which was the firelight of submachine guns.

Along with the firelight came the sounds of bullets firing and colliding, as well as screams and roars like hell. Even Austin was somewhat unwilling to approach such a terrifying scene.

Not caring about the battle in front of him, Austin casually opened a cell beside him. A young man was locked up inside the cell, he was tightly shrinking in the corner of the wall, looking at Austin with a gaze full of fear.

"Don't, don't kill me!" The young man shrieked and tried to move back, but he had already shrunk to the corner of the wall.

"What's your name?" Austin glanced at him indifferently and asked in a tone that did not carry any emotion.

The boy covered his head. He didn't dare look directly at Austin, and only dared to look at Austin's boots stained with a lot of blood. He said, "My name is John, John Proudstar*."

There are a lot of people named John in the comics, and the probability of re-naming is also very high, Austin can't remember the names of so many people. It's good to remember the code names of some of the heroes, so Austin only thinks that this is a mutant passerby, who hasn't appeared in the comics at all. (T/L: Well Apparently he has appeared in comics-hehe!)

"I'll give you a task. Take these keys and release all the other mutants. The power supply has been destroyed and the electric force field is gone too. Everyone here can escape."

After saying that, Austin threw the keys in front of John, seeing that John didn't act, Austin took out his gun and pointed it at him again. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear, I'll give you two choices, either pick up the key and do as I say, or I'll shoot you to death right now."

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Seeing this, John immediately pounced forward and grabbed the key, and held it up. "Don't kill me, I'll go right away."

In response, Austin didn't have much of a reaction, he just stepped aside, and John's movements were also sharp, his speed and strength were much stronger than normal people, and he opened the lock much faster than Austin.

After outsourcing the task of opening locks, Austin was immediately much more relaxed, opening locks in a dimly lit situation was simply torture.

And at this moment, the battlefield in front of them had also ended the battle. All the soldiers had been wiped out, there wasn't anything more suitable for these monsters to hunt in the darkness. The Nightcrawler was able to kill a soldier every time he teleported, which made him the grim reaper wandering among the soldiers, harvesting fresh lives.

Perhaps these monsters were already full, or perhaps they wanted to escape this cage that had confined them for so long earlier. After killing all these prison guards, they did not stay, but rushed to the first floor without stopping.

Austin silently followed them. The prison guards were just an appetizer. He still needed these mutants to rush out and kill the troops outside.

Those people would not just stand by and watch the inmates of the mutant secret prison escape. They couldn't catch the extremely fast Pietro, but they could gather to block these crazy mutant monsters.

Sure enough, after arriving at the first floor, Austin found that there was almost no one there. Most of the mutants detained here had already escaped in the chaos just now, and only a few people without any abilities were still locked in the cells, such as Cyclops* who had become blind.

The mutants rushed out, but they were greeted by gunfire and bullets. In this arsenal, the most abundant were these weapons. Thousands of people were waiting in battle formation, trying to kill these mutants on the spot.

However, among the mutant prisoners, there were two mutants who could teleport instantly like Nightcrawler, in the face of such abilities, neither artillery nor guns were able to cause effective damage to them.

The soldiers soon realized that these monsters were even more powerful than they had imagined, especially after an old man who was able to control things with his mind overturned a tank.

At this moment, the battlefield had already become a mess, all kinds of noises were constantly ringing out, Austin could only try to hide in the darkness, not to attract anyone's attention, the plan had already succeeded, it was time to leave this place.

But soon, a communication soldier caught Austin's attention.

"Report! We need backup. The Assassin has released most of the inmates of the Mutant Prison. They have scattered our formation. We need backup!"


This term made Austin's footsteps stop, which were about to leave.

Austin's plan this time was clearly to release these prisoners. No matter what the other party would call Austin, he wouldn't care. But the only thing that made Austin's eyelids jump was the term 'Assassin'.

When an assassin appears, there is often a corresponding target for the assassin to assassinate. Whether successful or not, the assassin and the assassination target are symbiotic in principle. The appearance of an assassin at the same time implies the appearance of his assassination target.

Similarly, the place with an assassination target will have the appearance of assassins.

Therefore, there was a big problem with this soldier's addressing here. It was obvious that there was an existence here worth being assassinated by someone. This person must be very powerful, able to influence many people, and certainly hold an important position and command this army.

Only this kind of existence would have the conditions to become an assassination target.

At first, Austin thought that the other party was talking about Warden Fisk. After all, our Mr. Kingpin is considered to be the most powerful person here, but Austin quickly discarded this answer. Kingpin is only the warden, he is not qualified to lead the army, not to mention that he had already been disemboweled, obviously, this was not the right answer.

So there was only one answer left.

Recalling the builder of this mutant secret prison, as well as the top secret security measures here, plus the news that the President had been missing for a long time.

Austin's eyes suddenly widened in shock.

That Damned President X was Actually Here At This Very Moment!

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.


( T/L:

Thunderbird: John Proudstar (Earth-616)

John Proudstar was born on an Apache reservation in Camp Verde, Arizona. During his childhood and adolescence, John proved to be an exceptionally strong and vigorous athlete. John, however, regarded himself throughout his life as a loner and an outcast. John wished to prove himself to be a warrior in the tradition of his ancestors and was dissatisfied with what he regarded as the complacent lives led by his fellow Apaches on their reservation. Although too young to join the armed forces, Proudstar lied about his age and entered the United States Marines, intending to lead the kind of active life he desired. Proudstar became a corporal and earned a number of medals, but still was dissatisfied with his life once his tour of duty was over and he had returned to the reservation.

Proudstar's mutant superhuman strength first manifested itself when, at the age of twenty and using only his bare hands, he wrestled and threw a charging bison to save an endangered little girl. This feat earned Proudstar fame among his tribe's people on the reservation, but the true nature of his abilities remained unknown, until Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, a team of mutant heroes, discovered him. Through the use of his mutant-detecting computer Cerebro, Prof. Xavier located Proudstar, whom he invited to join the X-Men.

Cyclops: Scott Summers (Earth-616)

 He is a mutant with the ability to project powerful beams of concussive force from his eyes. He is one of the founding members of the X-Men, a team of superheroes who fight for the rights of mutants, a race of humans who are born with superhuman abilities.

Cyclops was born Christopher Summers, the son of Air Force pilot Major Christopher Summers and his wife Katherine Summers. When Scott was 10 years old, his family was caught in a plane crash in the Alaskan wilderness. Scott's parents were killed, and he was knocked unconscious. When he awoke, he found that he could no longer control his eyes, which were now emitting powerful optic blasts.

Scott was taken in by an orphanage, where he was teased and bullied because of his mutant abilities. He eventually ran away from the orphanage and was found by Professor Charles Xavier, a telepathic mutant who founded the X-Men. Xavier took Scott in and trained him to use his powers for good.

Cyclops became one of the X-Men's most important members, and he eventually rose to become the team's leader. He is a skilled tactician and a natural leader, and he is always willing to put himself in harm's way to protect his teammates.

Cyclops has a long and complicated history with Jean Grey, another founding member of the X-Men. The two of them were in love for many years, but their relationship was always troubled by Jean's mental instability. Jean eventually sacrificed herself to save the X-Men, and her death devastated Cyclops. )
