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There was a loud bang like thunder, as if someone had viciously swung a rod at one's head.

The entire mind was instantly released, and it was as if the mental world had been violently stuffed with countless huge and complex information. This energy rapidly accumulated, filled the entire brain, and then exploded with a loud bang.

An intense feeling of falling suddenly descended!

A sense of weightlessness like falling from a height of ten thousand meters violently descended on President X.

He only felt that all of his senses were spiraling out of control, and at the same time, those chaotic voices in his head gradually 'quieted' down.

President X didn't know how long it had been since he had experienced this kind of quietness. He only remembered that ever since he had unintentionally probed the brain of his family's gardener, all sorts of voices had inexplicably been born inside his own mind.

Those voices were like the murmurs of a sleeping man, without any logic to speak of, but slowly, gradually, President X could clearly sense that 'they' were awakening, and constantly learning, expanding, and polluting his own brain!

But there was nothing he could do about it, he wanted to fight back, and he tried to fight back, but he failed.

Ever since he had crushed the first person's mind who tried to attack him with his psychic power, things had spiraled out of control.

Just like right now.

The memories that were sad, out of control, fearful, and even the thought of them made him suffer so much that he couldn't breathe gradually came up, trying to re-confuse his mind and rack his brain.

President X's eyes widened in silent resistance. He couldn't understand how this lowly human in front of him dared to defy 'his' will, even removing the helmet that could protect his spirit in front of his own eyes.

But after President X actually touched his brain, the ferocious onslaught of psychic power caused 'President X' to lose consciousness for a moment. And by the time "he" was ready to fight back, it was already too late.


President X didn't open his mouth, but a deafening roar resounded in his ears, and that voice kept echoing, narrated in the languages of various countries around the world, and soon became the only voice in President X's head.

In the instant their psychic powers connected, the link had already formed. No matter how madly President X wanted to retrieve his telepathic connection, it was useless. The other person's mental world was like a black hole, attracting all information that dared invade this place.

President X only felt as if he was being forcefully dragged by an incomparably powerful gravitational force, and as if he was being strapped to the top of a fast-moving roller coaster, which soon drove into the cave tunnel again, filling the surrounding area with darkness and depth.

President X didn't know how long this tunnel was, nor did he know where it ended.

All he knew was that the objects that had been bothering him, that had kept him from sleeping, and that had surrounded him heavily like a sticky mud puddle, were being stripped away from his mind bit by bit.

Immediately afterward, President X suddenly felt a solid feeling on his back - it was the backrest of a seat.

As his out-of-control body revived and the control of his body returned to him once again, President X couldn't help but gasp for air. But when he raised his head, he realized that in front of him was a huge screen.

Stunned for a moment, President X was somewhat confused. He opened his mouth wanting to say something, but no sound came out. He turned his gaze around and found himself sitting in an old movie theater.

There were a lot of 'people' sitting on top of the seats in all directions just like himself. President X didn't dare confirm those things were really "people", because those humanoid objects didn't have any facial features at all. Their faces were as smooth as paper, without even wrinkles or pores.

There were males and females, dressed in all kinds of clothes, sitting motionless in the seats. It was like some person had deliberately placed models here, extremely terrifying.

Although they didn't have facial features, President X could feel they were all "looking" at him. That wasn't sight from the eyes, but a higher level peeping, on the mental level.

This feeling, in such a quiet environment, was incredibly bizarre.

Just when President X was about to be overwhelmed by uneasiness, there was a sudden light coming from behind him. Withdrawing his gaze, President X realized that the large screen behind him lit up, while he was sitting alone in the center of the first row.

The snowflake screen flickered and then changed to pure white. The surroundings darkened, and President X didn't know what was going on, but what he did understand was that the movie was starting.

A handsome young man soon appeared on the screen, sitting across from him was a federal investigator.

Although it was the first time he had seen that man, somehow, President X was already sure that the handsome young man was himself, even if he looked nothing like him at all.

But President X knew that was himself.

"Hank remodeled this radar device into a transmitter, it can enhance brain waves to boost your telepathic abilities, to help us find more mutants," sound came from the speakers as the scene on the screen began playing.

"I thought you guys had already found them," a man suddenly stood up. "If a new species is discovered, they should be discovered by their own kind. Charles and I will look for new mutants, not you humans."

President X slowly opened his mouth, as if wanting to utter a name, but right now he couldn't get it out at all. He knew he should be able to say it, but no matter how hard he wracked his brain, he couldn't remember what that name was.

"First of all, that machine belongs to us humans, and secondly, it was Charles's decision, and Charles doesn't mind the CIA getting involved, right Charles?"

"No." President X and the man on the screen spoke at the same time.

"I'm sorry, but I agree with Erik. We should be the ones to discover them, not the humans." The man on the screen spoke faintly.

"And what if we don't agree?"

"Then I wish you the best of luck using this device without me."

It seemed only a second had passed, or just a breath. President X only felt as if he had passed through an invisible barrier. That fantasy was grand enough to explode his brain then occupied his mind, flowing into his mental territory.

This wasn't supposed to be like this.

Everything was wrong.

From when did it start to go wrong?

In the past before all this had happened, when had history deviated from its course?

As President X stared dumbfounded at those countless flashback scenes, those faces looking at him with trust and respect, he didn't notice the movie theater had long vanished. Everything around had decomposed and dissipated, leaving only endless illusions and sounds.


President X murmured softly, like a dying decrepit old man uttering his last groan on his deathbed. But this voice came from the mouth of a maiden in the flower of youth.

Austin calmly watched the Scarlet Witch now possessed by President X.

He took out the pistol from his pocket - the same model that shot Nix Forray. Slowly raising it to aim at the woman in front, he asked:

"What did you see?"

The Scarlet Witch's eyes had fallen into a state of disorientation, with layers of flashbacks reflecting on her eyes. But it was a world that only he could see, as illusory as an illusion.

After a moment, the Scarlet Witch's scarlet lips moved slightly.

"I saw I'll be very happy soon."

In the next moment, Austin pulled the trigger.

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.


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