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“Akari! Come eat before the fairies catch ya!”

As you may have guessed by now, I’m Akari.
No idea how my mum came up with that name, but it’s the one she gave me and my pa apparently didn’t stop her.
I’ve had to put up with fifteen years of teasing because of it.

“Coming mum!”

She once told me, after I had a particularly rough day, that she heard the name was popular on some foreign island country.
So not only is my name unusual for this land, but it would be strange in her birthplace as well.
What made her think such a foreign name would suit me and be popular here!?
Although I’m a little taller than average, I’m blonde with blue eyes and fair skin.
The epitome of normalcy for girls in this part of Koreso.
Maybe she wanted to give me an exciting name, as her own, Fiona, is rather bland.
Well, staying mad at her for having a bad naming sense wouldn’t be fair.
I’m sure she didn’t intend for me to get teased all the time.

However, I think it’s quite fair for me to get mad at her constantly talking about fairies!
Yeah, sure, there are magical creatures as well as monsters in the world, but I’m absolutely sure that I’ve never seen a fairy.
Neither has anyone else I’ve talked to.
I’m rather certain that no one has.

Mum, though, uses them as a threat for everything!
Did you make your bed?
Did you eat your vegetables?
Did you leave to come home on time?
You better have, or the fairies will catch ya!

What does that even mean!?
She still treats me like a baby, using the most ridiculous threat anyone can come up with.
Even today!

Today’s my sixteenth birthday, meaning I’ll be an adult by the end of the day.
Despite my mum still acting like this, I’m determined to stay positive and make as good a start as I can.

“Mum! I’m not a child anymore. Of all days, could you please not do this today? Even better, never do it again?”

“Then you’d better behave like an adult. Come eat.”

Muttering to myself, I finish getting ready and head out of my room for breakfast.

“Better behave like an adult. What does she think I’ve been doing?”

Despite everything I’ve said, my mum is still very important to me.
Since my pa died defending a town against monsters four years ago, she’s done everything she can for me and sis.
Due to his extensive military service, our country gave an insurance, which is quite rare to be eligible for.
While this lessened our troubles, and I tried my best to help where I could, she still had to manage nearly everything on her own.
Raising two young girls as a widow without any family nearby is no easy feat, and I’m grateful to her for it.
Doesn’t make her quirks any less annoying though.

When I come into the common room, sis is already eating.
Three years younger than me, very soon to be four, and with the decent name of Talia.
She’s inherited mum’s light brown hair, while I apparently take after pa, yet all of us have the same blue eyes.
There isn’t much on the table, as we have to be careful with our funds, but there is some bread and cheese still there.
I just wish they would be more considerate of me and wait, instead of eating up all the food before I’m even ready.

“Couldn’t you wait for me?”

“Sorry, sis. If I waited, the fairies may have gotten to it first.”

My sister knows exactly how to tease me, and I would be playing into her hands if I gave any answer.
Instead, I quickly grab some food and stuff my mouth before it’s all gone.
I barely manage to swallow a bite before mum speaks up.

“Oh, Aki? As far as I know, you wanted to start your tailoring apprenticeship, right?”

Ugh, this nickname isn’t any better either!

“Didn’t I already start?”

“Well, you’ve helped out a few times, but a real apprenticeship at Delia’s shop should be possible now that you’re an adult.”

“Yeah, sure, it hasn’t been official yet, but I’ve always done good work and don’t see why she wouldn’t take me under her wing. She even said I have talent!”

“Then I’ll hope for the best!”

I quickly finish up what food is left and then ready myself to head out.

“Bye mum. I’m headed out for a while.”

“You aren’t going to be meeting that Thomas boy, right?”

“Gosh, mum! It’s my life!”

“You know I don’t like that boy! Just because there aren’t many young men available around here doesn’t mean you should have to settle with someone like him!”

“He’s fine! His family are well situated merchants and he will inherit the business. What’s bad about that?"

“Sis, I think you skipped the part where he goes out with every girl in the village.”

“And where’d you hear that?”

“Everybody knows it!”

“So merely rumors! You shouldn’t be judging people based on gossip.”

I walk out the door before she can come up with a retort.

“Just be careful out there, dear!”

“Yeah, sure mum! Bye!”

“Come back early tonight! We have a bit of a celebration planned. And make sure you leave on time or-”

“I know, mum! The fairies might catch me.”

Finally, I can head into town.


Welcome to the world of Ea!

World Map




Shared world stories by Expentio:

Slime Girl

