Chapter 80 – Leaving Ellia
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“Feels nice to get out of there,” Sahra said as the view of Ellia disappeared below the horizon. She then turned to Termon and hurriedly added, “No offense, your manor was lovely. I’m sure Ellia is really nice during other circumstances.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Termon smiled, “I’m well aware of how hard it can be to ignore the tensions in the city.”

“Yeah, I’m afraid the Delovan Empire won’t be normal for a while. I’m glad we’re getting out of here,” Benji said, “How long before we reach Iitha?”

“Even at this pace, it will be well over a week,” Termon said.

Not too bad. Adion thought. At least this carriage is leagues above the cabin I had to share with Astor.

They were currently traveling north from Ellia, in a spacious carriage belonging to the Delhelm family. They had left early in the morning, just like planned after the incident with the Tyllen family guards. 

It was only Termon, Prago, and Adion’s team that were traveling in the carriage. Two Bronze mages of the Delhelm family were sitting up front, driving the carriage. It would allow them to travel all through the night, something that had been decided on until they got out of the Empire.

“I’ve actually never been to Iitha,” Benji commented, “Maybe we could make a stop somewhere and take a look around?”

“That is a must,” Termon nodded, “Any special place you want to visit?”

“Maybe Amyss?” Adion asked.

“Well,” Termon hesitated, “That would be quite the detour.”

“And I’m not sure what you think you can accomplish by going there, Adion,” Sahra said with a smile.

“Just…seemed like a nice place to visit. But if it’s too far, never mind,” Adion said.

It would probably be difficult to meet Sell anyway. Hopefully, she manages to get to Cyalis early.

“Wait, your girlfriend is from Amyss, isn’t she?” Prago asked.

“Now that you mention it,” Adion said.

“Hahaha!” Termon laughed, “So that’s how it is. Well, I guess it’s not really that much of a detour.”

“No, Termon. Adion has no way of meeting her there anyway,” Sahra said, “They will be meeting early in at Cyalis anyway, isn’t that right, Adion?”

“Yeah,” Adion nodded, “We should just make a stop along the way,” Adion agreed. There was really nothing he could do even if he got to Amyss and Sell was there.

I’m so weak. I need to make sure to get my training done during this journey. I can’t do much with my space magic, but meditation and practicing hiding my aura, like I did on the ship, should do just fine.

“Maybe we can make a short stop in Rethi,” Benji suggested, “It’s on the way, I believe. I’ve heard it’s a nice city.”

“Mm,” Termon nodded, “That sounds like a good idea. But to think you’ve never been to Iitha. You must have gotten to the Empire by ship then, I suppose?”

“Yeah,” Benji nodded, “Sahra and I left straight after graduating at Cyalis. Visiting her father and doing some Outskirting sounded like a nice idea.”

“So you haven’t been home since you went to Cyalis?” Prago asked.

“No,” Benji shook his head.

“But he soon will. I’m looking forward to meeting them,” Sahra said.

“Right,” Benji awkwardly smiled.

Adion would continue the journey to Cyalis with Termon and Prago. But his teammates would cut the journey short once they were in Rellen. They would visit Benji’s family manor and then head for the Kuwa Mountains.

Adion was a little jealous. He wanted to explore the Kuwa Mountains too. But more than anything, he was looking forward to getting to Cyalis. Reuniting his family. Meeting Sell again. Growing strong at peace behind the Academy’s walls. Adion was excited for the future.

“Wait, then why is Adion here with you?” Prago asked, “He traveled all the way out here just to train with you in the Outskirts?” 

“Er,” Benji hesitated.

“I’m not actually his cousin,” Adion awkwardly smiled, “Sorry, it was just a lie we were going with because I didn’t want to reveal my family name.”

Adion had thought about the issue since yesterday when he remembered the lie Benji had told about their relationship at the auction. He had realized that there wasn’t really any point in hiding it any longer. He was going to travel together with Prago and Termon all the way to Cyalis, after all. Once there, Adion would reunite with his family, and it would be obvious he had lied about his relation to Benji.

“Didn’t want to tell your family name, why? Are you some hidden Noble?” Prago asked.

“No,” Adion shook his head, “I’m just from a 2nd-tier family.”

“Then why hide it?” Prago asked.

Well…I still better not reveal something out of carelessness.

“The others have already heard all about it. Why don’t I save the story until it’s just the three of us?” Adion asked.

Prago was about to say something else, but Termon beat him to it, “That seems like a good idea. I’m looking forward to it,” Termon said with a smile.

That should be plenty of time to think up a story that doesn’t reveal anything I don’t want them to know.

“So anyway,” Sahra said, “Can you believe that I have actually never met Benji’s family? And he’s always worming his way out of answering any questions about them.”

“It’s not like that,” Benji smiled awkwardly, “You’ll get it when you meet them.”

Adion tuned out the conversation as he closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat. He hadn’t much time to meditate in the morning before it was time to leave. And he saw no point in wasting his Will. It should be used to its fullest every day.

He couldn’t help but listen a little longer to the ongoing conversation, though. It was always interesting hearing Benji dodge the topic of what was so embarrassing about his family.

Adion had been a little uneasy this morning, thinking Benji might still be angry at him. Thankfully, it seemed that Benji had let the matter go. 

Adion had given Astor and how he handled him some thought. He still believed he could have dealt with the consequences himself, without causing trouble for anyone else. The Tyllen family was not what it was a month ago, after all. And Adion didn’t believe there was a prison anywhere that could keep him locked up. 

But there was always a risk. Even if it seemed unlikely to Adion, it could be the case that the remaining Diamond mages of the Tyllen family would immediately attack to kill him as soon as he set foot in their manor. Adion knew he wouldn’t be able to survive something like that. And as he thought about it, lashing out at Astor hadn’t really accomplished anything. He could have just ignored his remarks and focused on himself and his training.

Alone in a cold cabin with that bastard really pushed me, it seems. I have to keep in mind not to be so rash in the future.

A couple of hours into the journey, Adion felt that he had achieved as much as he could with his meditation for a while without seriously diminishing returns. 

Maybe I can get some more meditation done tonight. I should rest my Will for a while.

“I think it would be great,” Sahra said as Adion opened his eyes once again.  Prago was quietly meditating beside him, but he noticed Termon was nowhere to be seen. He soon sensed that three people were at the front, though. He focused and sensed Termon’s aura, confirming that he had decided to join the drivers.

“Then let’s do it. It seems fun,” Benji nodded.

“What are you going to do?” Adion asked.

“Visit Fornia,” Benji answered.

“Oh? When?” Adion asked.

“Not for a while yet,” Sahra answered, “But some time in the future. Hopefully, Lomin will have finished his journey here by then and can give us a tour.”

“We’ll see,” Lomin smiled.

“Are you also…” Adion turned to Rufus. He was sitting staring out the carriage window. The usual light grin always hanging on his face had been replaced with a slight scowl. “You okay, Rufus?” Adion asked.

“Oh? Yeah,” Rufus nodded with a forced smile. Adion suddenly realized what the problem was.

“Your family,” Adion said, “Sorry, I didn’t even realize.”

“It’s fine,” Rufus waved off. Adion looked doubtfully at him.

“It is far from optimal,” Benji said, “But it seems like they are at a very small risk of encountering any harm. They are located in a small town, far from any conflict. And his parents, along with several siblings, are all Silver mages.”

“Rond might have even reached Gold by now,” Rufus said, “They are as safe as they could ever wish to be. It’s just a little worrying to go so far away in these times.”

“Mm,” Adion nodded, not knowing what else to say.

“So you feeling up for a trip to Fornia, Rufus?” Sahra asked.

“I could be up for it,” Rufus said with a slight smile. “If the faelin joins. I want to go there as an honored guest of Wise Lomin, after all.”

Lomin smiled in response, “It might take a while, but I can promise that I will invite you all to join me as I leave my Words of Truth in the Spire.”

“Even me?” Adion asked.

“Of course,” Lomin nodded.

“And if…If Sell wants to come?” Adion asked.

“Of course,” Lomin nodded with an amused smile.

“Already planning on taking Sell across the seas? A honeymoon, perhaps?” Sahra asked.

“Just planning ahead,” Adion muttered, a little embarrassed.

“Then I should be allowed to bring a date too, right?” Rufus asked.

“That seems to be planning a little too far ahead, no?” Sahra questioned.

“That’s just mean,” Rufus grumbled.

Adion, Lomin, and Benji all gave Sahra a scolding look.

“I mean…A date? Surely you’ll already have married the most beautiful woman on Shiora by then?” Sahra hurriedly corrected herself.

“So that’s what you meant,” Rufus happily chuckled, “That does seem like something I would do.”

Adion smiled to himself. He then noticed Prago had opened his eyes next to him, lifting an eyebrow questioningly.

“It’s hard to explain,” Adion whispered.

Prago just nodded and turned to the others, “Where’s Grandpa?”

“He wanted some fresh air, so he’s in front,” Benji said.

“Right,” Prago nodded, “Anyone know how long we have left?”

“Well,” Benji hesitated slightly, “Going by your grandfather’s words, it’s well over a week…minus a few hours. Then we’ll be in Iitha.”

“Haah,” Prago sighed, “That’s basically forever until we get to Cyalis then.”

“Aren’t you used to traveling around with your grandfather?” Adion asked.

“I am,” Prago nodded, “Still not a big enjoyer of being on the road, though.”

“Do you usually ask how far it is, even after a few hours?” Sahra asked.

“I suppose I do, why?” Prago asked.

“I think I get why Termon was so happy to have travel companions,” Adion said.

“What do you mean?” Prago asked.

“Never mind,” Adion shook his head.

“I’m guessing you’re excited to start your studies, Prago?” Benji asked, “Will you be focusing on runes?”

“Definitely,” Prago nodded, “I’m planning on joining the Runesmiths.”

“That would be a good idea,” Benji nodded, “But they are one of the top 10 Houses. You will need more than just a passion for runes to join.”

“What do you mean?” Prago asked.

“Well, you know about the Houses, right?” Benji asked.

“Sure,” Prago nodded.

“Every House obviously wants to climb in rank, and you can’t do that without a fighting force. As much as the Academy focuses on knowledge, it is also recognized that what ultimately matters is strength. So, no matter what accomplishments a House makes, they won’t be able to climb in ranking without strength. So for you to get into a House ranked so highly, you will need to be able to fight.”

“I didn’t know that,” Prago muttered, “I only heard it was a House for those interested in runes.”

“You can always join later even if you can’t get in straight away,” Sahra comforted, “I didn’t join a House until my second year.”

“What House did the both of you join?” Prago asked.

“I was part of the Perillians,” Sahra answered.

“And I the Scrolls,” Benji answered.

“I’ve heard of the Scrolls. They’re very strong, aren’t they?” Prago asked.

Benji nodded with a pleased smile, “Ranked 5th during my time there. It is the House that the Headmaster used to belong to, after all.”

“I never knew that the Headmaster was part of your House,” Adion said, “How come it isn’t ranked 1st if that’s the case?”

“It has been centuries since the Headmaster was a student, and the Shields have held 1st place locked in place since forever. Only occasionally passed by another House for a year or two.” Benji explained.

“What makes the Shields so powerful?” Prago asked.

“The most powerful student wants to join the most powerful House, I guess,” Benji said, “And so that House continues being the strongest. Besides, the Shields have a large influence even outside the Academy. Most Nobles want to join to gain connections that will last a lifetime.”

“Is it mostly Nobles that join?” Adion asked.

“Yeah,” Benji nodded, “We always used to say that the only thing the Shields protected was the interests of Nobles. But there are always talents from other family clans willing to join. And if they are strong enough, the Shields see no problem with it.”

“What House will you join, Adion?” Prago asked.

“I have no idea,” Adion said, “Don’t really care that much.”

“It’s fine if you haven’t decided yet,” Benji said, “But you should choose carefully. Having a high position in a powerful House can make or break your future.”

“How so?” Adion asked.

“The resources you can get,” Benji said, “Among several other privileges. And most Houses exist outside the Academy, making it easy for you to have somewhere to go after you graduate. Many students who don’t have a clear idea of what they want to do in the future, mostly people who don’t come from a family clan, choose to join the Outskirters. If they graduate as part of that House, gaining a position in the Guild after graduation becomes very simple.”

“I see,” Adion nodded.

It seems I’ll have to give it some serious thought. I will reveal middle Bronze strength when I get to Cyalis, and I will also be known as ‘Gifted.’ That should be good enough for me to choose whatever House I’d like.

“Why did you join…what was it called ‘Permins’? And not the Outskirters, Sahra?” Adion asked. She didn’t come from a family clan, after all.

“The Perillians,” Sahra corrected, “I joined it because it only allows girls to join. I was scared that some Noble would get ideas about me when I first got to Cyalis, so I wanted some protection.”

“I see,” Adion nodded.

Guess that House is out of the question, then. 

“Well, like I said, you don't have to hurry to decide,” Benji said, “You can always join a House after getting familiar with the Academy.”

“Mm,” Adion nodded.

“I keep forgetting that you’re not entering the Academy when we get to Cyalis,” Prago said, “What exactly are you going to do in Cyalis for over a year?”

“Well, train most of the time, I guess,” Adion said.

“Sit and meditate by yourself for over a year?” Prago questioned.

“I’ll go around the city to explore once in a while,” Adion said.

“And I thought I was a loner,” Prago muttered.

I’m not going to be alone. Even if Aiden and Ailera will be at the Academy most of the time, I’m sure Grandpa has a place for me in Cyalis where I can stay.

“Well, Sell will get there early too. So I guess I’m not so alone,” Adion said.

Prago turned to look at Adion with a sour look, “I never took you for a braggart.”

“No need to feel down. I’ll help you out when I enter the Academy,” Adion said reassuringly.

“This is the worst,” Prago sighed.

“Ahh, the student has become the teacher,” Rufus said with a pleased smile.

I’m not gonna turn into Rufus, right!?

“What’s that look for?” Rufus questioned, looking at Adion, causing Sahra to burst out laughing.

“Nothing,” Adion said.

I’ll have to be careful. I’m sorry, Prago. Even if you have to end up alone, I can’t take any risks. 

After continuing the conversation for a few more minutes, Adion closed his eyes to meditate again. Looking forward to reaching his destination.