[B1] Chapter 66: The Academy Invitation
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Neria kept her head buried in Theo's chest, frightened of this madman who reveled in bloodshed. She found him far less nicer than the villainous leader who had at least offered her sweets and other things she wanted. 
Meanwhile, Lorian was continuously vomiting; his retch plummeted to the ground from such a height, resembling acid raindrops. If anyone had been directly below, they would have cursed the heavens for this mistreatment.
After Lorian had emptied his stomach and Rowan had silenced everyone's protests, he declared, "Let's go to another place." He began to distance himself from the gruesome sight.
"How can we follow you in mid-air?" Lorian questioned, his voice heavy with exhaustion.
Soon, he discovered how. Guided by some mysterious force, Lorian, along with Theo and Aerin, felt themselves being pulled in the direction Rowan was heading. It was as if they were helium balloons attached to him, or as though he was gravity himself, irresistibly drawing them in.
Rowan strode a hundred meters before descending to the ground, as if treading on invisible stairs of air. Once on solid ground, in a forest clearing surrounded by charred trees, he handed a bottle to Lorian and took a seat on a nearby boulder.
Neria withdrew her head from Theo's chest. Seeing her relieved yet frightened face, Theo asked, "Are you Okay?"
She nodded but turned to look at Lorian with concern. Slipping from Theo's embrace, she approached him. "Brother…"
Lorian, seeing his sister's worry, reassured her. "Don't worry, Neria. I'm fine."
While the siblings exchanged words, Aerin turned to Rowan and questioned, "Why were they after her, Teacher?"
Rowan retrieved another bottle from his storage, and for the first time, his expression became grave."She possesses one of the legendary elements. That child is the next Elanor," he uttered in a tone heavy with seriousness.
Shock flickered in Aerin's expression, even as Lorian's eyes widened in amazement. Both of their gazes shifted to Neria, who seemed unconcerned by Rowan’s revelation.
The term ‘Elanor’ was well-known in their world, but Theo was at a loss. "Elanor?" he murmured.
Though Aerin looked as if she would answer, Rowan began explaining. "In simpler terms, you could call her the Star Lady. She's the master of the Spirit element." 
Seeing Theo's continued confusion, Rowan elaborated further, "Legend says that once in a few thousand years, certain souls are born into this realm with legendary elemental affinities. These elements are either Noble or Forbidden, and only one person can possess each. However, the prophecy states that in this era, all of them will be born." 
The revelation not only clarified why Neria had been targeted by the Eclipse Guild but also enlightened Theo about these legendary elements.
While he processed the shocking information, Aerin posed another question. "Teacher, do you know who these chosen souls are, the ones born with legendary elements?"
Stowing the bottle away in his storage he had been holding, Rowan nodded. "You're already aware that Neria possesses the Spirit element. Then we have Liliana Whitemoon, owner of the Holy element. And of course, there's your incomparable teacher Rowan with the Gravity element." He added the last part with a hint of smugness but still appeared somewhat hesitant, as if he hadn't completed his sentence.
Keenly observing this pause, Theo asked, "What about the people with Forbidden elements?"
Rowan flashed a wry smile, "You sure you're a merchant, Brother? You're starting to sound more like a detective."
"What are you hiding, teacher?" Aerin asked with her curious eyes.
Rowan sighed, his expression turning solemn. "There are matters still veiled from the world, matters that could disturb your peace of mind if known."
Lorian intervened, "But this directly concerns my sister's life."
Rowan turned to him, causing Lorian to step back unconsciously, haunted by the memory of the massacre this man had performed. 
He then continued, "Why would so many legendary elements show up in this world at the same time if something beyond our imagination isn't going to happen? Since there have been born some noble elements among people like me, Liliana, and that child, there are inevitably forbidden elements for others that will eventually appear in upcoming future. 
Moreover, someone with ordinary element is no match for those with legendary element… So the future with these bad people and the upcoming threat, there would be so much chaos." Rowan had killed Shadow herald so easily, yet he seemed genuinely concerned when he mentioned all of this.
Seeing Aerin and her group gloomy faces, Rowan’s expression brightened, he added, "But don't you worry. I can handle them all. I am, after all, the strongest." 
Though he boasted, a deep silence followed. It led Theo to think of someone who might also be a chosen one. ‘This means Lilith could be a holder of the noble or forbidden element,’ he remembered how she mentioned her space elemental affinity was rare, and he could tell that, given her full power, she would be hard to catch. She had once caused a bigger massacre than even this man, despite her lower level.
He knew Rowan was strong, but who would emerge victorious between Lilith and Rowan if they both fought at the same level was a question that remained in his mind. He could only hope that both would be allies if he found himself stuck in the upcoming chaos. Yet, a part of him clung to the idea that, if worst came to worst, he always had the option to seek refuge in his farm.
As Aerin and Theo became silent entertaining their own thoughts, Rowan took slow steps towards Neria. His expression was intense as he asked, "Is he really your brother?" 
Neria's eyes shifted downward, her gaze landing on the ground as if she were a child caught doing something wrong. She nodded, her demeanor one of an obedient child as she was truly afraid of this madman.
Having received her unvoiced confirmation, Rowan moved a step closer to Lorian, whose fear seemed visible; he even forgot to breathe for a moment. 
With an almost mischievous face, Rowan tugged at Lorian's pointy ears and then his cheeks. This manipulation transformed Lorian's face into a funny expression, triggering a giggle from Neria who hurriedly shut it with her palm. 
Rowan mused inwardly, ‘It's impossible for ‘him’ to grow his ears this way; Grandpa's information about ‘him’ being Elanor's brother must be wrong.’ Disappointment engulfed his expression as he released Lorian's face and pivoted to approach Theo.
A golden envelope appeared in Rowan's hand as he stood in front of Theo. His fingers lightly brushing the envelope's gilded edge before he passed it over.
Aerin's face darkened. "Teacher, how can you give this to him when even you refused to give one to me? This isn't fair," she protested, her voice tinged with hurt at this betrayal.
Meanwhile, Theo accepted the envelope and examined it. Engraved on it were the words: [V.I.P Invitation to Phoenixwing Academy]. 
"Why are you giving me this?" he queried. 
Rowan looked hopeful. "With this, you can gain entrance to the academy, even without mana or an elite rank. You just need to be younger than twenty, which I presume you are?" 
Theo didn’t know how this lunatic man found he was not at elite rank or had no mana but he was clear about one thing, "I'm not yet twenty, and I have no intention of going to Phoenixwing Academy," he stated, handing the golden envelope back to Rowan.
The refusal caused Rowan's eyes to narrow, yet it was masked by his black glasses. Aerin, too, seemed amazed, her mouth opening slightly, as if Theo had committed an act of foolishness.
Rowan stepped back, creating some distance. "I'll take them to the academy. It's the only place they'll be safe under my protection until they're strong enough to defend themselves." He gestured toward the siblings.
Upon hearing his announcement, Neria and Lorian appeared visibly unsettled, their faces draining of color.
"Teacher, won't you visit Silvermoon City before you return?" Aerin interrupted. 
"I've already spent much time here and have important tasks awaiting me. Perhaps next time," Rowan said, extending his arm to the side. 
A white light began to coming out from his palm, gradually taking the form of a majestic, four-meter-long silver Gryphon with a triad of tails. Each feather shimmered as though crafted from pure silver.
Neria nudged Lorian, who seemed to understand her unspoken plea. "Brother, we don't want to go," he implored to Theo, his eyes filled with a desperate kind of begging.
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