The Bathroom: James POV
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Disclaimer: This is just fiction and I don't condone any kind of (non-consensual) violence toward women.


There in James' room, he was busy remembering what had happened in the bathroom, somehow doing all that to Ron's mother out of his sight was much more appealing to him than doing anything to his face.

Maybe it was the charm of the tortured expression on Ron's face that made it more interesting.

In the bathroom, after James closed the door in Ron's face, he made Susan sit in the bathtub after filling it with hot water, the room quickly becoming steamy, making the intimate situation even more erotic.

"James, is this necessary?" Susan asked, her voice trembling, not sure if this was the right thing to do.

She knew that a teenager her son's age shouldn't be so intimate with her, but somehow it made sense. How will he remove impurities? That's important!

"Yes, of course, I don't want anyone to get sick," James replied, his dick getting harder as the situation progressed.

See, he is a good boy, I should help him with this, not hinder him with my useless thoughts, Susan told herself, or maybe tried to justify the situation.

James' dick wasn't hidden from Susan either, she tried to ignore it, but such a big monster couldn't be ignored. However, she didn't pay too much attention to it, why?

Well, Susan was used to the reactions her body could give to the men around her, she was not bothered by anything if it was not too extreme or on the nose.


"Susan, I can't let you go through the ritual unprepared. It will harm your body."

"Ohh, ohk," Susan said rather meekly.

"We have to take care of you," James continued, "and I know this is uncomfortable for you. But it's better to do this in private. Otherwise, Ron will be very worried and we don't want to cause him unnecessary stress, do we?"

"Yes, of course. You're right. It's better to be quiet."

Susan began to realize the importance of the ritual and the fact that Ron didn't need to know anything. It would only make things worse for him.

"Now, let's get you undressed. We need to remove the impurities," James said, his cock aching with desire.

Susan slowly began to undress. She started with her bra. Then she unzipped her skirt. James stood and watched her undress. He couldn't wait to see her naked body.

And there they were, massive breasts, the kind he could hide his whole face in and maybe suffocate. White skin without any blemishes, pink nipples like the icing on the cake, he couldn't wait to just suck on them, which he thought he could do all day.

"Take off your panties too," James said. Susan hesitated but obeyed. She took off her panties and threw them on the floor. Her breasts were exposed and her nipples were hard. James stared at her tits, admiring their size and shape.

"You're very beautiful," James said, "very sexy."

Susan blushed, her cheeks turning red, she was a little touched by the sudden compliment.

"Now we have to wash you," James said, "but the water is too hot. Let's add some cold water."

James turned on the shower and waited until the water was cold. As he did so, he kept looking at Susan. Her tits were jiggling slightly and her nipples were getting hard. He couldn't help himself. He wanted her.

Controlling his desires, James took the shower head and began spraying Susan's body with water. He started at her shoulders and worked his way down. He paid special attention to her breasts and Susan moaned as the water hit her nipples.

"Ohh, ohh," Susan whimpered.

James moved the shower head down and began spraying her pussy. Susan gasped as the water hit her clit. She tried to back up but hit the bathroom wall. James didn't stop and just increased the power of the spray. He tried to do the cleaning 'right'.

Then he grabbed her vulva and stretched it in his hands, looking at the expression on Susan's face. She had just closed her eyes in embarrassment.

James wanted to ram his fingers into the delicious hole but stopped himself. The allure of the shaved and spotless pussy was too much. He had to say, Susan looked too much like a porn star. Well, what could be better than a homely mother with a body like a porn star? And a non-existent brain too!

"The thing is, Susan, that we have to make echoes inside the flesh to make the impurities unstable, this process can be a little painful," James said, looking at Susan's massive tits.

For some reason, he wanted to see how much they jiggled when his palm hit them. He wanted to slap those tits as hard as he could. Was it his inner sadist calling? He was a bully, after all, and he was not sure why. Maybe that was the answer, he was a sadist.

"Echo? How?" Susan tilted her head a little in confusion, the water still spraying under her pussy.

"When we hit something, the contents inside are disturbed, just like that, we need to hit flesh to disturb impurities and 'rub' them out," James said, almost licking his lips, "we need to create vibrations, a disturbance, that's it,"

"Oh, okay," Susan was not sure how this was going to work, but she trusted James.

"Okay, now I want you to sit in the tub and raise your hands above your head," James said.

"Like this?" Susan asked as she lay down and raised her arms. Her breasts were fully exposed and her nipples were erect.

"Yes, just like that," James replied. He stepped forward and sat down in the tub in front of Susan. He looked down at her naked body. His cock was throbbing and he couldn't wait to get inside her, but no, not so fast, lay the groundwork, buddy.

"What are you doing?" Susan asked, suddenly getting a little nervous.

"Shh, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you," James said. He took a deep breath and with one hand he held both of her hands above her head so she couldn't move them and with the other hand, he started the relentless torture on her big bouncing tits.


"Ahhh," Susan cried out. The pain was intense, but there was something else. James continued to slap her tits, causing them to jiggle and shake. Each time he slapped her right breast, it would go all the way to the left, leaving a mark on his palm. Jiggling like Jell-O afterwards.

The impact of the soft skin on his hands and Susan's mixed reaction was extremely erotic for him. A mother, a MILF, being controlled by him like a common toy,

"Fuck!" Susan yelled.

"Oh, sorry," James said, pretending to apologize. He hadn't forgotten.

"No, it's okay," Susan replied, panting. She had to go through this, for Ron, for Allie, for her husband Gary.


In between the slaps, he began to grab a handful and squeeze them until they turned red. The flesh, the pain, the screams of pain mixed with a hint of pleasure, all of it drove James crazy. He couldn't stop and didn't feel an ounce of remorse for hurting such a beauty, a mother and a wife.

He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't notice that his hands, which were not supposed to touch her pussy, were almost groping and touching her cunt.

"Ahh, ahh, ahh, please, ahh," Susan cried out, her body convulsing, her pussy twitching, her nipples hardening. He stretched her vulva in his hands like a rubber.

James stopped slapping her and squeezed her tits again, stretching them towards him as if he wanted to rip them from her chest, making her moan in pain and pleasure.

"Oh, PLEASE, no, no more," Susan cried, "I can't take this anymore.

"Susan, I think the impurities will have to be sucked out, and I will have to do it with my mouth," James said, finally giving her a break," his dick betrayed him, he could not stand it anymore, he has to suck her now, the deliciousness of the now red tits was too tempting.

"Huh, Buu- You, sick," Susan tried to say something between her breaths, she didn't think for a second what sucking would mean for her, but wouldn't the impurities go into James?

"It's risky, but I will try my best for you, for Ron, he is my friend after all," James said deviously, his hands were not enough now, he had to punish her tits with his teeth!

Susan was touched and forgot the torture she had just endured and said yes.

"Okay, thank you, but I have to warn you, it can be dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt," James said, his cock getting harder at the thought of sucking her huge tits, and not just sucking, he wanted to chew them, tear them apart until he almost ripped them off her body.

Susan's body drove James more and more crazy, but the good thing was that he found out that this stupid mother was also a masochist, she didn't know it, but James wouldn't let a chance like that go by!

"It's okay, I trust you," Susan said, still a little shaken from the previous treatment, her tits were red and sore.