1.21: Slip-up
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“WH-WHAT?! How is that possible?! I’m…? Are you sure?! No! That’s… WHAT?! How? I mean… I know how… but I mean… I’m a mortal! Can gods even have children with mortals?”

Eronica placed her hands on Drusilia’s arm and the taller woman relaxed the slightest bit. The redhead sighed deeply and considered all of her girlfriend’s questions.

“Take a breath, Dru. I will try to answer what I can… and then we can figure this out together. K?”

The half-elf nodded and took a deep breath. She still felt the wave of panic threatening to overwhelm her, but staring into the gorgeous face of her goddess helped calm her.

“OK. Let's start with the more simple questions and go from there. Beings of divine power cannot have children with mortals. I don't know the reason Ura and Oesis made us and the world this way, but as far back as I can remember there's never been any other cases of this happening. As far as you being mortal… I… We… Erin wasn't totally aware of just how much of our divinity she was sharing with you. I'm not sure what exactly that makes you… But I don't think you're truly mortal anymore. Lastly… I am 100% sure of it. I am the goddess of fertility… Remember? Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't get me… uh… Erin pregnant.”

Despite the millions of questions running through her mind, Drusilia was still keenly aware of the difficulty Eronica seemed to be having separating her and Erin's thoughts. Whatever was happening between the two of them, it was doing it quickly

As if she sensed her girlfriend's sudden shift in mood, the glow faded from Eronica's eyes and her skin looked slightly less radiant.

“Dru. I'm sorry. I… Didn't know it was possible. I don't even know if you wanted kids… I don't suppose this world has a magical Plan B type of thing?”

Upon seeing the look of pure confusion on the blonde's face, Erin couldn't help but laugh. She kissed her gorgeous girlfriend lovingly over and over and gestured for her to lay back down on the bed. Once Drusilia was in a comfortable position on her side, Erin snuggled her back into her and wrapped herself in the muscular woman's embrace. She clutched the half-elf's hand tightly and kissed the inside of her palm several times. The redheaded goddess could feel her love slowly start to relax more and more.

“In my world, if a woman gets pregnant and she doesn't want it… There are mostly safe ways to terminate the pregnancy before it has the chance to develop any further. I don't know the full extent of how god pregnancies work since you're… You know… The first one… but I won't fault you if you want to find a way to uh… Not be pregnant.”

Drusilia had heard of some of the barbaric methods women would sometimes take to prevent themselves from bearing potentially unwanted offspring. She wasn't sure what these “mostly safe” methods were, but even if that was an option… She wasn't even sure it was what she wanted.

“Half-elven women generally can't get pregnant until they are much older. Generally around 30 or 40. So… I hadn't even thought pregnancy was something I'd have to consider any time soon.”

“The fact that I didn't already know the answer to this question makes me feel like a terrible girlfriend. How old are you exactly, Drusilia?”

“I will be turning 20 in five months' time. Wait… how old are you?”

“Well I'm a relatively young goddess… I’m only a few thousand years old.”

Drusilia scoffed and squeezed Erin tighter. The smaller woman chuckled and kissed her girlfriend's palm again. 

“I was 26 back in my world.”

“26? But you're human… How were you not already married?”

“I should probably be offended at that, but since I'm sure you are used to far different standards I won't be. In my world, women aren't typically obligated to get married at any age if they choose not to. While it's regarded as being generally bad to be single, it isn't uncommon. Especially for queer women.”


“Sorry! Uh… For women who aren't attracted to men. Well… being queer is a much broader definition than- you know what it doesn't matter. Point is… Being an unmarried woman who is attracted to other women isn't uncommon in my world. Although… Reportedly, when many of us do find a potential partner… the relationship tends to escalate pretty quickly. And that's without any divine power drawing us together. But… we have gotten way off topic.”

Erin shifted on the mattress so that she was facing Drusilia. She pressed her forehead to the blonde’s and smiled lovingly at her.

“I know you said you weren’t sure what you wanted… but… I think we need to talk about what you’re going to do. Before you say anything, I want to stress that above all else, this is your decision. I will stand by you and support whichever course of action you want to take. If you want to keep it and we raise a god baby… I’m not against that. But I’m also OK if you don’t want to. You have your whole life ahead of you… maybe even more than you initially thought now that you may be part divine. I don’t want you to feel like anything is set in stone, my love.”

Drusilia blinked her big blue eyes rapidly and thought about everything that was running through her brain all at once. Did she want a child? If it had been before she met her goddess… she would have said certainly not. But now? In the back of her mind, she already knew the answer to whether or not she was going to keep it. What would that entail? What would happen to her? What would it mean for her baby to be the child of a god? There were so many questions and not nearly enough answers. Part of her wanted to be angry at Eronica for not telling her this was a possibility, but she had already told her that this had never happened before. Even Drusilia herself hadn’t thought it was possible, since she wasn't of typical child-bearing age.

All at once she felt a sense of inner calm. A wave of love and support flowed from Erin and she could feel just how much her goddess loved her in that moment. The half-elf also knew just how much her girlfriend wanted her to keep their child. In the end, that was reason enough for her to make her decision.

“I’m going to keep it. Even if we don’t know fully what it means, if it’s your baby, Erin… I want to keep it more than anything.”

The redhead nodded and used the back of her hand to quickly wipe away the tears that were forming in her eyes. Drusilia reached out and pulled the smaller woman into a tight embrace. The muscular woman’s enormous breasts mashed against Erin’s face and she giggled as she was partially smothered.

“I mwove yoo Dwoofilia. Fo mupf.”

“I love you too, Erin. Even if you did make me your divine brood-mare.”

Erin reached up and squeezed the breast that was half-covering her face and gently teased the half-elf’s nipple with her fingertip.

“Really? Realms above, Erin… you are insatiable! You literally just fucked me so good you put a child inside of me.”

“That wasn’t me… Remember?”

Drusilia cocked an eyebrow and scowled playfully, before her expression changed to a more serious one.

“Actually, that’s something we need to talk about.”

“I know. My little slip-up earlier with- 

…I just did it again didn’t I? It was Eronica’s slip-up.”

Erin’s face darkened and she knitted her brows. Tears started rolling down her cheeks and she looked up at Drusilia with a pained look.

“I’m scared, Dru. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me. I don’t want to lose who I am. I don’t want to lose you…”

Drusilia looked at the love of her life with a scowl.

“In what realm would you lose me, Erin? I am in love with this person right here.”

She reached out and placed a hand on Erin’s chest, above her heart.

“As long as the woman I fell in love with is still in there after everything, I will never ever ever stop loving you. Ever.”

“After you and Eronica connected so intimately, whatever remained of that divide between us is rapidly fading. Just as much as I’m talking to you right now… so is she. I’m more… present? But… By tomorrow I don’t think there will be any separation between us.”

“I have a strange question for you.”

“My whole life has been nothing but strange. I’m a literal goddess reborn from a woman who is from another world. So… you can ask me anything, my love.”

“What would you like me to call you after… you know?”

Erin smiled and wrinkled her nose in that adorable way that made Drusilia’s heart soar.

“Eronica and I have been discussing that. Well… at this point it’s more of… one of us thinks and the other one automatically knows about it. But… We’re just as much at a loss on that front too. After we merge I will be just as much Eronica as I am Erin… so neither name fits me. So uhhhh… I'm open to any suggestions.”

“As a writer I'm surprised you don't have any ideas.”

“Well, I mean… I have a few ideas, but most are stupid.”

“Please don't insult my goddess like that. Nothing you do is stupid.”

Erin scoffed and laughed softly.

“You say that now…

So first one… Erini.”


“The Big E.”


“She Who Fucks.”

“...... No.

“The Endowed One.”


“Really?! The Endow-” 


Both women giggled at Erin's silliness before Drusilia kissed the tip of her girlfriend's nose.

“I retract what I was saying. I still wouldn't call them or you stupid, but… They definitely need some work.”

Erin nodded and the half-elven woman both saw on her face and felt in her mind as the goddess had a flash of inspiration. 

“Aerynica. It's a good phonetic blending of the two names, and it has an almost elven feel to it. And yes… I'm referring to the fantasy elves from my world, my love. I do sorta speak Elvish now, so I know it actually sounds nothing like it.”

“Aerynica. I… Really like that. A lot. And wait… You speak Elvish now? Wait… I know; Eronica does, so you do as well?”

Erin nodded and gave the taller woman a forced smile. Drusilia could still see the pain written on her face, and she kissed her goddess deeply and pressed her forehead against Erin's.

“It will be OK, my love. We will deal with whatever happens together. In the meantime, however… Are you still ‘in the mood?’”

The smaller woman shook her head.

“No? OK… If I'm being honest I'm always in the mood. But right now I just want you to hold me, if that's OK. I want to be in your arms when it happens.”

“I would love nothing more, Erin. I love you. More than my words can possibly express. Rest now, my goddess.”

"I love you too, Dru. So fucking much... And I will rest, but... Before that... Are you actually OK with the whole 'god baby' thing?"

"I wouldn't say I'm 'OK' necessarily. I'm still somewhat in shock about the whole thing. But I am completely sure that I want to keep our child. If I'm being honest, the idea of having a little girl with your red hair is quickly growing on me."

"Red hair and cute pointed ears."

There it was again. That feeling that her goddess knew the exact right thing to say to make her heart melt. She wasn't sure what would be different about her once she became Aerynica, but she knew without any doubt that her ability to always be able to say the thing the half-elf needed to hear the most would never change. The muscular woman laid back against the pillows and pulled Erin halfway on top of her, laying her head against her chest. She cradled the smaller woman in her arms and kissed her sweetly until they were both fast asleep.

I'd love to hear what you all think about the girls' choice at Erin's new name. As always, please remember to like and favorite. Doing this really does help inspire me to keep doing what I'm doing. ❤️

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