Chapter 41: Heart to heart at the brewery
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The brick facade of the brewery with its name written in faded paint hummed with the sounds of gentle guitar and occasional chatter. As they made their way to the bar, they found that their timing was just a hair too late for happy hour.

Undeterred by this minor setback, Sophia, relentless in her pursuit of cheap beer, immediately formulated a plan. She nudged Becky, and the two of them approached the unsuspecting barman with their charm in full force.

Their sweet talk and winsome smiles worked their magic, convincing the young barman to retroactively apply the happy hour discount to their purchase.

Triumphantly placing four large steins of the signature Bison Brewery Stout on the table, Sophia and Becky reveled in the applause from Colin and Dan. Colin pledged to cover the next rounds in appreciation, with Dan poised to follow suit.

In the brewery's beer garden, the boys had secured a comfortable spot with two small couches facing each other beneath the welcoming shade of an oak tree. Strings of incandescent bulbs dangled from the canopied branches, casting a warm, inviting glow over the seating area. The sparse, weekday crowd created an intimate atmosphere, allowing them to bask in the subtle ambiance of the brewery.

Becky settled down beside Sophia, her fingers curling around a soft, faded fabric cushion. She took in her surroundings with a sense of wonder, captivated by the brewery garden's rustic charm and the gentle strains of a guitar wafting through the air.

Her organized mind, accustomed to dissecting and analyzing, couldn't help but draw comparisons between this brewery and her regular university hangout. But despite any mental evaluations, there was an undeniable sense of something special about this moment. It was a unique combination of place and people, one that demanded her full attention and appreciation.

Furthermore, there was an undercurrent of excitement in the air, the promise of discovery lurking around every corner. Every question, every shared thought, held the potential for curious revelations. Amidst it all, Dan sat across from her, his presence a steady anchor in the sea of new experiences and unexpected adventures that awaited them.

The Bison Brewery Stout was not to be underestimated, and as Becky took a large sip, the rich, robust flavor enveloped her palate. The nine percent brew carried a hefty punch, though it disguised itself with a smooth oatmeal finish. In this easygoing atmosphere, surrounded by friendly faces and the low-stakes banter of newfound companions, Becky found herself relaxed and uninhibited.

Turning to Sophia, Becky couldn't help but be intrigued. With a sense of curiosity that matched her scientific mind, she leaned in and asked, "Sophia, I want to know more about you, tell me about your plans and dreams."

Sophia, ever unpretentious and refreshingly honest, didn't pause to ponder the question.

"I don't think or plan in a way that results in what you're probably meaning by dreams," she replied, her arms enveloping Becky in a familiar embrace. "I have short-term goals, things I feel are within my grasp. Whatever happens next is decided by whatever stupid thing the past Sophia committed herself to," she added with a chuckle. "Sometimes it leads to a well-padded bank account. Other times, well, beers happen."

Becky laughed, her heart warmed by Sophia's down-to-earth personality.

Colin, having been quietly listening to their conversation, saw his opportunity to offer his perspective.

"Sophia," he said, his voice thoughtful, "she's a bottom-up person. Instinctual, wild, willing to play the hand she's dealt." He turned to Becky, a warm smile on his lips. "Becky, on the other hand, from what I've gathered in the short time I've known her, seems more like a top-down type. Her eyes are always on the goal, she's patient, and she knows everything has a purpose."

Colin then turned his gaze to Dan, sizing him up with a thoughtful expression. "Dan," he continued, "he's the middle ground. He dreams of Sommerfield, but life throws him Millerton, and he's making the best of it."

Dan shrugged off Colin's comments, amused by his friend's amateur psychology.

Not one to miss an opportunity for a playful jab, Dan turned the tables and asked, "So, Colin, where do you fit in this grand system of the universe? Are you at the top, bottom, left, right, up down or in and out?"

Sophia, always quick on the uptake, chimed in with a grin, "Colin's definitely a top-down person. He's a man with a giant plan. He's studying his nuts off to get what he wants. He's a lot like Becky, actually. They're two peas in a pod."

Becky and Colin locked eyes for a moment, a silent understanding passing between them. Colin's earnest, polite smile made Becky break into a muffled laugh, the connection between them growing stronger by the minute.

"Oh Sophia, I wish I were in Dr Becky's academic league. Her report card probably makes Einstein look like an underachiever."

Dan, ever-observant friend, noticed the telltale blush creeping up on Becky's cheeks. In a moment of playful mischief, he decided to intervene on her behalf, determined to share a lighthearted story from their shared past in Sommerfield.

"Back in Sommerfield when we were kids," Dan began, his eyes creasing with amusement.

Becky shot him a warning glance, her lips pursed, eyes wide, silently cautioning him to tread carefully.

Undeterred by her warning, Dan continued, "You know, Dr. Becky here didn't always want to be a vet," his voice laced with teasing affection. "No, she once wanted to be a dinosaur rancher. Why, you ask? Well, because her dad had once buried a large deer leg bone in her backyard one day and told her it was from the dinosaurs that migrated through Sommerfield in the spring."

Becky chuckled at the memory, grateful that this particular story wasn't one of the more embarrassing ones Dan could have shared.

"I was, like, four years old, okay?" Becky defended herself, her tone playful. "I didn't know dinosaurs were extinct. Heck, I probably didn't know what 'extinct' even meant."

Always armed with a quip, Sophia joined in on the fun. "Becky, you should come back to the diner sometime. I highly recommend the T-Rex T-Bone. A real Jurassic delicacy."

Colin, unable to resist the opportunity, also chimed in,. "And after that, you can swing by the deli," he added, "Try our triceratops sandwich. It's absolutely dino-mite."

A wave of groans and laughter swept through the group, the shared teasing creating an effortless rapport among them.

"I swear, I've always been a victim of my dad's pranks. I just wish I could be a bit more keyed in on his tricks." Becky said, her tone laced with a hint of resignation.

"It's not because you aren't smart, you just tend to take everything so seriously." Dan explained.

Becky sighed, her shoulders slumping.

"I can't help it, Dan," she replied, her voice soft. "I really wish I could be different."

Sophia, jumped in. "Don't you change a thing. We love you just the way you are. After all, we can't all be flying by the seat of our pants. Life would be complete chaos if that were the case."

Becky burst out with laughter, appreciating Sophia's support. "I know! But sometimes, I wish I could close my eyes and throw caution to the wind."

Sophia's expression softened, and she looked at Becky with tenderness.

"It's quite simple really." Sophia said, her voice warm. "Just follow your heart."

"Woah, woah, slow down there, Sophia," Dan said, grinning at Becky. "Dr. Becky here might need instructions on how to 'follow her heart'. Preferably written down in point form, with annotations and diagrams where appropriate."

"Ha ha, nice one Mr. Funny Pants." Becky retorted, her playful tone belying her exasperation.

"Ignore Dan, he's a bit simple. You already know exactly what you need to do." Sophia raised her beer glass, offering it in a toast.

Becky raised her glass in response, and Sophia proclaimed, "To following our hearts."

Taking a deep breath, Becky echoed Sophia's sentiment. "To following our hearts!" she declared with deep, passionate resolve.

In unison, the ladies downed the last of their beers, wiping their mouths with their arms simultaneously. They noticed their synchronicity and burst into infectious laughter, the sound echoing through the brewery garden.

Becky's dissatisfaction with her empty beer glass was evident as her brows furrowed. "Time for the next round," she declared, her words firm as she glanced across the table at the boys, her eyes demanding their attention.

Colin, ever the gentleman, raised his hands in a gesture of compliance. "That's my cue," he said, rising from the couch and turning towards the ladies.

"What'll it be?" he asked, "Cider, schnapps, or cocktails?"

In her slightly tipsy state, Becky, attempting to channel her father's playful spirit, blurted out in an exaggerated imitation, "Sommerfield has been..." She burst into giggles, correcting herself mid-sentence, "Sorry...I mean Millerton has been and always will be brewski country."

Her solo giggles filled the air, delighted and spontaneous. Sophia and Colin exchanged bemused glances, trying to decipher the source of her amusement.

Colin, ever the pragmatist, chimed in, "What are you talking about, Becky? Millerton's got more than good beers. We have a thriving micro distillery scene. The local corn whiskey is especially famous, neat or mixed."

Dan, put a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Don't mind Miss Giggles here. She's probably on her last drink already. Get ready to order her a pop or something for the kiddies."

Becky, ever defiant even in her inebriation, protested. "I'm still sober enough to remember that the next round after this is on Dan," she declared, her voice surprisingly steady.

Meanwhile, Sophia, fueled by the thought that the night was far from over, punched the air with glee. With a sly look, she leaned close to Colin, whispering her drink suggestion in his ear. She shot a quick wink in Dan's direction before leaving with Colin towards the bar, leaving Becky and Dan to their own.

As Colin and Sophia walked away leaving behind a trail of laughter, Becky's eyes followed them with a smile. She turned to Dan, her words slipping out a little too loud and honest, "Danny Fenton, I really like your friends. If every night was this fun, I'd move to Millerton too."

Dan's grin widened, and he rose from his couch, crossing over to where Becky sat. Taking a seat beside her, he settled into the cushions. Becky instinctively slid closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. A gentle tiredness washed over her, brought on by the beer and the quietness that followed Sophia's departure. Her head bounced slightly as it settled against his arm, his well-defined muscles providing an unexpectedly comfortable pillow.

Her eyes, glazed with contentment, looked up at him, catching a glimpse of a tattoo peeking out from the bottom of his shirt sleeve. Intrigued, she lifted her head from his arm and focused on the inked artwork. With a boldness fueled by alcohol, she rolled his sleeve up, revealing the intricate and colorful depiction of a creature. Its body was feathered and flamboyant like a peacock, with wings that fanned out gracefully. Its head, however, bore the features of a dog, its legs muscular and sinewy, ending in claws reminiscent of a lion.

"Wow, Dan, I didn't know you had a tattoo," Becky said, her voice filled with genuine awe.

Dan glanced at the ink, a small smile playing on his lips. "I got it a year ago, it's a Simurgh, a creature from Persian mythology." he explained, his tone carrying a hint of pride.

Becky's tiredness dissipated in an instant, replaced by fresh energy and curiosity. "I know it's a Simurgh!" she exclaimed, "I've read about it and seen illustrations in books."

"Of course you have. In different stories, the Simurgh imparts wisdom and providence to people. Certain elements in those tales really resonated with me, so I chose this tattoo. It brings me comfort when I think about those stories."

Delicately, Becky placed her hands on Dan's arm, her fingers lightly tracing the outline of the creature.

"It suits you, really." her voice soft.

"I'm glad you like it," he replied. "Say, would you ever get a tattoo?"

Becky shook her head emphatically. "No way! I was there when one of my friends got a tattoo. She was moaning and groaning in absolute pain. It looked like she was having a baby."

They shared a laugh.

"Hey Dan, I was thinking..."

As she spoke, Dan rolled his sleeve back down, the tattoo on his arm disappearing from view. He turned his full attention to her, waiting for her question. But Becky's gaze remained locked on his sculpted arms.

"Have you ever thought about coming back to Sommerfield?"

Dan hesitated for a moment, his expression showing the struggle of articulation.

"Actually, I've been thinking about making a move to Minneapolis sometime in the near future."

"Oh, really?" she strained to keep composed, "I didn't know you were thinking about such a move."

"Yeah, well, ever since I went on a trip to the Twin Cities with Lisa about a year ago, I realized there are certain advantages to living in a big city. The shopping malls alone are a sight to behold. One mall there is probably bigger than the entire Sommerfield."

He chuckled, but Becky's face remained blank, devoid of any reaction.

"I never thought that you cared about shopping malls."

Dan's expression softened as he elaborated, "It's not merely about the malls; it's also about having straightforward access to essential services. Imagine, if I had been in Minneapolis when I fell seriously ill at the end of junior year, I wouldn't have had to endure an hour-long journey to receive treatment. These things make a real difference, you know."

Becky nodded, absorbing his words, and holding back a barrage of questions and counterarguments that bounced in her mind.

"It's not all about me," Dan continued, his voice thoughtful. "Sometimes, it's about the people I care about having more choices and opportunities. Places with shopping malls, hospitals, and universities. It doesn't even need to be Minneapolis."

Becky looked at Dan with a mixture of longing and uncertainty, wondering about her place in his heart. With a hint of sadness, she finally asked, "When do you think you'll leave Millerton for a place with a Walmart?"

Dan sighed, a heavy weight in his chest.

"It's still early days, really," Dan replied, his voice carrying a mix of uncertainty and determination. "I don't have a timeframe yet, but Colin and I are planning a trip to Minneapolis. We'll stay there for a short while, check out the place, see if any neighborhoods catch my fancy. Colin's got an uncle there who runs a restaurant slash grocery; maybe we can both work there while we find our feet."

Becky's gaze softened, her eyes reflecting understanding and compassion. She reached out and gently placed her hand on his.

"I hope it works out for you, Dan. I really do. I'll visit you in Minneapolis when you've settled there."

Dan expressed his gratitude. He glanced away, his heart heavy with regret for not being able to offer her the same support four years ago when she had left Sommerfield. A complex mix of emotions washed over him. He felt a bittersweet sense of pride and happiness seeing her flourishing in her new life, yet it was accompanied by a profound sorrow that he no longer played an intimate role in her life.

"Another reason I'm considering the move is for Mary," he added hopefully. "If I settle in Minneapolis and find a big enough place, she could come live with me after she graduates from high school. Mary's heart is set on college. Every time I see her, she's still wearing that college sweatshirt you gave her. If she decides on studying in Minneapolis, I could be there for her, so mom and dad have one less thing to worry about."

"That would be amazing for her to have a familiar face in the city," she said, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "She'd love Minneapolis. The two years I studied there were adventure-filled and really prepared me for life in California. Did you know that Mike's dad studied architecture in Minneapolis?"

Dan shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "No, I didn't. That's really cool!" he replied, genuinely intrigued. "Since working at the granary, I've seen Mary mature so quickly. She's started toying with the idea of doing business studies. Dad was over the moon to see her taking an interest in something sensible for once."

Becky nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the details he shared. "The university in Minneapolis boasts an excellent business program. A classmate from my senior year ended up studying there. Though I must mention, it's incredibly competitive and quite challenging to get admitted into the course. Mary should talk to your dad a bit more to make sure she's studying the right subjects and getting the most credits she can."

"I have no doubt that Mary will do whatever it takes to make it," Dan said, his voice filled with confidence. "She's determined, just like someone else I know."

He looked with admiration at her. "So, what are your plans after your studies? Have you thought about coming back to Minnesota, to Sommerfield?"

Becky hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with uncertainty before she blurted out, almost thoughtlessly, "I'm not going back to Sommerfield. I'm going to accept an internship at an animal hospital in Los Angeles."

A broad smile broke across Dan's face, genuine happiness reflecting in his eyes. "Congratulations, Becky," he said, his voice warm and enthusiastic. "That sounds amazing. Tell me, what's the clinic like? What will you be doing as part of the internship?"

Becky seemed lost in her thoughts, her mind wandering somewhere beyond the immediate conversation. "What's what like?" she asked, her voice distant.

"The clinic where you're doing your internship," Dan clarified, his smile never fading.

"Oh," Becky said, her focus snapping back to the conversation. "It's an animal hospital that has a long-standing relationship with my university. I applied for it about six months ago before the holiday. I've been mulling over it, but I've decided to accept it."

"I just know you're going to thrive working there. The hospital would be very lucky to have you."

Sophia and Colin returned to the table with a flourish, Colin bearing bowls of peanuts and pretzels while Sophia balanced a wood paddle cradling four small glasses of clear liquid.

With theatrical flair, Sophia slid the paddle onto the table before Becky and Dan, casting a sidelong glance at the couple, feigning ignorance of their previous moment.

"It's time to get some real liquor into you." Sophia declared as she picked up a glass of the mysterious liquid and handed it to Becky.

Becky accepted it with trepidation, her eyes narrowing suspiciously at the seemingly benign drink in her hand.

"What is this?" Becky asked, her voice suggesting that the drink contained some hidden potency.

"It's the liquid pride and joy of Millerton," Colin proclaimed. "Sophia suggested I buy the surprise schnapps secret sampler, four glasses that encapsulate the essence and refined 'spiritual' culture of this great town."

Undeterred, Becky held the shot glass confidently, stealing a quick glance at Dan before downing its contents in one swift gulp.

Dan's eyes widened in surprise, Sophia let out a whoop of approval, and Colin broke into applause, thoroughly impressed by Becky's gusto. However, a pained grimace etched itself on Becky's face as she turned to Colin, her voice croaky with complaint.

"Colin! I trusted you! That tasted terrible! It's like drinking an old car tire!"

Sophia, thoroughly entertained by Becky's reaction, burst into laughter.

Sophia chuckled at Becky's plight. "Babe, it seems your luck ran out. That must have been the old farmer's schnapps—a true acquired taste, embodying the early settler experience: bitter with a sweet aftertaste."

Becky grimaced, clearly dissatisfied with her selection. She put down the shot glass and turned to Dan, a determined look in her eyes, as if urging him to redeem the situation.

"Come on Dan, you're next, take your shot." she said, her tone insistent.

Sophia picked up another glass from the paddle and extended it toward Dan, but Becky intervened.

"Wait!" Becky exclaimed, "I'll pick the drink for Dan. I don't trust Sophia to be impartial."

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "It's called a surprise sampler, Becky. I didn't pour or choose the drinks myself."

"Well, you can probably tell which is which from the refraction differences of each drink, or something like that."

Sophia scoffed good-naturedly. "You Sommerfield girls are a distrusting bunch," she put down the glass, "But fine, you can choose Dan's drink."

Dan patiently waited, his eyes fixed on Becky. She meticulously inspected each glass, examining them with intense focus. Pretending to pick up a glass, she shot a suspicious look at Sophia and Colin, searching for any hints they might give away.

"Dr. Becky, they all look the same. There's no great Millerton conspiracy that's out to get you." Colin teased.

Ignoring his comment, Becky took her time, before finally making her choice. She picked up a glass and handed it to Dan with a confident smile.

Sophia let out a sigh. "Well done, Einstein. It's the same one I gave Dan earlier."

Becky blushed with amusement. She quickly put it back down and randomly picked up the next glass, handing it to Dan with a grin.

Dan took the drink Becky had chosen for him, examined it, gave it a thoughtful sniff, and then took a large sip. His face lit up, experiencing the flavors as though he were in a commercial for a beer commercial.

"It's really crisp and fruity," he exclaimed.

Becky couldn't believe it. She snatched the glass from Dan's hand and sampled the last few drops for herself. Her frown deepened as the sweet, crisp flavor hit her palate, like the first breath of cold winter air.

"It's so good," she declared, her tone incredulous. "Like eating a fresh apple straight from the tree, except all nice and alcoholic."

Colin watched their reactions with amusement, then leaned in to explain, "That must have been the famous Applefarm aperitif. It's a limited-season offering, and I was dying to give it a try. Looks like I'll have to wait for next year, since Becky and Dan greedily finished it all themselves."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Colin!" she said sincerely, "I'll buy you a shot later to make up for it."

Colin chuckled and waved off her apology. "It's okay, I was just teasing you."

Sophia's eyes sparkled with playful intent as she claimed the last two drinks, passing one to Colin. They lifted their glasses in a silent salute, the transparent liquid inside catching the dim light. Sporting a playful twinkle, Sophia linked arms with Colin, playfully mimicking a wedding toast as they took their drinks.

"Now that we're married," Sophia declared, her tone mockingly authoritative, "be a good dear, Colin, and buy everyone some dinner. Chop chop!"

Colin, feigning helplessness, turned his eyes towards Dan and Becky. "Save me before the honeymoon starts!" he exclaimed in mock desperation.

"Colin, you're in luck. It's my turn to buy the next round of drinks. You can accompany me to the bar." Dan offered in reprieve.

With Sophia playfully urging them to hurry back, Dan and Colin left the table. They returned soon after, balancing trays of burgers and more beers. The group settled back into their seats, their laughter and conversation continuing as they indulged in the delicious food and drinks.

After their meal, they played a few games of darts under the starry sky. The dartboard hung from the sturdy oak tree, and their aim, as expected, was far from perfect. Every now and then, a dart would veer off course, hitting the tree trunk with a resounding thunk.

Despite their growing fatigue, the group was determined to make the most of their time together. The conversations flowed seamlessly, filled with stories and anecdotes that kept everyone engaged. But as the night wore on, Becky began to feel the toll of her long day that had started so early in the morning, compounded by the intimidating experience at the art gallery.

She watched as Sophia, in the midst of her usual chatter, briefly paused to check her phone messages. Seizing the opportunity, Becky turned to Dan and spoke in a hushed tone, "Dan, I have a slight headache."

Sensitive to Becky's meaning, Dan nodded in understanding as he leaned over to Colin, who was seated nearby, and whispered something into his ear. Colin promptly stood up and took a seat beside Becky, his voice low and gentle as he addressed her.

"I had such a great time with you today Becky." he said, his voice sincere. "We should definitely stay in touch, update each other on our studies and everything else."

Becky's eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly took out her phone, exchanging contacts with Colin. The prospect of continuing their friendship beyond this night brought an excited eagerness to her face. Their hug, though born out of a recent acquaintance, carried the warmth of old friends, neither of them wanting to let go.

Meanwhile, Sophia, momentarily engrossed in her phone, finished with her messages and looked up. The sight of Becky and Colin in their friendly embrace made her realize that the night was coming to an end.

"Is everyone going home?" Sophia asked, a tinge of disappointment in her voice.

Becky, releasing herself from the hug with Colin, turned to Sophia and nodded solemnly. Sophia, ever the spirited one, immediately threw herself at Becky, Colin agilely rolling out of the way to avoid Sophia's enthusiastic embrace.

"Don't go yet," Sophia exclaimed with enthusiasm, her eyes shining with excitement. "There's still so much I need to show you! We haven't even gone dirt biking together."

Becky laughed, her voice laced with nervous excitement. "Dirt biking? That sounds a bit hardcore for me. I've never even ridden a motorbike before."

Sophia, undeterred, reassured her. "It's easy, just like riding a bicycle. I'll teach you, it'll be a blast!"

Becky hesitated, her nerves palpable. "Is it hard to learn?" she asked tentatively. "Maybe next time, when I come back to Millerton."

"Or, even better, I can come visit you in California!" she suggested eagerly. "Do you live in a dorm? Can your room accommodate an extra person?"

Becky nodded, her apprehension growing. "Yes, I live in my own dorm room," she replied, her voice uncertain.

Sophia's excitement knew no bounds. "That's perfect! I'll be the ideal roommate. I hardly make a mess, and I'm great with cooking and cleaning. Plus, you can bring me along to all those dorm parties with all the hotties!" her mind wanders monetarily before she suddenly shouted, "Coachella! Have you ever been to Coachella, Becky?"

The seriousness in Becky's eyes contrasted with Sophia's playful enthusiasm. "I'm not sure if visitors are allowed in my dorm," Becky said cautiously. "But I can help you find a nice and affordable place nearby."

Colin, sensing Becky's unease, chimed in with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Becky. Sophia's just joking," he said, his tone light. "She's got a wild imagination. It'll probably take her ten years to save up enough money for a plane ticket to California."

Sophia shifted her attention to Colin, playfully draping herself over him. "Now that we're married, darling, what's yours is mine, including this bulging wallet," she teased, her hands sneaking into his pockets in a mock-search for treasure.

Colin, not one to back down, responded with a grin. "My wallet's empty after those burgers you just wolfed down. Plus you're welcome to whatever's left in my bank account after my student debt."

"I find that hard to believe, considering the new SUV you recently bought." Sophia countered.

Colin shrugged, "It's a ten-year-old SUV, and my mom loaned me money for it. She's yet another person I owe money to. I'd be glad to let you deal with my mom if you'd like."

"Ah, Colin the mommy's boy. Are you even allowed to be out on a school night after eight o'clock?"

Their banter continued as Dan subtly motioned to Becky, suggesting it was time to leave. As they got up to go, Dan turned back to Colin, his tone serious. "Look after Sophia and make sure she gets home safely, okay? Walk her home before you head back yourself."

Colin nodded soberly, his attention momentarily diverted from Sophia, who was still teasing him relentlessly.

However, Sophia noticed Dan's attempt to leave and called out to them, briefly pausing her banter with Colin.

"Becky!" she called, her voice lively. "Have a safe trip back to California! And, you know, also stay safe tonight. Use protection!" She burst into giggles, Colin quickly grabbed her, attempting to stop any further embarrassing remarks.

Becky blushed, quickly waving goodbye to Colin and Sophia before walking ahead of Dan. He shook his head, amused, and then turned to Becky with a grin. "As I told you before, Sophia is a human beer sponge," he remarked, laughter in his eyes as they continued their way back, leaving behind the lively banter of the night.