Chapter 65: Trust and Identity
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Virgil entered the room wearing his usual frown. But...he didn't look maybe that was good? Fii wasn't sure how to read his current mood exactly. His brow furrowed even deeper when he spotted Kasumi sitting on the bed. As soon as their eyes met, Kasumi's eyes widened with recognition.

And then...she lunged forward and tried crawling out the window in a blind panic.

She didn't get far though. Kenzo managed to grab hold of her leg before she could slip out completely. He grunted as he struggled to pull her back inside without hurting her. "Oi...calm down!" he pleaded while trying to keep his grip on her ankle as she kicked frantically against his hold. "It's alright! It's gonna be okay!"

"Get off me! That's Backfire! He's here to kill me!" Kasumi screamed hysterically as she thrashed wildly.

But Kenzo refused to let go. He wrapped an arm around her waist and dragged her back toward the center of the bed where she lay motionless once more. He kept both hands firmly placed on her shoulders while kneeling beside her so she couldn't escape again.

"Easy! Easy now...relax..." he cooed soothingly while brushing aside stray locks of hair sticking onto her face from sweat. "Nobody's dying today...Right?" He shot a pointed look toward Virgil who hadn't moved since entering the room.

Virgil exhaled heavily through his nostrils before nodding once curtly. "Didn't think the friend you were referring to was 'Cobra'," he stated matter-of-factly while rubbing between his temples in circular motions. "Of all the people to be holed up in the just had to bring her. Guess you've been in bed with a snake all this time."

Kenzo scowled slightly but otherwise didn't respond right away. Instead, he remained focused solely on comforting Kasumi until her breathing slowed into a more controlled pace again. When she calmed down enough, he patted her reassuringly on the head once more before letting go. Then he rose from the bedside slowly and faced Virgil directly across the room. His arms crossed defensively over his chest.

"Look...I know. I get it. She's involved with Salvatore and the Shiver drug." He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair irritably. "But...I couldn't just leave her out there to die when 'Reverb' attacked their facility. If I hadn't helped, she'd be dead now."

"And I should care if another scum bites the dust why?" Virgil questioned bluntly while glaring at him intensely with narrowed eyes. His jaw clenched tightly as if grinding his teeth together without realizing it.

Kasumi remained still throughout the exchange without uttering a single word.

Fii just stood there frozen stiff watching everything unfold. With Virgil standing in the doorway blocking any escape route—she didn't exactly have much choice but to wait silently on the side hoping nobody paid attention to her.

Which did seem likely considering how intently everyone else seemed to be staring at each other right now. The tension between them made her skin crawl uncomfortably...not because she feared any violence might break out...but because...she didn't really know what she should expect next...

This...was so awkward.

After a brief pause, Kenzo answered slowly as if choosing his words carefully. "Because...even if she's involved in all sorts of shit...I still consider her a friend. And even though we're not on the same side...that doesn't change the fact that I care about her wellbeing. It's as simple as that."

Virgil snorted derisively. "Friends? Don't make me laugh. She'll stab you in the back the first chance she gets. If you had any idea of who you brought in here...then you'd understand."

He took several steps forward until he was only an arm's length away from Kenzo. His posture remained rigid and his expression hardened further into an unreadable mask of indifference. "I don't know how you two met," he growled lowly with a hint of bitterness tinging his voice. "But trust wouldn't be so buddy-buddy if you knew anything about her."

"And you know so much about her?" Kenzo challenged hotly. "Or is this another one of your baseless assumptions?" His stance shifted subtly into something resembling a defensive stance with his feet positioned wider apart and his shoulders squared toward Virgil.

Fii flinched involuntarily when she saw their stances change. They were about to throw hands...

Should she do something? Stop them somehow? Say something? Break up the fight maybe? She probably could just hang them in the air using gravikinesis until they both calm down or until Edith kicked them out of the clinic. Yeah...that seemed like a reasonable long as she didn't get hit in the process.

"I know because I've dealt with her and her gang a long time ago. When she was closer to Fii's age, she had already assassinated half a dozen high-ranking members from rival syndicates and city officials alike," Virgil spoke coldly without blinking once while staring straight ahead into Kenzo's eyes. "She's a trained killer with zero empathy for others. If she wants to kill you...she won't hesitate."

He paused briefly before continuing icily, "And if I were you...I wouldn't keep associating myself with someone like her either. No matter what excuses you come up with. Because one day...when she gets bored of you...she'll just end up dumping your corpse somewhere nobody can find. I thought you were smarter than that. Instead, here you are letting your dick do all the thinking."

Fii cringed internally at his last statement. And judging by the way Kenzo visibly bristled...he clearly didn't appreciate being called out for having feelings for Kasumi. But he kept quiet otherwise and let Virgil continue his rant without interrupting again.

It seemed like they were all treading on cracked glass at this point...and there was no telling how far Virgil was willing to push things. The whole situation was becoming more volatile with every passing second...which only made Fii want to sink further into the background even more until it blew over...hopefully peacefully...but if worse came to worst—at least nobody would blame her if she used her powers to defuse the situation.

For now, all she could do was watch and wait nervously. It felt like sitting in an interrogation room where everybody else involved held all the cards except her. And since she had nothing else productive to contribute, all she could do was observe the ongoing drama unfolding right before her eyes.

It would've been entertaining under different circumstances, but considering how serious everything had wasn't exactly funny anymore...especially given her own history with Cobra...err...Kasumi...wait...what was she supposed to refer to her as?

"That's rich coming from you," Kenzo finally responded after taking several deep breaths to calm himself enough not to explode in rage. "How many people have you killed before? How many did you put down when you still worked in the metropolis? I don't think you get to lecture me about associating with murderers considering who you used to be. You might've changed your tune, but your hands aren't any less bloodied than hers."

Virgil narrowed his eyes dangerously before responding curtly without hesitation: "I never pretended to be anything other than a ruthless bastard. That's why I'm trying to tell you that she's got you wrapped around her finger while acting all nice and sweet. Once she gets bored of you, she'll break your heart. And maybe even cut you open too. Do us both a favor and drop this act already." He stepped closer until he was centimeters away from Kenzo.

They were practically nose-to-nose with each other by now. Both men stared coldly at one another without speaking further. Fii didn't know who'd throw the first punch at this rate...and she really didn't want to find out either.

She focused on the currents of gravity flowing around them and reached out with her mind to manipulate the fields surrounding their bodies. It was easy enough to lift them off the ground effortlessly without breaking a sweat. It didn't take much effort at all once she had a clear mental image of what she wanted to do.

Both men shouted in surprise as they suddenly found themselves suspended in mid-air. Their limbs flailed wildly as they struggled to regain control over their movements.

Fii then pinned them firmly against the ceiling until they stopped writhing around uselessly. She didn't use enough force to hurt either one of them, but she made sure they couldn't escape. Fortunately, fighting Kenzo before gave her a good idea of how much force to apply. Virgil seemed to be around the same strength.

"Hey. No fighting in the clinic," she stated calmly.

"You little runt! Put me down!" Virgil protested loudly.

"Don't make me come up there," Fii threatened halfheartedly without really meaning it. Her voice cracked slightly as she spoke. It was hard not to sound nervous when threatening two older and stronger men who could probably snap her in half if they tried hard enough...even though she had a distinct advantage over them now...she still didn't want to take any chances anyway. Not if she could help it anyway.

Then she glanced toward Kasumi briefly and saw her eyes go even wider than before.

"You're...Axion?" she uttered incredulously under her breath.

Oh...OH SHIT! I'm not in costume!

The two men fell unceremoniously to the floor in a heap while Fii covered her mouth with both hands in shock. Her face turned bright red when she realized she'd been found out by the very person who almost killed her a while ago. The situation went from awkward to disastrous...and she didn't know what to do except stare dumbfoundedly at the scene unfolding before her eyes.

This is so BAD! I gotta get outta here...but where?

"Damn it, girl!" Virgil swore loudly while pushing himself off the floor slowly. "Now you gave me a good reason to kill her since you just compromised your identity. If we let her live, she'll—" he trailed off abruptly when he noticed Kenzo reaching for his sword, which prompted Virgil to reach for his own weapon as well.

Shit! I fucked up...

Fii pulled them back to the ceiling before either of them could grab their weapons. Then she proceeded to panic internally while trying desperately to figure out how to salvage this mess. All the while ignoring their furious screams and curses directed at her for being reckless.

Meanwhile, Kasumi continued staring straight at her with those intense brown eyes that made Fii feel incredibly uncomfortable under the gaze. Fii couldn't read her expression at all though. She didn't seem angry or anything like that. More shocked than anything else really. Though maybe it was just wishful thinking on Fii's part...probably wishing Kasumi hadn't figured her out this quickly...

Fii took several deep breaths before attempting to calm herself down again. There was no point in panicking now. She needed to focus on fixing things...even though she wasn't sure how yet. But she couldn't afford to lose her head either...not until everything gets sorted out properly. One step at a step at a time...

Slowly, her thoughts became clearer and she found herself regaining some measure of control over her emotions too. With clarity came confidence...and with confidence came ideas on how best to deal with the current situation at hand.

She extended her hand and levitated Kasumi towards her gently but firmly. Kasumi yelped in surprise as she flew across the room until they stood face to face with each other. Although Kasumi seemed ready to lash out at any moment, Fii maintained her grip around the woman's body without wavering. She wouldn't hurt Kasumi. But if she tried attacking Fii, Fii would respond accordingly.

"First off," Fii began firmly once Kasumi settled down a bit more. "I don't plan on letting any harm come to you while you're a patient here. And second..." She paused briefly for dramatic effect before continuing solemnly: "Please don't tell anyone I'm Axion."

Kasumi blinked at her several times before responding slowly with disbelief written all over her face. "You...want keep quiet about you...being the thorn in every gang's ass in the slums?" Her voice dripped with skepticism and incredulity. It sounded like she might burst out laughing at any given moment.

But fortunately for Fii's ego, Kasumi remained mostly serious as she continued speaking: "After what you did...after everything I've're still willing to show mercy?"

Fii nodded gravely. "I don't know all the bad things you've done other than working with Salvatore to sell the Shiver drug and trying to kill me. But right now, Kenzo is my friend and he trusts you enough to take care of you." She glanced over at Kenzo for a split second before adding, "So for now, I'm trusting him on this."

Then she looked back into Kasumi's eyes seriously as she finished, "But if you give me even the slightest hint that I shouldn't have trusted you...I'll make sure you won't live long enough to regret crossing me again. I'm only asking nicely this time because we're both friends of Kenzo. Don't even think about trying to settle the score between us or plan some sort of revenge either. I'm not the same person you fought before. You better understand that I'll never hold back against you again. So if I were you...I'd play nice. Okay?"

Kasumi stared at her intently before finally sighing heavily and shaking her head slightly. "Fine...fine...whatever you say..." She mumbled quietly under her breath afterward but didn't protest further after that.

Fii then levitated Kasumi back to her bed where she gently placed the woman down on her back before releasing the gravitational pull on her completely. Afterward, she let go of Virgil and Kenzo too while taking a step back so they wouldn't immediately lunge at each other again. She wouldn't intervene unless absolutely necessary. Otherwise, she had faith in them both to behave like adults. They might have some personal grudges to settle, but they could do that without causing a scene in Edith's clinic.

"There. Happy now?" Fii asked rhetorically once everyone returned safely to solid ground again. "You can go back to arguing now. Just please do it outside the clinic," she added as an afterthought while glancing over at the door hopefully.

"Don't tell me what to do," Virgil grunted sourly before marching toward the exit without another word. He brushed past Kenzo roughly while glaring daggers at him one last time before disappearing into the hallway outside.

Kenzo watched him leave before turning his attention towards Fii instead.

"You okay?" he inquired with a raised brow while leaning against the wall casually with both hands stuffed into his pockets again. His posture relaxed significantly after everything seemed to calm down for now. Even though they weren't exactly "calm." More like simmering under the surface still...but was good enough for Fii right now.

She nodded nonchalantly at him before smiling reassuringly in return. "Yup...all good." Her gaze shifted over to Kasumi briefly and she found herself meeting those deep brown eyes again. They held each other's gazes silently for several long moments until Fii looked away awkwardly.

Kenzo rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he glanced between the two girls uncertainly. "Anyways, thanks for that...sorry for getting you involved in our...disagreement."

"It's my fault for letting my identity slip, but I meant what I said earlier. She only gets this pass because she's your friend and she's injured," Fii reminded him pointedly without breaking eye contact. If she couldn't trust Kenzo to keep Kasumi in line, then everything would be pointless anyway. But she really wanted to believe in him. He hasn't disappointed her yet. "This isn't easy for me...especially because I don't trust her at all..."

He nodded solemnly in understanding. "Yeah...I know. I understand how difficult this situation must be for you..." He trailed off slightly as if debating internally whether or not he should continue speaking. After hesitating briefly, he sighed softly before continuing, "But...if you're willing to give her another chance...I promise you won't regret it."

Fii inhaled sharply through her nose. This is so messed up...why do I feel obligated to help her? This doesn't make sense...

Still...she wanted to trust Kenzo. So maybe...just maybe...she could try trusting him now too...even though she didn't have a single reason to believe still felt right somehow. some weird way...this felt right...and if it wasn't...well...there's always room for error on both sides. So she might as well take the plunge here regardless.

Hopefully she wouldn't drown in regrets later, because one thing was certain—that would suck ass.

She sighed heavily before responding reluctantly: "Alright...alright...fine...we'll see how things go...but I'm gonna hold you accountable for whatever happens from now on."

Kenzo flashed a small smile at her before nodding gratefully. "Thanks."