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Kyra saw stars as her lips met Gloria’s. She had no idea how it had happened, but she couldn’t possibly complain about something so wonderful.

Eventually, tragically, Kyra had to come up for air. “Wow…” She was speechless.

Gloria looked back at her with half-lidded eyes. She looked just as pleased as Kyra was.

Kyra felt her cheeks redden as she realized what she just did. “Oh my god. I just did that.” She squeaked.

“Yes you did,” Gloria smirked. “How very brave of you~”

Ava smiled upon finishing Paige’s new chapter. That wasn’t quite what happened, but Ava wasn’t going to complain about the generous depiction of her character. Gloria hadn’t been anywhere near as helpless and small as Ava had felt in that moment.

It was odd for Ava to read Paige’s story now. Previously she had dreaded every new chapter that she published, but now it was a cute insight into Paige’s perspective on their relationship. Ava had to re-read the entire story several times since they learned who the other was. Ava couldn’t help but feel her heart melt at every shared experience that Paige had felt enough to include into her story. The whole thing was quite literally a love letter to Ava.

“You made me so flirty!” Ava said as she climbed into Paige’s car. “You seem to think that I’m some super confident and flirty person”

“Well… you’re flirty enough” Paige giggled. “And I think there’s room for creative liberty. We’re over the writing as lesbian longing now, aren’t we?”

Ava leaned across the car to plant a quick kiss on Paige’s cheek. “I guess there is.”

Ava smiled to herself. The last week had been incredible, the unceremonious kiss was a result of that. Paige had spent nearly all her time at Ava’s apartment, after pining for each other for so long they wanted to spend as much time with each other as possible. They had been what some people might call ‘sickeningly affectionate’ but it all felt so right.

Ava couldn’t keep her eyes off Paige as she drove them to Benjamin’s apartment for game night.

Ava could hear people talking from the outside of the apartment. She couldn’t make out any words though. Why exactly had Paige wanted her to wait in the hall?

The door opened, Paige’s signal to come inside. Ava rolled her eyes and walked through the door. Benjamin’s apartment had since been decorated for Christmas, A small tree sat in the corner and little garland strings hung around the room. The decorations were minimal and cute.

“Look!” Paige said excitedly. “My new girlfriend!” She splayed her hands open at the doorway as Ava walked through.

Ava’s face heated up as she turned to Paige, wide eyed. “Right away?” She hissed. “I thought we were going to wait at least a little bit before telling them!”

Paige grinned at Ava. “But where’s the fun in that? I wouldn’t have gotten to see your cute blush if you’d expected it”

Rude.” Ava folded her arms and scowled at Paige for a few moments before dropping the facade and smiling brightly at her girlfriend. It might have been a shock, but Ava was relieved to have the news out. She was not good at anticipating difficult conversations, even if it was good news.

Benjamin exhaled loudly. “Finally. I have been losing my mind watching you two fumble over each other.”

Ava gawked at him. “You knew?

Ben sighed. “Ava… I don’t know how to tell you this. But you really like telling me secrets when you’re drunk.” He pulled a blanket over himself. “And you got wasted at Ryan’s party a few weeks back.”

Ava shrank into herself. She didn’t think she had gotten that drunk, but she had wondered how she had gotten home that night.

“And you.” Benjamin turned his focus to Paige. “You were so painfully obvious about it. You would stare longingly at Ava at every possible moment. I don’t know how it took so long for you to finally get together.”

“See!!!” Miranda shouted. “I knew it! I was just trying to get you two to realize it!”

“And you! Miranda. You can’t do that!” Benjamin scolded. “You have to let them figure it out on their own! They’re never going to learn if someone else hands it to them!”

Ryan sat in the corner, mouth agape. Apparently he was the only one who hadn’t put the pieces together. “So… wait, you two have been crushing on each other for how long?”

“A year.”

“Three months.”

Ava’s eyes went wide as she turned to Paige. “A Year?”

Paige chuckled sheepishly. “Yeah…”

Ava was speechless. An entire year. Paige had wanted to be with her for an entire year and Ava was completely oblivious the entire time. Even when Ava had been with Sasha. It must have hurt to see Ava with someone so obviously terrible. 

“So now that you figured it out, What finally broke the camel’s back?” Miranda asked.

Ava was prepared to never come clean about the real story, it was too embarrassing, but then Paige opened her mouth.

“So you’re both authors and you both wrote stories about each other?” Ryan asked as soon as Paige finished explaining the circumstances that led to them coming clean about their feelings.

“Pretty much!” Paige chirped as she snuggled into Ava’s side.

Normally Ava would have been mortified about the story being told, but she couldn’t help but feel content. Paige was there, they had each other. It was perfect. Ava kissed Paige on her forehead and they settled into game night. 

Ava looked forward to exploring what game night would be like now that the two of them were properly together, along with everything else. 

And that's the end!!! Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it!! If you haven't please check out all the other wonderful stories from the STWL secret santa this year! I had a blast writing this story and it makes me so happy to hear what people think. So if you have them, please give me your opinions, I always love to hear what you have to say.

See you around! (hopefully sooner than later, if the creative juices allow)