13. Peruvian Invasion
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The assembly has come to a calm standstill. Duke Melvar has received a new table to replace his broken one. Karla wondered why they had it, but Lucius explained that broken furniture is common.

“Proposing a motion of no confidence toward the speaker,” a feminine voice calls out. At the senate seat, a woman stood up. She is an elegant woman with a fluffy brown tail and fox ears. She wore a red dress covered in a traditional garb of her people.

“... Please state your name and full title before speaking.” The speaker said, his face soured.

“Provisional Baroness, Nadela Kilisa. Current head of the Kilisa family and lord of Etora.”

“A temp noble huh… and a woman at that,” the speaker scoffs. “Very well, proposed is a motion of no confidence toward the speaker. Those against?”

Plenty of hands shoot up in the air, Half of the room is against the motion. Among them, Karla sees older men and a surprising number of beast folk. Hushed voices fill the room. Karla knows those are not kind words being whispered. Karla can see disappointment coming from Nadela and some people in the room.

“It was a good proposal put forward by the wrong person.” Lucius sighed.

“Just because she a woman?” Karla asked.

“There’s no shortage of chauvinist in the assembly…But that is not enough to overshadow such an obvious proposal. She is a beast folk and a temporary noble. A single negative is fine, but three negatives? She should’ve kept her mouth shut,” Lucius said, shaking his head in disappointment.

“I get being a woman in a men’s dominated political sphere is a negative. By why are the other two traits negatives?” Karla asked.

“The beast folk might be the second most numerous race, but their race is the least politically united in the empire. As the saying goes; No one hated the beast folk more than themselves.“

“Yeah, I read that other beast folk does most atrocities committed against beast folk,” Karla nodded, remembering the historical records in the library.

“Carnivores and herbivores, mammals and reptiles, so many divisions among the beast folk, so many grounds for discrimination and strife,” Lucius sighed.

“And the imperial family has no incentives to fix that, I presume?” Karla asked.

“Yes, it prevent a potential opposition to the human dominated system,”

Karla is sure that some humans even go as far to help fanned the flames between beast folk. She remembers that some charismatic beast folk leaders have been killed before. In the end, their deaths are blamed on competing tribes, not the humans. But Karla will bet money that most of those killings are by human hands. They are mowing the grass, preventing any strong and united force among the beast folk.

“And the other one?” Karla asked.

“The senate is split in two; the house of lords and congress of the elected. The lords did not like the fact that the upstarts elected by peasants have the same powers and titles as them”  

“ahhh, I get it”

“One hundred and fourteen votes are against the motion... “ Peter said after counting the numbers of hands raised.

‘Oh yeah, he is working as the scribe,’ Karla remembers.

“And those who are in favour?” The speaker asked with a thin smile.

People began to raise their hands. Their number is significantly smaller than before.

“... Eighty-seven votes are in favour,” Peter said.

Karla can see Baroness Kilisa holding her head down, despair shrouded her. Despair? That caught Karla’s attention. Why would she despair over a motion like this? It’s not like her political career is in jeopardy. People will forget about this incident come next assembly. In the first place, there is no need for her to come forward and proposed the motion. Anyone would come forward with that motion given enough time.

‘It’s like she wants to be involved in impeaching the speaker..’ Karla thought.

Karla is sure that something is at play here, something that involves Baroness Kilisa and the speaker. The speaker is incompetent and bigoted. Karla would rather not have him leading the assembly as a speaker. She had a feeling the general assembly will last a long time with him around, with plenty more broken furniture. Karla would rather have someone competent on the job so this whole thing can end sooner.

“Once a motion is shot down, can it be brought back?” Karla asked Lucius.

“No, it will have to wait until the next assembly four years later”

“Well, that makes it easy to decide.” Karla said while raising her hand.

Karla can tell that the atmosphere has changed. Surprise and uncertainty have dyed the room. Everyone is looking at her.

“Ninety-seven votes are in favour…” Peter’s voice echoed.

It woke everyone up from their trance. People raise their hands one by one. Most of them are Karla allies, which are small. In the end, they still come short with one hundred and ten votes in favour.

“Well, I am also in agreement,” Lucius said, holding his hand up.

Shocked voices filled the room. Members of the imperial family rarely cast their votes unless it involve them and the nation. It was to maintain a sense of neutrality, no matter how paltry it is. It was also due to the overwhelming power of their votes - each member is granted ten votes instead of one.

“I, in my capacity as scribe shall report on the result,” Peter said.

“The votes cast in favour of having confidence in the speaker, Sir Julius Esther, was one hundred and fourteen votes. And the votes cast against having confidence was one hundred and twenty,” Peter took a dramatic pause before continuing his announcement.

“Therefore, I can announce that the general assembly does not have confidence in the speaker Sir Julius Esther”

The atmosphere in the grand hall was electric as Peter concluded his speech. The hall erupted in cheers and applause, as was tradition in this assembly. As the speaker stepped down from his seat, making his way towards the senate seats, he couldn’t resist stealing a glance at Karla. Despite his best efforts to conceal it, Karla could see a flash of resentment directed her way. The intensity of the emotion was undeniable.

‘Julius of the Esther family, huh…’ mused Karla. She is not concerned about what he thinks of her. She would be out of the country in a few days.

A servant hand over a book to Peter. that book was originally on the speaker’s desk. He with the help of a few officials and senators scoured the book for quite some time before reaching an agreement. Peter stood up and addressed the assembly.

“According to article seventeen, section five, clause two; When the speaker is impeached, all bodies of the assembly must nominate a replacement. These bodies are: The house of lords, the Elected congress, the military, the Imperial court and any members of the imperial family if they are willing.” Peter took a glass of water to moisten his throat before continuing.

“After the nominees are selected, a vote will take place to elect the chosen speaker. There are no majority rule on this election. Anyone with the most votes will be elected as speaker as soon as the votes are verified to be legitimate”

The room is abuzz with energy and anticipation as individuals consider their options and weigh the potential outcomes. Some are openly discussing their preferences, while others keep their thoughts close to the chest, contemplating all possibilities.

“Regarding the procedures mention, we will adjourn for…”

“Overruled.” The emperor interjects. “We don’t have time for this. The matter of electing a new speaker will be discussed later on. For now, I will be acting as temporary speaker”

The emperor approached center stage, his black overcoat flowing behind him. He cleared his throat before beginning to speak in a clear and commanding voice, drawing the attention of all those present.

“Duke Melvar raises an understandable concern. Why now? It’s only been two years since the last assembly. But According to the book of assembly, the emperor can call upon an assembly anytime he wished as long as he declare a state of emergency during the assembly…”

The emperor went on to explain his justification for bringing an assembly two years earlier than it supposed to. His words were deliberate as he detailed the important matter at hand. The senate listened intently as he spoke, nodding and murmuring among themselves at various points throughout his address.

“Then what is the emergency?” Said someone from the senate.

“People have spotted emissaries from the Peruvian Central church boarding ships headed for the western continent in great numbers. Their purpose is clear, they calling the great kingdoms of the west for a crusade,” replied the emperor.

A great many people gasp in surprise. The sudden bad news took them. Karla can see the differences between how the humans and other races react. Uncertainty and fear clouded the humans while the other races are burning with determination. Most of them are non-combatants but Karla could see them charging the enemy with no hesitation. Karla knows when the crusaders arrive, they will fight like demons from hell.

For the humans, they will be branded as heretics and be excommunicated at best. For the beast folk and other races, only death will bring them comfort. Although there are no shortage of hardships in the Grevirian empire, at least they are not prosecuted and enslaved. Their rights as fellow man are written in law and respected.

After a brief discussion, someone from the senate stood up, a young man with silver wings on his back. “When will the bastards arrive?”

“They will arrive on the continent by spring, considering their numbers. It should take them six months from now to reach here.” The emperor replied.

Relief and eagerness filled the air. Six months is more than enough to prepare. Another person rose to his feet, an older man with grey fur and a large belly. He asked a question.

“Your majesty said something about their numbers? How many are we talking about here?”

“I’m afraid this invasion is unlike any others. A long period of relative peace has graced the western continent. Those kingdoms are stronger than they have ever been in a hundred years. More kingdoms will also participate in the invasion. By my lowest estimates, it will be a grand army of one hundred thousand strong”

A cacophony of voices rose in response to the news, which room grew louder and louder. The senate shouting over each other, arguing among themselves. The noise and commotion continued until a voice emerged above all others. It was the roaring sound of an explosion. The entire hall was lit in blinding blue. A fireball of azure flame appeared in the hall, right above the emperor’s open hand. Karla can feel her face burning. She turned her face away as the room stared at the emperor in shock.  

“Time and again our empire repelled the invaders seeking to destroy our cradle of prosperity, where our ancestors swore to never let any children be born as slaves.” Said the emperor. He closes his fist, extinguishing his famous blue flames.

“For hundreds of years, our empire serve as the shield for civilized society. These lands are where might don’t make right, where the rule of law applies equally, where taxes are fair. Tell me, are there any other country is this world where a lowly farmer can become a lord if he works hard enough?”

“No!” Screams and fist shook the room. Karla can see Baroness Kilisa raising her fist in support.

“We are a blessed people. This is the only place where your rights are respected, the only place where you don’t have to worry about your king stealing your property and wives. Those invaders? After killing us all, they will plunder everything! Our wealth, our lands, our women. Tell me, do you want the fruits of your prosperity to be trampled upon?”

“No!” Everyone is on their feet now, fist raised high in the air.

“Then there is no need to speculate and weigh our options. What we need to do is clear…We fight!” The emperor shouted, His fist raised high.

“We fight!” Everyone roared. They shook the very ground beneath their feet.

Karla looked around the room. She had never seen so many people united emotionally. Every single person in the room is alight with the color of determination and vigor. One by one, everyone pledge their allegiance to the cause. Each promising to bring thousands of trained soldiers to the cause. Tribal chief of minority races boldly proclaimed that every able-bodied individual will take up arms. Lords and officials promising to buy cart-fulls of war bonds.

“Wow… I never knew father can make such fiery speeches,” Karla said.

“it’s merely a performance. He needed everyone’s support, since there is no way the Imperial army can take on an invasion of such scale,” Lucius replied.

“Performance? No Lucius, that is charisma, that is authority. It’s something a walking doormat like you don’t have,” came a scathing remark from Karla left’s side.

“My, didn’t know you were listening all this time, brother,” Karla said to Frederick.

Frederick stared at Karla for a moment before answering; “You should be careful, sister. The general assembly is when things get ugly quick. This amount of political powers concentrated in one city? Let’s just say that idiot’s death being one week after the general assembly two years ago is not a coincidence”

“You mean Klaus?” Karla asked.

“You casting a vote even though this is your first time in the assembly, you being a ten-year-old little girl… some people are gonna be annoyed by that. There are many people in this room who are not happy with the status quo, people who don’t think well of the imperial family”

 “…Thank you for the advice, brother” Karla is not blind to the attention she had gathered on herself. But she is not staying long enough in this country to be concerned about it.

Someone in the military proposed a motion to legalize a law in creating a temporary unified grand army. He argued that the chain of command in such a mixed force is too complicated and vague for a real war. He wants all the fighting forces in the empire to be united under a single chain of command.

“Of course, everyone that contributed to the war effort will have a place in that chain of command. I just want to be clear on who leads each force and who does those leaders answer to,” He said, finishing his proposal.

“Very well, those in favour?…. Those against?” the emperor let peter count the votes even though there is no need to.

“Motion passed. Scribe, please prepare the documents before the assembly finished”

“Yes, fath…Your majesty,” Peter said with a tired voice.

‘Thank the gods I won that game’ Karla thought.

The rest of the assembly went on slowly. Karla has lost interest by that point and her eyes started to wander around the room. Eventually she locked eyes with her good ally Viscount Rivermaw and she flash him a quick smile. At that instant, a brilliant idea emerge from one of her minds. She mulled it over several times, even having discussions with her other selves. It took only a second before she had come up with a plan; her smiled deepened as she did so.

“_A committee formed by myself will decide the exact structure of this chain of command. Now that we have an agreement on this urgent subject, I think it’s time for a recess, so we may select candidates for a new speaker. We meet again after dinner,” the emperor said, sitting back in his chair.

The entire assembly agreed to the recess. The clergymen clap their hands twice. Karla can see the barrier surrounding the hall has been lifted. Some people vacate the hall while others choose to engage in discussions among themselves. Karla spotted her dwarven ally and choose to approach him.

“Viscount Rivermaw, good afternoon to you,” Karla said.

“... I knew nothing good gonna come out of that smile,” Viscount Rivermaw respond meekly.

“Awww, I only seek to pay back your kindness this past year. Would you like to have lunch with me?”


Sorry for the long delay, IRL stuff keeps me busy.

The blue flames the emperor used are his ability. 

There are no upper and lower houses of representatives in the empire. Both the Elected congress and the house of lords have the same legislative’s standing/body. They are more like political factions within the senate with mostly no legal distinction between them. Members of the elected congress are granted a temporary noble title when they get elected, a fact that pissed off the permanent nobles in the house of lords.

You might think that the senate in the empire is just Congress vs House of lords, but there are many inter-factions alliances and dealings in the background. As the saying goes, ‘necessity makes strange bedfellows’.

I realized that I mistakenly called the Peruvia Holy Kingdom as Parcia in the first few chapters. I’ll fix those, but I probably miss some. I really should make proper notes instead of random scribbles and comments strewn throughout the manuscript.

See ya next time!