Chapter 81: The Last Reincarnater.
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Chapter 81: The Last Reincarnater.

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Alti didn’t act like he was from this world. I made a joke about reality reflecting the novel, but isn’t the truth. Instead, Alti was clearly a reincarnater, who had also read the story.

How else would he know to go and find the MC? Also, talking to his mother, Amona, she said that a few years ago, he suddenly changed. Alti stopped acting like himself, is what the mother said.

After I informed her of him being a reincarnater, Amona was decently upset. But then I told her that I had planned on cucking her son, and she didn’t really mind anymore.

Oh, right! I completely forgot, but Amona killed her husband a while back. Well, more specifically, she agreed with Carna setting up his perfect and natural death. No one even suspected any kind of murder or conspiracy.

As such, she was now the current ruler of Chelva, but in name only. In truth, Marina was the one in control. Much to Amona’s liking, as now she had more than enough time to come and visit me for a love session. Milfs are so damn amazing…

Syrilblia: “Alti, I must praise you for finishing your study session so quickly.” I said with a lightly praising tone.

Alti: “Lady Syrilblia, it is an honor to be praised by you.” He said with a smile.

Fantasia: “Hey, I finished my studying yesterday… Praise me too, Syrilblia!” She pleaded with a pout.

Syrilblia: “Yes, yes. Good job, Fantasia.” I praise, but this time with actual emotion and meaning.

Like I would actually praise that prince fucker… Despite there being so many differences between the novel and this world, the reincarnater just went along with it. Perhaps he just thought that the world wasn’t fully following the novel? I don’t really know, honestly.

Though the girls were clearly lesbians, or not interested, Alti won’t stop trying to seduce the main characters from the novel. Of course, I already did that, so I don’t have much ground to stand on.

The difference is that I didn’t lead any of the girls on. Each of them are aware that I seek out their touch, but Alti wanted to keep it all secret. Not only did he want my girls, but he even still wanted Fantasia. Everyone is already taken, you fucker of a prince!!!

Alti: “Oh, it feels as if your praising of Fantasia was more sincere, Lady Syrilblia.” He said with a laugh.

Syrilblia: “Fantasia does better when she is praised, so, of course, I gave it more feeling for her.” I answer with a giggle of my own.

Alti: “Ah, I see. You sure are so close to each other.” He replied.

The worst part… was that Alti straight up wants me as well. Yes, he wants to make a harem out of all the main female characters. Faculty included.

Normally, I wouldn’t blame him. But this person is a major piece of shit. Alti keeps harassing the girls that I have already seduced, clearly with no intention of stopping anytime soon.

He has even tried to use his authority and power of being the prince to convince the girls to get with him. Alti’s threat never went anywhere, as he was weak. Even the weakest girl could easily wipe the man off the face of this planet…

The man realized this, so he had stopped using threats as one of his methods of seduction. Now he switched to not leaving them alone, and giving them gifts, inviting them out, etc.

Syrilblia: “Why don’t you order, Alti?” I suggest.

Alti: “Ah, that’s right.” He said, quickly realizing that all he was doing right now… was just staring at me and Fantasia with a love-struck expression on his face.

The man wasn’t too bright, and it was easy to see through his lies. After all, you don’t even need to be that powerful to know when someone is following you around.

Alti was a major stalker, which is pretty disgusting. I mean, I sorta stalk the unseduced girls, but only indirectly. I basically have a giant spy network within the Academy, you see.

He was never even studying… In reality, Alti was just stalking Fantasia and I. As such, this meeting at the teahouse wasn’t accidental at all. He planned it by following us.

A Teatime Later.

I came up with an excuse as to why Fantasia and I had to leave together. Since we could fly, and he could not, it was easy to get away from the man. We didn’t go slow at all this time, so Alti wouldn’t be able to follow us.

Fantasia: “Taking me out on a walking date? How romantic.” She said with a joking tone.

Syrilblia: “Well, as long as you enjoy, I guess.” I reply with a laugh.

Right now, I was exploring the walking path in the wooded area of the Academy, and with the MC in tow. I felt that it was very underutilized, so I had it turned into basically a walking park. Sex was a good way to work out, but walking was also good.

Besides, like with how Fantasia joked about just now, it was a good dating spot. Soon, we had come to a cliff edge. Looking over it, the girl seemed to be lost in thought.

Syrilblia: “What’s wrong?” I ask.

Fantasia: “If we lured Alti here… the man would surely die from such a fall.” She said with a thinking pose.

Syrilblia: “…”

Huh!? Wait a fucking minute… What happened to that good girl attitude? Since when has the MC ever considered resorting to murder this quickly!?…

Syrilblia: “I cannot sense that you’re joking, Fantasia.” I reply with a nervous tone.

Fantasia: “The girls talk, Syrilblia. You should understand that. Alti’s reputation is horrible. With your power… you should also be aware that he is stalking us.” She explained with a serious tone.

Syrilblia: “Yes, he has basically stalked us from the day we met him.” I answer.

This was still in line with the character in the novel, by the way. Fantasia was a good girl, but growing up in the slums, she really didn’t take anyone’s shit. If the need arises where she must kill someone, she will kill them.

For others, she always tried to convince of a more moral path. But this girl was more than willing to bloody her own hands. Maybe it was because the author favored her too much, but in the cases where she killed someone, it was always mentioned in passing.

Looking at how serious she is right now… Fantasia couldn’t really be considering murdering the prince, right? I mean, I am all for it… But isn’t this a little too early!?