Chapter 61: Investigation!
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Chapter 61: Investigation!

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Though Marina is now in my dorm, we didn’t have much sex. With Martin dead, now she could just let her people run our fief and businesses for us.

This was, in her words, a much needed break from her years of hard work. Of course, as she is my wife, I was more than happy to pamper Marina on her lovely break.

With that as my core task lately, as I have already seduced Ramona, I wish that was what I was in the process of doing. But… no! Why are there fifty fucking knights in front of our dorm!?

Knight Commander: “Lady Syrilblia Sephiranie. Countless students and faculty have concluded that you’re secretly a demon, and they have reported it to us.” She said with a loud tone.

I got reported!? Oh, no… Eh, it isn’t a problem. The males of the Academy are just mad, and, if push comes to shove, these knights have no chance against us. Let’s face them!


Syrilblia: “Which fools are brave enough to make such an absurd accusation!?” I say with an angry tone after exiting the dorm.

Knight Commander: “Such an accusation cannot be taken lightly, no. But with so many people accusing you, we’re forced to arrest you, My Lady.” She explained.

Syrilblia: “You wish to arrest me without a solid reason to do so? And… will I be charged without even being able to prove my innocence? How can you even prove that I am a demon?” I shot back.

Knight Commander: “With demon detection magic, of course. If you come with us, then we will have a priestess use it on you, and confirm your humanity.” She answered.

A priestess, huh? Marina said that they did their best to stub out any church that popped up. But things like priestesses exist. I am not a demon, though… what if the magic can detect that seed in me?

Carna: “You have nothing to fear. True demon detection magic is dead. The last of it was lost with the barrier surrounding the Academy, which Flare recently destroyed.” She whispered.

Syrilblia: “What about their detection magic?” I whisper back.

Carna: “It is magic that we made, and let spread through false stories about it working. It doesn’t do anything, rest assured.” She explained in more whispers.

Ah, so that’s how demons have been able to survive without being caught for so long… It does amaze me, though. They waited so long to take this world over.

Knight Commander: “Will you willingly come with us, My Lady?” She asked.

Syrilblia: “Absolutely not, no! Why should I be arrested like some criminal on false charges?” I reply with a scoff.

Knight Commander: “Even still, if you refuse to come peacefully, we will have to force you to do so.” She said, putting her hand on the hilt of her sword.

The other knights did the same. Even these people are foolish. Wait… is my power not known outside of the Academy? Oops… I should pay some of my girls to spread it far and wide. Of course, my payment will be me pampering their kittens, which they also spread far and wide for me…

Syrilblia: “I am Syrilblia Sephiranie, and I will not be treated like a blatant criminal. You all are foolish to that you can even force me to follow you.” I say with a confident tone, snapping my fingers.


Before I finished my words, the knights had taken out their weapons to face me. This was all in vain. Using gravity magic, I forced them all to the ground.

It wasn’t that they were weak humans, ones that do not know magic. Most people of this world can use magic, that included the knights as well. My forcing them down like this… meant that not a single one of them could compare to the strength of my magic.

Syrilblia: “Bring the priestess here, and I will let her use the detection magic.” I say, releasing them from my magic.

Knight Commander: “…”

Seemingly very reluctant to win more of my ire, the commander quickly ordered for the priestess to be brought here. Countless of her soldiers practically begged to be the ones to go fetch her, clearly not wanting to be around the angry and cute mage that is me.

Hours of Waiting Later.

Syrilblia: “…”

Silence spread across the outside of the dorm, and… it was like that for many, many hours. Without stopping once, I stood in the same place with my arms crossed. Some of the knights had given up, and they sat down on the ground.

The commander wasn’t any better, clearly exhausted from the situation, and how she felt like she needed to stand just as I was. She was pretty cute, so I did feel bad. But right now I was an accused person, one that refused arrest.

Even more, I was somehow who they couldn’t arrest at all. They would need Beatrice or Flare to arrest me, and even if they requested that of them, it wouldn’t work. I am sexing those girls, you know…

Priestess: “I’ll have you know… this woman doesn’t look or feel even slightly like a demon.” She said with an annoyed tone.

Knight Commander: “Over 1000 students of this Academy, and various staff members have claimed that she is a demon.” She replied.

Priestess: “And you just assume that their words are the truth, and not some grand attempt at bullying her?” She said with a raised eyebrow.

Knight Commander: “Please… use the demon detection magic on her, and all will be revealed. Frankly, I am praying with every fiber of my being that she is human…” She pleaded, and was actually just straight up praying.

This girl… she was cute as well. And the way that she acted… I think that she was a reincarnater. Walking over to me, she took my hands, and then she used some bright magic on me. Of course, nothing happened.

Priestess: “Lady Syrilblia… Planes, cars, anime, manga…” She secretly whispered under her breath.

Syrilblia: “Stay here at the dorm. It is always nice to meet a fellow reincarnater.” I whisper back secretly.

Priestess: “As you can see, she is not even close to being a demon. You noble knights were led astray.” She said, after flashing me a wink, before then looking back at the knights.

Knight Commander: “I am thanking my Goddess… but why were there so many reports of her being a demon?” She said with a thinking pose.

Syrilblia: “Can I make a guess that all that reported me were men?” I ask.

Knight Commander: “…They were. And not a single female reported you. In their words, you have full control over the women on campus.” She answered.

Syrilblia: “The men are under an illusion of me being a demon. Why? To handle their grief.” I reply with a scoff.

Knight Commander: “And what grief would that be? There have been no reports of violence on campus, let alone any regarding you.” She asked with a curious tone.

Syrilblia: “Miss, did you see your Academy years as one for study, or one for a little bit of study, and then romance?” I ask in reply.

Knight Commander: “…Romance, I will admit.” She answered with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Syrilblia: “Their grievances… are simply that. For some reason, all the females on campus at the moment are lesbians. You can verify this, as there are many lesbian couples who are dating each other with the full intention of marriage.” I explain.

The woman looked shocked at my words, but she thought back. Most likely, while on her way here, she saw many girls flirting with each other. For my harem, I provide shelter, luxury, and sex. But not loving marriage. For that, they sought out each other. After seeing and hearing all this, what will you do, oh cute knight commander?…