(Vol1) 48. Village Attack
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"Hiyaa!" The roars of many warriors reverberate through the snowy forest, imprinting every mark of their journey. Horses cry with every tug of the reins as their figures zap like guardians to a rescue. 

*DING!* *DING!* *DING!* 

The chimes of disaster ring in the direction of drifting smoke. 

"Move! Hurry!" my father, leading the group, points his sword towards the smoke and speeds up. 

"NEIGHH!!" The horses ram through obstacles from nature, branch after branch cutting through their skin. 

Wearing a black fur coat over my basic armour, I effortlessly guide my horse through the labyrinth of nature. 

"We will move ahead, follow me!" I shout.

"Yes sir!" My squad mates, except Aeon, say in unison. 

We deviate from the path and head for a longer route. Abscission cobwebs of branching trees and sharp shrubs rub past, blasting away our galloping wind. 

"The village ahead!" Issac shouts. 

Our venture takes us to the back of a village being attacked where a hole splits in the wall. 

Gnolls, half-dog and half-man monsters with hunched backs and piercing claws, draped in equipment pillaged by past victims sprint effortlessly on snow, every strike the power of a cannon. Their physique overpowers the defenders in every aspect and ruthlessly massacre the locals. 


A man sacrifices his body to get one hit through a gnoll with his spear but to no avail. The gnoll smiles and retrieves its sword from the man and pulls out the spear. The terrifying regeneration pulsates through its skin and closes up the wound. 

"D-Damn..." He drops with blood staining the white ground. "What are you...doing, run!" 

In actuality, a boy is hiding behind the man, crying and trembling. 

The gnoll enjoys its prey struggle and raises its weapon. 


Not a millisecond to process, an instant death dawns on the arrogant gnoll, smashed to red pieces by Issac's axe. His aura glows brightly and sizzles the snow. 

"Hey hey! Stay with me!" Issac takes out a small bottle of blue liquid and pours it on the wound. 

"Hm?! This..."

The wound does not heal completely but the blood stops leaking. 

"T-Thank you so much! But why use it on-"

"Don't worry, my leader has a large supply," Issac says and turns his body, swinging his axe across two gnolls and blasting their body to smithereens. 

Behind the sea of invading gnolls, two devastating force delete their way through and leave a swarm of red bodies. Mina and I easily rip our way through with basic swordsmanship providing no escape. 

"CHARGE! LEAVE NONE ALIVE!" the horn of warcry echoes.

The main body of knights arrives at the village, taking care of the gnolls from the front. 

Sandwiched between two overwhelming tsunamis, the remaining gnolls attempt to flee. The chief gnoll commands its subordinate to form a wall of meat shield as it escapes into the forest. However, my father rams through the pack with a dazzling aura and slams down his sword.


The chief gnoll cries out in fear as it raises its staff. The sword cuts right through and tears it into two. 


The death of the leader sends the remnants into disarray; We clear out the remaining gnolls. 

"Dear heroes! Thank you for coming to our rescue, bless the empire!" An elderly says to my father, the survivors behind kneel to present their gratitude. 

"It's alright, we are simply executing our duty. If you want to repay us, a night of accommodation would do well." 

"Understood, Saviours, we shall recover your strength and energy with appreciation!"

Look at the elder's exaggerated speech, he must be really happy about the small payment. Back when I was a mercenary, all I got was stares of scorn when I received my appropriate payment for saving a village. 

I understand their feeling. Despair and hope are mixed between a blurred line. I may have saved them from death temporarily but poverty will kill them. Nonetheless, I needed an appropriate amount for risking my life and I charged lower than most. 


Sympathy only belongs to the strong. 

That night, the village held a mini festival feast for us, bringing out whatever wine and meat they had stored. It was a small price to pay when part of the loot from the gnolls went to them. 

As Gary chugs down what he calls "cheap wine", he keeps glancing at my side, particularly looking at Mina who seems to have high alcohol tolerance and big appetite. 

We sit across one another. For some reason, my squad mates left us alone in this awkward atmosphere. 

"You drink well, do you usually drink?" I ask. 

"...Yeah, my master used to force me to drink, saying it's important for my social life and security." 

"Your master? Who is she?"

Mina looks at me and chomps one spoon of meat. 

*munch* *munch* 

"She's...someone special." 


"Of course she is," I blurt. 

Still, I guess even gifted chosen ones have guides. I wouldn't take it if she made it so far by herself. 

I have a feeling she doesn't want to say more so I change the topic. I get to know some interesting things about her such as her hobby. 

"I would love to hear your singing sometime." 

Mina jerks and shakes her head. "No no no, it's embarrassing."

Haha...only in moments like this does she seem like a seventeen-year-old girl. Wait, I'm currently the same age as her. 


I just can't help but see her as a talented young girl...nothing more. Indeed, she is beautiful but she's not my type, there's someone else that I...


I smack my head.


"Sorry...it's nothing."

Damn, is puberty getting to my head? Why am I suddenly having such thoughts? Love is a luxury for fighters, get it out of your head, Loi!

Gary clicks his tongue and grumbles under his breath. "Fuck. What's so good about that guy? I'm more handsome, rich, and powerful than that Loi bastard."

I can hear every single word. We have one fucker jealous yet don't have the guts to confront me in front of Mina. 

...My eyes twitch.

The mages and the IAA agents following us seem to be enjoying themselves. They don't feel anything out of place. 

I look at Mina, she seems fine too but it may be an act. Should I get rid of the annoying bugs hiding in the shadows? 

"I'm going for a stroll."

Mina nods.

I get up and walk into the forest, each crunchy step marking my route. 

When I get far enough, a man leaps from the branches and strikes my neck. 

"Ngh?!" He exclaims.

I tilted my head and avoided it. My eyes gaze at him in solemn melancholy. 

The assassin quickly jumps back when he senses danger. "I-Impossible..."

The assassin wrapped himself in black cloth. The intense crimson aura emanating from his dagger is akin to the murderous intent of killing many victims. 

I duck to avoid a slash behind. 


I grab the assassin and throw him. He lands without a sound and recovers. 

"W-What's going on, both of us are peak masters." one of them whispers. "He detected us despite that?"

Indeed, there were no sounds, no fluctuation of mana atmosphere, and no vibrations. However...

I smile and point at the chest. "Your heartbeat is bloody loud."