Game of Thrones
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Utilizing Force Vision to observe events from the past, present, or future, I discovered my current whereabouts "I am in Game of Thrones," specifically within the womb of Lyanna Stark. It appears I am the twin of Aegon Targaryen, also known as Jon Snow.

The unrestricted use of the Force is incredibly beneficial; it enables me to harness its full potential without any drawbacks, as if I've mastered it completely. Sigh. I've already utilized it twice—once to save myself, and now to ascertain my location. I now know I am in "Game of Thrones," a revelation far preferable to death in that reality rift.

Thanks to the system, I've become Force-sensitive, which is quite astonishing. It allows me to attune to everything around me in a manner most cannot. Currently, I am awaiting the man who is presumably my father. Occasionally, I ponder whether I am truly his offspring or merely a fortunate anomaly due to my unexpected arrival here.

With the Force, I possess a special ability to sense my surroundings. This includes noticing Aegon's proximity and even detecting the womb's fluid and our umbilical cords—yes, there are two.

It took me a moment to realize that one of those cords is mine. The realization of our connection is somewhat amusing.

Babies inherit their traits from their parents through the umbilical cord. It serves not only as a source of nourishment but also as the conduit for our entire genetic blueprint.[I don't know if this is true or not, but I'm using it in this way so I could get both bloodlines]

My umbilical cord seems to be leeching off Aegon, also known as Jon Snow. I am left to wonder if this occurrence is merely another instance of fortune or if the now inoperative system is using me as a survival mechanism. If my umbilical cord is indeed attached to Aegon, then I may inherit the Targaryen and Stark bloodlines—or perhaps not.

"Status" I've said
Name: Julius?
Race: -
Status: Stillborn, siphoning purefing bloodline and nutrients(This will not harm Aegon, aka Jon Snow; its purpose will be to obtain DNA and bloodline from Aegon.)
Class: -
Force: 0% (can be used 2 times; thereafter, the user must learn and achieve 100% to fully harness the Force. Upon reaching 100%, the user will receive a Force seed in the brain, which then must be cultivated independently).

Having the bloodlines of the First Men, thanks to either luck or the system's design, I've recalled all the powers the Starks possess due to their heritage.

And from what I can see, purifying the bloodline means I can have both bloodlines at their purest.

Resilience to Cold The Starks are known for their exceptional endurance in cold weather, a trait that is not just a matter of wearing heavy furs but is ingrained in their very being. This could provide a significant advantage in harsh, wintry environments.

Warging The ability to enter the minds of animals, see through their eyes, control their actions, or even merge with their consciousness.

This power signifies a profound bond with nature and is a hallmark of the descendants of the First Men, especially observed in the Stark family.

Greenseeing A rare and potent gift that enables individuals to receive visions of the past, present, and future.

Greenseers can also deeply connect with nature, experiencing events across vast distances or times. This ability is linked to the ancient magic of the First Men and their descendants.

Rune Crafting The First Men were known for their creation of runes, inscribed with magical properties for protection, binding, and other mystical purposes.

These runes, found on weapons, tombs, and standing stones, indicate a form of magical craftsmanship.

Nature Magic A broad term that includes various practices involving the manipulation of natural forces, healing, and possibly curses or protections.

This magic is deeply tied to the worship of the Old Gods and the sacred weirwood trees.

Bond with Direwolves Although not a 'power' in the conventional sense, the First Men and their descendants, notably the Starks, share a unique and mystical connection with direwolves. These noble and powerful creatures are seen as allies, embodying the spirit and strength of the North.

Because of the bloodline of the First Men in the Stark family, I would be able to harness all these powers, which will be especially useful for me, particularly Nature Magic and Rune Crafting.

This is all the power I could remember from the books of the First Men and Starks' power and bloodline.

Now, let me think. What was the power of the Targaryen? Dragonriding is it, allowing them to form a mystical bond with dragons and ride them. This skill is deeply rooted in their Valyrian heritage.

There's also Heat Resistance Some members of the Targaryen bloodline exhibit a notable resistance to fire and heat, a trait that has manifested in various degrees, most famously in Daenerys Targaryen's immunity to fire.

This Dragon Dreams is like Greenseeing but for Targaryens sometimes experience prophetic dreams specifically related to dragons, which can predict future events or reveal truths.

Valyrian Magic The Targaryens have a connection to the ancient, arcane practices of Old Valyria. This includes spells and rituals that can influence or control dragons, among other magical phenomena.

Blood Magic While not exclusive to Targaryens, their Valyrian heritage means they have access to and knowledge of powerful blood magic rituals

This form of magic, often involving sacrifice, can lead to potent and sometimes catastrophic outcomes, as seen in the ritual Daenerys used to try to save Drogo, which draws from the broader Valyrian tradition of using blood for magical purposes.

This is all the power that I will have. Maybe I could find a way to have magic without sacrifice from the blood magic, but if I cannot, I will use only criminals by reading their minds.

I wonder if I could make so in a way I could combine Dragon Dreams, Greenseeing, and Force Vision in a way so I could get better results to get a better prediction of the future.

As I was thinking of all the powers from Starks and Targaryens, I could feel a shift from the Force, and I know it will be my new father, even though I know he's not my father, but what does that matter because he will be my father once I get his bloodline.

I focus on the Force so I could send him information, and once that's done, I could sleep. I'm running out of energy.

let me know if there is any issues