Chapter 2
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At first Jill lamented the fact that she was not able to go into her brother’s room, but after enough complaining their parent’s moved Jack’s Gamecube out of his room and into the living room so that she could play too.


Despite this, Jack and Jill did still play with each other though. All that changed is that Jack vowed to never hug his sister again. Of course he loved his sister, but the last thing he wanted was to have cooties.


Her parent’s didn’t exactly know why she was so adamant about this though. Mostly because she hasn’t told them that she was now a girl yet.


The siblings were discussing such matters while they were playing another session of Mario Kart.


“...So…” Jack said with his eyes glued to the screen. “...Are you gonna ask mom and dad to get you a dress?”


“...Hmmm…I dunno…”


“...Why not?”


“...It’s just that…well…you know…”


“...I’m not a mind reader, Jill. Just tell me what’s up.”


“...Okay…I just…want to ask for a Nintendo Wii for my birthday, but now I want some girl clothes too, but I don’t want to have to choose between them.”


Jack suddenly pauses the game and turns towards his sister.


“...Hey Jill, I think I have a way that we could solve your problem…”


“...What do you have in mind?”


“All we need to do…is tell our parents!”


Jill furrows her brow.


“...I don’t know about this…”


“Come on! If you tell them, then they would have to get you some girl clothes! They wouldn’t just let their daughter go to school wearing t-shirts and blue jeans! That way you would be getting the clothes because you need them and the Wii because you want it!”


“...Huh…That is…actually not a bad idea…”


“Come on!” Jack gets up and beckons Jill to follow him. “Let’s go tell them right now!”


“...Do…do we have to?”


Jack turns with a confused expression.


“...Do you want the Wii or not?”


Jill just sheepishly nods as she follows Jack.

Jack, Jill, and their parents were now all gathered together in their living room. Jack told his parents that they had something important to tell them, but wouldn’t say anything until they were all together.


“Okay Jack, we're all sitting together.” The father says with an expression of intrigue. “What’s the big news?”


“Oh, This isn’t about me.” Jack said as he pointed at his sister.


The parent’s turn their attention towards Jill.


“Alright. What’s going on in the world of Jimmy?” The father says with enthusiasm.


Jill thinks that it is weird to hear her old name. She doesn’t exactly know why though.


“...Actually…about that…” She says as she looks down and rubs her arm. “...The thing is…that I…don’t want to be named Jimmy anymore…”


A look of concern suddenly washes over the faces of their parents.


“Why is that?” The father continued.


“...Well…would it be alright if I changed my name…to…something else…”


“What exactly did you have in mind?”


“...I was thinking…that I would prefer it if I was able to change my name to…Jill…”


The room goes dead silent.


The father gets up and walks towards Jill…


…To give his new daughter a big hug!


“Well okay then!” The father sits Jill into his lap. “It is nice to meet you Jill!”


The mother walks towards her newly discovered daughter and bends over to give her a hug as well.


“I am so happy that you trusted us enough to tell us this!” She said while wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. “That was very brave of you!”


Jill was also crying tears of joy, but…she was also confused about something.


“...What do you mean brave? What does me saying I am a girl have to do with bravery?”


The parents look at each other with worried expressions before slowly nodding at each other.


“...You know what…we will talk about that later…” The dad responds.


The parents wanted their daughter to enjoy the rest of her Summer to the fullest without having to worry about such things, so they now plan to tell her about a week before school starts back up for her again. No point in worrying her right now for something that wouldn’t concern her for a couple of months.


The mother sits down next to Jill as her husband places Jill onto her lap.


“...Well…now that I am aware of this we will have to do something about your wardrobe, young lady.”


Jill turns to Jack with a smile as her brother just gives her a big thumbs up.

Jill’s mother took her on the first clothes shopping trip that she ever actually enjoyed. She let Jill pick out a few outfits that included a pink shirt with blue overalls, a couple of more girly graphic tees, a few skirts, and, most importantly, a light blue dress. She got Jill some basic makeup and some more feminine socks and underwear as well.


While Jill was having the time of her life her mother tried to protect her daughter from others who didn’t have her best interests at heart. There was one woman who looked at them weird, but the mother gave her a death glare until she got scared and quickly walked away.


The mother did still have to budget for other things, so she didn’t get everything Jill wanted, but to be reasonable she did get all of her daughter’s most wanted items.

When they got back home to store Jill’s new clothes in her room they ran into another problem.


“Hey Jill, do you still want any of your older clothes?” Her mother asked.


“Ew! No!” Jill responded.


“Hey Jack!” The mother called.


“Yes, mom!” He yelled from his room.


“Do you want any of Jill’s old boy clothes?”


“NO! They are infested with cooties!”


The mother pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs.


The father puts an arm around his wife’s shoulders.


“Don’t worry honey, We were going to have another yard sale anyways.”


“...Yeah…I guess you're right…”


He kisses his wife on the cheek as the parents wait to see Jill in one of her new outfits.


After getting dressed Jill eventually comes out of her room. She is wearing her blue dress with some (let’s just say creatively applied) makeup on her face. She twirls around in a circle before looking at her parents for their reaction.


“...So…what do you think?”


The mother runs in and gives Jill a hug.


“You look beautiful!”


“You might be giving your mother a run for her money for the cutest person in the world!” The father says with a chuckle.


The mother glares daggers at her husband.


“...Uh…I mean…” The man tugs at his collar while sweat drips from his brow. “...You're both beautiful…”


The mother turns back towards her daughter.


“More importantly…what do you think about your new dress?”


“I love it! I am going to wear it every day for the rest of my life!”


“...Sweetie…I love your enthusiasm, but we are going to have to wash the dress sometimes, you know. We got you some other clothes too.”


“...Oh yeah!” Jill remembers as she rubs the back of her head. “I forgot about the other stuff!”


“So, since your birthday is coming up soon…would you like for me to get you some more girl clothes?”


“...Actually…I had something else in mind…”


“Anything for our daughter!” The husband says as he walks over and puts a hand on Jill’s shoulder.


“...Would it be okay…if I got…a Nintendo Wii for my birthday?”


Her parents quickly glance at one another with surprised expressions. They just spent a whole lot of money on new clothes for her, but also were probably going to have to spend a lot more money on her transition in the near future. They weren’t sure a new game console was in the budget right now.


“...How about…we get you some more clothes and a game for the console you already have for your birthday and that we get you the Wii for Christmas?” The mother asks. “Is that okay?”


Jill huffs, crosses her arms, and looks away from her parents.


“...Fine…but only if I get two games with it for Christmas…at least!”


“...We will see what we can do…”