1-This is not power, this is a curse
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1-This is not power, this is a curse


In the depths of Asgard's glittering buildings, there was a dazzling palace. This palace was made of pure gold like most other buildings. The gold used in the buildings showed how rich an empire Asgard was. The reason for this wealth was the king of Asgard.

Odin, a divine being of godly level. Odin used all the power of Asgard and forced other races to work under him. The only thing that awaited the other races if they did not accept this was death.

Thanks to Odin's power, Asgard quickly grew stronger and became a great empire that tried to conquer all nine realms. Odin was also known as the guardian of the Yggdrasil tree that determined the fate of the nine realms. This tree was a cosmic bridge that connected the nine realms to each other.

Today was a very important day for all the people of Asgard. All the people gathered in front of the door of the great palace and eagerly awaited the news to come.

The reason why today was special was that Odin's first child was about to be born. While all the people were waiting outside with excitement and impatience, a woman was having a hard time inside the palace.

The woman had brown hair and brown eyes. When you looked at her face, you felt an involuntary attraction. Actually, the reason for this was not the woman's beauty, the reason for this was the woman's powers.

Frigga was raised by witches and met Odin on a planet. Odin was impressed by Frigga at first sight and took her with him by forgiving her. The relationship between the two grew rapidly and eventually they married and became the king and queen of Asgard.

At first, the people of Asgard reacted to this marriage, after all their king had married a sorceress from another race. But this reaction did not last long. Frigga, with her soothing nature and unconditional mercy, quickly earned the respect and love of all Asgardians.

Frigga did not support the war, so she fought with Odin many times, but none of these fights stopped Odin. Frigga had to give him something he would value very much if she wanted to stop Odin.

So Frigga got pregnant and finally gave birth to a child after two years of pregnancy. This child would be Odin's heir and Asgard's future. That's why all Asgardians were curious about the child's gender, name and power.

"Please hold on, my queen!" said a servant as she put a cloth on Frigga's forehead.

Frigga's body was soaked with sweat and she was so exhausted that she couldn't even moan in pain. Frigga's face was full of wrinkles as if she had aged. No one who saw this understood what caused it, except one person.

Odin looked at Frigga, who was suffering, with thoughtful eyes. It was clear from his facial expression that Odin was in a big dilemma. His facial expression kept changing, and sometimes he put his hand on his chin in a thoughtful way.

*What should I do?* Odin thought.

He could clearly see that the baby in Frigga's womb was rapidly sucking her life energy. If this continued, the baby would be born successfully but Frigga would die.

Frigga was his only love and he didn't want to lose her, but at the same time he didn't want to endanger the life of his unborn child.

While Odin was focused in a thoughtful way, Frigga looked at Odin and instantly understood what he was thinking. After all, there was no one in this world who knew Odin better than Frigga.

"Let the child be born, please" Frigga said with difficulty. Although she had trouble breathing, she had a big smile on her face.

Odin frowned when he heard Frigga's words. Frigga wanted the child to be born, but Odin was not ready to lose Frigga.

Frigga was the best thing that came into his life. Frigga was compassionate to everyone and loved Odin incredibly. No matter what, Odin would never let go of Frigga.

"Take the child out!" Odin said in a harsh voice.

The servants who heard his words turned to Odin in astonishment. A servant gathered courage and spoke.

"Are you sure, my king? Taking the child out early could weaken or even kill him" said the servant.

"Do as I say!" Odin said. He knew the risk and he didn't care about anything as long as Frigga was alive.

The servants saw Odin's angry expression and walked towards Frigga. Frigga moaned anxiously when she saw the servants coming towards her.

"No! Don't do this! Odin!"

Frigga fainted from exhaustion when she shouted with her last energy. The baby in her womb was sucking her life energy so fast that it could probably kill Frigga in a month.

When Frigga fainted, Odin took a deep breath and signaled the servants to do their job and then left the bedroom.

Odin, who had incredible wisdom, did not even know why the child sucked Frigga's life energy. Nothing like this had ever happened in Asgard before.

"May our supreme fathers help us"

Odin said this and went to the throne room and sat on the throne after leaving the eternal spear Gungnir next to the throne. It was a mentally exhausting day, if not physically. Odin closed his eyes and fell asleep hoping Frigga would be okay. He didn't even think the child would survive...

Time passed quickly and the excitement of the crowd outside the palace increased even more. The crowd talked impatiently among themselves while crows gathered on top of the palace and drew circles.

"Hey! What are these crows doing?"

Someone who noticed the crows said this in astonishment. Everyone looked at the top of the palace at the same time and were surprised by what they saw. There were hundreds of crows on top of the palace and they were constantly drawing circles.

Before the people could recover from the shock, something else happened. The sky thundered and it started to rain. The crowd was very surprised to see this. In Asgard, it rained only once or twice a year and it had already rained twice this year. The rain symbolized Asgard's fertility and wealth. But this rain was not a normal rain. The drops of this rain were red and smelled like blood.

Shortly after the rain started, the bright sky quickly darkened. The artificial sun shining in the sky quickly lost its brightness and slowly turned red.

This artificial sun was made by Odin and had no difference from the normal sun. When the sun turned red, the color of the atmosphere changed rapidly and turned red.





As the atmosphere changed rapidly, the crows flying in the air screamed angrily. The crowd outside the palace was so surprised that they opened their mouths and didn't say a word. This scene reminded them of Ragnarok, the end of the gods and humans. In Ragnarok, the sun would turn red and the crows would make terrible noises. But Ragnarok had not come yet. Then what were these?

Inside the palace, Odin, who was sitting on the throne with his eyes closed, felt an energy he did not recognize and quickly opened his eyes and took the eternal spear Gungnir next to the throne.

"Is Asgard under attack? Who dares to do this?"

Asgard was in its golden age and was the most powerful empire in this universe. Even if other empires united and attacked Asgard, they could not defeat Asgard.

Odin was aware of this and quickly calmed down and examined the energy he did not recognize and searched for the center of the energy.

This energy was not similar to the divine energy of the Asgardians or the magic power of the sorcerers. This energy was spreading so much evil around that those close to this energy were involuntarily falling into bad thoughts. This energy was acting as if it had a consciousness and was wandering around the palace as if exploring the palace. Odin had never felt such a bad energy in the most powerful dark sorcerers and the worst witches. Even the demons in Mephisto's dimension did not emit such energy. 

The time Odin spent thinking about these was only a tenth of a second. Odin was one of the most wise and intelligent beings in the universe and his wisdom was growing rapidly day by day. When Odin saw that the source of the evil energy came from the bedroom, he frowned and started walking towards the bedroom.

"I hope what I thought didn't happen" Odin whispered, with a worried expression.

Even though he was sitting on the throne with his eyes closed, he focused all his divine energy on the bedroom and felt everyone who entered and left the room. While Odin was sitting on the throne, no one who was unfamiliar to the bedroom had entered, which left only one option: the cause of the evil energy was the newborn child.

Odin did not want to believe this but he knew it was true. With this thought, he quickened his steps and came to the front of the bedroom door in just ten seconds. In Odin's hand was the eternal spear Gungnir, the most powerful weapon of Asgard. This spear was a symbol of Odin's divine power and moved with him.

When Odin was here, he could feel that the intensity of the evil energy was much higher. He frowned and opened the door quickly and entered the bedroom. When Odin entered the bedroom, he saw Frigga and three servants looking at the newborn baby with smiles on their faces. The servants bowed respectfully as soon as they saw Odin and left the room quietly. Frigga reached out to Odin and called him to her side.

*Doesn't Frigga feel this energy?*

The servants in the palace were strong warriors, but their divine senses were very low. In fact, the situation was the same in all of Asgard. Asgardians with strong divine senses were serving as commanders in the army.

The surprising thing here was that Frigga did not feel this scary energy. Frigga was the second most powerful sorcerer in Asgard and her senses were much higher than all Asgardians. Frigga was the goddess of nature and life. Her magic was connected to the souls of living beings.

*Did the decrease in life energy weaken her so much?* Odin asked himself.

While Odin was lost in thought, a foreign feeling that filled him saved him from his thoughts. This feeling made him feel as if all his secrets were being seen by someone. When Odin looked at the newborn child, he learned the cause of this feeling.

A pair of purple eyes looked at Odin curiously. These eyes were small and bright. When Odin saw these eyes, he likened them to two small universes. There were white sparkles in the depths of the purple eyes that looked like stars. It was as if he was naked in front of these eyes.

"Come and look at our child" Frigga said. It was obvious from the tiredness on her face that she had just woken up and she was looking at Odin with a big smile.

Frigga was not angry with Odin for what he did. After all, Odin had made this decision thinking of her and this was not important anymore. The child was born alive and was breathing now, that was what mattered.

Odin slowly left the eternal spear Gungnir and walked towards the baby in Frigga's lap with curious eyes. When Odin got close enough, he examined his child. Surprisingly, the child's hair color was exactly like Odin's, white. He had bright purple eyes and it was obvious that he would be very handsome when he grew up.

"Isn't he cute?" Frigga asked.

"I'm sure he will be as strong as his father when he grows up." she added.

Odin slowly took the child from Frigga's arms and examined him more closely. The bad energy coming from the child had clearly decreased and was no longer spreading pressure around. Odin looked at the child for a while and then turned to Frigga.

"Are you okay?" Odin asked. It was obvious from his expression that he was very worried.

Frigga was surprised when she heard Odin's question.

*Did he notice that my life energy decreased?*

Frigga had been feeling her life energy decrease rapidly since she became pregnant, but she did not care about it and let the baby suck her life energy because she was afraid that it would affect the baby's health.

Frigga was not a god like Odin, so she used magic energy instead of divine energy to do magic. Sorcerers who used magic power to do magic would weaken as their life energy decreased. This was exactly what happened to Frigga. Her life energy had dropped to critical levels and she had lost almost all of her magic powers.

"Our child has a different power, but he is still our child" Frigga said with great compassion.

Odin looked at Frigga expressionlessly and then looked at the child in his arms thoughtfully. Frigga felt uneasy when she saw Odin's thoughtful expression.

Odin walked slowly towards the bedroom door with the child in his arms. When Odin came to the front of the door, he stopped and looked back at Frigga, turning his head slightly.

"This is not power, this is a curse" Odin said and left the bedroom with slow steps.

"He is your child too, Odin, don't do anything wrong!" Frigga shouted, gathering all her strength.

Although Frigga shouted after Odin, Odin had already made his decision and was now walking towards the entrance door of the palace.

The reason for walking towards the entrance door was to inform the people that a new child was born. All the people were eagerly waiting for this moment.

When Odin came out of the palace door, everyone who was talking about the atmosphere around them fell silent. Odin raised his head and looked at the red sky and the red sun. He was sure that the cause of this anomaly was the child he was holding.

He approached the people with slow steps and stopped when he got close enough and watched the people below.

"ASGARDDD!" Odin shouted. His voice spread throughout Asgard like thunder.

"Today a new child was born to Asgard" Odin said. His voice was very low but it was heard clearly throughout Asgard in a magical way.

Actually, the crowd who heard Odin's words was very surprised. The reason for this was that Odin spoke of the child as if he was not his own.

"The child's name..." Odin said and paused.

"Jericho... Swain" Odin said.

"God of-" he hesitated after saying that.

"No," he whispered to himself.

"Demon Of Secrets!" Odin shouted with determination and turned his back and returned to the palace with the baby in his hand.

Odin left a curious and astonished crowd behind and entered the palace. When Odin entered the palace, the red atmosphere in the air quickly disappeared and the rain stopped.

"Demon Of Secrets?"



Only two seconds after Odin left, the crowd started to argue loudly.

Odin first spoke of the child as if he was not his own.

Secondly, he did not give him his own surname and finally he called the child a demon. It was clear that Odin was rejecting this child.