7-New Spells
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7-New Spells

Swain, while staring intently into the lizard man's eyes, saw all his secrets. The lizard man, as if enchanted, couldn't see anything other than Swain's eyes.

The white glimmers in the depths of Swain's purple eyes drew circles that caressed the lizard man's mind, ensnaring him under Swain's influence.

As Swain continued to gaze into the lizard man's eyes, twenty seconds swiftly passed. Satisfied that he had obtained the desired information, Swain released the lizard man's arm.

The lizard man, still in shock, looked at Swain with bewilderment. He couldn't fully comprehend what had just happened, but he sensed that all his secrets had been laid bare.

"What... have you done to me?" the lizard man trembled, his voice barely audible. The events of moments ago were beyond belief, leaving him in a state of profound astonishment.

"So you were trying to build a new empire," Swain said with a wry smile.

"Apparently Roland didn't do his job well," he added.

The ability he had just used showed him his opponent's secrets. Of course, this ability had some limitations. First of all, he could only see the secrets that his opponent hid from Swain and secondly, this ability consumed most of the energy in his eyes.

At the same time, this ability could be easily blocked by those with strong will or by those who were stronger than Swain.

Swain had discovered this ability when he was still a child. He had tried this ability on a child of his own age and failed. At that time, he had not realized how powerful this ability was. But as the years passed, he had improved and mastered this ability.

The lizard man's face turned pale when he heard Swain's words.

"How do you know this!" he shouted with all his strength.

Swain did not care about the lizard man's words and swung his spear, cutting off his neck.

"This ability is more challenging than I thought," Swain said as he blinked his eyes. Using this ability was exhausting for him, but it was worth it. The lizard men were uniting to build an empire, and this was a great opportunity for Swain.

"If they want to build a strong empire, they definitely have lizard men who draw power from the dark dimension by their side," Swain thought aloud.

Swain added, "I can't deal with them right now, I need to increase my demon energy and use new spells."

A lizard man who could draw power from the dark dimension could fight head to head with an Asgardian who had divine energy of the third level, and even defeat him if he was strong enough.

Swain's demon energy was at the beginning of the first level and he had very few spells to use.

If he wanted to create more spells, he had to increase his demon energy and to increase his demon energy, he had to kill hollows or lizard men.

He had learned from the lizard man he had just killed that there were other lizard man villages nearby.

The population of the nearby lizard man village was fifty and Swain's demon energy would increase greatly if he killed them.

"I'll think about that later, I have more important things to do right now," he said and looked at the lizard man corpses on the ground with a big smile on his face.

He had not sucked the souls of most of the lizard men.

Swain limped around all the lizard man corpses and sucked their souls.

Swain's expression showed that he enjoyed this process immensely as he sucked the souls of the lizard men.

Swain's demon energy grew as he sucked the souls. This feeling was incredible. Swain's demon energy had increased greatly when he sucked all the souls.

"I have to go to the other lizard man village without wasting time," Swain said and started walking.

He moved very slowly and carefully towards the village, trying not to encounter any Hollows. This made his journey even longer.

Swain tried to do many new spells during the journey, but he failed in almost all of them. When he used words to do magic, the resulting spell was very weak. So Swain used more demon energy to strengthen the spell. But this also drained his demon energy reserve quickly.

Swain took breaks when he had no demon energy and waited for it to refill. The demon energy filled up over time, but this was very slow compared to sucking someone else's soul. Swain wanted to use his soul sucking ability, but he needed a living being nearby for that.

Swain had only been able to create two spells during his journey. Actually, this was a very good result; because Swain's demon energy was limited and he had to wait for it to refill every time.

One of the spells he created was an attack, the other was a defense spell. So far, he had no other spells that he could use to deal high damage or defend himself.

The two spells he created also consumed a lot of demon energy, but it was worth it. Indeed, Swain's goal in creating these spells was to add diversity to himself in terms of magic.

The defense spell that Swain created had a very simple mechanism and he had no difficulty in creating this spell. Thanks to this spell, Swain could defend himself against the attacks directed at him by using his demon energy. Thus, he could attack his opponent while protecting himself. This spell would become one of Swain's most trusted spells in the future.

This spell was a barrier spell. When Swain said the word required to use this spell, he could create a barrier of demon energy wherever he wanted. The barrier he created consumed more demon energy the farther it was from Swain.

The downside of this spell was that the barrier he created was not very large. Actually, his goal when creating this spell was to make a barrier that covered his whole body; but the demon energy was not enough for that.

For now, the barrier he created was circular and had a radius of half a meter. Actually, he could enlarge or shrink this barrier; but doing that would also change the expenditure of demon energy.

When Swain wanted to increase the protection power of the barrier, he could do that by pouring more demon energy into the barrier; but this process would completely deplete his demon energy. Therefore, he had to be very careful when using this spell. This spell was a spell that could save Swain's life; but it could also put him in danger.

Swain was not afraid of getting injured; because he could heal all his wounds easily by sucking the life energy of a lizard man.

The real problem here was the attacks from a long distance. If his opponent was strong enough, he would not approach Swain and he could easily kill him with his attacks from afar.

Swain would never heal unless there was a living being nearby, and he would die soon.

The intelligence of normal lizard men was not enough to think of this; but a lizard man who gained power from the dark dimension could easily think of this.

Swain, thinking of this, had created a barrier spell and had taken precautions to prevent such a situation. With this spell, Swain could protect himself and gain an advantage over his opponent.

Swain's other spell was simple, just like the barrier spell; but he had worked hard to create this spell.

This spell was a mid and long range attack spell. When Swain said the word that activated this spell, a crow made entirely of demon energy appeared in the air.

Swain could give orders to the crow with his thoughts and make it attack his opponents. This crow exploded when it touched his opponents.

The reason why he struggled to create this spell was to give the crow a will. This way, the crow could fly in the direction Swain wanted and attack his opponents. This spell would be one of Swain's most effective attack spells.

When Swain first used this spell, a crow made of demon energy appeared in the air and exploded instantly.

The spell was of no use to Swain in this state. So Swain, after long trials, managed to give the crow a will.

This way, he could now give orders to the crow with his thoughts.

This spell had no drawbacks and was perfect.

Swain had not fully mastered this spell yet. That's why the crow took five seconds to form.

The explosion caused by the crow was very low-level. This spell was a spell that Swain could surprise his opponents with; but he should not expect too much damage. This spell, in its current state, was a spell that Swain used to confuse and annoy his opponents.

Swain could enlarge the explosion caused by the crow by using more demon energy; but if he did that, the time it took to form the crow would increase exponentially and his demon energy reserve would run out quickly.

When he mastered this spell enough and his demon energy reserve grew, he could try to load more demon energy to the crows. This way, the explosion caused by the crow could be more powerful and effective.

Even though Swain could give orders to the crow with his thoughts, he could not see what the crow saw and he could not give complex orders to the crow. Therefore, he could only direct the crow to a specific target and detonate it.


When Swain was in Asgard, all the crows living in Asgard were under Swain's control and Swain could see and hear everything the crows saw and heard. This way, he knew almost everything that happened in Asgard.

Swain could easily take control of the crows when he was close enough to them.

There were only two ways for Swain to lose control of the crows. The first one was the distance; if Swain got too far away from the crows he controlled, the bond between them would break and the crow would be free. The second one was the death of the crows he controlled.

When Swain was thrown into a cell after killing Roland; Odin killed all the crows in Asgard with his divine energy, preventing Swain from knowing what was going on outside.


"I finally arrived," Swain said, hiding behind a rock. He had been on the road for about three weeks and had finally reached the lizard man village.