Chapter 15: Reinforcements
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Time: Ariel 50th, 1447, 08:00. Location: Second Continent, Narnendia, Kharbury Port

The large port down near the capital had been experiencing a normal day, a bright and beautiful sunny sky with no clouds. One of the guards on a watch tower had been resting, leaning up against the railing and staring at the beautiful sky, suddenly he gazes out in the distance. Grabbing a spyglass to look further, he shakes his head and stares back through it, 2 navy spots, wait no 4, now 16, they keep growing. He turns around and looks down, shouting, “Wyverns!” Before anybody can even react the buzzing of the planes rushes overhead. About 50 planes with grey underbellies and white stars had passed overhead at speeds nobody could believe. Another guard shouts, “Ships!” The townsfolk gazing at the planes whip their heads toward the ocean, seeing massive grey silhouettes approaching from the distance.


Time: Ariel 50th, 1447, 09:00. Location: Second Continent, Narnendia, Kharbury/Port

Soldiers rush through the capital city, getting on carriages and horses, preparing to head to the port to reinforce. The Countess rushes down to the living area in the mansion shouting, “There’s an unknown force at our coast. Is it your nation?” The men jump up from the chairs, getting ready to run out, “Probably. If they’ve got white stars or are flying a flag of red, white, and blue it’s us.” They immediately rush out, heading to the port, the Countess rushes to the palace to inform the Royals. As they reach the port, Doyle sets up his long-range radio, getting in contact with the fleet as the rest tell the guards to not panic and that they are allies. “This is Private First Class Doyle of the 82nd Airborne. There are no hostile on the shore and they are allies. You are free to dock and dismount troops and diplomats.” Static. “Roger, the docks are too small for us so we will be using landing craft to dismount troops onto the beach nearby.” Doyle stands up, turning to the others and announcing, “Those are our fellow Americans and they will be landing on the beaches as this wooden port is too small!” 


Time: Ariel 50th, 1447, 09:30. Location: Second Continent, Narnendia, Kharbury Port

The squad stands on the beach, waiting for the landing craft to reach the beach with the other guards standing by them. As they wait the sound of carriages rolling against the stone path echoes behind them, eventually coming to a halt as the Royals come out of them. William walks up to the group, clearing his throat before speaking, “What is this? I thought you were waiting for diplomats. I wasn’t expecting an entire invasion force.” Willis smirks and nods, “Neither were we, sir. Neither were we.” Soon the first landing craft reaches the shore, a squad of infantrymen rushing out to ensure there were no threats before a man in a black suit and hat walks from behind them, slightly bowing and offering a handshake to William. As William accepts the handshake, the mage casts a translation spell to allow them to understand the common language. “Hello, I am Harvey Lee, a diplomat from the United States of America. I am pleased to meet you and this is the Pacific Fleet’s Battle Force behind me to assist in the war against Aryvanion.” Just as he finishes his sentence more landing craft reach the beach, American soldiers pour out from the ships, marching in formation off the boats before grouping up in an orderly fashion behind the diplomats. William stares in disbelief at the sheer number of troops piling out from the ships, there had to be at least 200 already on the beach with hundreds more still on the way. “This is certainly quite the battle force you’ve brought. But I’m slightly concerned about how powerful your army truly is. I see no cavalry, field cannons, or even mages in the deployed troops. Is your military tactic purely based on regular foot soldiers who don’t even carry sharp spears or arrows?” Harvey laughs, bending over as he bellows in disbelief at what William had said, “Spears and arrows? Calvary and basic field cannons? What outdated equipment do you think we have? This is all top-of-the-line equipment from the United States itself. And mages? All our magicians can do are basic magic tricks, they’ll be conscripted as regular soldiers, who cares about card tricks when you have a rifle.” William looks in shock as he can’t wrap his mind around what Harvey is talking about, “Mages being useless? They’re the most powerful weapon on the battlefield. Anyways, what are these rifles you mention? Are they those wooden sticks all your soldiers carry around? And what about field cannons being outdated, how else do you siege forts?” Harvey turns around to one of the soldiers, “Hey fire your rifle when I through this canteen into the air.” He spins back around to William, “This is a rifle, specifically a M1 Garand. Semi-automatic and deadly accurate.” He throws the canteen up into the air, standing completely still as the soldier behind him lines up his sights and fire. A crack in the air echoed through the crowds’ ears. The Narnendian entourage jumps, some ducking and the guards pulling their swords from their sheaths. William shakes his head and looks at the canteen that is now on the ground in front of him, a large hole resting on both sides of the canteen. “What magic does that use? How many of those do you have and how many can you make?” Harvey smirks with a smug grin, “It uses no magic, just pure American muscle and we can make as many as we need to win this war.” He turns around to the beach, which is still being crowded by more American troops as they land. Noticing the large landing craft about to reach the shore, he points at the large craft, “That over there will release what we consider as our weapon to siege.” William and the other Narnendians look over to the craft, waiting to see what comes out. The door drops with a heavy thud and explosive pops come from the craft, eventually loud crunches as multiple Sherman tanks roll out from the craft. The lead Sherman commander smacks the side of the turret, yelling down into the tank and to the others, “TURN RIGHT! LINE UP NEXT TO THE INFANTRY!” The Narnendians gaze at the tanks, mouths open in a daze before getting their heads back together and William smiles, glad to be on the American’s side, “I’m not even going to question what that monster is, let me guide you to your rooms and your army can follow my guard to the barracks where they may stay.” Harvey nods and smiles, “Thank you, but if you wouldn’t mind our soldiers would prefer a large flat area to set up their barracks at.” William looks puzzled before agreeing, “If that is what you want that is what we will give you. You may use the empty farmland that is next to the barracks. We typically use that for training our mages but our mages can train in the barracks instead.”