Chapter 3 ‘The hated ones’
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<Naruto Uzumaki>

"Heck yeah!"(N)

Standing next to a shallow pond a young boy could be seen holding up a massive fish.

"I can't wait until I see Suki's reaction, she's totally gonna flip!"(N)

Naruto couldn't help but let out a smile. This was going to make up for what he had said that night. Bringing up the villagers' hate for them had kind of ruined the mood set in place from catching their first fish.

"Aren't ya little fella, I can already taste you"(N)

Naruto wiggled the fish around a little before he started playing with its mouth,

"Of course, Naruto! Once Suki eats me, she'll forget all about those stupid people. I'll make the both of you feel good!"(Fish)

"You're right fish. I couldn't agree more. Those dummies don't even know who they're messing with"(N)

"Yea! They're messing with the soon to be greatest shinobis. You'll show them one day!"(Fish)

Naruto didn't know why the people of the village despised him and his sister. It's not like they had done anything wrong, yet everyone in the village treated them like they had. The cold looks coupled with the isolation and mistreatment was almost maddening.

"Yea... one day"(N)

Naruto stared at the fish he had been talking to before deciding to voice his concerns to it.

"Fish... what do I do? Suki said she doesn't want to become a shinobi. She says it's too dangerous, all she wants to do is work at a lame restaurant"(N)

"Don't worry Naruto! All you got to do is convince her!"(Fish)

"Ahh... Fish you know how stubborn she is. That'll take forever..."(N)

Changing the mind of his sister once she was set on something was never easy. Even if that said thing would benefit her. Her refusal to cuddle with Naruto despite really wanting to was evidence enough for this.

The fish Naruto was talking to suddenly spasmed before launching itself at him. It got a clean smack on his cheek before proceeding to lay dead on the ground. Clutching at the side of his now red face, Naruto glared coldly at the fish.

"Let's go fish. You are about to be my dinner"(N)

Picking up the fish Naruto proceeded to start the journey home.

'She must be home by now; I really shouldn't have wasted so much time talking to a fish....'

If Nasuki saw him right now, she would definitely call him stupid.


As Naruto walked around the Village, he made sure not to make eye contact with anyone. Failing to do so would only provoke them and he couldn't really afford to with his treasure hidden within his shirt.

"Is that the boy? Someone really needs to keep an eye on him and his demon sister"

"Hush your voice... you shouldn't talk about such"

Avoiding their gazes of course didn't make their disparaging remarks go away. It was always hard to handle them with his sister, while alone they felt unbearably suffocating. He needed to pick up the pace.

Finally arriving at their little apartment, Naruto opened the door and shouted,

"I'm home!"(N)

After waiting for a bit and receiving no response. Naruto threw off his shoes at the door and walked in.

Their apartment was mostly bare bones and a little run down, but it was liveable. Besides the bed and dining table, the only other piece of furniture was a small mini fridge that sat in the corner. It worked most of the time... when it felt like it.

"Are you really asleep Suki? Don't you know-"(N)

As Naruto finally turned the corner, he noticed the very empty room.

"How is she not back yet!?"(N)

Naruto couldn't help but let out a sigh. Nasuki should have gone shopping around mid-day, it was the time most people were at work or at school. It was the safest time to go. She should have been back by now.

'Did she go to the creek?' 

It was a possibility considering that's where they were going to cook their food. It had been a long time since they had gas in the apartment.

Naruto walked back to the entrance and made sure the door was closed. He would have loved to lock it, but they weren't given keys to the door. After making sure the door was closed, Naruto walked back to the bed then duck under looking for something. Finding an envelope, he pulled out the money and counted it.

10,000 yen remained inside. Money that was supposed to be this month's apartment contributions. The owner of the apartment had recently started demanding such contributions from them about a three month ago. Apparently other tenants had started complaining about living with them. The twins were naturally against it, but they didn't have much ground to stand on when they were told they'd be thrown out if they didn't pay. The owner was always quick to remind them that he was only letting them stay free as a favour to his friend. The old man who was sponsoring their monthly living expenses. The rent for the place was about 50,000 yen a month. They would never be able to afford that.

Putting the money back under the bed, Naruto confirmed Nasuki had taken the other 10,000 yen for shopping.

'We really need more money from that old geezer '

This was not the first-time Naruto has had these thoughts though... every time he wanted to act on them Nasuki stopped him. She said that the old geezer had already done enough for them and that asking for more they may cross a line. A line that could push them into homelessness. Nasuki had a point, but Naruto didn't care. They were starving most days, they had to take a chance. So... when Suki was asleep, and the old geezer had visited, Naruto requested almost... begged for the money. He just said that children should learn not be greedy. It was a respond that pissed Naruto, but he managed to hold his anger back. Nasuki was right. If they lost this guy, they were toast.

Tossing what he could fit of the fish in the fridge, Naruto went to look for his sister.


Naruto was walking around the village once more. Checking all the usual paths they would take in order to get the last shop stand that would sell anything to them. The owner of the stand was quite frankly a horrible guy. Naruto had had the displeasure of interacting with him whenever it was his turn to do the shopping. Naruto and Nasuki had come up with a system in order to try and curb the number of possible incidents. Going at mid-day, not going in pairs, and covering up whenever they did helped immensely. The incident that motivated them to do this is when a crowd of people almost robbed them in the evening after they both came from groceries. It was an eye-opening experience.

 'She must have already gone' 

Naruto let out a sigh. He had been searching for quite some time now. It was already evening time. Nasuki knew better than to stay in the village at this hour.

"Run! She really is a monster!"

"Demon! Demon!!"

A group of boys ran out the alley way Naruto was about to turn into. Some of them were sporting broken noses and limbs that were twisted in the wrong direction.

'Wait... is that Itsuki!?'

Naruto watch in bewilderment as two of the same boy ran out the alley way. The larger of the two with a broken nose and broken arms while the smaller one boasted just a broken hand.

Naruto's confusion lasted for a couple seconds longer until he processed what the boys said.

'Demon... as in!?'

Fear entered Naruto's heart as he bolted towards the opposite direction the boys were running.

'Please be safe sis!'

With his feet pumping as fast as they could, Naruto entered the alley way and took in the scene.

A scene it was.

Blood lined both wooden fences of the alley way. It's stench filling the air with a rich distinct smell. The blood droplets that were sprayed about on the ground hinting at an ugly truth. It was in this mess that Naruto found a person standing.

His sister.

Covered in multiple horrible cuts and bruises, she stood alone. Her chest was heaving up and down in great labour. She briefly looked up at Naruto. Her once light blue right eye had taken on a sinister red colour which seemed to contain pure hatred. Without noticing what he did, Naruto took a step back.

The hatred within Nasuki's eyes only lasted for a split second before she seemed to realize who she was looking at. The red slowly disappeared as a smile begun to bloom on her face.

"I-I still got the money..."(N.S)

With that last remark, Nasuki started collapsing. Her right hand still clutching the money.

Naruto ran to her in an effort to catch her fall. After successfully catching her, Naruto just laid on the ground hugging her tight. The wounds that littered her body were abominable.

'I need to, I need to find a hospital!'

Despite saying this Naruto couldn't move a muscle. The blood that was starting to seep into his shirt felt warm. Every one of his limbs were shaking uncontrollably. This situation didn't feel real.

'Damn it! What am I doing? I gotta move!'

His legs weren't listening to him. The blood pumping in his ears felt too loud.

Naruto slowly lifted his left hand and then proceeded to bite down viciously. He did it once, he did it twice. He did it until he finally got control of his body.

'This is not the end!'

Carefully picking up his sister on his back, he made a promise to himself.

'No matter what, I will save you!'

With a declaration in heart, Naruto charged to go find the nearest hospital.