Chapter 4 ‘A Shady Shinobi’
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<Naruto Uzumaki>

"I swear I can pay! Look!"(N)

Naruto tried to shove the money that he took from his sister's hands into the nurse's. The nurse raised her hands in an attempt to withdrew. A certain look was evident in her face.

"Look kid, I already told you. You don't have anywhere near the amount of money needed. You couldn't even afford a basic check-up"

A desperate look flashed in Naruto's eyes.

"Please... my sister she's... please, I'll get the money later. I just need-"(N)

"I don't like repeating myself kid. Leave before I call someone to throw you out. You're making the other real patients uncomfortable"

Naruto took a quick look around the room. Everyone was staring at them with eyes either full of unease or indifference. Some disdain. It didn't matter that he was carrying his injured sister. He was still a monster.

"Who would even want to treat you? Knowing what you are..."

The words were spoken in such a low murmur, yet it felt like everyone heard them. If he didn't leave now things might... get violent.

With heavy steps, Naruto made his way to the exit. This was not the first hospital he had tried, and he was running out of energy. Stepping out of the hospital, Naruto was greeted by a dark night sky. He had been arguing in there for too long. After delicately readjusting Nasuki on his back and gripping her legs a little tighter. Naruto resumed his running. His thoughts a mess.

'Damn it! Why is this happening?!'

No matter what he said or where he'd go. No one was willing to treat Nasuki. With every failed trip his thoughts grew a little more panicked, a little more distraught. Did the people of the village really hate them that much that they were okay with seeing them die?

'Nasuki is counting on you! This is no time for this'

After trying to steel his resolve, Naruto proceeded to focus on just moving his tired, exhausted body.


Late at night in the village of Konohagakure when all the people had gone to sleep. A young boy could be seen. His once purposeful run reduced to an aimless walk. His once burning spirit reduced to a cold flame.

Naruto had failed.

All of the hospitals he managed to visit denied Nasuki treatment. He didn't know what to do now. His body felt like it would drop at any second. He couldn't treat Nasuki by himself, he couldn't find someone too and he couldn't bring himself to go home empty handed. So, it resulted in this. An aimless wander through the dead of night, hoping for a miracle he knew wouldn't come.

"I-I'm sorry lady Tsunade, I can't let you play unless you have money"

"Ish not fair, ya know? Jus' lemme play! I shpent a lotta damn money 'ere!"(T)

"I-I know lady Tsunade, It's-It's just my boss has this policy-"

"Screw him! Where's he at? 'Cause I don't see 'im 'round, do I?"(T)

"Lady Tsunade... please be reasonable-"

Naruto was starting to walk past the bickering duo when a hand suddenly reached out and stopped him.

"Oy kid, Y'got any cash?"(T)

"Please don't bother the children lady Tsunade!"

The hand belonged to the woman who looked unsteady on her feet. Her golden locks flailed in the air as she swayed about. Her brown eyes appeared unfocused and tired. Her clothes were loosely hanging onto her, almost falling off. She was drunk.

When Naruto raised his head to meet the eyes of the woman, he made a decision. He needed to lie and move on. Nasuki was only weakening at his current pace.

"I don't have any-"(N)

Naruto suddenly cut himself off and continued to stare at the woman. Specifically, her forehead.

'A-A Shinobi!'

The normal people of the village hated him and his sister. But a Shinobi was not a normal person... at least he hoped. Deciding to take a shot Naruto asked... begged for help.
"Please help me! M-my sister got badly hurt and-"(N)
"I don't remember asking you about your sister..."(T)
Naruto's heart froze at those words. It looked like he had been too hopeful.
The woman clicked her tongue and started to stumble away. Leaving Naruto alone with the man she was talking to in front of the pub. Naruto watched her leave. His last hope.
"W-wait! I-I got money!"(N)
It was a desperate call out. He couldn't just let her leave like that.
At his call the woman turned back. Her face a mixture of irritation and disbelief.

"Re'alllly, kid? What happened to not havin' any, huh?"(T)

Naruto quickly dove into his pockets searching for the bills. Finally finding them, he whips out his open hands as proof.

"I got 5,000 yen! It's all yours if you help me!"(N)

The woman slowly staggered back to the storefront. Her hands reached out to grab the money. Naruto quickly retracted his hands and yelled,

"Y-you gotta help me first though...!"(N)

The woman's irritation momentarily turned into anger before calming down. She faced the other man who had been standing there silently throughout their exchange and addressed him.

"Hey, boss! Y'gonna close up shop soon?"(T)

The man who seemed surprised at the sudden address hurriedly answered,

"We are always open and ready to please our customers!"

The woman clicked her tongue once more before walking up to Naruto and touching Nasuki's forehead. He couldn't even react fast enough to dodge the woman. She then proceeded to do... something with the touch.

'So fast!'

So fast as to not allow Naruto to notice the missing money in his hands. Truly Shinobi were on a whole other level.

"Got a good place she can lie down kid?"(T)


Something about the aura of the woman had changed. She felt completely different.


As Naruto opened the door to the woman, he couldn't stop thinking.

Was this a good idea?

He had traded all their remaining food money. The month was already looking to be tough. This decision alone just made it worse.

'What am I thinking!? Of course, it is!'

A month without any food would be tough but not impossible. As long as he and Nasuki were together they would figure out something. They always had. Nasuki was much more important than a couple of crummy meals.

"This place is a dump. I thought I told you to find a good place"(T)

Naruto winced at the harsh words. This place may not be the best, but it was far from a dump.

"It's not a dump! It... just needs a little fixing up"(N)

The woman snorted at his words before following Naruto in. Naruto made his way to the bed and softly laid Nasuki on it.

"Huh, and its cramped too"(T)

Naruto, who was more than a little fed up with this woman, pointed at Nasuki and stated,

"I didn't call you hear to listen to you complain, just help her!"(N)

The woman farrowed her brows at Naruto.

"Listen here kid, if you want me to help you. Lose the sass"(T)

She held Naruto's gaze for a couple of seconds.


The woman walked past Naruto. She made her way to Nasuki and gazed at her intently... before tearing off all of her clothes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing to her clothes!?"(N)

Naruto ran up in front of his sister with his arms outstretched in order to block her from the view of the woman.

"Those rags were stopping me from assessing her damage. Step aside boy and let the medical ninja do her work... unless you don't want her to get healed?"(T)

Naruto gazed at the woman coldly before slowly lowering his hands and stepping out of the way. The woman walked in front of Nasuki while her hands began to glow a faint light green.


"Make yourself useful and get me a bucket of warm water and a towel. If you're not going to be in my way you might as well help"(T)

 Naruto grimaced a bit. Getting warm water was always a challenge. Gazing at Nasuki, Naruto felt his heart grow a little heavy. The damage done to her was much worse than what he had originally thought.

"I'll be back in a second"(N)

As much as he didn't like the idea of leaving her alone with a stranger, he wouldn't be much help just staying here. Grabbing a bucket from the bathroom Naruto left to go find what was needed.


"Finally, back. I guess you took your sweet time"(T)

Naruto walked into the room breathless. He went as quickly as he could, but he felt like he took an hour. In his right hand he clutched a bucket of water and in his left, he clutched a set of clothes and a towel.

"Place the bucket down here, hand me the towel"(T)

After doing as directed, Naruto took the clothes and placed them on the corner of the bed. He fell to his knees and rested his head on the bed. The things he had to do get these items would be certainly frowned upon by his sister.

'It's a good thing your asleep then sis, huh? Hurry up and come back to me already. I'm starting to feel a little lonely...'

Naruto's thoughts slowed as he finally felt his body fall into a deep sleep.