Days with Garp part 2
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My continuous swimming is paying off. I'm now faster then the ship when Im in the water. To keep the difficulty, Garp told me to swap strokes and my speed advantage vanished. After Garp tought me the breath stroke, I could hardly move forward. For the first week, He had to fish me out of the sea for dinner and to let me sleep. This continued until I was finally able to catch up to the ship. The first time I made it back onto the ship before Garp had to fish me out... he punted me back into the water.
As I was flying in the air, I cursed him in my soul.
Garp: Good job kid. Now do it again before it gets dark. No dinner until you make it back.
I was about to yell at him but the boat started to pull away. I continued swimming and made it back an hour later. I crawled onto the deck and laid there. My limbs felt like noodles and my lungs couldnt get enough air. Monet was sitting on a snow chair reading some books we bought. She had a notebook as well and was taking notes.
Monet: Did you have a good swim Captain?
She had a grin on her face as she relaxed on her chair.
Nova: What's with that smug look? This just means that when we fight again, I'll win and YOU will be the turtle!
Monet: I'm sorry Captain but... your the only turtle here. I'm a beautiful Snow Woman.
Nova: Woman? At best... your just barely kinda girly. You have lots of growing you need to do. I hope you dont get fat from the lack of training...
Garp POV
Oi oi oi... the brat is trying to get himself killed...
He committed a few super taboos... Imply a girl shes not "Shapley Enough", Tell her she needs to "Grow" more... and the biggest taboo of all... Use the word "Fat" in ANY context about them.
Garp: Kid... your toast. Time to watch the show...
Dead Man POV
Ah... I went too far. Monet just lost her shit... She grabbed her pole and grew snow out from one end. It formed a Sword and started to compress. She made the Sword harder and harder with each compression.
Monet: Yuki Yuki no ... STA-LAG BLADE!!
She made a Crystal Light Green blade from the hollow pole. I pulled out my 2 trash blades and the first real fight we have had sense that stormy day began.
After 15 or so minutes of us going crazy with attacking and defending... she did something that scared the hell out of me. She slashed at me and I used my swords to block. When I attacked back, she didnt even defend as my blade went right through her. She used my shock to try to land a blow on me but this time, I had 2 swords so I blocked it in time.
Nova: Using the fact that your a Logia user is cheap!! What if I knew Armament Haki!! That blow could have killed you!
Garp: Hey brat, How do you know of Haki? There are only a handful of people in Paradise who know of it... much less can use it. She is close to invincible in these seas.
Nova: How I know of Haki is none of your business. The fact that shes well off in these seas means nothing later on. I dont want her getting use to attacks not being able to hit her just because she gained the habit early on.
Garp: Hmm... well said. Girl... You lost this round. As punishment... Kid, do you have any ideas?
Nova: Hmm... Hey Garp, can you get custom made Sea Prism bracelets?
Garp: Sea Prism bracelets? Like as in jewelry?
I nod but Monet is looking pale.
Monet: Noooo... Not those chains that make me feel weak!
Nova: I want them as bracelets without chains. Monet, if you physically train with them on, you get more reward for your hard work. If later on, someone traps you with it, you will still be able to fight back even Weakened.
Garp: Kid... I can get them but they are expensive. 1 single bracelet costs about 50k Beli to make.
I opened my menu and looked at my (Status).
[Name: Silvers D. Nova
Fruit: Mythical Paramecia Fruit (Olympian)
Bounty: 0
Beli: ~ 299.3 Million]
I withdrew 500k Beli and handed it over to Garp.
Nova: I'd like 10 Sea Prism bracelets please. Heres the money up front.
Garp looked at the wad of cash I put in his face as I looked at my new (Status)
[Name: Silvers D. Nova
Fruit: Mythical Paramecia Fruit (Olympian)
Bounty: 0
Beli: ~ 298.8 Million]
I'm getting low on funds. Need to made money some way... lol
Nova: Hey Garp... Snap out of it! If we are attacked by Pirates or Bounty hunters... can I rob them and keep the money?
Garp: That would make you a Pirate so no.
Nova: What if we are attacked unprovoked?Wouldnt that be self defense? Is protecting yourself against the law?
Garp stuck his finger up his nose again. It seems like that's a habit of his or something... he thinks for a while as Monet and I wait for him to come to a conclusion.
Garp: As long as you dont kill anyone innocent, they attack first, and I dont help subdue them... it's fine if you use force to stop them. If you run into treasure... we can use that to fix the ship. I will NOT help in fighting them. I will only protect the ship. If you get off the ship, it's up to you to return. Sound fair?
I broke into a wide smile. Now, Monet and I can get real experience fighting others that wont pull punches.
Nova: Sounds good to me.
Garp: Good... now... SWIM!
He uppercut me stupidly high into the air and infront of the ship.
Garp POV
The kid is now infront of the boat. I'm not sure what the kids body is made of... his body adapts and gets better with every action he does. It's like his body has no physical limit on its performance. He eats more then a normal kid his age so I can see where he gets the fuel for his body but... it's not natural. It's like his body turns 1 pound of food into 40 pounds of fuel. With the kid eating like his stomach has a hole on it... I cant see him getting exhausted easly. I've got to up my game if i am to follow through with my side of the bargain.
What if he chooses not to save Ace when the time comes due to my negligence in out bargain? It would be the single greatest regret of my life. I turned to the girl...
Garp: Would you like revenge on him for calling you unwomanly and possibly fat?
I know shes a Snow Woman... but her eyes started spitting fire
Garp: Ahahaha. Ok. I need you to shoot him with snowballs. Hes infront of the ship. Follow me.
I walked to the front of the ship with the girl excited for revenge. The kid was floating in the water below when I tossed him a rope and blindfold.
Garp: Tie the roat to your leg and put the blindfold on. Instead of chasing the boat, the boat will chase you. The girl will be shooting snowballs at you as well... try to avoid them. On you mark... FIREEEEE
The girl went nuts. Her snowballs were less like balls and more like a snow stream that blasted the kid. She continued her stream for an hour until she collapsed and passed out.
Garp: The girl fell asleep, you can remove the blindfold...
Nova: Its fine, I can feel the fish around me and I can feel that my range is getting larger. I think I'll leave the blind fold on.
Meh, whatever. I picked up the girl and put her on the bed in her room. I returned to see the kid swapping his strokes. He continues to swap from Freestyle To Backstroke To Breaststroke. After 3 cycles, he returned to the ship with his limbs feeling like soggy noodles.
Nova: Food...
His stomach made a rumbling sound like a mad Sea King. I started making dinner and the girl who had woken up hours ago came out of her reading den. They sat down and calmly waited 20 minutes... then noisily waited 20 more. Once I put the food on the table, the 3 of us were about to dig in when a cannon ball dropped from God knows where and the table exploded.
The kid was thrown into the water, the girl was fine as she reformed from snow and I coated myself in Haki on reflex.
Garp: NOVA!
The kid exploded from the water onto the deck. His body was faintly Glowing Golden Purple again. What is this Devil Fruit power??
Nova: Hey Garp... does this count as self defense? Can I go sink them?
Garp: This is 100% Self defense. Go ahead but dont forget... I wont help you.
Nova POV
Nova: Oh... I dont want help! Monet, do you want to come sink them with me?
Monet: Let's see if they have any new books. I need something new to read.
Nova: Then let's go. Hop on and I'll swim us there.
She grabbed her hollow pole and strapped it to her thigh. She then jumped on my back and held on.
Garp: Hold on, she will become a hammer in water, are you sure...
I jumped in the water before he could finish. Once I popped back above the water I checked behind me to see how she was doing... she was faintly glowing Pale Green.
Monet: Huh... being in the sea isnt nearly as bad as the cuffs. It's a little constricting but it's not crippling like I was told...
What the hell? She ate a normal Devil Fruit so she should be sinking like a brick... why is she glowing? Whatever, time to get revenge for our food.
I swam like a comet straight to the enemy ship. Monet held on tight as we blasted out of the water and onto the enemy deck. Time to sink their battle ship!!!
??? POV (You will find out in a few)
I have stowed away a this pirate ship again. Once again, I was run out from the last island I was on because of my unreasonable bounty. These pirates were on their way out so I hitched a ride without them noticing.
I've been hidden in the closet on the lower deck for the past 2 weeks and the only way I've survived is of use to my powers to move food and water down to my body without anybody noticing. I heard the pirates fire the cannons little while ago and then something shook the ship a few minutes later.
The crew of this ship started yelling and shooting guns but as time went by... they made less and less noise.
??? (Male voice): Ready to sink them after we loot every square inch of this place?
??? (Female voice): Yes I am. One of the pirates had a weird compass on his wrist. Is this a log post I read about?
??? (Male): Yup, nice find. That alone is worth the revenge for our dinner. Keep searching but be careful. Dont just let an attack hit you.
??? (Female voice): Yeah yeah Captain... I got it. Your just mad I won our last battle. No need to have hurt feelings... Ahaha
Monet: Ahahaha
His feelings are definitely hurt. So the girl is the stronger of the two. I can hold the boy as a captive and force them to bring me to their boat. The 2 of of them diligently searched each room. I used my powers to watch them go through each room. The girl has light green hair and glasses. She has what looks like an broken pole in her hand. She is grabbing every book she can see. I was looking around the ship for the boy but he is nowhere to be seen. As I was looking around for the boy... someone knocked on my door.
??? (Male voice): Ms Nico Robin... my name is Nova. I am placing my two swords on the floor and backing away from them. I mean you no harm but I would like to speak face to face. Would you please come out?
Nova POV
Damn. I couldnt have found Robin at a worse time. I bet we made a horrible first impression. We just wrecked her ride and killed the pirates transporting her. I'm sure she was watching us destroy the crew. I only noticed her when I felt the phantom tingle after I passed a room. When I closed my eyes and focused... I saw a dark purple form with its arms crossed in the same way Robin always has her hands when she uses her powers.
Arms sprouted out from my body and locked me in place. Arms moved my trash swords away from me then once I couldnt move... A 15 year old Robin came out of the room.
Nova: I assume you have an eye on my companion. I'll inform you that she ate the Snow Logia Fruit. I have eaten a Fruit as well but I have no clue to what it does. It's a Paramecia Fruit though.
Robin: How do you know me and how did you find me? You seem strangely calm...
Nova: I can tell when someone is near me. I can see the aura of someone if I focus and I could see your hands in your unique position to use your powers. I am very well informed. I've honestly been looking for you but I couldnt have found you at a worse time... I am calm because dispite what your bounty calls you... you are not a demon child.
Robin: How is this a bad time and why are you looking for me? You dont know me.
Nova: Well... I want you to join my Pirate Crew. This couldnt be a worse time because I've bargained with Vice - Admiral Garp to babysit me and my companion for the next 3 years or so. I doubt he would be ok with me inviting you onto my ship when hes still on it... I know more about you then you expect.
Robin: ... I'm confused. You are a pirate but you have a Vice - Admiral on your ship willingly?
Nova: Its a long story. But the short version of it is I'm using Garp to travel over the Red Line to go save and recruit someone.
Nova: Hes useful to get places a 12 year old cant get.
Robin didnt move but her face visibly relaxed. She kept looking at me for a few minutes then she spoke.
Robin: What do you think you know about me?
Nova: Well... I know you can read the Poneglyphs, I know that you have been persecuted just because you can read the ancient language, I know the dream is to find out what actually happened in the Void Century 900 years ago that the World Goverment has erased. I know about Saul. I know that Ohara was Buster Called off the map because the Scholars learned the name of the Ancient Civilization that fought the World Goverment 900 years ago and made the Ancient Weapons Poseidon, Uranus, and Pluton. I know you feel alone in this world and that you think you have no right to live.
Nova: I also know you are wrong. How am I doing?
Robin: You were not kidding... you ARE well informed. How do you know all this? I've only found references to 2 of the 3 Ancient weapons... Pluton and Uranus. Where did you learn of Poseidon?
Nova: I cant explain it but I could show you. Just... not yet. The information on Poseidon is located on an island named Skypiea in the First half of the Grand Line.
Robin: Why do you want me to join your crew?
I smiled at her.
Nova: I want you to enjoy the life Saul traded his for. You have been living on your own and been betrayed more then anyone should. I want to put an end to that once and for all. Whether it's the World Goverment who is trying to kill you for being able to read the ancient language or Aokiji for you being dangerous... You. Deserve. Better.
Nova: In 2 and a half years, I will be on Minion Island to pick up the second doctor of my crew. Do you know where it is?
Robin: Minion Island? The one North East of Swallow Island and East of Rubeck island? Yes I know of it. It's not too far a sail from here actually. Why?
Nova: By then, I'll have gotten rid of Garp. Join my crew then. I'll help you fulfill your dreams of finding all 9 Rio Poneglyphs. You have close to 3 years to decide. Oh, whatever you do, dont join Crocodile. The Poneglyph in Alabasta tells you the location of Pluton, it's not a Rio Poneglyph. Once he figures that out, he will betray you. Currently, I know the location of 3 Road Poneglyphs and 1 Rio Poneglyph. The choice is up to you.
I equipped the Sea Prism cuffs on my arm and touched one of her arms to the cuff. Robin's arms came undone and I slowly got up and stored my swords in my (Storage) infront of her.
Nova: Feel free to watch me leave with my companion. We wont sink the ship and I'll leave the log post we found so you can sail to an island easier. Be safe.
I did exactly as I said and returned to our ship.
Garp didnt say anything and we left. Our haul wasnt bad...
[Name: Silvers D. Nova
Fruit: Mythical Paramecia Fruit (Olympian)
Bounty: 0
Beli: ~ 299 Million]
Easy 200k Beli.