Separate from Garp… for now
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Nova POV
Nova: He died? He wasnt that hurt last time I saw him...
Garp: That is a lie. He is the 5th soldier to your left, third row in the back with the rifle in his hands. I guess the brat didnt cut as deep as I believed.
The Leader got quiet before he shot a gun at Garp. The 4 of us kids panicked and started to scream/yell to Garp but he moved out of the way before the bullet even got close. He picked his nose as the army looked at him in disbelief. We were surprised as well. Its 1 thing to read a manga or watch an anime and see someone dodge a bullet... it's an entirely different story seeing it in person.
Garp then used Haki on his booger and flicked it at the leader. The leaders head snapped back and he was out for the count.
Garp: Bring me to your highest rank Marine on the Island. I will have words with then. Brats, go do your shopping. If someone attacks you, Defend yourselfs. Brat, keep the shoes on. I'll be back.
I pointed to the Grunt I cut earlier. He tried to hide but Milk kept an eye on him.
Nova: We need some spending cash. Would you like to donate to our pockets?
The army looked at us confused...
Nova: No? Well... it was worth a try.
Astro/Nova: ugh...
The 4 of us went shopping in the city. These girls are something else. We hit each store regardless of what it sold. They bought more clothes and shoes. Astro and I got weapons and books. I found a house that was being rented out. A nice 2 bed and 2 bath with a private backyard.
Why am I looking at houses? I'm not. I'm bringing Astro to see how they are built from the inside so he can expand his building ideas. We looked at each house that was for sale and he started to draw schematics on his notepad.
We enjoyed our outing until Garp found us and we returned to the ship.
Garp: We have some trouble. I'm needed back in Mary Geoise. There was a huge riot caused by an escaped slave who released a bunch of other slaves. I'll be gone for a few months... I cant take you 4 either...
Nova: Then we will stay here. This island will be home for now. You need to return fast though. Our bargain isnt finished.
Garp: I will be taking the ship. The Marines here have older style ships so yours is the fastest one I have access to. I'll be back as soon as possible.
Nova: We will find a place to live in intown.
Garp: No, you cant trust the royal army when I'm gone. Make a home in the jungle. Survive by hunting for your food and continue training yourselfs. I'll make strong Marines out of you 4 yet.
The Crew: Fat chance!
We grabbed everything of importance off the ship and I stored it in my (Storage). The girls came out of their rooms with a metric F*** ton of clothes. Astro brought a training dummy made from steel... it had dents in it. Most of my stuff is in my (Storage) to start with but I grabbed my bed. My bed is the greatest bed ever. It's a twin sized hammock that I got from an island we visited. When I'm in it and the ship is rocking, I cant feel the movement... best. bed. ever.
Garp got on our ship with marines from Cozia and took off. So... we have been sailing the ship wrong the entire time because the Ship manned by the Marines took off like a comet on water.
Nova: Holy crap... did he put rocket boosters on the ship when I wasnt looking?
Astro's eyes shined and he started drawing furiously in his notepad.
Nova: Well anyway... first order of business is finding a home base. To the Jungle!!
Monet: Uhh... we are living in the Jungle till Dog Man returns? Why not rent a house?
Nova: He said it's for training and that we cant trust the army here without him... or without our way out after we start a big fight...
Milk: Cant we just steal a new boat?
Nova: Sure but that would officially make us pirates and Garp can use that to force us to be Marines... I dont want to be given the choice of Impel Down or the Marines... I'll be forced to be a marine... I wont do well in jail.
Monet: ... I bet you wouldnt. I doubt any of us would. So what's the plan?
Nova: We need to find an area to call "Home Base" in the jungle. Then we wait for the war. Till then, we get stronger and survive.
Monet/Milk/Astro: War?
Nova: Yes, War. Cozia will be invaded soon. We need to be ready to survive the invasion and hold out until Garp returns.
Milk: And... how do we do that?
Nova: We go to a restaurant and think it over. I'm hungry... I've never been through a war so I'm not sure how we are going to last till Garp returns. We need to brain storm together...
We walk around the city and found a bar. We walk in and sat at the bar. Behind the bar is a breathtaking bar keeper. Sholder length red hair and red eyes. She has a tight shirt on with a vest over her explosive chest. Her top is holding back the Hope's and Dream's of the men in the bar.
Astro: Woh... her outfit is barely holding on. Shes like 3 times larger then Milk... ugh.
Astro is now eating dirt on the floor with 2 huge lumps on his head. Monet and Milk have smoke coming off their fists. We walked up to the bar dragging a KOed Astro behind us.
Bartender: Welcome to the Eterna Bar. What can I get you kids?
Nova: Hi beautiful bartender, 4 glasses of juice please. My name is Nova and my unconscious friend is Astro.
Milk: You're a worthy adversary lady. I will overcome you later on in life.
Monet: ... Doesnt your back hurt due to those monsters?
Bartender: Ehh? What are you kids talking about? 4 glasses of juice coming up. Will he be ok?
Monet/Milk: Your boobs lady! They're MASSIVE!
Milk: He deserved his punishment.
Monet: What did you eat to grow those things Lady? A Devil Fruit? Did you eat the Boob Boob Fruit?
Nova: ...
Bartender: First off... my name is Pyra. Second, are you 4 eating or just here to drink juice? Third... they grew this way.
Nova: We would like to eat as well Ms. Pyra. We are hungry and just became residents of Cozia. Our "Gramps" just left us here for a few months.
Pyra: Wait... you kids are going to be staying here alone for a few months without supervision?
Nova: Yes we will be. We are actually here to eat and think up of our next move. Do you know of a good area in the Jungle to set up a home base?
Pyra: ... are you kidding me?
Nova: Nope. We need to build a base to live in. We are training to be strong later on in life.
Pyra: ... what will you eat?
Nova: Whatever we hunt?
Pyra: ... and how will you take a bath?
Nova: ... naked?
Monet smacked me on the back of my head. I looked at her with wide eyes...
Nova: Did... did you just Gibbs slap me?
Monet/Milk: Who's Gibbs?
Nova: Never mind...
Pyra: The nights get REALLY hot here...
I pointed to Monet as she turned over her hand and made a mini localized blizzard.
Nova: Shes a living Snow Woman... A little heat is no trouble.
Pyra: Well come to my bar every few days so I can see your ok... Oh boy...
A burly guy walked up behind us as we were talking to the final boss of Monet and Milks chest contest...
Guy: Why are you wasting your time with kids Pyra? If you like kids so much, I'll give you a few.
Holy crap... Anime Cliche is HEREEEEE!! Monet, Milk and Astro (Woh, when did he wake up?) turned to look at the guy with dead fish eyes on their faces.
Nova: Woh... it really happens in reality.
Monet: So vulgar... no chance.
Milk: With a face like that... no chance.
Astro: No need for future sight... no chance.
Pyra: Kids, go sit at the table over there. I'll bring you 4 some food in a few with your juice.
Guy: What's this? A cow, A fish, and 2 kids? Are you even allowed to bring pets into the bar?
Nova: ... Really? You think that the BEST way to earn Ms. Pyra's affection is to insult 4 children infront of her face?
I turned to the busty bartender herself and admired her bust for a second before asking...
Nova: Is he dumb?
Milk, Monet, Astro and Pyra started to laugh. I'm not trying to be funny. Is this guy actually dumb?
Guy: What did you just say brat? Do you have ANY clue who I am?
Nova: No? How would I know you? I'm guessing your a trying to woo her and have failed constantly? With the sigh and face she made... you cant seem to take a hint...
Monet/Milk/Astro: Pfft...
Those 3 are trying to not laugh... Again... not trying to be funny.
Pyra: Good guess Nova. Correct.
The guy is turning purple. He grabbed my head and lifted me into the air.
Guy: Your dead kid. I'll kill you, sell the Starfish and keep the girls till they are "Useable" later on. The cow looks like shes on her way...
Nova: ... Fishman Karate...
I pulled back my fist and took a breath. My clenched fist cracked a few times then I let it rip.
Nova: 10 Tile True Punch!!
I slammed my fist into his chest and heard a loud crunch. The cast on my right arm turned into dust. The guy paused for a second before being launched out/through the front door. I landed on my feet and shook my hand.
Nova: Feels nice to get that cast off. First time I used Fishman Karate in battle. Turned out nicely.
Pyra: Oh no!! Nova... what did you do?
Nova: Huh? I punched him. He wanted to sell Astro and make the girls slaves... he deserved the punch.
Pyra: Hes a Royal Guard! You have just attacked an officer of the army! You can be arrested for hitting him!
Nova: Ehh? That guy is in the Army?
Pyra: Yes he is. Hes somewhat high up too.
Nova: Even though hes dumb?
Pyra: Yes...
Laughing trio: Pfft!!
The 3 of them are laughing harder now. Pyra's face is pale. Shes trembling a little which is making her chest earthquake.
Nova: Wow... an earthquake?
Astro: Looks like it... Doesnt look like it will ever stop. Must be hard on her shoulders.
Monet: How is her shirt still in one piece?
Milk: Truly the final opponent in a womans quest...
The guy reentered and pointed a gun at me.
Guy: Your under arrest brat!! You attacked an Officer of the army unprovoked!!
Nova: You grabbed me first. It was self defense at worst and a public service at best... You threatened to...
He shot his gun at me but I dodged before he fired. Its easier to dodge a bullet if you move before the guns fired.
I turned on my Haki when he returned. The bullet missed and I grabbed a stool before I charged him. He fired twice more but I put the stool in the way and it soaked the bullets in for me. Once I was in range, I swung the stool into his face and broke both. His face dented some and the stool broke.
I walked up to the bar and put a few thousand Beli on the counter.
Nova: Sorry about the stool. This should cover it and the door. We better go before you get in trouble too.
As I started walking away, the Trio followed.
Pyra: The left corner of the island. On the left corner, theres a waterfall and a cave 15 minutes from the ocean. Theres an abandoned shrine ground that's relatively flat. That's your best choice for a safe place.
I waved back before leaving.
Nova: ... how long will they shake? It's been like 2 minutes...
Milk: Such a high level lady...
Well... we didnt get to eat... but we learned of a good place to set up our base. We grabbed food on the go and ran out of town. After we looked around for a few hours, we found the area Pyra was talking about.
Nova: Woh, area looks great. Astro, what do you think?
Astro: Well, the area is nice. The ground is good and flat. It looks like the ground has been flattened over the years. I can hear the river from here and smell the ocean. This will do.
Nova: Great... So Astro... Make our base. Tell me what you need and I'll go get them. The base needs bedrooms, bathrooms, a dining room, and a chill out room.
Monet: I want a nice chair to read on.
Milk: I need a room to craft.
Nova: Ok, 5 rooms, 1 Chill Chair, 1 Dining room, and a Chill out room.
Astro: ... I need building materials. Wood and Nails. I also need the tools you stored for me.
I withdrew his crafting tools and pulled out a hatchet to cut trees.
Milk: I'll go hunt for dinner.
Monet: Ill look around to make sure were safe.
Nova: Sounds good. Let's go.
2 weeks have passed. We have made great progress with the base. Astro made the basic foundation for out 5 room base. I've chopped down over 400 trees and stored them in my inventory. Hes used the trees as a floor and made everything balanced. Hes finished the walls and is almost done with the roof. Monet has confirmed that there are no large threats in the area and Milk has hunted dinner. Monet followed some book and smoked meat to preserve it so if we dont hunt 1 day we will have some food to eat. After cutting a few trees a day, I go for a run around the island with my Soru boots on. The boots feel like a second skin on me now. Removing them feels weird without the weight on.
After my run, I go for a swim around Cozia. I then sit on a rock under the waterfall and Meditate with my swords in my hands. My Observation Haki has not gotten stronger but it has gotten more solid. I can "See" more clearly with it now.
After Meditating for a few hours, I returned back to base only to notice that Astro has finished the roof of out base. Perfect!! Now is the perfect time.
Nova: Hey everyone, come inside. I have some stuff to show you.
Everyone joined me in the "Chill out" room and I showed them my everything.
I emptied my (Storage) except for the Devil Fruits. Everything I've stolen explodes into the house.
Nova: I've stolen treasure from everyone we've fought. I tend to hoard what I collect and forget about it but now that we have a base for just us without Garp looking over our shoulder. Does anything catch your eyes?
I laughed outloud. Monet built a pyramid out of every book, Milk is looking at each weapon and Astro is swimming in the gold coins. Didnt know he liked gold so much...
Monet started separating the books, Milk seems to be categorizing the weapons by tier. Astro is buried up to his neck in gold... he looks content.
Monet: I want the books.
Milk: I want the weapons and the chest of shells.
Astro: I want the gold? ... I'm kidding, I want the gauntlets in that box.
I put everything else away. Milk took the weapons and shells into her room, Monet brings the library into her room and Astro brings the gauntlets to his room. I took out my hammock bed and set it up in my room. I relaxed in my bed with both my blades and went to sleep.
The next project Astro focused on was making an outdoor bath by the lake. When he worked with Milk, he made a heater out of the shells she grabbed. Turns out the box of shells had Dials from all over the world in it. There were black colored Dials that soaked up heat and stored it for later. Once I dug a put and lined the floor with stones, Astro made a water filtration system to draw clean bath water. He made a whirlpool bath. He made the hot water enter the bath from the ground pipe and let the cooler water exit from the top. The water spun counter clockwise. It honestly ended up like a hot spring.
Pyra came and visited us a few times to check on us but fell in love with out bath and now comes twice a week to enjoy it. I've gotten to see a sea quake up close and personal...
Not. Monet and Milk became depressed after accepting her invitation to join her in the bath... They vowed to never join her again. I waa KOed for asking if i could take their place with her...
It was worth a try.