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(Sorry for no updates lol: Just uni, a job, and persona 3 reload, I don't have much time)

“Why are these creatures strutting around on two legs like humans?.”  If they ambled about like monkeys or gorillas, I might have dismissed them as mere pets. However, the mystery  deepened when I saw them clad in human-like attire.

“Our convenience store is affiliated with ‘Universe-1221’.”

It seems that this world is not the Earth I know, suggested by the contents of that manual.

Curiosity nags at me: What on earth is ‘Universe-1221’? Grasping the notion of more than 1,221 universes teeming with intelligent life proves to be a perplexing mental challenge. Parallel universes, multiple realities—whatever it is, it radiates an air of extraordinariness.

Yet, for someone navigating the hurdles of everyday life, it seems to be nothing more than trivial knowledge, unworthy of learning more about.

But seriously, what's the deal with Universe-1221?.

“For any further inquiries, please contact the store owner of this branch.”

After that, the phone mentioned in the guidebook crossed my mind.

It didn't just pop into my head but materialized right before my eyes. 

Come to think of it, if I’m curious about something like this, I can ask the store manager.

Hmm, from what I’ve seen so far, it seems I’ll be able to do it right on this interface in front of me.

I immediately went to where the store manager had sent the message.

Navigating the screen initially bewildered me, but as I envisioned the desired page, it seamlessly shifted before my eyes. It's akin to wielding a smartphone with a hologram screen. 

The lingering question, however, persisted: How do I send a message from my end?.

More so, I needed to extract information from the store manager whose face remained a mystery, shedding light on why I found myself here and unraveling the mysteries of this peculiar place.

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[Hey, store manager kid, why did you bring me here, and what the hell is this place called Universe-1221?]


Caught off guard, I blinked, momentarily frozen in thought, unsure of how to deal with this unexpected situation.

“What’s going on? Why am I sending messages on my own?.”

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[Why is this being sent, damn it??]

[Why is there no delete button? No, what is this!??]

The messages continued to flow incessantly, as if my consent was inconsequential, broadcasting my unfiltered thoughts to the store manager, complete with bold words like "kid!.”

-Store Manager-

[This is the primary support system messenger function of U.C. Convenience Store. Additionally, when you touch the interface on this screen, it automatically transfers Kim Hyun-woo’s thoughts.]


Soon after, a response appeared. The disappearance of the “--” indicator suggested that the message had been read.

I instinctively slipped my hands into my pocket.

-Store Manager-

[As for why Kim Hyun-woo came to this place, I also don't know. Employee selection is handled by the headquarters, so even if you ask me, I can't provide an answer.]

Undeterred, the store manager continued addressing the questions I asked.

-Store Manager-

[Regarding 'Universe-1221' that our store is a part of, please refer to the 'Tree Wiki.' There may be occasional inaccuracies, but the relevant authorities will review it in real-time, so please make sure to verify the information before trusting accordingly.]

The name 'Tree Wiki' sounded somewhat familiar, but I couldn't afford the luxury of delving into it at the moment. Despite never learning of their status, I continued to refer to them as the "store manager" in my messages, a label that, in reality, didn’t apply to the branch owner of this convenience store.

-Store Manager-

[When using Tree Wiki, please make sure to only look at the information about Universe-1221. Looking at information from other universes may contain foreign deities that can potentially destabilize Mr.Kim Hyunwoo’s sanity.]

Destabilize my sanity? What kind of nonsense is that? 

I might not understand a thing, but I can tell that messing up will lead to something unpleasant.

“…Are they not paying much attention to the messages I sent?” From their response, it seemed they didn't react much to my name-calling. 

Perhaps it's an automated response macro – a tool commonly employed by businesses of all sizes.

-Store Manager-

[Is there any other inquiry you’d like to make, Mr. Kim Hyunwoo? The message deletion function exists, but if the other party reads it, it will only be deleted from your screen. Please keep this in mind.]

I read through the message slowly while swiping the screen with my hand. 

Various thoughts raced through my mind. Would it be okay? Perhaps they couldn't really do anything to me on their end. 

Honestly, there are probably many keyboard warriors out there who have sent nasty messages to the store manager and blocked him.

-Kim Hyunwoo-

[This guy is making such a fuss just because I called him ‘store manager kid’ once? Still, what can you do even if I call you a ‘kid’? Isn’t that right, kid?]

“Oh, I forgot to remove my hand, damn it…” I sighed deeply while pinching my forehead. 

It was a mistake to read the message earlier and swipe with my hand. Now I realized that merely touching it and not consciously trying to send a message will transmit my thoughts in real-time without any filter.

-Store Manager-

[If you want to check the content before sending the message, please check ‘Settings -> Messages -> Enable Message Confirmation.’ It seems like this feature might be essential for Mr. Kim Hyunwoo.]

Wow, he’s explaining it in a remarkably detailed and kind manner.

Hm, let’s start by going to the settings as mentioned in the message, and make the necessary changes.

If I continue like this, I might end up making even more imprudent remarks towards the store manager.

“Sigh, no wonder people have hatred.”

–Store Manager –

[And when Mr. Kim Hyunwoo calls me ‘kid,’ it also seems like he’s wondering what I can do.]

While contemplating this, a new message popped up.


“…Power outage?.”

At that moment, all the lights in the convenience store suddenly went out. A mysterious barrier descended by the window, blocking all external light. 

In any movie, when the lights suddenly go out, it usually means something terrible is about to happen. Moreover, the darkness only intensified the fear of the unknown.

However, thanks to the light from the holographic screen, I could see somewhat, but the dimness, coupled with the fact that I was relying on a single flashlight, made it feel like I had stepped into a real horror movie. 

But, inevitably, the final light went out.

Yet, in the darkness, an eerie sensation crept over me. Even though I was undoubtedly alone in the convenience store, an inexplicable feeling lingered, as if someone else might be present.

[ *Warning* Do not turn off the lights in the convenience store.]

[ *Warning* Do not turn off the lights in the convenience store.]

[ *Warning* Do not turn off the lights in the convenience store.]

[ *Warning* Do not turn off the lights in the convenience store.]

What on earth is this now? The holographic screen turned red, and these warning messages started to flood the interface.


And then, the system abruptly shuts down. Darkness engulfs the convenience store, rendering it impossible to see anything, plunging into pitch-black stillness.

Creak, creak! 

To make matters worse, after about a minute, an unknown sound began to emanate. 

The convenience store window shook violently, and unfamiliar footsteps-like sounds echoed.

Desperate, I asked out loud, “Hey, could you stop playing around and turn on the lights?.”

At first, I thought it might be the store manager playing a prank but there was no response.


Did they say that when someone is terrified, they can’t say anything? I ran towards the entrance of the convenience store with my mouth tightly shut.

The thought of staying here any longer was unbearable.

Even though I didn't know the reason, an instinctive need to escape overwhelmed me.

“What is this? Why won’t it open?.”

But the convenience store door, which I had managed to find in the dark, stubbornly refused to budge.

I frantically tried to open it with both of my hands, searching for a handle, but found nothing.


A sound, like something approaching, reached my ears. 

I swiftly turned around, but in the absence of light, I couldn't see anything.


Despite the darkness, the ominous sound persisted, a stark reminder that this convenience store was anything but normal. 

Someone was approaching.

Damn door, firmly locked. I pounded on it desperately, but my efforts only left my hands sore.


As the sound grew louder, questions flooded my mind. 

What was the identity of this convenience store? Why did I end up here, and for what purpose was I trapped within its confines? What role did that store manager play?


With my back against the entrance, I surveyed the interior of the convenience store, where nothing was visible.

Something was approaching.

Although I couldn’t see anything, there was something coming toward me.


It seemed to have come right in front of me in no time.

In the darkness, I felt like something was reaching out to me.

[Simulation ended.]


But just as the outstretched hand was about to reach me, a dry voice message played, and the convenience store’s lights swiftly returned, while the barrier blocking the windows went back up. 

The interior of the well-lit convenience store appeared tranquil, as if there was nothing else but me.

– Store Manager –

[You tremble like a mouse trapped in a cage; it’s quite adorable. To be frightened by the mere sound of a desk being tapped and drenched in sweat. If you need new underwear and pants, we can provide them for free. Oh, we also have diapers, in case you prefer those.]

“What is this?.”

I looked around in disbelief at the absurd message. 

Despite still seeing no signs of anyone being present, I did notice the CCTV cameras and speakers on the ceiling. 

Was it all just a simple act of turning off the store’s lights, playing the thudding sound through the ceiling speakers, and enjoying my reaction via CCTV?.

Could it be just a prank by the store manager?.

– Store Manager –

[Currently, our store is connected only to Universe-1221 and remains closed. In this closed state, you cannot go out or come in from outside.]

As I read the following messages, it felt as if I had been struck in the back of my head, much like that time when I was hit by a Pepsi tower.

Yes, I would prefer it to be a prank.

If this was for real, it would be even more terrifying.

– Store Manager –

[Every year, many employees go missing because of THEM, especially trainees like Mr. Kim Hyunwoo. I hope to see Mr. Kim Hyunwoo again next year.]

[For now, we’ll give you today to familiarize yourself with the store. Explore the interior, make sure to check everything is placed correctly. Have a pleasant day today. ദ്ദി*ˊᗜˋ*) ]