Break Room
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Each universe under observation is assigned a unique number. For instance, Universe-1221 is the 1221st observed universe and is labeled accordingly. 

Universe-1 is recognized as the first universe to successfully be able to observe other universes. 

While it's unclear if Universe-1 was genuinely the pioneer in this regard, most multi-universe corporations, including the U.C. Convenience Store is affiliated with Universe-1.

As for ordinary universes, they typically have a similar foundational structure.

Universe-1221 mirrors other universes in terms of its religious and cultural aspects, with the exception of notable divergences influenced by magic. In essence, Universe-1221 bears resemblance to the typical modern era of the 21st century on Earth.

Moreover, within a single universe, there exist various time periods and parallel dimensions, resulting in instances where closely interconnected universes appear almost identical. 

Sometimes, the differences between universes are as minute as the presence or trying to look for a needle in a bundle of hay.

Seeking clarification on Universe-1's observation methods and criteria for company deployment across different universes, I received a response. 

[It’s a company secret. Additionally, if you repeat the question even after receiving an answer, we will send observers to be dispatched to that universe.]

[Main Administrator of Universe-1 ‘■■■’]

Ultimately, I could not refute their answer.

If I unnecessarily bothered the administrator who connects one universe to another, it was certain that the universe I was in would be permanently severed.

Furthermore, severed universes were unable to access vital information regarding external threats from neighboring universes.

The demise of a universe, marked by the extinction of its inhabitants, was not merely a natural phenomenon. 

There were underlying causes for the universe's destruction that extended beyond mere extinction.


-Kim Hyun-Woo-

[So, is this also a special duty?]

-Store Manager-

[Yes, Mr. Kim Hyun-woo’s special duty is to clean up the area. If necessary, Mr. Kim Hyun-woo will be called, thus it’s not an everyday task.]

I went up to the second floor using the emergency exit stairs, completely unaware that the convenience store even had a second level. 

However, what truly astounded me was the sight in front of me.

As I approached, the fireproof door leading to the second floor swung open automatically. Stepping into the corridor, I found myself faced with a room that appeared to have been inhabited.

No, there must have been someone here until recently.

The room had undeniable traces of human occupancy, with snacks, drink bottles, and overflowing trash littering the desk.

So, the only natural thing was to clean up this room.

But why was I suddenly assigned to clean a space that even the most slovenly individual would find uninhabitable? 

Was this some sort of special assignment? .

And how did it relate to the convenience store?.

More pressing, however, was the question of who lived in this disgustingly unkempt room?.

-Kim Hyunwoo-

[Why do I have to clean up this mess in the first place?]

I asked the manager because I couldn’t understand it at all.

Of course, compared to the special tasks I had been assigned before, this was actually somewhat normal.

But 'normal' didn't quite capture it. Frankly, the inside of the storage room's wastebasket would likely pass for being cleaner than this.

-Store Manager-

[I’m sorry but we haven’t had the time to clean because we were monitoring Mr.Kim Hyunwoo. ٩(^◡^)۶]

However, judging by her reaction, was this room actually used by the store manager?.

I looked around once more. 

It dawned on me that scattered about were items like underwear and socks that certainly didn't belong to a man. 

And the figure I saw earlier in the storage room, amidst the blur of her face, appeared to be that of a young girl. 

-Store Manager-

[So please give it a thorough cleaning. For laundry, utilize the washing machine in the multipurpose room, and be sure to mix the detergent and fabric softener in the proper ratio]

So why are you passing on the task of cleaning your own room to me?.

-Kim Hyunwoo-

[Are you kidding me? This has nothing to do with the convenience store, right? And if it does, shouldn't it be set up to clean automatically like the rest of the store?]

Furthermore, the U.C. convenience stores maintain cleanliness without explicit cleaning efforts.

To be exact, regardless of what occurs within the store during the day, by the following day, all traces vanish, restoring its usual pristine appearance. 

Unless it’s urgent, there is no need to clean.

So why are you making me do it in an inefficient way when there is such a convenient function?.

-Store Manager-

[That's just one of the store maintenance functions provided by headquarters. Utilizing U.C. convenience store's special functions solely for personal benefit amounts to embezzlement]

But isn't it also embezzlement to have a part-time convenience store worker clean their own room as they please?.

-Store Manager-

[Yes, as the one who hired Mr. Kim Hyun-woo, I oversee everything from his salary and health to his mental well-being. So, it's acceptable to assign him these tasks]


Not only was the room dirty, but her character was also tainted. 

The state of the room and her moral compass were equally repugnant, making me wonder if she deliberately let the room become messy. T

Still, there was no need for further explanation when she was willing to pawn off even personal matters onto others.

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[What about the convenience store work then? It's fine for now since it's not official, but what if I'm later required to work 24 hours without regard for human rights? Would it be permissible to close the store?]

-Store Manager–

[It’s okay. It won’t happen frequently, and even if you close the store for an hour, there won’t be any problem. I am a store manager after all.]

Ah, that’s right.

As the name on the messenger implies, she was the owner of this place.

Come to think of it, even ordinary convenience stores sometimes close their doors in the early morning due to a lack of part-timers or personal circumstances.

-Store Manager-

[And for Mr.Kim Hyun-woo, this might be a good thing. You'll have about an hour for cleaning, and afterward, you can have some free time to rest. In the future, when you're working continuously for 24 hours, wouldn't even 10 minutes of rest be important?]

The real issue, however, was whether the cleaning could be completed within an hour. 

Right now, cigarette butts, makeshift cacti from cigarette butts, and various drink cans littered the desk.

There was also more than just one or two monitors, leading me to wonder if she was playing multiple games simultaneously.

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[It might be better to call a cleaning service.]

-Store Manager-

[Showing my personal space to others is an unpleasant thing. It would certainly be more efficient in terms of performance and time, but personal emotions are sometimes not considered for efficiency.]

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[But am I not someone else? If you think about it, it might be better to hire cleaning professionals.]

Upon reading my response, the store manager fell silent, contemplating it. 

Despite discussing emotions and efficiency, it seemed she simply found cleaning to be bothersome and viewed me as the most suitable candidate nearby to handle it. 

She certainly knew how to efficiently utilize people.

"...One side is space junk, and the other side is human trash?.”

The distinction between the two categories struck me, but ultimately, both were still trash. 

Despite this realization, I had no choice but to accept the task at hand.

Fortunately, cleaning had its merits, in a way.

 Unlike the menial tasks typically associated with convenience store duties—such as scrubbing floors or managing inventory—I found this job relatively tolerable. 

Sure, the space was smaller than a convenience store, but to me, it still felt like the mess had been intentionally created. 

Could it be that I was acting out of spite because of what that son of a... said earlier? 

Given the circumstances, suspicion was reasonable since despite the manager's seemingly businesslike demeanor, their thought process seemed oddly aligned with mine.


Indeed, clearing the mess left by that pig, which used to be her home, proved to be quite a strenuous task. 

After spending over an hour on the cleaning job, I descended the creaky stairs.

Perhaps it was because I hadn't moved my body for two days, but my back ached, my neck felt stiff, and today, even my mind yearned for rest. 

Cleaning aside, the green entity’s words still echoed in my mind.

I’m pretty sure it asked me to save it.

Despite lacking eyes or a mouth, its earnest plea and pitiful gaze were unmistakable.

“The manager said it was the physical manifestation of a doomed universe…”

Perhaps it wanted to escape from its unavoidable fate.

I don’t know the full details, but it seemed likely.

Regardless, it gave me a somewhat uneasy feeling…

– Store Manager –

[You’re surprisingly good at cleaning, aren’t you? I should have had you do this earlier.]

I was startled by the store manager’s sudden message, which interrupted my deep thoughts.

Could it be that this young store manager has more tasks for me?.

If so, I will grab that mop and head to the second floor immediately.

After all, for unruly youngsters, a dose of discipline is essential.

– Store Manager –

[Thank you for your hard work. You can go home now and take some rest. Dealing with the cosmic waste disposal must have been quite mentally taxing]

[Take a good rest and I hope you start your convenience store shift tomorrow in good spirits.]

Thankfully, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

After closing the store manager’s message, I entered the break room.

As I opened the door, a faint aroma of tea leaves wafted through the air.

“What’s this?.”

The source of the fragrance was the red tea on the break room desk.

It still seemed warm, judging by the steam.

Beside the red tea was a cookie, one I hadn’t seen in convenience stores before.

It looked quite well-made; I wondered which company produced it?.

And there was also a small note placed on the cookie.

– Store Manager –

“It will help you organize your thoughts. They are merely imitating the presence of what one wants it to think. So, Mr. Kim Hyunwoo, there’s no need to burden yourself with them for no reason.”

This wasn’t a message typed through the system; it was a note written by hand.


I sat silently and had the red tea and cookie.

Initially, I thought it was a chocolate chip cookie, but when I tasted it, it turned out to be a raisin cookie.

Why, though….?

Store Manager: 
