010: Level 2, B cup
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Well… I’m in my bunk anyway… I focus mentally… “Patricia, seems it’s time.”

“It is,” the woman whispers for my ears only, “Here…” and she summons my laptop and I close the curtain in my bunk while I work.


Okay, so… the oath system gives me a bonus feat here, plus the regular feat from the house rules, and the thirty points from Freelancer… and with the “Extra JP” feat, I can thus get that up to fifty points to spend.  

First thing I want: Better defenses.  Let’s see… the Wyrgrove Nymph from Spheres of Power has a Challenge Rating (CR) of five, and gets Charisma to saves and Armor Class (AC) via the Unearthly Grace ability.  Adding the Young, Drunk, and Degenerate template gets it down to CR 2, in range of Monsterkin.  Given that Charisma is my best stat...  Yoink!  

I’ll also need a way to cast in a vacuum… could get the silent spell feat, which removes the need to speak… ah, that’s better, though: The Formian Worker (CR ½, Pathfinder) gets Telepathic Casting (it’s from the Formian subtype), which turns spells into spell-like abilities - so in addition to getting rid of the need to speak to cast, it also dumps somatic, material, and focus components… Resolve Points as well, in Starfinder.  Yes, I’m taking that as well.

I’ve already died once.  I want to make that extra hard, so… oh, I still have my Constitution score, because I didn’t go with the undead traits o  this build, unlike what I often did in game: So I qualify for Regeneration.  And the best regeneration?  It’s from the Neigh-Invulnerable creature template, CR +2 from Pathways Bestiary, Rite Publishing.  Regeneration of my full normal hit point total, with a bypass of the Vulnerable Point special ability… which I’m not buying, of course.  And it even has clauses about types of damage that normally bypass regeneration - like recovering from Disintegration and instant kill effects in three rounds.  Yes, I’ll have that… I don’t want to rely on Rejuvenation when each use gives me yet another cup size.  As a constant ability, it hopefully won’t have that problem… “Patricia?”  No, I’m not speaking out loud.

“Ah… no, Regeneration won’t have that same ‘problem’ - not that I really consider it one,” wait… was that snark?  Eh, no matter.

So I’m taking that one, definitely.  

For the feats… eh.  Class and monster features are better.  Extra JP it is.  The Gearsman is a CR four robot from Pathfinder; the Young and Degenerate templates can apply (young has a “smaller creature” variant), and has the Adaptive Learning ability, which lets me get some bonus skill ranks in whatever skill I want… and change it out daily, or even use it for a weapon proficiency instead.  So if I find I unexpectedly need Disguise, Medicine, Survival, Slight of Hand, or whatever… I can have it.  Well, after the minute of concentration, anyway.  So yes, Extra JP

For the other feat… it’d be really nice to be able to solve my physical ability scores… oh, there’s a roundabout way to do that… although it would mean I’d be constantly under a buff from myself.  Still… it sucks being weak and clumsy all the time, so hopefully granting myself a Mythic rank won’t be too bad.  And this is ultimately a one-way trip anyway.  Regardless… the Walking God template from Spheres of Power, applied to a Mythic Human Skeleton, would be CR 4… and is viable for both the Young and Degenerate templates, bringing it down to CR 2 - and it would have the “Powers of Faith” ability, which grants access to the Churches and Powers of Faith rules, which - among many other things - gives “Mark the Prophets” which lets me give up to twenty folks who worship me a Mythic Rank, and one lucky individual nine of them.  

My ghostly spirit seems to approve, “Ooh, that would be a lot… so we’re planning on being back to my old body soon, then?”

I concentrate back at her “No, Patricia, I’m only going to mark myself as a favored worshiper - just one Mythic rank.”

She hums… “So only a little bit more.  Still… progress!”

Great… regardless…giving myself a Mythic Rank, in turn, gives me access to Mythic Traditions, and one of the options there is a class feature - and allows from Archetypes.  The Synthesist Summoner’s Eidolon replaces my physical ability scores, and gets me access to the Eidolon’s evolutions to boot… also the Eidolon’s natural armor, and a few other things… that’ll do fine.  I need a drawback, too, but Cursed for, oh, Legalistic isn’t so bad.  I’m sickened for a day whenever I break my freely-given word (or until I meet my obligation, whichever comes first).  I just need to be careful what I say.  

Of course, that also means I need to plan out my Mythic rank.  The Mythic Path… Archmage, mostly because Wild Arcana lets me get access to any spell on my class list as a swift action a few times per day… as long as it’s of a level I can cast.  I’ll need to think about ways to leverage that.  For the Mythic path ability… Legendary Item, I think, although I’ll need to find a magic item…

“Actually, it just says you get one,” Patricia interrupts my chain of thought.

“Wait, you can read my thoughts?” That's… umm… worrying me.

“When they pass a certain threshold, yes. I'm part of you now. You'll eventually be able to access my memories as well… you probably could now, you just don't want to.”  That's… not what I want to hear… “But the important thing for the moment is that you'll simply have the chosen item. It will materialize out of the power we invest in it.”

Huh. And there's a lot of rings… hmm. What to use for the base… most things I'll grow out of eventually… ah, the Ring of Arcane Might: A boost to caster level is always welcome for a spellcaster, as it increases range, damage, and other effects on many, many spells.  For the Mythic portion… oh, if I use my Mythic feat on Mythic Paragon, I get three special abilities on the ring… that's handy, let's do that.  For the actual abilities… Legendary Surge… going with Saving Throws, I think; always good to boost those. And the three Legendary abilities… I don't have any metamagic feats yet, but I eventually will, so I'm going with Metamagician, as cheap metamagic rocks when it doesn't have a clause limiting things to a level I could cast without it. I also want Returning so I can recall it to my hand at any time, and… Undetectable for the third. I don't have a source of Invisibility yet, but the ability to say “nope” to any and all senses is insanely useful.

And of course, I should plan out my Eidolon. Base form… humanoid, I like having hands. Four evolution points… I'll go with Claws for the feet (it exceeds my max attacks for level two, but that’s fine), Climb (it’s perfect for zero gravity before I can get magical flight), the other two points… going with Skilled(Engineering) and Skilled (Perception) for a nice eight point bonus to those two skills.  They will let me do my job better (and eventually make more money as a result…) and help prevent me from getting ganked by something I didn't see coming.

And of course, there’s the stuff that's a little less meaningful. My spells known get an update for the new level, as do my spells per day. More than half of the numbers change due to more skill points, the additional level, save changes, the updated stats for my meatsuit, and so on.  But that's mostly just math, and isn’t a big deal.


When I'm done, I pray to myself for a bit (what? It's a requirement of granting myself Mythic that I worship me…), focus on rewarding myself, and focus on what I'm doing with said reward… and yes, a ring materializes on my finger… as my chest grows a bit, my waist narrows just slightly, my hips and rear fan out a little… and things get a little less crowded up front in my pants. OK, I was expecting that, but… ugh.  Best to examine the damage… but hey, at least here there's an actual mirror.

I walk to the bathroom, and lock the door behind me. Turning on the water for the shower (it’s tied to a closed-loop recycler powered by an on-board nuclear generator… it isn't going to run out of hot water for a VERY long time - as in a couple thousand years - so there's no need to conserve here), I take off my clothes, get myself wet in case someone breaks in while I'm looking myself over, and start paying attention to my new body.

Yes, those are definitely breasts. B-cups, I'm guessing? And my hair is longer as well; I didn't notice that earlier. I still have my male member… but it looks like a baby's: Hairless and small. I touch it, and… yes, it still responds like normal. A little work and some focus on my own chest, including feeling myself up, and I even make a mess to clean up into a little toilet paper from the dispenser, which I promptly flush down the head.  So… I'm still a man.  For now, at least in the technical sense.

Looking at my new ring… ugh.  It's pink. And instead of a serpent devouring its own tail, it is a half-woman, half-snake doing the same… a very busty half-woman, who is apparently not even remotely shy: Her arms are caressing herself, holding her bazookas up for the world to see.  I'll need a pair of gloves to hide it, I guess.

I take a minute to concentrate, summoning my new Eidolon… oh, this isn't bad.  It's transparent, something like a force field, only this skin-tight forcefield comes with claws.  And… it's not entirely skin-tight. It bulges out a bit at the chest, hips, and rear… eh. I don't need to keep it up constantly. I dismiss my Eidolon, dry off, and get dressed… including borrowing some bandages to tape down my chest a bit… I don't need to breathe anyway.

I then head back into the main body of the ship… it's probably time to meet my crewmates.