Bite your arm! Bite your arm! Bite you..- No bath!
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First hunger instinct took over as I was being carried by this 'Johnson' after a while.

I kept biting his arm, but my teeths did nothing to his robe for some reasons. I just kept biting him, trying to get some nutrition or food out of him before he shoved a small liquid bottle into my mouth and made me drink something very disgusting, even to my standards.

I had passed out due to a [sleep potion lvl 2.]

Waking up in the strange liquid in a pit and white bubbly balls that taste disgusting when trying to bite them didn't work in my favor. I was this close to revealing my true form in my sleep but my Camouflage skill has level up to 4 and became Minor holding Camouflage.

It was a human cleaning me of filth. The human did it a bit roughly as if they were trying to scrub the skin off of me but luckily it didn't work. It had long orange hair hiding under a soft cap, her eyes were purple with marks under her skin that look orange. She was wide and look strong with how big muscles on her chest, her waist was wide and her thighs were thick with muscles.

Unconsciously I was copy her gender and physical form by simply touching her skin helding dna.

"The toddler be a girl." Said the human to another human outside this cloth home.

'Girl.. what is a girl?' Is what I thought of as I was trying to escape this water, only to be brought back in by this human scrubbing the soapy liquid in my hair. 

No, no touch my hair! I didn't like the feeling at all.

I was tempted to spit acid at her but remembered that if I harmed the human, I would be killed immediately outside by the other humans and their pointy sticks.

So I was stuck, wearing a cloth like thing covering my body and a odd one covering my 'dame' part between my legs to what the female human had made me to wear.

I don't understand humans and their odd gender naming names.

The female kept naming me names as if I was a object.

I decide to listen to one of them.

My name was Matilda.

[Human Name been added]

[Syncing awareness of former human knowledge in 5 seconds]





Then everything went black.