Death: Blue rose
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E-Rantel was upon them, and they could see undead skeletons pouring out of its gates and the sounds of screaming mixed with the sounds of the horses galloping rung in their ears, Gazeff raised his sword and screamed.


The men and women roared at his words. It was time to place their lives on the line for the greater good. Arthur quickly ordered his horse to run ahead out pacing everyone else before pulling out his sword, the gate to enter E-Rantel was swarmed with undead and as well as the perimeter outside as such in order to properly show off his skills Arthur pulled out a practice sword rather than Excalibur and swung it horizontally and in an instant multiple slashes flew through the air and eviscerated the undead that blocked their way rendering them in to a pile of bones.


Arthur shouted as his horse sped through the gate. With a single swing from a sword, he had completely removed all obstacles and successfully awed all those who saw him. Gazeff, as well as the members of Blue Rose, felt a sense of rivalry emerge within them, They weren’t about to be out done by the newcomer.

Having entered the city he was barely given time to think as he was immediately swarmed by countless undead that came from every corner of every building, the white skeletons rushed towards him with malicious intent, seeing an undead up close and not on television or on his phone was an experience he never had before it was a jarring thing to witness but it only served to excite him more, he quickly snapped out of his reverie, dealing with this many undead would be difficult however with Sukuna’s technique, dealing with them was child’s playing, having sheathed the sword he used his hands. While fillet and Dismantle was a slicing technique and would seem more suitable with a sword, it was actually better when you use it without a sword, or at least Arthur thought so.

He swung his arms much like a sword using his fingers to direct the technique and minutely control the slashes and within seconds he quickly sliced and diced all nearby enemies once again reducing them to rubble, the undead never knew what hit them as their undead lives were cut short. Unfortunately, the buildings nearby suffered damage as well.


He exclaimed as he furthered in his advanced with his horse, usually horses and animals in general freak out at the mere sight of undead of course that only applies to horses that are not equipped with items that give fear resistance and are not given buffs by magic casters, all the horses that were used by Gazeff’s troops and adventurers tonight were all equipped with fear resistance items. Of course, the backup troops that were to aid should the initial attack fail didn’t have such items.

“better head straight for the Guild before going to the cemetery and taking care of Khajit and Clementine”

He reasoned, the reason why they were taking horses with them in the city was to provide a way to transport any citizens out of city as fast as possible while they stay behind to deal with the undead, of course this was under the impression that all undead have been cleared out to allow the horses to flee with whoever they’re carrying without issues.

“She’s definitely smart, I’ll give her that”

He smiled as he spoke, while the plan itself is simple, the fact that she’s the one who came up with it is a big deal and will help establish a position of power for her and if he manages to defeat Khajit that will only further make it clear that she’s not just a princess and at the same time it will boost his own reputation as well. It was a win-win situation for her. Even if He doesn’t take down the threat, the nobles would underestimate him, and she would be able to use that in her favor.

“this was much more multi layered than I thought”

Him gaining a reputation and attracting the attention of the nobles and drawing out any spies was simply the first layer. He had foolishly thought he could comprehend her level of genius.

“As expected of-“

He paused before he could finish that sentence and placed a hand on his chin. He wasn’t about to become a demiurge, was he? Being her yes man was definitely something he didn’t want to happen, so he will have to be careful not to be too impressed. As he rode, he could hear the sound of fighting and voices of casters casting spells, and he noted that he was close to the guild.

…….. .

Gazeff and the others entered the city mere seconds after Arthur entered however he was already out of sight, Gazeff signalled everyone to slow their pace, moving fast with horses while in an area with obstacles such a houses and as a group is definitely not ideal. Lakyus immediately gave a signal to two of her teammates that immediately disappeared, and her eyes took in the sight she saw.

“Lord Stronoff, are you seeing this?”

Lakyus had her horse move close to Gazeff as she asked her question, referring to the damage to the houses and no trace of the undead, unlike monsters Undead do not leave anything behind when they are killed they simply disappear. The leader of Blue rose then gave a nod to another woman wearing a mask who, in turn, began to levitate high in the air, understanding what her leader was implying.

“Aye, it looks like the slash of light technique that I use, but I didn’t see flashes of light plus the technique requires firm footing to be properly used”

Gazeff explained as they moved forward steadily, Arthur did say he was from another continent, perhaps he used a similar technique? It was quite interesting. He wondered about the type of martial arts Arthur knew, perhaps he knew some magic as well. It was a shame that the two of them never got to spar before now.

“If you do not mind me asking Lord Stronoff, but who is that person?"

Lakyus asked curiously, she had seen Arthur in Renner’s chambers but she had never got the chance to actually speak to him, Gazeff seemed to know him so she figured asking him would help get a good idea of who Arthur is.

“yeah I ditto that boss, we were just behind that guy yet he managed to clear out both the ones that were outside and inside, a guy that skilled has gotta be famous or at least well known”

Another member of Blue rose spoke, She was Gagaran, a large built woman wearing maroon red armour and she carried a large hammer at her back, her looks were not very feminine, although her voice was similar to that of a man it was still clear to everybody who heard it that it belonged to a woman.

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to ask the man yourselves but for the time being let’s see if there any left over undead, the civilians will use this route to escape so we need to be thorough”

“already on it, lord Stronoff, two of my teammates should arrive to inform us of about that”

Just as Lakyus finished speaking, two slender blonde women arrived before her and kneeled. The two women wore similar outfits that seemed to have been designed with agility and speed in mind.

“Tia, Tina, what did you find?”

“nothing much, boss. we found a few skeletons, but we took care of them, this part of the city is clear”

“Good, the undead are drawn towards places with life, so that means there’s probably no live civilians here”

“Alright men, half of you will look for any retrievable bodies, and the rest of us will move forward, keep your guard up and be vigilant”

The men agreed to his command and began to spread out in groups of 4, even when Gazeff didn’t explicitly state that they had to group up, it was common sense to do so in such situations plus the warrior troops were veterans who knew how to properly behave in this type of situation.

“Lakyus we have a problem!”

The masked woman descended from the sky and spoke, her voice carrying a grave tone that hinted that there was danger afoot.


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