Chapter 3 – cursed
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On a bright sunny day, a girl of about 17 is lying on the grass in the garden. She is the daughter of a slave and has been cursed since birth. Therefore, the girl does not have her own official name. The only one who gave her something similar to her was Mary's maid, who called her Tenma. She didn't like the name, but it was better than not having a name at all. 

She looks very unusual. Black hair like resin and eyes like the bottom of an abyss. White dead skin. And the most remarkable thing about her appearance is the black cursed seal on her face. The seal looks like a wheel connected by a cross inside. The whole look gives her the feeling that she should have died from birth. Tenma continued to lie on the grass until suddenly a voice interrupted her rest. 

" Tenma, Tenma! Where are you? "The voice of the head maid Mary, not to be confused with anyone else. 

Realizing that her quiet rest was over, she headed towards the source of the noise. Having met each other, Tenma understood that she would be punished. " Tenma! How many times have I told you to stop hiding from your responsibilities! "Mary was a very beautiful young woman. She took on the role of a mother, and helped her in every possible way. "Mom, come on, I'm not the only one who refuses to clean up. Let them take the broom in their hands, not his dick. "Tenma's words were full of contempt for the maids, and she had her reasons. 

Mary was unhappy with the way she talked about them, but she understood that Tenma had the right to do so. Her mother died because of the terrible living conditions, her whole life was ruined by a Mustang. And they are happy to talk about how gentle and beautiful he is. Of course Tenma will have contempt for them. "Tenma please, you are a good girl and a smart girl. Understand that you have no other option. "Mary didn't want to feed her sweet lies. She knows that slaves and their children do not have the opportunity to be free. And therefore the girl is doomed to serve here all her life. 

"Tenma, you hate them all, but please don't try to turn them on yourself. If any of them tell the master that you are not fulfilling your duties, you may be severely punished. "Mary let her mother down, she couldn't ease her desperate soul, and therefore, she promised herself that she would help her no matter what. She takes Tenma's hand and looks her straight in the eyes. "Promise me that you won't incite their anger on yourself, please. " Tenma was hard hit by the influence of Mary's sad face. "Okay Mom, never mind."

Mary smiled happily and dragged tenma with her into the mansion. Although she was glad, tenma was uneasy in her mind. She hated everyone in the mansion except the mistress, Mary, and the slaves. All the others made her feel sick. Slowly, angry at everyone in their thoughts, they reached the main hall. The hall was full of various maids and slaves. Everyone here was preparing for the upcoming ritual. But Tenma knew that nothing depended on her here. If she just disappears, few people will notice. 

In the center of the room stood Mrs. Sera. She watched the ritual go on, as the Mustang didn't care. He assigned her this task, even though she didn't ask for it. Sulfur was a mystery to many, few could resist the influence of the chosen one. She had never loved him, but she didn't mind marrying him either. She quickly realized who Mustang was, but she considered herself separate from him. His actions should not concern her. But she quickly realized that she was wrong. After hearing from Mary about what happened to the slave, she felt guilty about it. If I had intervened, if I had asked my husband to fall in love with her again, if I had intervened. After all, she blames herself for what happened to Tenma. When she sees her, she quickly approaches her. 

" Tenma is where you escaped again this time. " In response to this, Tenma just shook herself off. "Sigh. Well, help others, there will be an important ritual soon. Please help the others. " Mustang was not a constant person, yesterday he loves you with all his might, and tomorrow he forgets about you. But even so, if one of the maids complains about her. Mustang can punish her. She didn't want that. "Tenma please. " Tenma was mentally angry that she was easily influenced by them. She went to the others to find out what they needed. 

When she left, Mary went over to Sera. "Madam, your instructions.  Sera looked at her, "May, come to my room, we need to talk. "Both of them went into the room. As soon as Mary closed the door, Sera pounced from behind, she gently began to hug Mary's neck. Light kisses on the lips, and both girls began to hug each other tenderly. So in this position, they stood for a long time. For them, all the time and other worries were forgotten. However, it didn't last long, "Mary, we need to talk. "Mary knew what it was going to be about, and she didn't like it. They both looked at each other with sadness. It will be about the future fate of Tenma. 

"The only reason Tenma is here is because my husband doesn't care about her. Tenma is a damned virgin, and she had conflicts with my youngest son. Once he gets the inheritance, Tenma will be lucky if he just marries her off to someone.  Slowly gathering her thoughts, she continued. "Thomas is literally like him, he's growing up in his footsteps. And he didn't leave her alone. Darling, tell me, what should I do? "Gradually, tears appear in her eyes, tears of helplessness. They both knew they couldn't help her. They have no power, no connections. That only a miracle can help her. However, they have long lost faith in the gods. They are too proud to help anyone, especially to help someone who is against the chosen one. 

And so hugging each other, sitting on the floor, they realize that they have to say goodbye to Tenma.  "I can't help her. I'm sorry, I couldn't help any of you. " Only the tears of two desperate mothers could be heard in the room