Chapter 3
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Once they had finished their food in a cosy restaurant at Diagon Alley, the grandson and grandmother sat at ease, enjoying refreshment while making small talk.

“Grandma, you mentioned a familiar, why do I need one?” Ezekiel asked with uncertainty in his voice.

She sipped from her cup of black tea before answering his question. “Young wizards and witches need a familiar because the magical outbursts they go through could be dangerous for them. Just like this time, your body got hurt because the magic inside your body tried to go out without control. With a familiar, your magic energy would have been stable and you would not have gotten hurt.” She explained before pausing to ask for a refill from the waiter.

“The store owner of the menagerie will be able to explain this better than me. He knows a lot about the bond between Wizards and their familiar. However, there’s one thing you must remember.” She explained while putting emphasis on her next words: “The most important is not to have a powerful familiar, only the most suitable will serve you best. It is like marriage. In my generation, I had many powerful suitors, but I paid little attention to them. Instead, I chose your grandfather, because he was the most suitable for me.” She revealed with a firm expression etched on her face.

Ezekiel nodded between two sips of hot chocolate.

The streets of Diagon Alley were almost empty of pedestrians. He held his grandmother’s hand while observing the front of the stores on both sides of the street. Each time he saw something magical behind the showcase, his eyes would shine with excitement.

When they arrived near the store-front that had the appearance of a bird cage, his grandmother slowed down and led him to the door. A wide sign with the name of the store was perched above their head.

“Welcome to the Menagerie, what can I do for you today… Oh, Gwendolyn, how nice of you to pay a visit.” A middle-aged man with short blonde hair and a thin moustache spoke from behind the counter.

Ezekiel was pulled forward to appear within the sight of the man. “Hello Sigmund, I am here to find a familiar for my grandson. He had his first magical outburst today. Also, I believe Ezekiel has a question for you.” His grandmother hinted with a look his way.

Ezekiel gave a polite smile before asking his question: “Hello sir, I would like to know what a familiar is and why I need one.”

The store owner clapped his hands twice, eliciting a chuckle from his grandmother, but making Ezekiel’s body twitch in surprise.

“Excellent question! I see that our young client is an avid curiouser.” The blonde-haired man came out from behind the counter and walked to one of the numerous coloured doors in the store. He turned the knob of a blue door and turned toward him. “Follow me, I’ll show you what a familiar is.” He requested before walking through the door.

“Go ahead, I’ll wait for you here.” His grandmother, Gwendolyn, informed him.

Walking up to the wide-open blue door, on the other side, Ezekiel saw the scenery of grass on the ground and tall brown trees standing close together. His eyes widened in disbelief as he went through the door.

Taking a bold step, he felt like he was going through a different atmosphere before landing his feet on grass and dirt. Alerted from a loud sound, he turned to the side, his mouth fell agape when he saw a waterfall, a large pond and a few dog-like creatures lying lazily on the grass.

It was only then that he noticed the store owner, Edmund, gesturing at him to join him.
The man was petting one of the creatures with a casual demeanour.

When he came closer, Ezekiel saw the dog-like beast had orange crumbled skin on his chest, stomach and thighs. On his head, back and tail was a dark blue layer that made it look like scales. His eyes were yellow with black pupils. On its head, a pair of horns similar to those of a ram gave him a threatening look.

Edmund told him: “This Alzactor, young Ezekiel is what a familiar could be. Magical creatures whose personality and diet allow them to be around humans. They possess the intelligence to live in our society and protect us from threats. But for young children like you, it is more importantly, a beast skilled in controlling his magic.”

Ezekiel observed the magical creature with attention. The dog remained focused on Edmund petting, appearing to have no interest in his presence. “Is he going to help me control my magic?” he tilted his head before asking.

The middle-aged man invited him to place his hand on the creature’s back. “Very accurate statement. When a wizard and a magical creature accept each other, they can choose to form a bond of partnership. A magical ritual more profound than the contract of servilience between wizards and house-elves.
It grants to the two partners the ability to sense each other emotions, to locate their whereabout and share their magic energy. However, receiving magical energy from your familiar is very dangerous. Only experienced wizards with decades of experiences can manipulate safely the magic of another being.” The store owner warned in a stern voice.

His expression became gentler as he continued speaking: “The bond of partnership would allow your familiar to help if your magic ever gets unstable. As long as you allow your familiar to interact with your magic, you would never, ever, have to experience another magical outburst.” Edmund informed him. He stood up with a smile on his face.

“Now, I know your grandmother. She would say that what matters is for the familiar to be suitable for you. And I agree wholly with her on that. However, I also have to inform you that a familiar can not only be your friend, but also your guardian. The wizard provides the sustenance for the familiar to grow, and the familiar provide protection to the wizard. That is the term of the bond of partnership.” He concluded before bringing him to take a stroll around the forest.

Ezekiel was able to see and touch many magical creatures with docile temperament that were introduced by the store owner.
Afterwards, they returned to the store from another door hidden in the trunk of a tree.

His grandmother was seated on a couch and was reading the same book he saw her with in the hospital. Taking a closer look at it, he saw the title was ‘Adventure under the ocean’.

His gaze turned to the store owner who neared him with a thin book in his arms. He placed it on the table in front of the couch, which attracted his grandmother attention.

“Now, my boy, it’s time to make a choice. Inside this catalogue is listed all the magical creatures that I have received authorisation from the Ministry of Magic to sell as familiars. They are ranked from rank 1, which is the easiest to raise, to rank 5, which gather a lively bunch that are not recommended for children unless adult family members take an active role in taking care of them. And by that, I mean taking responsibility for the mayhem they will without doubt cause to their surroundings.” He said before giving him a playful wink.

His grandmother took the catalogue and patted the spot beside her. Ezekiel jumped to her side and stared in awe at the pictures and graphs in each page that described the magical creature habitat, personality, diet and basic description.

Turning the pages, his grandmother stopped on the description of an avian creature that had a rank of 2.

The picture showed a blue bird the size of a barn owl with curled fur that made his look like a blue cloud. Two long white plumes extended from the back of his head, up to the mid-section of his wings.

Reading the description, a smile traced itself on Ezekiel’s lips.

[Bludcloud: Rank 2

The Bludcloud has a gentle and peaceful nature. However, due to his craving for freedom, he does not like to be restrained in a cage and can self-mutilate in his attempts to free himself.
He has the habit of flying away without warning, only to return to his nest before night fall.

The Bludcloud always return to where he has shed his fur, which he views as his nest. If a large part of the fur that his nest is composed from is stolen, he may become violent and irascible for a period of time, for he will perceives it as the theft of his home.]

“What do you think? The Bludcloud is not as loyal as some other familiars but it has an ability that grants him acute perception. If you encounter a danger or your magic becomes unstable, he will be able to sense it before it happens. It is called foresight.” His grandmother queried before introducing the magical ability of the Bludcloud to him.

“I like him.” He responded.

His grandmother handed him the catalogue and told him: “Then, you choose a magical beast you would like as a familiar. We’ll rent them both and see if you can form a bond with one of them.”

With the catalogue on his laps, Ezekiel proceeded to turn the pages and read with attention the description of each beast.

He showed interest in the rank 5 beasts and stopped each time he saw one mentioned in the book to read their description.

[Drucel: Rank 5

The Drucel is a magical fox with high intelligence and autonomy. On his own, he can survive in any environment as long as there are living beings in proximity.

His abilities are related to dreams. Using his ability to devour the dreams of living creatures, he can fulfil his satiety without the need for food.

However, the Drucel is renowned for his poor moral standard. Good and evil, right and wrong, are, despite his high intelligence, empty of meaning for him. As such, the Drucel often use their best tool, their intelligence, to harm others for their own benefit.]

It was only on page 149 that he called for his grandmother attention.

“I want a Burret.” Ezekiel declared.

On the page, a grey cat with yellow spots on his fur could be seen.

[Burret: Rank 3

The Burret is a feline with an independent and aloof personality. However, his curious nature makes him likely to interact with the living beings on his path.

It has the unique ability of always going where his luck would benefit him. Allowing him to always arrive at the right time and place to reap the benefits at the expense of others.

The Burret feline is only loyal to luck. However, it can be manipulated as long as someone knows his taste. If he predicts that you will provide him with what he likes, his paws will always guide him to your doorstep.]

A trace of worry could be seen on his grandmother face when she saw the magical beast he had selected.

“Are you sure? The Burret will not bring luck to you. His luck may instead put you in danger. And at the first sign of a threat, the Burret will be the first to flee.” She voiced her thoughts.

Ezekiel nodded his head and confirmed. “I’m sure, grandma.” He answered in a firm tone.

Rising from the couch, Gwendolyn added: “Well, apart from these two, I’m sure your parents will also recommend a familiar to you.”

At the counter, his grandmother chatted with the store owner when two different doors on the walls opened. A short black-haired man stepped into the store with a blue bird on his shoulder and a bag in hand. A few seconds later, a blonde-haired young man with piercing blue eyes walked to the counter followed by a creature that looked similar to a Burmilla cat with a ferret like-face.

“Good job Anthony, Nicholaus, I’ll take it from there.” Edmund informed them before taking the bag in Anthony’s hand.

Ezekiel watched him with curiosity as he brought a pet carrier in front of the Burret. Edmund then placed an object inside the carrier. Two seconds later, the cat walked into the carrier and lied down inside.

He turned toward them with a slight smile on his face. “The hind leg of a rabbit, works every time. The Burret is attracted to anything that attract luck, no matter how weak it is.” He boasted before opening the bag Anthony had brought in.

“The fur of the Bludcloud is inside. It’s the only thing that can make her stay with you until you make a bond of partnership with her. It’s a female by the way, while the Burret is a male.” He told them, just as the Bludcloud entered the bag and fixed her nest before sitting on it.

His grandmother paid to rent the two magical creatures and enough food for one week for each of them.
The store owner then gave Ezekiel a few tips on raising them before they stepped outside.

Ezekiel followed his grandma to Gringotts, where she paid twenty Knuts for the two of them to use their fireplace to return home.

Ezekiel was the first to step into the fireplace with the carrier holding the Burret. “Kincaid Manor.” He exclaimed before throwing the Floo powder.

Once the grandson and grandmother pair settled the creatures in Ezekiel’s bedroom, he parted from her, he went to the library and selected a few books before taking a seat at his desk. Rubbing his fingers against the surface, he noticed the desk was covered in a layer of dark leather that made it comfortable to the touch.

The first book he opened was titled: History of Great Britain 20th century. Its first chapter was an introduction of the time-period with some minor events underlined.

[Under the motion of Lord Longbottom in the Wizengamot, the definition of Magicalist was redefined to refer to any magical being with a conscious identity and intent. This brought great attention to the community of werewolves in Workshare who gained the status of citizenship within the magical society under the British Ministry of Magic after centuries of slavery and ill-treatment.]

“Werewolves are accepted within the magical community?!” he exclaimed at the surprising content.

He skimmed through the following pages, looking for news he was unfamiliar with, before stopping on the first page of the second chapter, titled Global Magical War.
He focused on reading the first page, often stopping to think aloud.

[The Alliance acolytes who rallied under Grindelwald’s philosophy of ‘one world, two systems’ sought to unify the magical and muggle society to place all resources available on the evolution of magic and science. Grindelwald and his acolytes believed that only by abolishing the International Statute of Magical Secrecy and facing their conflictual history that has been repressed for centuries, will the magical society be able to step towards progress.]

“This is somewhat different from what I remember, however, Grindelwald still wished to abolish the Statute of Secrecy. Which would inevitably make him an enemy of Dumbledore. Though, what is written cannot be relied on. Maybe, Grindelwald idea of unity was to rule over both muggles and magicalists, just like when he tried to become the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Magicalists but failed.” Ezekiel concluded.

[This philosophy, which has attracted many to join Grindelwald Alliance, has placed great pressure on the British Ministry of Magic under Hector Fawley who was then removed from his position for not taking active measures to safeguard Great Britain from the threat of Grindelwald in 1939. His successor, Leonard Spencer-Moon who took over the position now had to face the reality of a fractured United Kingdom with Noble Houses and Magic Families who had already chosen the faction they chose to be part of, and were openly showing hostility toward their enemies.]

[Between 1939 and 1941, the ancient rivalry between Noble Houses reached their peak and turned the United Kingdom into a battlefield where the hatred of the past was now added to the desire for the future. And it was in august 1941 that the Famous Noble House Dùghallach became extinct after all its members were murdered following a raid by the acolytes of Grindelwald to their ancestral home in Buids.

This event brought the tension to a new level. The following day, the minister for magic Leonard Spencer-Moon gave a speech that became famous worldwide and became a turning point for the Global Magical War.

During that speech, the minister for magic spoke of the Global Magical War as a tall wall that the Ministry of Magic and the magic community were ill suited to fight against. During a war, to fight soldiers, you needed soldiers.
It was then that he decreed the creation of an army of magicalists operating directly under the Minister for Magic, with the sole purpose of winning the Global Magical War against the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald.]

Ezekiel lifted an eyebrow as he stared at the content he just read. “An army? And why is it so vague on its composition. What does magicalists even mean, were werewolves, vampires, goblins, and other magical beings part of this army, and not just wizards and witches?” he queried with his hands clutching his head.

[…During the following years until 1945, the British Magical Army brought the acolytes who had infiltrated Great Britain and the British magicalists who chose to support them to their knees, earning massive victories in the war against Grindelwald.

However, it was in France, Germany and Austria that the army made the most progress by collaborating with the forces of other countries to push back the Alliance to Austria where a duel between Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore took place. It was after a phenomenal battle between two of the most powerful wizards in existence that the Global Magical War was brought to an end and Grindelwald was imprisoned.

The Acolytes of Grindelwald were hunted down and the Alliance ceased to be. The British Magical Army was abolished and at the same time, the second muggle world war came to an end.]

“Good ol’ Albus save the day, uh.” He whispered with a smirk on his face.

He heard someone knocking on his bedroom door and almost fell from his chair. Turning his head toward the door, he asked: “Yes?”

“Mistress Priscilla ask for young master Ezekiel in her study.” The voice of the house-elf Memfrey came from the other side.

“Alright.” He answered before standing up.

Took me a while to get satisfied with this chapter. Have a nice day!