Chapter 14: Gnoll training for war
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The largest village of the Gnoll housed no more than eight hundred. The Gnolls lived in tents of various sizes in a circular formation surrounded by a wooden wall with wooden watchtowers. The deep in the circle the better the tents were with the tent in the centre being on a hill and being the largest and most well furnished. That tent belonged to the leader of the villages Gnolls. The leader stood at the impressive height of eight feet the second tallest Gnoll only stood at seven foot seven inches.

The leader’s band of hair running down his spine was black instead of the reddish brown of his kin. This was because he was blessed by their god and creator Yeenoghu. He was much stronger than his fellow Gnolls and this gave him the right to be the leader of the village. There weren’t many differences between him and the other Gnolls bar his height and spine hair colour. He did have a large three claw mark scar running down the left side of his face. It ran from the top of his face over his eye and across part of his muzzle. 

He received that mark from a Tragen a large brown furred quadrupedal beast with short ears round ears and long muzzles ending in with a wet black nose. They were smaller than Gnolls on all fours but that was a mistake only the lucky survivors could learn. The creature could rear up onto its hind legs and stood nearby two times the height of a normal Gnoll. They were fast to and could easily catch up to and out run a Gnoll. Their hides could easily deflect any weapons the Gnolls had bar the ones made of the falling stars. Only the most skilled of Gnoll could hunt those mighty beasts. The leader rubbed the scar as he looked out from one of the watchtowers overlooking one of the four gates allowing entry and exit from the village. 

The day prior they had a great festival thanking Yeenoghu for the gift of the strange snake creatures. But that wasn’t the only gift they received the leader also received a vision. The vision was of a beautiful island filled with muscular hairless creatures in strange shiny armour. They reminded him of the green skins that they hunted every now and then. He wondered if they could be potentially be related with each other. Yeenoghu had given him an important mission and that was to train units in new ways.

The leader held the most respect for Yeenoghu as he had saved him when he was about to die. His gift made him able to live far longer than any of the other Gnolls, most Gnolls only lived fifty years but he felt like he was only twenty and he had been alive since the first Gnolls walked this world. “Great and mighty Scarface we bring word from the scouting party.” A pair of Gnolls approached the leader and bowed slightly.

Scarface looked at the Gnolls  that had brought the news “what is the word from the scout party?” His voice was emotionless but carried an air of dominance.

“It is as the great Scarface has theorised the green skins are crowning a king.” Scarface laughed slightly “but there is more they say the new king brought strange creatures from somewhere new.” Scarface grabbed the Gnoll that spoke by the neck fur and looked him dead in the eyes.

“And how do these scouts know this?”

“The scout party captured a green skin female and extracted some information from it, they have brought it here for further interrogation.” Said the second Gnoll who looked at the first Gnoll with worry. Scarface dropped the first Gnoll and turned to leave.

“Bring me to this captured green skin.” The Gnolls nodded frantically and brought their leader to the tent where they kept the green skin. Scarface entered the tent and found the green skin tied to a wooden beam with some rope. 

(In Goblin) “what do you want you hairy bastards?”

“Igore what is the green skin saying?” Scsrface asked the Gnoll that he had grabbed earlier.

“It says mighty Scarface that you are mighty and powerful” Scarface just looked at Igore and slapped him.

“Tell me what it actually said Igore or I will feed you to the pack” Igore looked increasingly worried as Scarface turned back to watch the green skin.

“It says what do you want you hairy bastards” Scarface laughed at the words spoken by Igore and opened his muzzle millimetres away from its face.

(In goblin) “your breath reeks worse than our shit pits” the green skin spat on Scarface’s nose and attempted to head but him. Scarface looked at Igore and Igore coughed slightly before translating.

“It says your breath reeks worse than their shit pits mighty Scarface” Scarface nodded slightly. He then slapped the green skins face and began to choke it.

“Tell it that if it tells me about these new strange creatures from the strange new place I might consider killing it before we roast it.” Igore did as his leader instructed and received a long reply from the green skin.

“It says it doesn’t know much but a strange opening appeared in their home and that a small raiding party went in. It then says that the party came back with seven strange creatures with big breasts and pointed ears. It then says that because of these strange creatures none of the other green skins are paying it any attention.” Scarface nodded and made a swift motion with his arm. The green skins head now was being held by the hair.

“Feed it to young and increase the guards around the perimeter.” Scarface quickly tried to leave as he did a child Gnoll ran towards him.

“Dada!” The child Gnoll jumped onto Scarface and he hugged it tightly.

“Where is your mother Nash?” The child Gnoll did a nervous chuckle and tried to free itself from its father’s grasp. A female Gnoll burst into the tent with metaphorical flames in her eyes.

“Nash you little heathen!” The female Gnoll huffed slightly as her burning gaze fell onto Nash and Scarface.

“My sweet” Scarface did a nervous chuckle as he put Nash down. He attempted to embrace the female Gnoll but she just took a step back.

“Don’t you my sweet me mister why are the tribes members talking about a possible war.” The Female Gnoll’s eyes popped out slightly as Scarface crumpled under her stare.

“Yes the war” Scarface gulped “there will be a war but it is absolutely necessary” the female Gnoll looked liked she wasn’t buying the story. “Our god Yeenoghu gave me a vision of a land filled with tantalising morsels” Scarface grabbed hold of the female Gnoll hands. “This is a big opportunity as we could finally solve the food crisis harming our people. Our lands are infertile so farming is next to impossible and hunting never brings in enough food to feed the young”.

The female Gnoll looked at Scarface with worry “I know you have to do this for the tribe but what if the prey is stronger than you think”. Scarface patted her on the head slightly and kissed her forehead. 

“Don’t worry I’m blessed by the mighty Yeenoghu, I will not be defeated that easily my sweet.” Scarface looked at his daughter “so what did she do this time?”

“She took the eyes of one of the warriors, I think his name was Fang” Scarface laughed slightly.

“Did he deserve it” his daughter nodded and the female Gnoll sighed.

“That’s not the problem it's the fact that she only took his eyes, he should’ve had his heart removed and stamped on.” The female spoke with venom in her voice as she clutched a small dagger.

“So what did this warrior do to deserve such a punishment?” Scarface was mildly interested since his mate wanted to kill the fellow Gnoll and destroy the most sacred and valued part of them. The heart was the source of one’s strength and removing it and destroying it without consuming it was seen as either great disrespect or as a severe punishment. As those whose hearts were destroyed in such away couldn’t join  Yeenoghu after life.

“He was peeping on the females bathing”


(A week later)

“That’s it darling” a bright flash from a photographer's camera illuminated the studio. Juli stood in a frilly purple dress with silver embroidery. Her chestnut hair was tied back into a single ponytail tail that went halfway down her back. The photographer kept sneaking looks at her especially her eyes that had a certain enchanting beauty to them. The photographer at first was hesitant with this girl being the model for the new dress. She had only been in a few shoot’s before but she somehow was more professional and better than most of the models he had met before.

She had natural beauty and she used it well, her body also seemed like it was made for the dress. “I think we have enough photos darling” the photographer waved at Juli who nodded and smiled. The photographer caught several of the studio crew loose their cool. “Well It was a pleasure working with you Juli” the photographer had short black hair tied back into a manbun. His blue eyes were partially obscured by the slight pink tinted glasses he wore. Juli thanked him for the opportunity and quietly left she decided to take a look at her stat page.

Juli Smith

Race: Human      Age: 19

Level: Rookie   Items: Succubus Whip

Title: None

Job: Seductress LV5

Crazed Fans: 1

Skills: Lesser Charm, Enchanting Voice, (New) Lesser STD Immunity

Martial Skills: (New) Love Tap

Magic: Novice Love Magic, (New) Novice Pain Magic

Boons: Peak Elven Beauty, Reduced Food Need, Calories Maximisation

SP: 1500

Juli was thankful that her crazed fan number was still at one. 

The Player Store has now opened new items available.

‘Huh a store?’ Juli thought as she clicked on the floating window and the window changed.

Welcome to the Player Store a special store that sells items for players and other species.

The store takes no commission from the sale of items and shipping is instant. We pride ourselves on customer service so reports are always followed up especially about lying in the description of an item.

Would you like to view the store (Y/N)

Juli pressed yes and the window changed once again.

Player Shopping

Elven Beauty Cream: Cost 200 SP: Seller Yggdrasil the Mother Tree from the Planet Driasan

Naga Shed Coat (Level: Rookie): Cost 100 SP: Seller Medusa from the Planet Navar

Flesh Tearing Whip (Level: Rookie): Cost 500 SP: Seller Yeenoghu Father of Gnolls from the Planet Driasan

Juli was taken aback slightly as she had never heard of these names before. She was interested in all three of the items and checked their individual descriptions.

Elven Beauty Cream

The Elven Beauty Cream is made of several plants from Driasan. It helps tighten the skin and removes pores and other impurities on the applied skin.

Durability: 100 uses if the guidelines are followed

Level: Uninitiated

Properties: Impurity Removal (the skin applied with the Elven Beauty Cream will have all impurities removed and will tighten making you look younger.)

Naga Shed Coat

A coat made of the shedded skin of a Naga. Thanks to the composition of the skin it is immensely durable and strong whilst retaining looseness to allow easy movement.

Durability: 100%

Level: Rookie

Properties: Naga Shed (the shedded ski of a Naga can deflect most small arms fire and slashes from normal bladed instruments.)

Flesh Tearing Whip

A Gnoll whip made from the fibre's from of the Snapwhip Tree. The whip handle is made from the bones of a Tragen and the whip ends with an array of teeth from the creature.

Durability: 100%

Level: Rookie

Properties: Snapwhip Fibre (thanks to the material of the fibre those whipped by it receive more damage and feel more pain from it as well. Those whipped also have a higher chance of having skin and flesh torn off by a strike from this whip as well.) Blood Letter (Those struck with the very tip of the whip have an astronomically high chance of having bleed inflicted on them.)

Martial Skills: Hundred Lashings, Stone Cleaving Lash

Juli purchased all three items they immediately appeared in her inventory.