Chapter 3 – First Six Months
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For the next six months after discovering the System, I focused on learning about this strange world in which I was reincarnated. 

Thus, I discovered that this Goddess of Fate didn't lie, at least not about everything. 

I was indeed in a world of superheroes, but there were many other notable peculiarities. Unlike the world I lived in, where there was only one continent, in this new world there were seven, and each of these continents had its own characteristics, with different cultures, peoples, cuisines and heroes.

Among all these different continents and countries, I was randomly born in a small Asian country, Japan. 

Logically, the number of different continents and countries means that there is no single government in the world, no dynasty, but Japan was an Empire, so at least that was something I was used to thanks to my other life, after all, I had heard that the Xuhi Continent was controlled by the Zhang Empire for more than a thousand years after my exile.

Anyway, investigating more about this new world of heroes, I discovered that what I saw that day, the System, was a power that was born with me and I found out more about it while watching television. Every day, over breakfast, my father would watch reports on incidents that happened around the country, and so I learned that abnormal powers and abilities were not only very common in this world, but they also had a different name, 'Quirks'. These strange abilities used to manifest themselves at an early age, in children as young as four years old. 

Normally, children inherited Quirks from a parent, variations or fusions of them and, in extremely rare cases, Quirk from a distant member of the family tree.

This made me think. Although no one clearly knew anything about Cultivation, these powers still existed, which meant that they weren't spiritual abilities. I soon discovered that Quirks were recognizably mutations in the human gene, and the concept of them ranged from basic genetic mutations, capable of influencing only the exterior of people, making it possible to exist as a rat-man for example, to super-strength or the ability to be able to heal a person completely with just a kiss.

So, when I got my Quirk called System, I wasn't very advanced compared to others my age, because as well as not knowing what this Quirk did, it wasn't like my parents' and they couldn't see the screens I saw, so they had no way of helping me.

Despite this, over the next few weeks, I desperately tried to awaken some of my parents' Quirks, after all, I didn't understand anything about the 'System', so the best chance was to assume that there had been a glitch and keep trying to awaken another Quirk.

My mother, Fuyumi Todoroki, had the Quirk of being able to expel ice, but she didn't use it for anything more than everyday activities, such as freezing food or cooling something very hot. As she clearly didn't use a drop of spiritual energy for this, I was able to conclude that somehow her body had developed to be able to decay the particles around her to close to absolute zero, and I could barely go out in my cap in the cold of winter and already sneeze, so the possibility of having this Quirk was nil.

'I definitely don't have ice powers,' I thought with a runny nose and a wet diaper after being out in the yard during the winter.

Hiroki, my father, had a Quirk that made him able to store kinetic energy. In the past, a hero told him that he could become a hero with a power like that, but my father never learned how not to release all the kinetic energy at once and since every time he used it he turned into an ordinary human, he would be useless on a battlefield or in a rescue, so he ended up failing to become a hero. In the end, he became a construction worker, which still allows him to store a lot of kinetic energy, but he hasn't improved his control of his own Quirk at all, so he just lives by storing it.

All things considered, at first I felt very lost. I was a baby with memories of my other life, but I had no idea what my Quirk did exactly, and the biggest problem was that, having lived in isolation for so long, I had the same knowledge as a slime when it came to technology and the System seemed directly related to that.

However, when I reached four months of age, I finally decided to cultivate for the first time and everything finally made sense, and two months later I had already come a long way.


「Skill <Total Focus> reached level 3」

"Haa... Haa..." I was gasping, tired from gathering spiritual energy for an hour without rest.

Then I uncrossed my legs and stood up. Yes, at just six months old, I could already walk, whereas children my age could only crawl, a direct effect of practicing cultivation.

'So, my Quirk is a way of making my progress in cultivation visible. That's... pointless. I know what I'm doing, why would I need notifications popping up all the time?

My Quirk wasn't as useless as I thought, I was just a bit frustrated. The System allowed me to measure my body's progress more accurately through a large screen with various data.

「Name: Yudi Makoto

Level: 0 (0/1,500) | Class: Reincarnated.

Title: The one who was reincarnated.

HP: 20/20 | Mana: 185/185

Status Points: 0 |Weight: 0/3

Quirk: ?

Strength: 16 | Stamina: 20/20

Comprehension: 125 | Agility: 17

Intelligence: 365 | Dexterity: 20

Self-control: 35 | Indomitable: 65

Dignity: 35 | Persistence: ? 」

When I started, practically all my attributes were less than 10, so I evolved a lot, but for some reason, no matter how hard I tried, I still hadn't left level 0.

For me, someone who thought he was a god, this was humiliating. 'What the hell do I have to do to level up?' I constantly asked myself.

Next to my right hand, there was usually a system screen open, showing the full list of my current skills, and this time was no different.

「<Japanese Language (Level 10)>, <English Language (Level 5)>, <Total Focus 

(Level 3)>, <Hero Ascension (Level 1). >」

'That's still too few skills...' I thought, pacing back and forth.

However, interrupting my train of thought, a thin voice suddenly echoed through my room. 

"Oh, my God! Hiroki, come and see this!" My mother, Fuyumi, standing under the doorframe with a surprised expression, shouted for my father - and yes, I could already understand them after hearing them talk for so long.

"What?" Hiroki approached, still drying his hands with a towel, and when he looked at me, he had an exaggerated reaction like my mother's. "What? He's up and walking?! How?!"

"I don't know! He did it by himself!" My mother picked me up and lifted me as if I were a trophy. "Our little genius!"

'What are you talking about, humans? I just stood up, that's something any child does. I thought, crossing my arms, rejecting that affection.

"Look, and now he's crossed his arms!" Hiroki exclaimed. "He even looks like a big, serious man! He's amazing!"

It was hard for me to admit, but all this attention from my parents was not something I disliked.

"Yeah, you're lucky to have me around, humans! Admire how special I am!" I said, lifting my chin.

But deep down that was just what I was trying to say, because my speech wasn't developed at all, so to them it sounded more like: 

"Goo-goo, ga-ga! Ee-ee especiá!"

At that moment, my parents stopped for a second, serious, and exchanged a wide-eyed look.

"He said we're special!" They said in unison, overjoyed, and I just took a deep breath, giving up on saying anything for the rest of the day.