Chapter 14 – Danger Area
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In encounters with Red Dragons, even experienced cultivators with strengthening pills often die, and as I was still in the Spirit Realm, I couldn't revive other living beings, so it took me a while to face the Red Dragon that night.

Even though I'm a cultivator, I know the value of life for ordinary humans and I've learned from the heroes of this world that the fewest possible victims should always be the main goal in major disasters, no wonder most of the heroes were focusing more on evacuation and rescue than on fighting the Red Dragon. 

So, in order to reduce the Red Dragon's area of damage, I created an impassable spiritual barrier around a large area through which the Red Dragon had already passed and in which there were only a few people left - obviously, I teleported all the civilians still inside this area into a bunker where other injured people were already being gathered.

However, I didn't do all this to protect the people from the Red Dragon itself, but rather to protect them from me, and when Deku was thrown far away from the monster, I knew it was my turn to act.

So, as I looked at the dragon from afar, from the top of a building, I said to myself:

"I've given them a chance to try and deal with this on their own, but it looks like I'm going to have to interfere, after all it's probably my fault that this thing is here." 

In a flash, I disappeared from the top of the building and appeared in front of the Red Dragon's eyes, right near the tip of its snout.

The Red Dragon had colossal, intensely yellow eyes which, upon noticing my sudden appearance, changed almost immediately. The thin shape of its pupils showed that while it was destroying it looked angry, but when it saw me its pupils instinctively receded and became very small. This showed me that he wasn't an idiot.

"Let's play away from here." I said and touched the tip of his snout. 

Again, in an instant, I disappeared and reappeared in another, only this time I took the Red Dragon with me.

At that moment, all the disorder and cacophony of the battlefield in the center of Hadano suddenly ceased. The tremors, the roaring sounds, the intense heat, almost everything disappeared, leaving only the thunder of a few buildings still falling and the approaching sirens.

The hero Deku, who was still picking himself up from the wreckage of the building he had hit after being sent flying, had a quick realization about what had happened, but at the same time a confused one.

"That thing disappeared...?" He asked himself and threw a wall that was above him aside with ease.

He floated out of the building and surveyed the battlefield. Indeed, the flames that danced furiously around the Red Dragon were extinguished, leaving behind only a haze of residual heat. Silence settled for a brief moment before being broken by a shout:

"HEY, DAMN DEKU, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Dynamight asked, approaching with controlled bursts.

"I... didn't do anything..." replied Deku, more confused than anyone. "Didn't some hero have the ability to compress or something in the area? That could have been it."

"I don't know, there's just us and a few heroes, who are rescuing some civilians from the wreckage."

In the silence, the sound of a television helicopter's propellers approaching echoed through the empty, destroyed neighborhood. The reporter inside that helicopter was as shocked as the heroes to see the sudden disappearance of the Red Dragon.

"Hey, did you manage to see what happened? Were you able to film it?" She asked the cameraman, because her back was turned at the moment the Red Dragon disappeared.

The cameraman shook his head, unable to believe his own eyes. "No, because that wave of heat and sudden explosion rocked the helicopter just before. We didn't film any of that."

The reporter let out a frustrated sigh, as sirens in the distance announced the arrival of more rescue teams. 

"What the hell is going on in Hadano today...?" She muttered, looking at the wreckage around her.

The next instant, a resounding roar echoed through the skies again. The heroes and the reporter felt a chill, thinking that the dragon had reappeared, but this time the roar seemed to come from a considerable distance to the north, an emptier area with many buildings under construction and a few residential buildings that had already been evacuated. The imposing figure of the Dragon appeared in this neighborhood and the dust that surrounded him began to dissipate, revealing to him a different scene from the one he was in a few seconds ago.

"If you were a Golden Dragon, I'd ask you what brought you here and try to understand, but you're just a Red Dragon and the kind that destroys everything in its path, so there's no point in trying to understand. Let's get this over with." I said and stretched a hand forward.

Three magic circles appeared in front of my fingers, one larger than the other, all intensely white. 

"Don't worry, this will be so quick that you won't even feel any pain.

The dragon could sense how much stronger I was than him and, in desperation, knowing that these three magic circles would be more than enough to wipe him out of existence, he started to run away and then flapped his wings to fly, only it was no use.

"There's nowhere to run or fly, I've surrounded the whole area with an impassable barrier. Just accept death." 

The light coming from the magic circles I created illuminated the whole area, like the characteristic flash before a big explosion, but at that moment, I heard it once.

"No, please don't kill me!"

My eyebrows rose instinctively and my eyes scanned the area at that moment, looking for any sign of another living being, only there was no one else apart from me and the Red Dragon.

'Did he say that?' I asked myself and put a hand t]o my chin as I analyzed it. "I've never seen a Red Dragon beg for its life like that. Maybe they're more rational than I thought... Hey, can you talk?" I asked, looking at the dragon with the magic circles still active.

"Of course I can!" It replied with the voice in my mind, reluctantly looking back. "Please don't kill me!"

Surprised, I sighed and deactivated the magic circles. After all, for me, it was more worthwhile getting answers and trying to understand what the Red Dragon was doing in this world and how he ended up here than killing him and being left with no answers.

"Okay, I'll spare him."

The Red Dragon looked very surprised, almost incredulous. "... What?"

"I said I'll spare him. If I used my magic, it would devastate everything in the area we're in, it would create a crater. I'd rather not do that and I think my parents are already worried enough about me, so I have to go back."

"Oh, I completely understand, sir! Thank you so much for your generosity! I'll never forget it!" The Red Dragon said, already turning away to flee.

"However, I want answers as to how you ended up here, I want to understand everything and I can't let a being like you free in this world, so I'm going to take you back to my house." I said, lowering myself to the Red Dragon's height."

"What? A house?" The Red Dragon looked at me from head to toe and noticed how small I was. "But, sir, I won't fit in a house like yours, will I?"

"I have my tricks." I replied, smiling with the corner of my mouth in an even slightly evil way.