S2 Chapter 10
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Mrs Combs was back at home a few hours later getting clothes for her daughter and made her something to eat. 

As she opened the door to leave, she stared frightened at the man sitting on the steps with a bottle of beer in his hands. The door opened while he was taking a sip. Side-eyeing his mother-in-law, he asked, “Where is she?”

Mrs. Combs quickly tried to rush back into the house, but the door shut behind her. She turned back to him, trembling. When he stood up, he threw the bottle against the door, shattering it.


“Oscar, you hurt her badly this time! I, I had no choice but to take her to the hospital,” she said, cowering against the door.

Oscar started laughing. “Oh, so that’s where you hid her away? All I have to do is go fetch her then.”

Mrs Combs’s heart dropped to her stomach. She dropped everything in her hands. Rushing up to him—grabbing his arm, “No! No, you can’t!”

Oscar glanced down at her, then pushed her out of the way, making her fall. Walking up to her, he lifted his foot and stamped down on her stomach, “This is for giving birth to a useless woman! If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have met her.”

He kicked her a few more times, then got on his knees and punched her face. “So you want to save your daughter, huh? Then take this. Take this. Take this.”

Mrs. Combs laid in her blood as her body ached. She had cried, her tears finished and was only left with hiccups.

‘If my husband was alive, this wouldn’t happen.’ She thought, but then remembered why he had died in the first place.

Her husband had an affair with one of his co-workers, which led to them divorcing. Two years later, he got into a car crash and never made it back home with his girlfriend. It was tragic, but the insurance paid out—the police had even investigated her because of her ex-in-laws accusations of the money being paid out but still she didn’t use the money.

“All I need is a name.”. Looking Ringed in her ears. Her eyes snapped open. Looking at the sun that was setting, she sighed and sat up.

Reaching for her bag, she dug through it with shaking hands and pulled out the piece of paper. Reading the number, she tried to remember what her name was, but she didn’t recall if the girl had told her her name or not.

Taking out the phone, she dialled the number and waited for the other person to answer.


“He, hello. Who am I talking to?” She asked nervously. 

She heard the other person breathe in and sigh, “Name.”

“Elizabeth Combs,” she answered.

“Not yours, the job,” she answered.

‘The job? Does she mean Oscar?’ “O, Oscar Varley.”

“The job will be done,” she said and hung up the call.

Elizabeth looked at her phone, confused, then put it away. ‘Will she really take care of him? How will she?’

‘Maybe this is a mistake.’

She sighed and placed her phone down. Maybe it wasn’t real. She didn’t ask for money.

Picking everything up, she went back into the house and cleaned herself up. Looking at the blue marks on her face and body, she shook her head and cried defeated, how could this happen?

What was this monster doing in their lives?


Looking up at the moon that was full in the night sky, she smiled. Placing her hands in her pocket as she sat on the side of the street opposite Oscar’s home, she closed her eyes.

It was a few days after the call from Mrs. Combs. She had been waiting for the police report and although it was filed, nothing was done. When she did her own research, she found out that Oscar was in a relationship with another woman and he was treating her wonderfully. They had a child and lived together.

Shaking her head, amused, ‘I wonder how he managed to balance his life.’

Tilting her head to the side, she opened her eyes and yawned, ‘I’m still tired after sleeping for so long.’

An hour later…

Kiara walked up to the house and jumped on the wall. Soon two German shepherds came running towards her and jumped up the wall, barking, trying to get to her. Flipping the brick in her hand, she smirked. “I never liked dogs.” She slammed the brick, breaking it on the skull of the dog that jumped up at her.

It whimpered as it dropped to the ground. Instantly, the second dog stopped and sniffed its partner. It whimpered and caught a fright when Kiara jumped down into the yard. She threw it with the second brick but he rushed away, going to the kennel and hiding away.

She walked up to the door and pulled out a signal jammer and activated it. Taking the backpack off, she opened it and pulled out an axe. Looking at the door, she raised her arms, then hacked the door until it opened. 

Walking through the house, she stopped by the steps and looked at the alarm system and smirked. Making her way up the steps, she looked around and saw all the family photos. Stopping in front of one, she ran her finger over Oscar’s happy face, then tapped a finger on it.

Turning her head, she smirked, “Well, well, well, let’s go see what you are up to.”

Opening the master bedroom, she looked at the bed and saw that the couple was cuddled up as if this man hadn’t assaulted others.

Shaking her head, amused, she walked up to the left side of the bed where the girlfriend was sleeping. 

Taking a bottle out of her pocket, she sprayed it over the woman, putting her in a deep sleep and moving her out of the way.

Stopping beside Oscar, she smacked him across the face. He got such a fright and glared at her. “Who the–”

Kiara pointed a gun at him, saying, “Get up.”

Oscar stared at her. He didn’t recognise her at all. Who is she? 

Slowly getting up, he turned to look at his girlfriend and saw that she was still asleep. Looking back at Kiara, he asked, “Who are you?”

“It’s not like you’ll need to know who I am in the afterlife.”


Pressing the gun against his neck, she said, “Get up and go to the kitchen. I’m hungry and you’re going to cook for me.”